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概要 新高考考试说明 新题型:概要写作(25 分)要求:基于一篇350字左右的文章写一篇60字左右的概要,不得照抄原文当中的句子。字数多于80或少于40扣2分Summary Writing概要 新高考考试说明 新题型:概要写作(25 分)字数多于8What is a summary?Its a concise,complete and objective restatement of the key points of a passage in your own words.No details/examples/repetition/comments简洁完整客观共性问题:Copy the original sentences totally or randomly without your own words;pay no attention to the structure of the sentences;catch the wrong key points.What is a summary?Its a conciSteps for summary writing(写作步骤)写作步骤)1)Read the passage for the style,structure and key points.2)Rewrite the key points in our own words briefly and coherently.简洁连贯Steps for summary writing(写作步Read for the style:Whats the style of the passage?A.Narration 记叙文记叙文B.Argumentation 议论文议论文C.Exposition 说明文说明文Read for the style:Whats the The structure of an exposition(说明文结构)(说明文结构)The topic-what The reason-why The method-how The solution/conclusion The structure of an expositionRead for the structure:Para.1 Four elements The topic The reason The method The result Paragraph Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Read for the structure:Para.1Read for the key points:1)Whats the topic of this passage?(Para.1)2)Why did Ebbesmeyer want to study ocean currents in this special way?(Para.2)3)How did he collect data?(Para.3)4)Whats the result of his work?(Para.4)Ebbesmeyer studies ocean currents in a special way.(Point1)If he learnt when and where the shoes went into the water and tracked where they landed,he could learn a lot about the patterns of ocean currents.(Point 2)Ebbesmeyer got to know a lot of beachcombers and asked for their help in collecting information about where the shoes landed.With this data,(Point 3)As the result of his work,Ebbesmeyer has become known as the scientist to call with questions about any unusual objects found floating in the ocean.(Point 4)Read for the key points:1)Wha概要 Point 1:Ocean expert Curtis Ebbesmeyer studies ocean currents in a special way.in way用方法 employ/adopt/usedifferent;new;unusual;uniqueway采用;使用(方法)specialmethod;approach1.Curtis Ebbesmeyer,an ocean expert,employs a new way to study ocean currents.Tip1:Change the part of speech 改变词性Tip2:Use words of similar meaning 近义词替换概要 Point 1:Ocean expert Curtis概要 What happened to the shoes?fell into the water in a shipping accidentwashed up on the shoresabandoned/unwantedinspirePoint 2:概要 What happened to the shoes?概要 2._ inspired him to carry out an experiment.What happened to the shoes in a shipping accidentAll that happened to the shoes in a shipping accidentTip3:Simplify description by using general wordsIf he learned when and where the shoes went into water,he could learn a lot about the patterns of ocean currents.简化描述概要 2._概要 Point 3:With this data,he and a colleague were able to test and improve a computer program designed to model ocean currents,and publish the findings of their study.He asked for the beachcombers help in collecting information about where the shoes landed.With the data,he learned a lot about the patterns of ocean currents.3.He turned to the beachcombers.With the data,he managed to learn a lot about the patterns of ocean currents.He turned to the beachcombers.Tip4:Use words of similar meaning 近义词组替换概要 Point 3:With this data,he 概要 As a result of his work,Ebbesmeyer has become known as the scientist to call with questions about any unusual objects found floating in the ocean.He has even started an association of beachcombers and ocean experts,with 500 subscribers from Africa to New Zealand.They have recorded all lost objects ranging from potatoes to golf gloves.Point 4:4.He has become a famous expert in this type of research.Tip5:Use general words instead of specific(具体的)examples.概要 As a result of his work,Eb概要 1.改变词性2.近义词替代3.