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1Look! A big dog!Dont be . Its very kind.AfunnyBhealthyCnew Dafraid2Hows your _ at school?Great!I like the teachers and students there.AhomeworkBdictionaryCcenterDlife3_ a football match between Class 3 and Class 4 tomorrow afternoon.AThere will beBThere is going to haveCThere has DThere is4Will you watch TV this evening?Yes. There _ a good football match on CCTV-5.Awill haveBis going to haveCis going toDwill be5Now children, turn to Page _ and look at the _ picture in Unit 1.AFifth, oneBFive, oneCFifth, firstDFive, first6Lucy and Lily are sitting in the _ while mother is cooking for them in the _.Akitchen; gardenBliving room; kitchenCflat; balconyDsitting room; bathroom7The _ of the park is 60,000 square metres.AnumberBareaCage Dprice8My school is very small, _ I like it very much.AbutBandCorDbecause9I want to _ how many students like game shows in my class.AlookBlook forCfind Dfind out10I want _ the story telling club and the swimming club.A/BjoinCjoiningDto join11 Why do you like eating fish during the Spring Festival?Because fish _ like “surplus”(盈余) in Chinese. We hope to get more in a new year.AfeelsBtastesCsoundsDlooks12The lady _ an important meeting because she had to take care of her daughter.AinvitedBmissedCheldDfollowed13Mum, Im _ hungry. Can you give me another hamburger?AstillBonceConlyDalmost14Mary wants to be a teacher someday. She tries her best to _ her dream.ArealizeBinventCbuildDmove15I want to be a policeman. Its my _.AhabitBdreamCstory Djob16There is no bridge over the river, but we can _ it by boat.AcleanBrunCdraw Dcross17Sallys father _ goes to work late.Yes, he gets up early every day.AalwaysBreallyCneverDusually18You work so hard. I think your dream can _ some day.A. come trueB. come outC. come overD. come in19Why is your room tidy?Because I _ it every day.AcleanBmakeCwrite Dread20We have to cross the river, Bob. Are you _?No, Im not. I cross it every day.AhealthyBafraidCfreeDbusy21I think her dream of being a teacher can _.Ahave funBget upCcome trueDcome on22Can I swim in the river? No, you cant. Its not _ to swim in it.AcoolBsafeCimportantDfun23The weather report says it will be sunny tomorrow._. I am going to go climbing with my classmates.ANo way BI think soCOf course not DI hope so24Do you see my _? I need it to open the door.Dont worry. Ill help you find it.ArulerBjacketCkey Dpencil25I dont play computer games. Its _ for me.AboringBfunCgood Drelaxing26There is _ meat in the fridge.Well, we can buy some next week.AlittleBa littleCfewDa few27Whats in the room?There _ two tables and a bed in it.AisBareChaveDhas28There _ a meeting next weekend.Ais going to haveBis going to beCwill haveDhas293-D printing(打印) could be used to build a house in less than 24 hours.It _ interesting. Its my first time to get to know this.AsmellsBsoundsClooksDtastes30Which of the underlined letter has a different sound?AwriteBlifeClittleDdrive31Im 12 years old and I like Chinese.My cousin is _ 12 years old. She likes Chinese, _.Aalso, alsoBalso, tooCtoo, too Dtoo, also32At half _ seven, she has breakfast _ her parents.Ato; andBpast; withCof; byDto; with33There is _ with the washing machine. It doesnt work.Asomething wrongBwrong somethingCanything wrongDwrong anything34He doesnt like reading, so he _ borrows books from the library.AseldomBalwaysCusuallyDoften35Zhao Lin _ to Beijing by train often. He usually goes by subway.Adoesnt goBisnt goingCnot goes Ddont go36My sister _ play the violin well, but she_ sing well.Amust; mustntBcan; cantCcant; cantDmust; must37Look at the boys on the playground.Oh, they _ basketball. They _ a basketball match next Sunday.Aare playing, are going to haveBplay, haveCplay, will haveDplayed, had38Why are you so happy, Jim? Because there _ a basketball match between my favourite teams today.Ais going to haveBare going to beCis going to beDare going to have39I am not feeling _ these days, so I go to see a doctor.But _, you still do well in the exam.Agood; luckily Bwell; unluckilyCwell; luckilyDgood; lucky40The park is _ to my school. Its only _ walk.Anext, a five-minuteBnear, five minutesCnext, five-minutesDnear, five minutes41I cant wait _ your new design. Im looking forward to _ it.Aseeing; seeing Bto see; to seeCseeing; to see Dto see; seeing42 What do you think of Jane? Well, _ her mother, Jane _ sharing her things with others.Alikes; like Blike; likesClikes; likesDlike; like43There _ a football game on TV this evening.Awill haveBis going to beChasDare going to be44I _ have dinner too late. I have it at 5:00 p. m.AneverBusuallyCsometimesDalways45Tina doesnt eat hamburgers or rice. Because shes _ to be fat.AhappyBniceCafraidDnew46This is my _ day to be here.Aa secondBthe secondCsecondDtwo47They have a meeting _ the community centre _ every week.Aat; onBon; /Cat; / Don;on48Every student shouldnt _ the window in class.Alook out ofBlook forClook up atDlook out at49My sister works in a hospital _ his home, so he has to go to work by train.Aaway fromBnext toCfar awayDfar from50Which one of them isnt a capital city?AParis.BLondon.CNew York.DMoscow.51If you want to send a letter, where will you go?_.AThe post officeBThe restaurantCThe police stationDThe supermarket52I can _ with the kids and _ them funny stories.Atell; talkBtalk; tellCspeak; tellDtalk; say53I like art _ music, what about you?I like them, too. But I dont like soccer _ basketball.Aand; andBor; orCand; or Dor; and54Jack has _ model planes, he likes them _.Aa lot of; lots of Blots of; a lotCa lot; a lot ofDlot of; a lot55Where can we see the sign on the left _.Aat a school Bin a hat shopCin a restaurantDin a fruit shop56Tom, with his classmates, _ the windows at the moment.Ais cleaningBare cleaningCcleaning Dclean57Would you like _ with us this evening?Ato going shoppingBto go shoppingCgoing shoppingDdoing some shopping58Tom gets up late, so he eats breakfast _ and goes to school.AearlyBwellCquickly Dreally59How long does it take you to go to school on foot?It takes me half an hour _ .AwalkingBto walkCdrivingDto drive60_ do you usually go to school?At six thirty.AWhat numberBWhat timeCWhat colorDWhat sport61The river runs too quickly, so the boy is _ to cross it on the ropeway.AhappyBeasyCafraid Dhealthy62Remember _ your homework first, and then practice _ the guitar.Ato do, to playBto do, playingCdoing, to playDdoing, playing63There is _ with the fridge. It works well.Asomething wrongBnothing wrongCanything wrongDeverything wrong64Please _ the book to me when you come here tomorrow.AbringBkeepCleaveDtake65Sam, lets go and play football.Sorry, Im busy _ this math problem.Alooking for Btalking withCworking onDjoining in66When shall I come to your home, in the morning or in the afternoon?