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Lesson 3 When wind comes from all directions,we can see many petals of cherry.Check your preview Can you translate?Just try!Cherries are very delicious.The grebe is swimming in the lake.Li Bai is famous as a poet.Matuo Basho is a Japanese poet.An unexpected frog will jump In the river.frog重点单词重点单词v1.direction 可数名词可数名词 all directions 四面八方四面八方v2.cherry 复数形式复数形式 cherriesv3.Interruption名词名词 interrupt (动词)动词)打扰打扰v4.clearly adv.清楚地清楚地 clear adj.明亮的明亮的v5.sleepy adj.静寂的,冷清的静寂的,冷清的 sleep v.v6.(un)expected adj.出乎意料的出乎意料的 expect v.v7.feeling n.feel v.v8.simply adv.仅只简单地仅只简单地 simple adj.简单的简单的v9.particular adj 独特的独特的 particularly adv.单词过关练习单词过关练习v1.That beer made me quite _(sleep).v2.Can you explain the question as _(simple)as you can?v3.His answer was quite _(expect).We didnt know how he got it.v4.It is too dark to see the blackboard _ (clear).You had better turn on the light.5.Ice is a _(form)of water.sleepysimplyunexpectedclearlyformRead the text and tell“T”or“F”.1.Haiku is an old form of poetry.2.A Haiku is just a description of what is happening in this place,at this moment.3.Haiku always has only lines.4.The last line of Haiku has five syllables.5.Haiku has the 5-7-5 pattern.6.A syllable is a of a word.FTFTTFJapaneseAmericafourthreeletterpartFrom all directions Winds bring petals of cherry Into the grebe lake -Matsuo Basho(1644-1694)This is an old poem.It is a Haiku.八方风吹暖八方风吹暖携来樱花一片片携来樱花一片片入湖寻不见。入湖寻不见。This is a haiku.haiku is an old form of Japanese poetry.Usually Haikus are about nature.Often they are about a particular season.They dont tell a story,as some poems do.A haiku is just a description of a scene.The Japanese poet said,”Haiku is simply what is happening in this place,at this moment.”Whats a syllable?Haiku follows a pattern.It always has three lines.Each line has a set number of syllables.What is the syllable?A syllable is apart of a word that you pronounce without interruption.The word“red,”for example,has one syllable.The word“middle”has two syllables:mid-dle.The word”syllable”has three syllables:syl-la-ble.The form of HaikuvThe first line of a Haiku has five syllables.The middle line has seven syllables.The last line has five syllables again.Lets look at the5-7-5 pattern of Haiku.Here it is with the syllables clearly shown.Here is another example of Haiku.Old,dark sleepy poolQuick unexpected frog goes Plop!Water splashes.frog荒郊池塘边荒郊池塘边倏忽青蛙跃其间倏忽青蛙跃其间水花溅一片水花溅一片。Old,dark slee-py poolQuick un-ex-pec-ted frog goes Plop!Wa-ter spla-shes.Language notes1.Haiku is an old form of Japanese poetry a form of 一种一种 形式形式 form n.“体裁,形式体裁,形式”eg:Limerick(五行打油诗五行打油诗)is a form of poetry.2.They do not tell a story,as some poems do.tell a story 讲故事讲故事=tell stories as conj.“像,如同像,如同”引导比较状语从句前后时引导比较状语从句前后时态要保持一致态要保持一致 eg:As the Chinese like table tennis,the British like soccer.3.The Japanese poet said,“Haiku is simply what is happening in this place,at this moment.eg:He is simply a teacher at this/that moment 在这时在这时/那时那时Language notes:.4.Each line has a set number of syllablesset adj.“固定的,规定的固定的,规定的”a set number of+可数名词的可数名词的复数复数形式形式,做主语做主语谓语动词用谓语动词用复数复数 “固定数量的,一定数量的固定数量的,一定数量的”.a(great/large)number of+可数名词的可数名词的复数复数做主做主语谓语动词用语谓语动词用复数复数“大量的”The number of+可数名词的复数做主语谓语动词可数名词的复数做主语谓语动词用用单数单数“.的数量”eg:Each poem has a set of number of lines.A set number of students are boys.The number of the students is 48.5.A syllable is a part of a word that pronounce without interruption.Syllable:red,mid-dle,syl-la-ble,di-rec-tion,pe-tal,cher-ry,in-to a part of 的一部分的一部分eg:Jinta is a part of Jiuquan.Sum up:1.an old form of 一个一个 的旧形式的旧形式2.tell a story 讲故事讲故事3.a set number of 固定数量的固定数量的 4.a part of 的一部分的一部分5.at this moment 在这时,现在在这时,现在6.as conj.“像,如同像,如同”引导比较状语从引导比较状语从句句7.simply=only/just单词变变变单词变变变v1.He told me the same story as you _(do).v2.li Bai is one of the most famous _ (poem)in China.v3.He is _(simple)a worker.v4.A set number of students in this school _(come)from the counry.v5.In Singapour,most people are Chinese,so you v can simply speak Putonghua.()vA.just B.often C.easilydidpoetssimplycomeAProject:We can also be poets.Lets write pomes.work in groups and find out the words that describe the followings:happy,pleased,excited,interesting sad,bored,glad :white,yellow,blank,red,dark,green bright :big,small,tall,short,great,huge,little :cold,hot,cool,warm,:old,young,:height,light.:slowly,quickly,high,happily,softly,loudly.FeelingsColoursSizeTemperatureAgeWeightAdvHaiku HaiikuvSnow is very_,vSee me run through it_,v It makes me feel_whitehappilycoldNature PoemvNight,so _and_,v _,_stars,vA _wind blows _on vmy face.vIt makes me want to sing _an _,_ song.quietdarkSmall,brightcoolsoftlyhappilyinteresting,oldLimerickvI once saw a very _cat,vIt was wearing a _yellow hat,vI jumped really,_vAnd then I said_,v“Dont you think you look _In that?”oldbighappilyloudlyheavyHomeworkv1.Finish the exercises on your exercise books.v2.Preview lesson 4.Fill in the blanks with the given phrases.va form of,a part of,a kind of,a group of,a piece of v1.The novel is _ literature.v2.Taiwan is _China.v3.A dog is _animal.v4.Can you give me _paper?v5.There are _children near the lake.a part ofa form ofa kind ofva piece of a group of


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