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1.interesting(反义词反义词)_ 2.2.busy(反义词反义词)_3.difficult(反义词反义词)_ 4.A.M.(反义词反义词)_5.在星期五在星期五 _ 6.在九点钟在九点钟 _ 7.上科学课上科学课 _ 8.上历史课上历史课 _freeeasyP.M.boring按要求写出正确的单词或句子。按要求写出正确的单词或句子。at ninehave historyRevisionhave scienceon Friday9.从从 到到 _ 10.在那之后在那之后 _11.上一节美术课上一节美术课 _12.两个小时长两个小时长 _ 13.我的课在我的课在3:30结束。结束。_14.老师说数学很有用。老师说数学很有用。_have an art lessonfor two hoursMy class finishes at 3:30.The teacher says math is useful.fromto after that Try to retell the letter in 2b.Dear Jenny,I am very busy on Friday.TimeSub/ActDescriptionsAt 8:00mathNot fun,useful,difficultAt 9:00scienceDifficult but interestingAt 10:00history-At 11:00P.E.Easy and fun12:00 to 1:00lunch-After thatChineseMrs.Wang,great fun2:00 to 4:00Art Really relaxingReading3aNumber these parts of an e-mail message1-3.I have P.E.at 1:00.P.E.is fun.Then at 2:00 I have math.It is boring.At 3:00.I have art.It is cool.Lets meet on Saturday.Is that OK with you?DaleHi Mei Ling,Thank you for your e-mail.I want to meet you on Friday afternoon,but I am really busy.123Fill in the schedule below for your classes on Friday.Writing3bFridayTimeSubjects8:00 to 8:509:00 to 9:5010:00 to 10:5011:00 to 11:5012:00 to 2:002:00 to 2:503:00 to 3:504:00 to 4:50ChinesemathEnglishP.E.lunch and rest(休息休息)geographyartsportsWrite an e-mail message to a friend about your Friday._Writing3cSelf CheckAdd more words in each box.1DescriptionsSchool subjectsDays of the weekinterestingEnglishMondaydifficultmathuseful ChineseTuesdayrelaxingartWednesdayfun P.E.Thursdayboringhistory FridaycoolcomputerSaturday1._ is your favorite subject?_2._ do you like it?_3._ is your music teacher?_4._ is your math class?_Self CheckComplete the questions with what,when,who or why.Then answer the questions.2What WhyMy favorite subject is music.Because its easy and fun.WhoMs.Wang.When Its on Monday,Tuesday,Thursday and Friday.One possible version:Dear Linda,Im really busy on Friday.At 8:00,I have Chinese.Its my favorite subject.Its very interesting.I have math at 9:00.I dont like math because its too difficult.At 10:00,I have history.My history teacher is great fun.After that,I have P.E.Its really relaxing!Lunch time is from 12:00 to 2:00.Then at 2:00,I have geography.At 3:00,I have anart lesson.Its great,easy and interesting!Classes finish at 3:50,after that I have sports for an hour.I think its cool!Please tell me about your school life.Eric假如你是爱伦,你的朋友玛丽约你星期四下假如你是爱伦,你的朋友玛丽约你星期四下午见面,但是你午见面,但是你星期四下午星期四下午太忙,不能去。太忙,不能去。星期五下午可以。请你根据下表格的内容写星期五下午可以。请你根据下表格的内容写一封一封e-maile-mail告诉她。告诉她。HomeworkThursday afternoon2:00-2:50historyboring3:00-3:50geographydifficult,useful4:00-4:50an art lessoneasy and fun5:00-6:00basketball game great fun一、写出下列词组或句型一、写出下列词组或句型。1.在一点钟在一点钟 _ 2.2.上体育课上体育课 _ 3.上数学课上数学课 _ 4.在星期六在星期六 _5.在星期五下午在星期五下午 _ 6.上一节美术课上一节美术课 _at 1:00have P.E.have mathon SaturdayExerciseson Friday afternoonhave an art lesson7.想要做某事想要做某事 _ 8.音乐老师音乐老师 _9.对某人来说合适对某人来说合适 _ 10.为为而谢谢你而谢谢你 _11.11.你的数学课在什么时候?你的数学课在什么时候?12._want to do sthmusic teacherbe OK with sbThank you for When is your math class?二、单项选择。二、单项选择。