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牛津版牛津版牛津版牛津版 高一高一高一高一 模块三模块三模块三模块三Unit 3Unit 31Unit 3 ReadingLost civilizations2RevisionSay something about the following wonders of the world.The Statue of ZeusThe Taj Mahal The city of PompeiiThe Potala Palace3The Statue of ZeusTaj Mahal IndiaThe city of PompeiiThe Potala Palace41.Can you name some buildings that could represent ancient civilization in China?2.Have you ever been to these places?If so,can you tell us more about them?56Now,enjoy some more pictures7Pompeii-the grief of prosperity8Loulan-the beautiful ghost of Luobupo Luobu Lake9Read the diary entries quickly and answer the following questions.1.Where are Pompeii and Loulan?Pompeii is in Italy and Loulan is in Xinjiang province,China.102.What is one main similarity between the two cities?Both of them became lost civilizations long ago.3.What was Loulan buried beneath?It was buried beneath the sand.11When you are reading diary entries recording someones travels,you should look for:(1)_(2)_(3)_Dates and place namesFacts and historical informationPersonal feelings and opinionsReading strategy:reading diary entries12DateArrangements15 July16 July17 JulyIn Italyattended a lecture about Pompeiisaw the ancient Roman city of PompeiiReading:Fill in the chart1324 July25 Julyarrived in Loulanknew some information about Loulan from a scholar,Professor Zhang14Place namesHistoric informationPersonal feelings&opinionsPompeii cityvolcano-It was founded in the 8th century BC.The Romans took over it.It has been a rich city.It erupted and many people in Pompeii were buried alive,and so was the city!amazing;hard to imagine15LoulanIt was a stopping point on the famous Silk Road between the East and the West.so excited to be here.What a pity!16Read the diary entries again carefully and answer the following questions.1.What happened to Pompeii in August AD 79?A volcano erupted and lava,ash and rocks poured out of it onto the surrounding countryside.Many people in Pompeii were buried alive,and so was the city.172.How was Pompeii discovered?It was discovered in the 18th century when a farmer found a stone with writing on it.People started to dig in the area for treasure,which caused much damage.Thus,in 1860,the area was put under government protection so it could be preserved and studied.183.What were the stepping stones along the road in Pompeii used for?With the stones,people did not have to step in the mud on rainy days.194.Why was Loulan an important city about 2,000 years ago?Because it was a stopping point on the famous Silk Road between the East and the West.5.According to the last sentence,how did the author feel about the loss of Loulan?She felt that it was a pity!20Both Pompeii in _ and Loulan in China became _ _ long ago.Pompeii was _ in the 8th century BC and was _ _ by the Romans in 89BC.On 24 August AD79,the volcano near the city _ and the city was _ _.Fill in the blanks with proper words.Italy lost civilizationsfoundedtaken overeruptedburiedalive21Then the city was _ for many years _ the 18th century when a _ discovered a stone _ _ on it.People started to _ in the area _ treasure,_(_ _/_ _)much damage.forgottenuntilfarmerwith writingdigforcausingresulting inleading to22Loulan,a _ city,was a _ _ on the Silk Road.It disappeared under the _.There are just a few _ left.Some _,such as coins and _ pots,were found.stopping pointsandruinstreasurespaintedcommercial23C2 The sentences below are from Anns diary.Do they express emotions(E)or actions(A)?Circle your answers.241.I feel lucky to have won a place on this trip.2.This morning we attended a lecture about Pompeii.3.Many people were buried alive,and so was the city.4.How amazing!E/AE/AE/AE/A255.People started to dig in the area for treasure.6.When I walked around the city,I saw streets just as they had been.7.I am so excited to be here!8.Sven found the remains of buildings buried beneath the sand.E/AE/AE/AE/A26Match the words and phrase in D1 on page 44 with their meanings.Answers:1._ 2._ 3._ 4._5._ 6._ 7._ 8._bgacdhef271)The city was founded in the 8th century BC.(line 7)2)You can see them today in Pompeii,in the same places where the people fell.(line 26)PompeiiD2.Find the following words in the text and decide what they refer to.true-to-life figures of the people who had died in the disaster283)It was a stopping point on the famous Silk Road between the East and the West.(line 31)4)and that resulted in the city being buried by sand what a pity!(line 44)the fact that trees were cut downLoulan29Read the entry from Anns diary on page 45 and complete it with the words given.Answers:1._ 2._ 3._4._ 5._ 6._7._ 8._ erupteddestroypouringremains fleeing beneath scholarunfortunate30Discussion1.What caused the city of Loulan to disappear?2.What caused the sandstorms?3.How can we avoid such tragedy happening again?311.Is it useful for people to study things from the past?Why or why not?2.History repeats itself.What do you think this saying means?Do you agree with it?Why or why not?32写在最后写在最后成功的基成功的基础在于好的学在于好的学习习惯The foundation of success lies in good habits33谢谢聆听 学习就是为了达到一定目的而努力去干,是为一个目标去战胜各种困难的过程,这个过程会充满压力、痛苦和挫折Learning Is To Achieve A Certain Goal And Work Hard,Is A Process To Overcome Various Difficulties For A Goal34


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