用概括性的词或名词性从句替代具体细节或例子Tips to make a summary brief 概要 1.改变词性Tips to make a summa概要 Ocean expert,Curtis Ebbesmeyer employs a new way to study ocean currents.He was inspired by what happened to the shoes in a shipping accident.He carried out an experiment.He turned to the beachcombers.With the data,he managed to learn a lot about patterns of ocean currents.He has become a known expert in his type of research.Main idea for each paragraph:概要 Ocean expert,Curtis Ebb Ocean expert,Curtis Ebbesmeyer employs a new way to study ocean currents.He was inspired by what happened to the shoes in a shipping accident.He carried out an experiment.He turned to the beachcombers.With the data,he managed to learn a lot about patterns of ocean currents.He has become a known expert in his type of research.Brief;Complete;Correct;Coherent;No copyingCombine sentences by using phrases 合并句子连贯 Ocean expert,Curtis Eb概要 1.He was determined to get an iPhone SE.He did not mind waiting for hours.2.She was attracted by the beauty of nature.She decided to spend another two days on the farm.3.I have tons of homework to do every day.I hardly have any time to hang out with friends.Exercise:Sentences combining 概要 1.He was determined to get概要 Ocean expert,Curtis Ebbesmeyer employs a new way to study ocean currents.He was inspired by what happened to the shoes in a shipping accident.He carried out an experiment.He turned to the beachcombers.With the data,he managed to learn a lot about patterns of ocean currents.He has become a known expert in his type of research.Step 3:Individual workCombine sentences by using phrases 合并句子概要 Ocean expert,Curtis Ebbesm概要 Curtis Ebbesmeyer,an ocean expert,adopts a new way to study ocean currents.Inspired by what happened to the shoes in a ship accident,he turned to the beachcombers and gathered convincing information about the route the floating shoes travelled.Based on it,not only did he learn about the movement of ocean currents,he has also become a famous expert in this type of research.The study(why and how)P2-3The resultP4Topic sentenceP1A possible version 分词的使用替换概要 Curtis Ebbesmeyer,an oceanTips for rewriting:Tips for rewriting:Practice for rewriting:1.Opinions about whether high school students should open micro blogs vary from person to person.2.Some parents are in favor of this activity because it is a useful way to release students pressure.3.Others think that it takes a lot of time to manage ones blog and all the time should be used to study.People hold different views about whether students should open micro blogs.Some parents approve this activity for it helps relieve students stress.Others believe managing ones blog takes a lot of time,which should be used to study.Practice for rewriting:Opinio1.Give comments on your desk mates summary according to the criteria.2.Revise your summary writing according to the criteria.Homework1.Give comments on your desk 1.不是每一道江流都能入海,不是每一道江流都能入海,不流不流动的便成了死湖的便成了死湖;不是每一粒种子都能成不是每一粒种子都能成树,不生不生长的便成了空壳。生命中不是永的便成了空壳。生命中不是永远快快乐,也不是永也不是永远痛苦,痛苦,快快乐和痛苦是相生相成的。和痛苦是相生相成的。2.在快在快乐中我中我们要感要感谢生命,生命,在痛苦中我在痛苦中我们也要感也要感谢生命。愿你生命中有生命。愿你生命中有够多的云翳,多的云翳,来造成一个美来造成一个美丽的黄昏。的黄昏。请孩子孩子记住住:生命的意生命的意义不在于不在于长短,生命因充短,生命因充实丰富多姿而精彩丰富多姿而精彩!3.3.每个人的童年,都是一片宽阔的原野,在这上面,你可以栽植世界上所有的花草,可以放飞所有的希望,可以撒播一生的幸福,可以荡漾一生的笑意。每个人的童年,都是一片宽阔的原野,在这上面,你可以栽植世界上所有的花草,可以放飞所有的希望,可以撒播一生的幸福,可以荡漾一生的笑意。4.它从社会生活中来,从人生体验中来。注重引导学生调动自己的生活积累,表达真情实感,鼓励学生文从字顺地表达自己对生活的理解和感受,鼓励学生自由地、有创意地表达。5.通过一节课的复习,学生对议论文的文体知识进行了温习巩固,对阅读中的常见题型有了一些了解,但在解题技巧和方法上掌握得还不是很好,应在阅读训练中进一步加强。6.在做阅读理解题时,首先要对阅读材料进行充分感知,要心平气和,带着求知明道的阅读心理去阅读。7.要想使学生在议论文阅读方面取得成绩,就必须培养学生的阅读理解能力、准确答题的能力。只要学生持之以恒,严格要求自己,使自己养成好的习惯,就一定能取得好成绩。8.放弃春日的百花争艳,才有了腊梅洁白傲骨的情怀;放弃溪间的恬淡幽雅,才有了瀑布一泻千里的壮观。生命在于追求,在追求中彰显自我的价值,而生命还有它精彩的另一面:勇于放弃,去实现更远大的理想,去创造更加绚烂的辉煌!1.不是每一道江流都能入海,不流动的便成了死湖;不是每一


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