_. Ill be in all day.AEitherBNeitherCBothDAll67What should we do now, Mr. Brown?Please turn to Page _ and look at the _ picture.AFourty, ninethBForty, ninthCFortieth, nineDForty, nine68The buses to Oxford _ every half hour.AwalkBgetCrunDride69Dont _ the beginning of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.OK, I wont. I think it will be one of the best opening shows.AcatchBmissCwait Dwatch70Is your home _ the park?No, its _ the park.Afar from; closeBfar from; close toCnear; next to Dnear; close to71When having online classes, youd better _ the green trees after studying for an hour.Alook out ofBlook out atClook out fromDlook for at72New York is famous _ the “Big Apple” and is famous _ different art museums.Afor; asBas; forCas; as Dfor; for73Dont be _, the baby is sleeping, and _ the TV.Anoise; turn downBnoise; turn upCnoisy; turn downDnoisy; turn up74Most of them go to work _ because of environment protection.We should _ them.Atake the bus; hear fromBon foot; hear fromCby bike; learn fromDride bikes; learn from75What do you think of Tara?I think she is very _, she is the best singer Ive ever known.AbusyBtidyCtalented Dfunny76In the evening, I often do my homework, but _ I watch TV.Asome timesBsome timeCsometime Dsometimes77Do you _ to work?No, I go to work by bus because I have no car.AwalkBrideCdrive Drun78Jim _ computer games now, right?Yes. He _ computer games for half an hour every day.Ais playing; playsBplays; is playing Cis playing; is playingDplays; plays79I dont like basketball _ its not interesting.AandBbutCsoDbecause80Mao Yan is _ her jacket now, but she cant _ it.Alooking for; findBlooking for; look forCfinding; look forDfinding; find81David, how old is your father this year?40. And we just had a special party for his _ birthday last weekend.Athe fourteenthBthe fortiethCfourteenth Dfortieth82You can _ this book from the library, but you must _ it tomorrow.Akeep; returnBborrow; keepCreturn; keepDborrow; return83_ floor do your grandparents live _? Sorry, I dont know.AWhich; inBWhere; inCWhere; /DWhich; on84Nanjing is about 200 kilometres _ Yancheng.Aaway Baway fromCfar away fromDfar from85Do you know there _ a class meeting tomorrow afternoon?Ais going to haveBhaveCis going to be Dwill have86She works in a hospital 10 kilometres _ her home.Afar away fromBfar awayCaway from Daway87There _ two curling (冰壶) matches on TV tonight.Excellent! I cant wait.Ais going to beBwill beCis going to haveDwill have88It takes Shu Ling about twenty minutes _ her English homework every day.AdoBdoingCdoesDto do89I hope there _ rain tomorrow because Ill go to the park to enjoy cherry blossoms.Ato be noBwont have muchCto be notDwont be much90He _ me his name yesterday, but I cant remember it now.AtellsBtellingCtellDtold91_ news! Our class will go to Peking University for a _ visit.AWhat an excited; two daysBWhat excited; two daysCWhat an exciting; two-dayDWhat exciting; two-day92 Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the museum?