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Unit 2 ColourMain task1.How long has Mrs.Rainbow practiced colour therapy?2.What kind is the oil she uses?3.If you are feeling sad,what place do you think of?4.Where does Mrs.Rainbow rub oil into?5.Which oil does Mrs.Rainbow use if someone cant sleep?6.In what colour do people with pale skin and blonde hair look good?7.In what colour do people with dark skin and dark hair look good?Read and try to get more information.He prefers blue to red.He prefers wearing jeans to trousers.Which color does he prefer,blue or red?Which does he prefer to wear,trousers or jeans?Andy has some difficulty choosing what to wear.What/How about?Why dont you do?Why not do?Shall we do?Lets doPerhaps you shouldIts a good idea to doGiving adviceCould you give me some advice?No,I dont likeId rather do than do I prefer sth./doingto sth./doingMaybe,what do you think?I prefer to do rather than do asking for advice1.将颜色和其代表的含义连线1.black2.blue3.green 4.orange5.red6.white7.yellowa.calm and peaceb.power and protectionc.wisdom and warmthd.power and strengthe.energy and naturef.sadness or calmg.success and joyWearing blue is good for _.the mind and bodyAre you feeling stressed(焦虑不安)?Wear white like us!Dont you think they are clever sunny babies?Yellow is also the colour of_.wisdomWearing red makes it easier for you to_.take actionThe woman is wearingRed representsMaybe she feels She could beI thinkColours and what they represent Wang Mei,Class 1,Grade 9The woman in the picture is wearing a _dress and a pair of _shoes.This is interesting because red and white are very different Colours.Red represents_ and _.Maybe she feels weak and that is why she is wearing red,or she just wants to make herself look more powerful.redwhitepower strength What to wearHer handbag and _are white.The colour white represents _and _.She could be _and the colour white help her feel peaceful.I think the woman is feeling weak and a little bit stressed,but she is wearing the right colours to help herself.Red and white are a good match,as the powerful_ balances the calm _.shoescalmpeacered whiteColours and what they representWhat do you think?stressed Structure of the passagePapa _.What to wearPara._ Colours and what they represent Para._ The writers opinion/idea12-34Introduction Main body Conclusion The important language points 1.That is why she is wearing red.2.make herself look more powerful 3.feel a little bit stressed 4.She is wearing the right colours to change that.5.Red and white are a good match.6.The powerful red balances the calm white.Choose A B or C1.-Red represents power and strength.-This is _ she is wearing red.A.because B.why C.that2.-Black represents power and protection.-Oh,I see.It can make him _powerful.A.fell B.to feel C.feelBC3.-Look,he is wearing white today.What do you think of him?-Maybe he is feeling _stressed.A.a little B.a little bit C.a bit D.a bit little E.a bit of4.-You look happy today.-I get _ praise(表扬).A.a little B.a little bit C.a bit D.a bit little E.a bit ofAB CAEThe man is wearingBlue representsMaybe he feels He could beI thinkThe man is wearing a_ shirt and _ trousers.He looks very fashionable.Blue _sadness and _.Black is the colour of power and protection.However,the man does not look sad.The blue should make him feel calm but he does not look calm,either.In fact,he looks worried or afraid.I think the man is wearing those colours because he is afraid.He needs _for protection,and blue to make him feel _.He is also wearing_ shoes.He is wearing them to make himself feel_ and_.calmrepresentsblackstrongblackpowerfulbluecalmred Look at the picture,answer the questions.1.Whats the man wearing?2.What is the woman wearing?3.Do you like what they are wearing?Look at the picture,answer the questions.4.What moods does she have?5.Why do you think so?6.What else can you see?7.Do you feel thirsty when looking at the picture?Why?8.What does the juicelook?It looks refreshing.(提神的)Look at the picture,answer the questions.9.Whats the man doing?Does he look busy?10.What moods does the man have?Why do you think so?11.It seems that he might be doing something important,doesnt it?12.What are strong and powerful colours used to do?Do you think it is a good fruit juice advertisement?Why?Do you think it is a good mobile phone advertisement?Why?Free talk:Colour of T-shirt:_Represents:_Colour of skirt:_Represents:_Colour of hat:_Represents:_Colour of shoes:_Represents:_Moods:_Reasons:_Is it a good fruit advertisement?_Why?_greenenergy and nature yellowwisdom and warmthwhite(and orange)calm and peace(and success)bluesadness or calmrelaxed,peaceful,bright,fresh,cheerfulBecause of the outdoor sunshine and scene,it looks like the woman is on holiday.Yes.Sunshine and beaches make you thirsty.The juice looks refreshing.Colour of T-shirt:_Represents:_Colour of skirt:_Represents:_Colour of glasses:_Represents:_Colour of shoes:_Represents:_Moods:_Reasons:_Is it a good fruit advertisement?