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2024-2025学年第一学期期中检测试题五年级英语听力部分(40分)一、听单词,从每小题所给的A B C中选出你所听到的单词,并将答案序号填在题前括号内。每个单词读两遍。(10分)( )1. A. met B. wet C. pet ( )2. A. boat B. coat C. wait( )3. A. twenty B. thirty C. sixty ( )4. A. wait B. weekend C. walk( )5. A. list B. lost C. lots ( )6. A. cheese B. chess C. first ( )7. A. arrive B. mountain C. along ( )8. A .well B. wall C. where( )9. A. matter B. argue C. pair( )10. A. all B. ball C. bottle 二、听单词或短语, 从题中选出你所听到的单词或短语对应的图片,并将答案标号写在题号下面的方框内。每个单词或短语读两遍。(5分) A B C D E题号1112131415三、听句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的句子,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。(10分)( )16 A. We came back last Sunday.B. We came back last Saturday. C. I came back last Sunday.( )17. A. I ran to the bus.B. I walked to the bus.C. She walked to the bus.( )18 A. How much milk did you buy?B. How much juice did you buy?C. How much water did you buy? ( )19 A. Where did you go?B. What did you do?C. How did you go ?( )20 A. How many apples do you want? B. How many pears do you want?C. How many bananas do you want?四、听句子,从每小题所给的ABC三个选项中选出你所听到的句子的恰当答语,并将答案序号写在题前括号内。每个句子听两遍。(5分)( )21. A. Last Sunday. B. Park. C. I played football .( )22. A. Six . B. Six bottles . C. One kilo. ( )23. A. Yes, I do . B . Yes, I did . C. No, I dont . ( )24. A. I lost my cap. B. She lost her cap. C .He lost his cap.( )25. A . I watched TV. B. I went to the park . C. I went by bus.五、听录音,推断所听内容与哪一幅图相对应,并将答案标号写在题号下面的方框内。每句话读两遍。(10分) A B C D E题号2627282930答案 笔试部分(60分) 笔试部分:(共八大题,满分60分)一、选出不同类的一项,把标号写在题前括号内。(共5小题,每小题1分)( )1. A. tea B. coffee C.food D.milk( )2. A. floor B. crayon C. wear D.list( )3. A. swam B. took C. eat D.met( )4. A. thirsty B. thirty C. forty D.sixty( )5. A.banana B. orange C. plant D.pear二、单项填空。(共5小题,每小题1分) 从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。( ) 1. 1. -Where did you go?- _.A. I bought apples. B. I went to the park. C. By train. ( ) 2. - Whats the matter with you?- A.I lost my pen. B. Thank you! C. OK! ( ) 3. How_ cheese did you buy? A. much B. many C. are( ) 4. They took photos _the mountains. A. with B. of C. for ( ) 5. 4.-Did you walk to school yesterday? -_.A Yes, I did. B No, I dont. C. No, I did.三、 选择配伍。(共5小题,每小题1分)从栏中找出栏句子的恰当答语,并将答案序号写在题前括号内。 ( ) 1. When did you come back ? A. I went to the park.( ) 2. Whats the matter with Sam? B. He lost his bag. ( ) 3. Where did you go ? . C. We came back yesterday.( ) 4. Did you wash Linglings T-shirt? D. Four.( ) 5. How many apples did you buy? E. No, I didnt.四、看图推断图文是否一样,一样的打“”,不一样的打“”。(共5小题,每小题1分)1. I bought some bananas. ( ) 2. We visited the London Eye. ( ) 3. She bought new trousers for Daming. ( ) 4. Your T-shirts are on the line. ( ) 5. Its fifteen. ( ) 五、补全对话,将序号写在横线上。(10分)A. On the school bus.B. Is it your pen?C. Whats the matter with you?D. Youre welcome.E. What color is it?A: _1_ B: I lost my pen.A: Where did you lose it?B: _2_A: _3_B: Its yellow.A: _4_B: Yes, it is. Thank you.A:_5_六、连词成句。(共5小题,每小题2分)1. much, cheese, How, did,buy,you (?)2. minutes, It, us, took, hour , one, twenty,and (.)3. He , it, to, wants,wear (.)4. There, crayons, only, are, nineteen (.)5. you, be , team, want, football,our,in,to,do (?) 七、阅读理解,推断正(T)误(F)。(共5小题,每小题2分) It was Saturday yesterday. Sam, Amy and Lingling went to the park. There were lots of people. Some girls danced. Some boys rowed a boat on the lake. Amy and Lingling saw many beautiful flowers. Where was Sam? Oh, he met John. He played football with John. What a lovely day.( ) 1. Sam, Amy and Daming went to the park yesterday.( ) 2.Its Sunday today.( ) 3.Some girls rowed a boat on the lake.( ) 4.Lingling saw many beautiful flowers. ( ) 5.Sam played with Daming.八、周末生活是好玩的、丰富多彩的。请写出两句,你的周末生活。(每句2.5分,共10分)五年级英语第1页(共4页) 五年级英语第2页(共4页)


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