unit21 (2)课件

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Unit 2 Is this your pencil?Section A Period One Whats this/that in English?eraserpencilpencil sharpenerpencil casepencil-boxbackpackdictionarybookLook and learn:Look and learn:eraserConversations:Yes,it is.Its my backpack.Is this your backpack?Is this your book?No,it isnt.Its his book.Is that your pen?Yes,it is.Its my pen.Is that your pencil case?No,it isnt.Its her pencil case.This is a pencil.Is this a pencilThis is my pencil.Is this your pencilYes,it is.No,it isnt.Is this your pencil?Yes,it is.Is this your pencil?No,it isnt.Its her ruler.Is this _(you)pencil?Yes,_ _.yourit isIs this _(I)book?No,_ _.This is _(you)book.myit isntyourIs _ _(he)book?_,it is.thishisYes_that _ (she)sweater?_,it isnt.IsherNohis-her/yourIs this your _?Is that his _?Is this her _?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.fbgedahiListen and number the conversations 1-3.A:Is this your pencil?B:Yes,it is.Its my pencil.A:Is that your backpack?B:No,it isnt.Its his backpack.1 A:Is this your ruler?B:No,it isnt.Its her ruler.23 A guessing gameWhats that?Is that a/an?Its her eraser.Is this Is this youryour eraser?eraser?No,it isnt.No,it isnt.A guessing gameWhats that?Is that a/an?Its his backpack.Is that Is that youryour backpack?backpack?No,it isnt.No,it isnt.


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