_Why?_orangesuccess and joybluesadness or calmblackpower and protectionwhitecalm and peacefast,powerful The man looks very busy and he is running.He might be doing something important.Yes.Strong and powerful colours are used to give the feelings of success.Use your notes to write a report on the moods of one of the models.In Part B,Use Millies report on P39 as a guide.Writing The man(woman)is wearing Green/Red represents Maybe she/he feels She/He could be I think Sample writing The woman in this advertisement is wearing a green T-shirt and a yellow skirt.This is interesting because yellow and green are both positive colours.Yellow represents warmth and wisdom and can also remind you of a warm,sunny day.Her T-shirt is green.Green represents energy and nature.Maybe the woman feel tired and decided to wear green because this colour can make her feel more energetic.The womans shoes are blue.Blue represents trust and it can also make us feel calm.Maybe the woman is a bit stressed and that is why she wears blue.I think this woman is cheerful and friendly.She prefers warm,energetic and calm colours to strong colours.I think she must be very happy because yellow can remind you of a warm,sunny day and green can give you lots of energy.I like this advertisement because it makes me feel warm and reminds me of the summer holidays.Sample writing The man in the advertisement on the right is wearing an orange T-shirt and blue trousers.This is interesting because these two colours have different meanings.Orange represents success and can cheer you up if you are feeling sad about something.I think success is important to him,but he also looks like he needs to calm down.His shoes are white,which represents clam and peace,but his glasses are black.Black represents power and passion.I think this man has trouble making decisions.Heseems to I think this man has trouble making decisions.He seems to be moving very fast and doing many things at the same time.I do not think this is a good advertisement because most people would rather relax and feel calm than be very busy like the man in the picture.However,red is a good colour for the phone because red represents power and strength.People who enjoy being busy also like to feel strong and powerful.What to wear:_Colours and what they represent:_What do you think?_Unit 2 Checkout1.1.Whats the relationship between colors and Whats the relationship between colors and moods?moods?2.How do colors affect our moods?Can you give us 2.How do colors affect our moods?Can you give us some examples?some examples?coloursfeelingcalmwarmenergeticstrongbluewhiteorangeyellowgreenredrelaxed and peacefulhappy and contented,warm and comfortableenergeticpowerfulcolourcalmbluewhiterepresentwarmorangeyellowenergeticgreenstrongredsadness harmonypurityjoysuccesssunwisdomnew life and growthnature,money,envypower heatstrong feelingsDo you know the synonyms of the following words?black common dangerous good luck lucky powerful right sure trueDo exercises on P37.Finish the dialogue between Millie and Daniel and Daniels word list.1.Hurry up,_ you will miss the bus.A.and B.but C.or D.so2.Jack was so _ that she fell _ as soon as she was on the bed.A.asleep,sleepy B.sleepy,sleepy C.sleepy,asleep D.asleep,asleep3.The boy _ short hair looks lovely in black and white T-shirt.A.has B.have C.with D.is4.I have made a lot of friends since I _ to China.A.have come B.came C.come D.am coming5.-Why dont you wear that black jacket?-_ A.That is a great idea.B.How about you?C.Really?D.Im sorry to hear that.6.Colours can make us _ or sad.A.feel relax B.to feel relaxed C.feel relaxed D.to feel relax7.-Is there _ in todays newspaper?-I havent seen it.A.anything strange B.strange something C.strange anything D.something strange 8.They would rather _ there by train than _ a plane.A.go,taking B.go,take C.going,take D.going,takingA.I hope we will have a good time that day.B.Id rather go to Mou Chou Lake Park.C.I havent decided where to go yet.D.What about going to Xuanwu Lake?E.When and where shall we meet?完成对话A:Ann,where are you going at this weekend?B:Oh._1_Can you give me some advice?A:_2_ We can fly kites and go boating there.CD完成对话 B:Its a little far away from my home._3_ There will be a flower show on Sunday.We can enjoy a full day and take lots of photos there.A:Its a good idea to go to Mou Chou Lake Park._4_B:We shall meet at 8:30 a.m.at the gate of our school.A:OK.See you then._5_BEA 1.If you keep on doing sports,you can become a p_ person.2.Tomorrow there will be a f_ medical treatment,you will pay nothing.3.After she left high school,she continued to study at c_.owerfulreeollege


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