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Warming upWhat can you see in the video?Review these words.raincoatn.雨衣雨衣north n.adj.北方(的)北方(的)temperaturen.温度温度fall v.倒下,落下倒下,落下dry adj.干的干的asas像像一样一样dustyadj.满是沙尘的满是沙尘的forget v.忘记忘记low adj.低的低的light adj.少量的,软微的少量的,软微的bring v.拿来拿来umbrellan.雨伞雨伞reachv.达到达到thunderstormn.雷暴雷暴neithernor既不既不 也不也不carefuladj.小心的,仔细的小心的,仔细的high adj.高的高的ListeningListen to the text and think about the questions:1.Do you know the following signs?2.Do you know how to say temperatures?HarbinBeijingZhengzhouShanghaiChangshaSanyaHigh:11CLow:2CHigh:25CLow:15CHigh:23CLow:14CHigh:26CLow:19CHigh:25CLow:17CHigh:35CLow:26CSnowyRainySunnyCloudyThunderstormWindyExpressionsCelsius和Centigrade都是摄氏度的意思。前者是以瑞典物理学家、天文学家摄尔修斯(AndersCelsius,17011744)的名字命名。后者指以百分度作为分度的温度测量单位。表示温度时没有分别,比较传统的说法就是,标准大气压下,以纯冰、纯水和水蒸气,三者平衡共存时的温度作为0度,水的沸点为100度。DegreeCelsiusselsisC DegreeCentigrade ItisApril,butitisstillcoldinthenorth.ItisgoingtosnowinHarbintoday.Thetemperaturecanbeaslowas2C.Beijingisquitedrytoday.Itiswindyanddusty.AlightrainisgoingtofallonZhengzhouthisafternoon,sowhenyougoout,dontforgettobringyourraincoatorumbrella.TheweatherinShanghaiisfinetoday.Itissunnyanditisnothot.AndinChangshaitiscloudy.Itisneithertoohotnortoocold.IfyougotoSanyatoday,becareful.Therewillbeathunderstorm.Alsoitisveryhotthere.Thehightemperaturewillreach35C.Fast ReadingTrue or false.1.Now it is summer.2.There is no rain or snow today in Harbin.3.Beijing is dusty today.F FT4.It is warm in Shanghai today.TFast Reading Choose the best answer.1.In spring it is still _ in the north of China.A.warm B.cold C.sunnyB4.Sanya is going to have a _ today.A.rain B.thunderstorm C.windB3.Shanghai has _ sunshine today.A.a lot of B.little C.noA2.It is _ in Beijing today.A.rainy B.cloudy C.windyCFast Reading Read the text again and answer the questions.1.Is it going to be fine in Harbin today?No,it is going to snow.2.What is the weather like in Shanghai today?It is fine in Shanghai.It is sunny and it is not too hot.3.Is it cold in Changsha today?No,it is neither too hot nor too cold.4.Whats the high temperature in Sanya?The high temperature in Sanya is 35.Careful Reading Complete the weather report according to the text.It is 1)_ to snow in Harbin today.The2)_ may reach as low as 2C.Beijing will be windy and 3)_.It is going to rain in Zhengzhou this afternoon.The 4)_ in Shanghai is fine today.And the weather in Changsha is the best.Though it is 5)_,it is neither too hot 6)_ too cold.There will be a 7)_ in Sanya.Also it is very hot there,and the temperature might be as 8)_ as 35C.goingtemperaturedustyweathercloudynorthunderstormhighCareful Reading warm windy hot cool comfortable cold sunny foggy cloudy almost no wind a lot of snow little rain much rainDescribe the weather in your hometown.SpringSummerAutumnWinterGroup workGroup work1.My hometown is _.2.You need to bring your umbrella in _ because it is much rain.3.It is(not)very hot in summer.4.The high temperature will reach _.5.The winter is(not)cold.6.The temperature can be as low as _.7._ is a best season.It is neither too hot nor too cold.8.Youll feel comfortable.The following may be helpful:Homework1.Read the text again.2.Memorize the words and expressions.


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