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浅谈NMET单选题的解题技巧1单单 项项 填填 空空 题题命命 题题 特特 征征具具 备备 能能 力力命命 题题 手手 段段解解 题题 技技 巧巧命命 题题 要要 点点单 项 填 空 题命 题 特 征具 备 能 力命 题2知识覆盖面广知识覆盖面广语境地位突出语境地位突出交际性原则明确交际性原则明确试题题干新颖试题题干新颖迷惑性较大迷惑性较大灵活性较高灵活性较高命命 题题 特特 征征知识覆盖面广命 题 特 征3名词、代词名词、代词形容词、副词形容词、副词 冠词、介词冠词、介词动词动词(时态、语态时态、语态)短语动词短语动词情态动词情态动词主谓一致主谓一致倒装、省略倒装、省略句子结构句子结构名词性从句名词性从句定语从句定语从句状语从句状语从句交际和文化交际和文化惯用短语惯用短语单项填空的命题要点名词、代词4做单选题应具备的能力做单选题应具备的能力一、记忆、理解和灵活运用英语习惯用语的能力。一、记忆、理解和灵活运用英语习惯用语的能力。二、基础词汇的辨析能力。二、基础词汇的辨析能力。三、语法词汇知识在具体语境中的辨析和灵活运三、语法词汇知识在具体语境中的辨析和灵活运用能力。用能力。四、正确分析句子结构的能力。四、正确分析句子结构的能力。五、排除思维定势干扰的能力。五、排除思维定势干扰的能力。六、捕捉句中隐含信息的能力。六、捕捉句中隐含信息的能力。做单选题应具备的能力一、记忆、理解和灵活运用英语习惯用语的能51 1 创设语境创设语境2 2 设置干扰设置干扰3 3 思维定势思维定势4 4 汉英差异汉英差异5 5 曲折表达曲折表达设置干扰设置干扰命题常用手段命题常用手段打乱句型打乱句型插入语干扰插入语干扰标点干扰标点干扰 省略句干扰省略句干扰1 创设语境设置干扰命题常用手段打乱句型6 -Do you have anything _?-Oh,thank you,I can manage it myself.A.to do B.to be done C.doing D.do打乱句式打乱句式 The officer gave orders that anyone _a gun should be reported to the police station.A.saw take B.seen taking C.seeing take D.seen taken -Do you have anything 7省略省略 -How long have you been here?-_ the end of last month.A.In B.By C.At D.Since 标点符号标点符号 The young mother saw her baby fall to the ground;_ brought her heart to her mouth.A.it B.which C.and that D.that加入插入语加入插入语 -We havent heard from Jane for a long time.-What do you suppose _ to her?A was happening B.to happen C.has happened D.having happened省略标点符号加入插入语8 Not far from the club there was a garden,_ owner seated in it playing cards with his children every afternoon.A.whose B.its C.which D.that Wang ling was elected _ all he is the tallest.A.because B.because of C.for D.as 3 思维定势 Not far from the club 9 When we got to the top of the mountain the sun was rising _ the east.A.to B.from C.in D.at -She really sings perfectly.-Yes,I have never heard _ voice.A.a good B.a better C.a best D.the best4 汉英差异 When we got to the 10解解 题题 技技 巧巧.调序法调序法.还原法还原法3.省省 略略 法法4.结结 构构 法法.语语 境境 法法6.关关 键键 词词解 题 技 巧.调序法.还原法3.省11 把不熟悉的疑问句变为陈述句,被把不熟悉的疑问句变为陈述句,被动语态变为主动语态,倒装语序变为动语态变为主动语态,倒装语序变为陈述语序,更准确地分析句子结构,陈述语序,更准确地分析句子结构,更容易了解其意义,从而使题目变得更容易了解其意义,从而使题目变得简单。简单。应试技巧应试技巧1-1-调序法调序法 把不熟悉的疑问句变为陈述句,被动语态变为主动语态,倒装语121.Who is it up _ decide whether to go or not?A.to to B.to C.for to D.to for2.Is this research center _ you visited the modern equipment last year?A.where B.the one that C.that D.the one whereIt is up to who to decide whether to go or not.Who is it up to to decide whether to go or not?This research center is the one where you visited the modern equipment last year.Is this the research center _ you visited last year?the one(that/which)1.Who is it up _ decide w133.Whom would you like to have _ with me?A.went B.to go C.gone D.go4.Word has been put forward _ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.A.which B.that C.when D.as5.Our time should be made good use of_.A.study B.studied C.studying D.to studyYou would like to have whom _ with me.They have put forward word_ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.We should make good use of our time _.3.Whom would you like to have146.Never _ time come back again.A.will lose B.will lost C.will losing D.will to lose7.We Chinese,_ having made great achievements in our socialist constructions,still have a long way to go.A.onceB.when C.unless D.thoughLost time will never come back again.Never will lost time come back again._ having made great achievements,in our socialist constructions,we Chinese still have a long way to go.6.Never _ time come back a15 考查定语从句时将先行词放在从句考查定语从句时将先行词放在从句考查定语从句时将先行词放在从句考查定语从句时将先行词放在从句中还原成通顺句子;分词作状语变成相中还原成通顺句子;分词作状语变成相中还原成通顺句子;分词作状语变成相中还原成通顺句子;分词作状语变成相应的定语从句或状语从句;承前省略句应的定语从句或状语从句;承前省略句应的定语从句或状语从句;承前省略句应的定语从句或状语从句;承前省略句根据问句还原成完整句子,这样很容易根据问句还原成完整句子,这样很容易根据问句还原成完整句子,这样很容易根据问句还原成完整句子,这样很容易做出正确的判断。