_ along the road, and turn left _ the second turning, the museum is beside the post station.ATo walk; onBWalking; onCWalk; at DTo walking; at93_ books are there on the bookshelf?More than 300.AHow muchBHow oftenCHow manyDHow long94How do you like _ magazine with _ “h” on Page 1?Oh, its really interesting.Athe; aBthe; anCa; anDa; a95Shanghai is _ the south of Jiangsu and _ the east of China.Aon; toBin; toCto; inDon; on96Each of the ants _, and elephants each have no bones in the back of their feet.Asmell things wellBsmells things wellCsmell things goodDsmells things good97Washing machines make our lives _.Amore easierBmuch more easyCmuch easierDmuch easy98Be careful _ your things. Dont lose them.AtoBwithCforDon99Using some beautiful words can make a _ to your writing.AplanBprojectCdifferenceDnoise100Please remember _ the book to Mike.I remember _ it back to him the day before yesterday.Agiving; to give Bgiving; givingCto give; to give Dto give; giving参考答案1D【详解】句意:看一只大狗。不要害怕。它很友善。考查形容词辨析。funny有趣的;healthy健康的;new新的;afraid害怕的。根据“Its very kind”可知此处是“安抚对方别害怕”。故选D。2D【详解】句意:你校园生活怎么样?很好!我喜欢那里的老师和学生。考查名词辨析。homework 作业;dictionary字典;center中心;life生活。根据“Great!I like the teachers and students there.”喜欢那里的师生;可知此处指“校园生活”。故选D。3A【详解】句意:明天下午三班和四班将有一场足球赛。考查there be的一般将来时。根据“tomorrow afternoon”以及选项可知,此处是There be句型的一般将来时,结构为:There will be或There is/are going to be,结合选项,故选A。4D【详解】句意:今天晚上你会看电视吗? 是的,在中央电视台5套有一场足球赛。考查there be的一般将来时。结合语境可知,要用there be的一般将来时,用there will be或者there is going to be,结合选项,所以用will be。故选D。5D【详解】句意:现在,孩子们,将书翻到第5页,并且,看第一单元中的第一张图片。考查数词的用法。根据第一空前的“Page”可知,此处满足编号的表达法,编号的表达法为“名词+基数词”,并且名词和基数词都需要大写,所以,Five符合题意;根据“the.picture”可知,第二空需填入序数词,即first符合题意。故选D。6B【详解】句意:露西和莉莉正坐在客厅里,妈妈正在厨房给他们做饭。考查名词辨析。kitchen厨房;garden花园;living room客厅;flat公寓;balcony阳台;sitting room客厅;bathroom浴室。此题可以从第二空入手,根据“cooking”可知做饭应该是在厨房,应用kitchen,故选B。7B【详解】句意:公园的面积为60000平方米。考查名词辨析。number数字;area面积;age年龄;price价格。60,000 square metres指面积。故选B。8A【详解】句意:我的学校很小,但是我非常喜欢它。考查连词辨析。but但是;and并且;or或者;because因为。根据“My school is very small.I like it very much.”可知,前句和后句是转折关系,应用but,故选A。9D【详解】句意:我想知道班上有多少学生喜欢游戏节目。考查词义辨析。look看;look for寻找;find发现;find out查明,弄清。此处指查明班上有多少人喜欢游戏节目,应用find out。故选D。10D【详解】句意:我想加入讲故事俱乐部和游泳俱乐部。考查非谓语动词。want to do sth“想要做某事”,可知填不定式。故选D。11C【详解】句意:你们为什么在春节期间喜欢吃鱼?因为在中文里鱼听起来像“余”。我们都希望年年有余。考查动词辨析。feels感觉;tastes品尝;sounds听起来;looks看。根据“fish _ like “surplus”(盈余) in Chinese”可知此处表达鱼听起来像“余”。故选C。12B【详解】句意:这个女士错过了一个重要的会议,因为她不得不照顾她的女儿。考查动词辨析。invited邀请;missed错过;held举办;followed跟随。根据“she had to take care of her daughter”她不得不照顾她的女儿,可知她错过了会议,故选B。13A【详解】句意:妈妈,我仍然饿,你能给再给我一个汉堡包吗?考查副词辨析。still仍然;once曾经;only只,仅仅;almost几乎。根据“Can you give me another hamburger”可知我没有吃饱,现在仍然饿。故选A。14A【详解】句意:玛丽希望有一天能成为一名教师。她尽力实现自己的梦想。考查动词辨析。realize实现;invent发明;build建造;move移动。空格后为名词“dream”,此处应用动词realize搭配,意为“实现梦想”。故选A。15B【详解】句意:我想成为一名警察。这是我的梦想。考查名词辨析。habit习惯;dream梦想;story故事;job工作。根据“I want to be a policeman”可知,想成为警察,所以这是梦想,故选B。16D【详解】句意:河上没有桥,但我们可以乘船过去。考查动词辨析。clean打扫;run跑;draw画;cross穿过。