1.I cant play with you _ Im very busy now.A.but B.because C.and 2.Sandras favorite _ are Saturday and Sunday.A.days B.subjects C.sports 3.We have P.E.and art _ Friday afternoon.A.at B.on C.in BAB4.Eric usually plays soccer _ three hours at school in afternoon.A.for B.in C.at 5.Jane doesnt like English because its _.A.relaxing B.interesting C.difficult AC三、选词填空。三、选词填空。1._ is your favorite teacher?Miss Fang.2._ is Janes favorite subject?History.3.P.E.is my favorite subject _ its fun.4.I think science is difficult _ interesting.5._ does your son like Beijing Opera?He thinks its very interesting.6.School usually _ at 4:00 P.M.7._ Green has a daughter and a son.butWhatbecauseWhowhat,who,why,because,but,finish,Mrs.WhyMrs.finishes四、完成下面句子四、完成下面句子1.His history teacher is Mr.Hu._ _ his history teacher?2.She likes P.E.because its relaxing._ _ she like P.E.?3.We have music on Tuesday and Wednesday._ _ you have P.E.?4.Lindas favorite subject is art._ _ Lindas favorite subject?5.She has an art lesson from 4:00 to 5:00 today.=She has an a rt lesson _ _ _ today.Who is Why doesWhen do What isfor an hour五、连词成句五、连词成句1.dads,whats,your,sport,favorite _?2.color,favorite,his,purple,mothers,is _.3.favorite,who,teacher,is,Peters _?4.like,why,does,he,science,math,and _?5.math,I,think,but,is,useful,difficult _.Whats your dads favorite sportHis mothers favorite color is purpleWho is Peters favorite teacherWhy does he like math and scienceI think math is useful but difficult六、六、根据答语写出相应的问句。根据答语写出相应的问句。1._?My favorite subject is English.2._?My English teacher is Mrs.Li.3._?Because music is very relaxing.4._?Her favorite food is ice cream.5._?Because he thinks P.E.is fun.Whats your favorite subjectWhy do you like musicWho is your English teacherWhats her favorite foodWhy does he like P.E.Frank:Do you like math best,Mary?Mary:1._Frank:2._Mary:Science.Frank:3._Mary:Because its very interesting.Frank:Who is your science teacher?Mary:4._Frank:When do you have science?Mary:5._七、读对话,选择合适的选项。七、读对话,选择合适的选项。CEDBAA.We usually have science on Monday.B.Miss Smith is our science teacher.C.No,I dont.D.Why do you like science?E.Whats your favorite subject?1.want to do sth 是固定用法,意为是固定用法,意为“想要做某想要做某 事事”,do 表示动词的原形。如:表示动词的原形。如:I want to finish my homework at 6:00.我想在六点钟完成作业。我想在六点钟完成作业。Bob wants to buy a new computer.鲍勃想买一台新电脑。鲍勃想买一台新电脑。2.Is that OK with you?对你来说合适吗?对你来说合适吗?be OK with sb 意为意为“对某人来说是合适的对某人来说是合适的”Is the time OK with Linda?对琳达来说时间合适吗?对琳达来说时间合适吗?Explanation写作指导:写作指导:这是一篇有关介绍学校生活的电子邮件,这是一篇有关介绍学校生活的电子邮件,应应根据根据3b表格的信息来写。此外,应注意电子邮表格的信息来写。此外,应注意电子邮件的格式,应有开头的称呼,及结尾的署名。件的格式,应有开头的称呼,及结尾的署名。写作时可能用到的句型有:写作时可能用到的句型有:1.Thanks for your e-mail.谢谢你的邮件。谢谢你的邮件。2.Its Friday today.Im really busy./Im really busy on Friday 今天是星期五。我很忙。今天是星期五。我很忙。3.I have classes in the morning and in the afternoon.上午我有上午我有节课,下午节课,下午节课。节课。4.At,I have.Then at,I have.Next,在在点,我上点,我上。然后在。然后在点。点。接下来接下来。5.class is from to.课从课从到到 。6.After that,I have for 之后,我上之后,我上 课课时间。时间。7.is my favorite subject.是我最喜欢的科目是我最喜欢的科目8.I like/dont like it because its.我喜欢我喜欢/不喜欢它,因为它是不喜欢它,因为它是。9.I think its 我想它是我想它是的。的。10.Please tell me about your school life.请告诉我你的学校生活。请告诉我你的学校生活。


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