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Lesson 5 Babysitting on a Spring Day1.Does your family need a babysitter?Why or why not?2.Have you ever been a babysitter?If yes,when?If no,why not?babysitter n.临时保姆临时保姆babysit v.照顾婴儿照顾婴儿playground n.操场操场;运动场;运动场push v.&n.推;按下推;按下bar n.栏;门闩;酒吧栏;门闩;酒吧 swing v.(swung/swung)荡秋千;摇摆荡秋千;摇摆 n.秋千秋千 Translate the phrases into English.1.在操场上在操场上 2.抓紧抓紧 3.爬上爬上 4.爬下爬下 5.秋千上秋千上 6.上车上车 7.下车下车 8.草地上草地上 on the playgroundhold on climb up climb down on the swing get on get off on the grass 在空白处填入适当的单词。在空白处填入适当的单词。1.This is the _(one)time I have 2.been a teacher.2.Dont climb the _(climb)bars,its too high.3.He gave you too many _(push),let me _(push)you.4.Its time to stop _(talk),the teacher is coming.5.Thank you for _(hold)on the chair for me.first climbingpushespushtalkingholdingFill in the blanks with proper forms.(the guiding paper)1.babysitter2.push3.Shall4.instead adv.相反地相反地5.rabbitRead the lesson and answer the questions.1.Who is Danny taking care of?2.Is it Dannys second time babysitting?3.What activities does Debbie like?4.Why does Danny fall asleep on the grass?Debbie.No,it isnt.Its Dannys first time babysitting.She loves swings.Because he is tired and hot.v.照顾婴儿;当临时保姆照顾婴儿;当临时保姆n.栏,门闩,酒吧栏,门闩,酒吧adv.代替;更换代替;更换v.&n.推;按下推;按下n.足球足球v.&aux.将;会将;会babysitbarinsteadpushsoccershallRead and fill in the blanks.Danny _ babysitting his cousin Debbie _ the playground.Brain is _ them.“Thank you for _ me at the playground today,Brain,”says Danny.“This is the _ time I have been a babysitter.”“Youre welcome,”says Brain.“But _ is Debbie?”Danny turns _.Debbie is _ the climbing bars.She has climbed _ very high.isonwithhelpingfirstwherearoundonup “Hold on,Debbie!Dont fall off!Danny runs _ Debbie.“Come down,please!”he says.“I want to climb _!”says Debbie.“_,Debbie,”says Brain.“Youre too high._ we play _ the swing?Danny will push you.”“Okay!”says Debbie.“I love swings!”She climbs down.She runs _ the swing and climbs _.tohigherCome downShallontoon “Push me,Danny!Push me high on the swing!”she says.Danny gives her a _.“Give me _ pushes,”Debbie laughs.“Can I give you a push,Debbie?”asks Brain.“No!”she says.“I want Danny!”Danny is _.He is _.“Its time _ stop swinging,Debbie.”pushmoretiredhotto Debbie _ the swing.“Lets run!”she says.“_ play catch.Or soccer!_ basketball?Lets play!”“I know a good game,”says Danny.“Lets play _ the grass.”“Shall we look at the clouds,Debbie?”“Great!That one looks like a big,jumping rabbit!I want to jump,too”“zzzzzz”“Come on,Danny!Danny?”gets offLetsWhat aboutlie onPut the paragraphs in the correct order.,the Babysitter丹尼,照看婴儿的人丹尼,照看婴儿的人babysitter n.临时保姆,照顾婴儿的人。临时保姆,照顾婴儿的人。其动词形式是其动词形式是babysit,意为,意为“临时替人照临时替人照看婴儿;照顾婴儿看婴儿;照顾婴儿”。动词的现在分词形。动词的现在分词形式式应双写应双写t加加ing babysittingIm going to babysit my sister on Sunday,so Im a babysitter that day.星期天我要照星期天我要照顾我妹妹,因此那天我是临时保姆。顾我妹妹,因此那天我是临时保姆。This is my first time babysitting.这是我第一次做临时保姆。这是我第一次做临时保姆。1.This is ones first time doing sth.此时正在做的事此时正在做的事2.This is ones first time to do sth.准备要做的事准备要做的事Danny turns around.丹尼转过身来。丹尼转过身来。turn around 转身转身 turn in 上交;交出上交;交出 turn to 转到;翻到转到;翻到 turn off 关(电器,煤气、自来水等)关(电器,煤气、自来水等)turn into 变成变成 turn on 开;旋开(电灯、无线电等)开;旋开(电灯、无线电等)turn against 背叛背叛 turn over 把翻过来把翻过来 turn green 变绿变绿Danny runs to Debbie.丹尼向着戴比跑过去。丹尼向着戴比跑过去。run to 跑向跑向He ran to the tall tree.他向那棵大树跑去。他向那棵大树跑去。The boy ran to me and said.那男孩跑到我跟前说。那男孩跑到我跟前说。run after 追逐;追赶追逐;追赶 run away 跑掉;跑掉;走掉走掉 run back over 回顾;回想回顾;回想 run into 和相撞;无意间碰到和相撞;无意间碰到 run out of 用完用完“Come down,please!”he says.“请下来!请下来!”他说。他说。come down“下来下来”,其反义词是,其反义词是go up“上去上去”come along 快点;来吧快点;来吧 come back 回回来;回到来;回到 come from 来自来自 come in 进进来来 come out 出来出来 come up 走过来;走过来;走近走近Come this way,please.请这边走。请这边走。Danny gives her a push.丹尼推她一下。丹尼推她一下。give sb.a push 推某人一下推某人一下push v.&n.“推推”,其反义词是,其反义词是pull(拉)。(拉)。You push the cart and Ill pull it.你推车,我来拉。你推车,我来拉。push harder 用点儿劲推用点儿劲推push to the front of the line挤到队伍的前面挤到队伍的前面Its time to stop swinging,Debbie.该停止荡秋千了,戴比。该停止荡秋千了,戴比。Its time to do sth.是干某事的时候了,该是干某事的时候了,该干某事了。干某事了。Its time for sb.to do sth.某人该干某事了;某人该干某事了;是某人干某事的时候了。是某人干某事的时候了。Its time for+n.该干某事了。如:该干某事了。如:Its time to get up.该起床了。该起床了。Its time for me to go to school.我该上学了。我该上学了。Its time for supper.该吃晚饭了。该吃晚饭了。Danny gets off the swing.戴比从秋千上下来。戴比从秋千上下来。get off 下来;从下来;从上下来。其反义词上下来。其反义词是是get on。如:。如:Dont get off before the bus stops.车停下来之前不要下车。车停下来之前不要下车。Who got off the bus?谁从车上下去了?谁从车上下去了?That one looks like a big,jumping,rabbit!那一块看上去像个大的、跳动的兔子。那一块看上去像个大的、跳动的兔子。look like“看起来像看起来像”。其中的。其中的like是介是介词,意为词,意为“像像”,其后跟名词或代词。,其后跟名词或代词。如:如:The girl looks like her mother.那女孩看上去像她妈妈。那女孩看上去像她妈妈。It looks like a big tree.它看上去像一棵大树。它看上去像一棵大树。Come on,Danny!来啊,丹尼!来啊,丹尼!Come on,用于祈使句,表示劝说、激用于祈使句,表示劝说、激励、不耐烦等,表示励、不耐烦等,表示“快点;快来快点;快来”。如:如:Come on!Well be late for school.快一点,我们要迟到了。快一点,我们要迟到了。Come on!Li Ming.加油!李明。加油!李明。


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