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2009年年6月月CET作文题目作文题目四级作文题:四级作文题:Free Admission to museums 1.越来越多的博物馆免 费对外开放的目的是什么?2.也会带来一些问题;3.你的看法?12009年6月CET作文题目四级作文题:Free Adm使用正式词汇来替代口语词汇vSorryvThanksvGladvCause troublevAsk for helpvEasyvKindvfamousvApologize forvBe grateful for/appreciatevDelightedvBring inconveniencevRequest assistancevConvenientvGenerous,thoughtfulvprestigious2使用正式词汇来替代口语词汇SorryApologize fo使用正式词汇来替代口语词汇vMostvUsevResult(成果)vAboutvBuyvStopvFinishvGet vWish vpersonvThe vast majority ofvUtilize/put into practicevAchievementvAs to,concerningvPurchasevCease/terminatevComplete/bring to an endvObtain/attain/acquirevIntend to vIndividual 3使用正式词汇来替代口语词汇MostThe vast majo使用高级词汇来替代低级词汇vI think thatvMany people think thatvGoodvBadvMore and morevHelpfulvBe interested invAttract sb.vCausevBe againstvBe convinced thatvIt is widely shared thatvFavorable/promising/superiorvNegative/unfavorablevIncreasing/growingvBeneficial/rewardingvAppeal to sbvCapture ones heartvLead to/result in/triggervFrown on sth4使用高级词汇来替代低级词汇I think thatBe c使用高级词汇来替代低级词汇vLimit vBuildvBigvForce sb.to dovSth.is popularvCommonvFinallyvButvDifficultvLike sth.very muchvRestrict/confinevErect/constructvMassive/tremendousvCompel sb.to dovhave universal appealvUniversalvEventually/ultimatelyvNeverthelessvChallengingvBe enthusiastic about/be keen on/be fond of5使用高级词汇来替代低级词汇Limit Restrict/使用高级词汇来替代低级词汇vNowadaysvOnlyvBoringvDamagevRemember thatvWant vBecause of vSo 如此、太vSo 因此、所以vCurrentlyvUnique adj./merely adv.vTediousvRuin/devastatev bear in mind thatvDesirevOwing to/due to/thanks tovExtremely/fairlyvConsequently/accordingly6使用高级词汇来替代低级词汇NowadaysCurrently制造长句v名词前后加上修饰语 adj./介词短语/同位语/定语从句v动词前后加上状语 时间/地点/方式状语/目的状语1.The government needs to build more roads.A _ government,which _ will build more roads that _.Governments _ need to build more roads in order to _ and _.7制造长句名词前后加上修饰语 adj./介词短语/同位语/加长后的句子A responsible government,which cares about its people,will build more roads that connect the outlying rural areas,especially those comparatively poor areas.Governments at all levels need to build more roads in order to boom its economy and improve peoples living standard.8加长后的句子A responsible government句式变化之二v插入句分词短语Parents should not turn a blind eye to the side-effect of playing computer games on children.v插入句不定式The direct course of drug abuse is ignorance and curiosity.9句式变化之二插入句分词短语9句式变化之二v插入句分词短语Parents,strictly speaking,should not turn a blind eye to the side-effect of playing computer games on children.v插入句不定式The direct course of drug abuse,to tell the truth,is ignorance and curiosity.10句式变化之二插入句分词短语10句式变化之二v强调句It is+被强调的部分+that+其余成分Two out of the twenty applicants said that their personal information had been leaked out.11句式变化之二强调句11句式变化之二并列修辞I came,I saw,I conquered.Studies serve for delight,for ornament,and for ability.A government of the people,for the people,and by the people12句式变化之二并列修辞12句式变化之二双重否定Nothing is impossible.We will never fail to complete the job.Chinese people will never fail to make more achievement in space technology.13句式变化之二双重否定13句式变化之练习1.There are fewer and fewer citizens who like to see films.变化后:Films are now losing their appeal for many citizens.14句式变化之练习There are fewer and few句式变化之练习2.There are many people who complain of severe housing shortages.变化后:Housing shortage become _.15句式变化之练习2.There are many peopl句式变化之练习3.If you compare the two methods carefully,you will find the difference.变化后:Careful comparison of the two methods will show you the difference.16句式变化之练习3.If you compare the t句式变化之练习4.If we only apply book knowledge,we will not get good result.变化后:17句式变化之练习4.If we only apply boo句式变化之练习5.In order to prevent the problem becoming too serious to solve,we must take an immediate step.变化后:An immediate step must be taken before the problem becomes too serious to solve.18句式变化之练习5.In order to prevent 句式变化之练习6.In order to build a stable and prosperous nation people should make new efforts.变化后:19句式变化之练习6.In order to build a 句式变化之练习7.More and more people now prefer to stay at home and watch TV.变化后:People in increasing numbers prefer to stay at home and watch TV.20句式变化之练习7.More and more people句式变化之练习8.More and more people who become richer and richer can afford a car.变化后:21句式变化之练习8.More and more people句式变化之练习9.More and more teenagers smoke cigarettes in recent years.变化后:Teenage smoking is on the rise in recent years.22句式变化之练习9.More and more teenag句式变化之练习10.More and more trees have disappeared in the city.变化后:23句式变化之练习10.More and more trees用于文章开段落的语句vWhen asked about,/When it comes to/Faced with.,most people believe that but other people regardas/consider it differently.vWhen it comes to,peoples opinions differ.Some hold the opinion that,while others claim thatvThere is no consensus of opinions among people as to.Some people claim that,while others believe that.vThere is a general discussion today as to the issue/problem of Those who criticize argue that They believe that.However,people who advocate,on the other hand,argue that24用于文章开段落的语句When asked about,/起、承、转、合vGenerally speaking,vIt goes without saying thatvThere is no denying that(总起)(总起)vIn the first place,vTo begin with,vFirst,(分起)(分起)vHowever,vNevertheless,vOn the other hand,vStill (转转)vAlso,vIn addition,vMoreover,/Furthermore,vMeanwhile,/Similarly (承(承)25起、承、转、合Generally speaking,In t写在最后写在最后成功的基成功的基础在于好的学在于好的学习习惯The foundation of success lies in good habits26写在最后成功的基础在于好的学习习惯26谢谢大家荣幸这一路,与你同行ItS An Honor To Walk With You All The Way讲师:XXXXXX XX年XX月XX日 27谢谢大家讲师:XXXXXX 27


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