做出正确的判断。做出正确的判断。做出正确的判断。应试技巧应试技巧2-2-还原法还原法 考查定语从句时将先行词放在从句中还原成通顺句子;分词161._ in a recent science competition,the three top students were awarded scholarships totaling$21,000.2.A.To be judged the best B.Judged the best3.C.Having judged the best D.Judging the best_ the three students the best,we awarded the three top students scholarships totaling$21,000.Having judgedThe three students was judged the best_ in a recent science comp172._ as the first lady of speech,Dr,Lillian Glass is recognized as one of the worlds leading experts on communication skills.A.Knowing B.Having known C.Known D.To be known Because she was known as the first lady of speech,Dr,Lillian Glass is recognized as one of the worlds leading experts on communication skills.(Because she was)Dr,Lillian Glass首先确定非谓语动词作状语,排除不定式(不是表示目的首先确定非谓语动词作状语,排除不定式(不是表示目的),然后还原成状语从句然后还原成状语从句.2._ as the first lady of s183.The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see_ the next year.A.carried out B.carrying out C.carry out D.to carry outThey would like to see the plan(=that/which)carried out the next year.4.-What do you think made Mary so upset?-_ her new bicycle.A.As she lost B.Lost C.Losing D.Because of losing Losing her new bicycle made Mary so upset.3.The manager discussed the p195.ONeal works hard.So he does.He is often seen _heavily before his teammates have even arrived at practice.A.to be sweatedB.sweated C.be sweated D.sweatingWe often see him sweating heavily6.The artist _ the judge gave a prize is the teacher _ I have been taught painting for over three years.A.from whom;by whom B.to whom;who C.whom;who D.to whom;by whomthe judge gave a prize to the artistI have been taught painting by the teacher for over three years.to whomby whom(_ the judge gave a prize)_ I have been taught painting for over three years5.ONeal works hard.20 对于含有插入语或从句的复杂句子,对于含有插入语或从句的复杂句子,对于含有插入语或从句的复杂句子,对于含有插入语或从句的复杂句子,如果不考查此部分,首先应分析语境及句如果不考查此部分,首先应分析语境及句如果不考查此部分,首先应分析语境及句如果不考查此部分,首先应分析语境及句子结构,找出并在省略插入语或去掉与选子结构,找出并在省略插入语或去掉与选子结构,找出并在省略插入语或去掉与选子结构,找出并在省略插入语或去掉与选项不相关从句的情况下,重新分析句子结项不相关从句的情况下,重新分析句子结项不相关从句的情况下,重新分析句子结项不相关从句的情况下,重新分析句子结构,复杂的句子结构就简单了;如果考察构,复杂的句子结构就简单了;如果考察构,复杂的句子结构就简单了;如果考察构,复杂的句子结构就简单了;如果考察此部分,也缩小了语境此部分,也缩小了语境此部分,也缩小了语境此部分,也缩小了语境。应试技巧应试技巧3-3-省略法省略法 对于含有插入语或从句的复杂句子,如果不考查此部分,首211.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play,_ of course,made the others unhappy.A.who B.which C.this D.what2.John plays football _ if not better than David.A.so well B.as well as C.as well D.so well as3.The person we spoke to _no answer at first.A.makeB.making C.makes D.made4.The days we looked forward to _at last.A.comes B.to come C.came D.coming()()()()1.Dorothy was always speaking225.The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it.A.begins B.having begun C.beginning D.begun6.The writer and professor,whom I often refer to at the meetings,_ famous for those works Ais Bare Cam Dwere(it is)begun(_(_)_)5.The research is so designed23 对于复杂长句子,先划分从句,对于复杂长句子,先划分从句,对于复杂长句子,先划分从句,对于复杂长句子,先划分从句,理清主句结构,确定试题考察哪部分,理清主句结构,确定试题考察哪部分,理清主句结构,确定试题考察哪部分,理清主句结构,确定试题考察哪部分,特别要注意标点符号的作用。