unit3Lastweekend课件 (2)课件

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Unit 3 Last Weekend?Period I Part A By:Guo MingzheFrom:Qinji Primary SchoolTeaching goals(教学目标教学目标)Talking about their last weekends activities.Learning and mastering five new phrases:watched TV,cleaned the room,visited my grandparents,played football and washed clothes.Important and difficult points(重、难点重、难点).With these phrases,talking about our own weekends activities.Part A Lets learnwatched TVwashed the clothescleaned the roomplayed footballvisited grandparentsvisited grandparentsplayed footballwatched TV cleaned the roomwashed the clothes Who is the best?动词原形动词原形 动词过去式动词过去式 wash watch play visit cleanwashed watched played visitedcleanedJohn:What did you do last weekend?Wu:I played football.How about you?John:I visited my grandparents.Wu:Did you help them clean their room?John:Yes,I did./No,I didnt.分小组采访你的好朋友,用上本节课学习的过分小组采访你的好朋友,用上本节课学习的过去式短语,分别介绍自己的上周末活动去式短语,分别介绍自己的上周末活动,然后然后填写下表,填写下表,比一比谁的周末活动最精彩比一比谁的周末活动最精彩。Interview:Pairwork(小组活动)小组活动)What did you do last weekend?I.Report:Last weekend,xxx washed clothes,xxx xxx And I NameActivitiesI XX washed clothes XX XX Make a survey about what your friends or your parents did last weekend?(调查你的朋友或父母亲调查你的朋友或父母亲,他他们上周末做了什么们上周末做了什么?)?)制作:秦集小学 郭明哲版权所有版权所有,违者必究违者必究Tel;0710-8741281Tel;0710-8741281蓝星工作室蓝星工作室 2009-04-132009-04-13


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