特别要注意标点符号的作用。特别要注意标点符号的作用。特别要注意标点符号的作用。应试技巧应试技巧4 4 结构法结构法 对于复杂长句子,先划分从句,理清主句结构,确定试241.The student _ my last letter is going to work in Tibet.A.referred B.referring in C.referred to in D.referring to 2.-How did your students express their thanks to you on Teachers Day?-A gift,together with many flowers _ sent to me by my students.A.is B.are C.was D.were1.The student _ my last let253.The flowers _ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.A.to smell B.smelling C.smelt D.to be smelt 4._down the radio-the babys asleep in the next room.A.Turning B.To turn C.Turned D.Turn 5._ is well known to all,the earth is round.A.That B.With C.It D.As3.The flowers _ sweet in t26应试技巧应试技巧5 语境暗示语境暗示 有时命题人在题干中不明确将语言时有时命题人在题干中不明确将语言时有时命题人在题干中不明确将语言时有时命题人在题干中不明确将语言时间或空间背景标示出来,而是比较巧妙地间或空间背景标示出来,而是比较巧妙地间或空间背景标示出来,而是比较巧妙地间或空间背景标示出来,而是比较巧妙地隐含在句子中,稍不注意就会错选,语境隐含在句子中,稍不注意就会错选,语境隐含在句子中,稍不注意就会错选,语境隐含在句子中,稍不注意就会错选,语境暗示要把握上下文的时间隐含、语义信息暗示要把握上下文的时间隐含、语义信息暗示要把握上下文的时间隐含、语义信息暗示要把握上下文的时间隐含、语义信息等线索,还要注意文化差异。等线索,还要注意文化差异。等线索,还要注意文化差异。等线索,还要注意文化差异。应试技巧5 语境暗示 有时命题人在题干中不明确将语言271.-What an amazing film!Its the most interesting film Ive ever seen.-But Im sure it wont interest _.A.somebody B.anybody C.nobody D.everybody2.-_ Mr Smith _ this week?-No.He is on holiday.A.Has;worked B.Does;work C.Did;work D.Is;working1.-What an amazing film283.-Will you please repeat your idea?-Certainly.But I think it certain you _ your attention.A.dont pay B.didnt pay C.werent paying D.arent paying4.There was a lot of fun at yesterdays party.You_ come,but why didnt you?A.must have B.should C.need have D.ought to have3.-Will you please repea295.-I had a really good weekend at my uncles.-_ A.Oh,thats very nice of you B.Congratulations C.Its a pleasure D.Oh,Im glad to hear that6.-My daughter has passed the exam.-Congratulations!Shes really intelligent.-_.A.No,no,she is nothing B.Oh,thank you!C.Sometimes she is intelligent D.You are right5.-I had a really good we30 有些试题要抓住抓住关键词,有些试题要抓住抓住关键词,有些试题要抓住抓住关键词,有些试题要抓住抓住关键词,使知识点和能力点具体化,利于使知识点和能力点具体化,利于使知识点和能力点具体化,利于使知识点和能力点具体化,利于快速确定正确答案。快速确定正确答案。快速确定正确答案。快速确定正确答案。有些试题要抓住抓住关键词,使知识点和能力点具体化,利311.Can you come to attend our party tonight?Sorry,but I do wish I _.A.hadB.can C.willD.could2.It is necessary that people both young and old in China _ some English to be prepared for the Olympic Games to be held in Beijing in 2008.A.learnB.will learn C.must learn D.have learned3.Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most?_.They are both expensive and of little use.A.NoneB.Both C.NeitherD.All1.Can you come to attend ou324.-Zhang Hua is clever and works hard at his lessons.-_.A.So is Li Ming B.So does Li Ming C.It was the same with Li Ming D.So it is with Li Ming5.We cant get the machine to run.There must be _with it.A.something wrong serious B.something seriously wrong C.something serious wrong D.something wrong seriously6.What the remote areas need _ education to children and what the children need _ good textbooks at the moment.A.is;areB.are;is C.was;were D.were;was4.-Zhang Hua is clever and337.To be honest,I dont quite _ with you some views on the matter.A.agree B.share C.include D.admit8.Was it under the tree _ you were away talking to a friend?Sure.But when I get back there,the car was gone.A.that B.where C.which D.while7.To be honest,I dont quite34


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