根据“There is no bridge over the river”可知,此处是指乘船过河。故选D。17C【详解】句意:萨莉的父亲上班从不迟到。是的,他每天起得很早。考查副词辨析。always总是;really真地;never从不;usually通常。根据“he gets up early”可知他每天早上早起,所以从不迟到。故选C。18A【详解】句意:你工作太努力了。我想你的梦想总有一天会实现。考查动词短语。come true实现;come out出版;come over过来;come in进来。根据“your dream”可知,此处指实现梦想。故选A。19A【详解】句意:为什么你的房间很整洁?因为我每天都打扫。考查动词辨析。clean打扫;make制作;write写;read阅读。根据“Why is your room tidy?”可知对方的房间很整洁,故可推断,“每天打扫”是整洁的原因。故选A。20B【详解】句意:我们必须过河,鲍勃。你害怕吗?不,我不害怕。我每天都过河。考查形容词辨析。healthy健康的;afraid害怕的;free空闲的;busy忙碌的。根据“We have to cross the river, Bob.”及“No, Im not.”可知,此处是询问鲍勃过河害不害怕。故选B。21C【详解】句意:我认为她成为一个老师的梦想可以实现。考查动词短语辨析。have fun玩得开心;get up起床;come true实现;come on加油,快点。根据“her dream of being a teacher can.”可知,是实现当老师的梦想。故选C。22B【详解】句意:我能在河里游泳吗?不,你不能。在河里游泳不安全。考查形容词辨析。cool凉爽的;safe安全的;important重要的;fun有趣的。根据常识可知,在河里游泳是不安全的。故选B。23D【详解】句意:天气预报说明天是晴天。我希望如此。我打算和我的同学一起去爬山。考查情景交际。No way没门;I think so我想是的;Of course not当然不是;I hope so我希望如此。根据“I am going to go climbing with my classmates.”可知,“我”打算去爬山,所以希望明天是晴天。故选D。24C【详解】句意:你看见我的钥匙吗?我需要它开门。不要担心。让我帮助你找。考查名词辨析。ruler尺子;jacket夹克衫;key钥匙;pencil铅笔。根据“I need it to open the door”可知需要钥匙开门。故选C。25A【详解】句意:我不玩电脑游戏。这对我来说很无聊。考查形容词辨析。boring无聊的;fun有乐趣的;good好的;relaxing放松的。根据“I dont play computer games”可知,不玩电脑游戏,说明很无聊,故选A。26A【详解】句意:冰箱里几乎没有肉了。嗯,下周我们可以买一些。考查代词辨析。little几乎没有,修饰不可数名词;a little一点,修饰不可数名词;few几乎没有,修饰可数名词复数;a few几个,修饰可数名词复数。meat是不可数名词,排除CD;根据“we can buy some.”可知冰箱里没有肉了,所以要去买一些。故选A。27B【详解】句意:房间里有什么?里面有两张桌子和一张床。考查there be句型。there be“有”,不能与have或has一起连用。且要遵循“就近原则”,根据two tables可知,be动词用are,故选B。28B【详解】句意:下周末将有一个会议。考查there be的一般将来时结构。根据“next weekend”可知,此处用there be的一般将来时结构there will be或there is/are going to be,故选B。29B【详解】句意:3-D打印技术可以在24小时内建造一座房子。听起来很有趣。这是我第一次知道这些。考查动词辨析。smells闻起来;sounds听起来;looks看起来;tastes尝起来。根据“3-D printing(打印) could be used to build a house in less than 24 hours.”可知,说的内容听起来很有趣,故选B。30C【详解】句意:哪个带下划线的字母发音不同?考查字母音标。write/rat/;life/laf/;little/ltl/;drive/drav/。根据音标可知,C选项的带下划线的字母发音和其他选项不同,发音为/。故选C。31B【详解】句意:我12岁了,我喜欢中文。我表妹也12岁了。她也喜欢中文。考查副词辨析。also也,常用于肯定句的句中;too也,常用于肯定句的句末,一般用逗号隔开。第一空是位于句中,应用also;第二空位于句末,应用too,故选B。32B【详解】句意:在七点半,她和父母吃早饭。考查介词辨析。to到;and和;past过;with和;of的;by通过。half past seven“七点半”;根据“has breakfast.her parents”可知是和她父母吃早饭,用介词with。故选B。33A【详解】句意:这台洗衣机出问题了。它不工作。考查复合不定代词。根据“There is.with the washing machine.”可知,此处是肯定句,用something,可排除CD选项;形容词和复合不定代词放在一起时,形容词位于复合不定代词后面。故选A。34A【详解】句意:他不喜欢读书,所以他很少从图书馆借书。考查副词辨析。seldom很少;always总是;usually通常;often经常。根据“He doesnt like reading”可知不喜欢读书的人,应该很少从图书馆借书。故选A。35A【详解】句意:赵林不经常乘火车去北京。他通常乘地铁去。考查动词时态。根据“often”可知,此句为一般现在时,主语“Zhao Lin”为第三人称单数,故动词要用其第三人称单数形式,故排除D项。根据“He usually goes by subway.”可知,第一句表达否定的含义。go“去”,其否定需要前加助动词doesnt。故选A。36B【详解】句意:我妹妹小提琴拉得很好,但她唱歌不好。考查情态动词。must必须;can能够;cant不能;mustnt禁止。根据“play the violin well”可知,第一空表示能力,应用情态动词can。第二空but转折,应用否定cant,故选B。37A【详解】句意:看操场上的男孩们。哦,他们在打篮球。下星期天他们将举行一场篮球赛。考查动词时态。根据“Look at the boys on the playground.”可知男孩们正在打篮球,第一空应用现在进行时,排除BCD,故选A。38C【详解】句意:Jim,你为什么这么开心?因为今天我最喜欢的球队之间将有一场篮球赛。考查there be结构的将来时。此处是there be结构的将来时there be going to be;根据“a basketball match”可知此处be动词用is。故选C。39C【详解】句意:这些天我感觉不舒服,所以我去看医生了。但幸运的是,你在考试中仍然考得很好。考查词义辨析。good好的,形容词;well好地,副词;表示“身体健康的”时,为形容词。第一空表示身体不舒服,应用well。luckily幸运地,副词;unluckily不幸地,副词;lucky幸运的,形容词。根据“you still do well in the exam.”可知,考试考得好是幸运的,此处应用副词修饰整个句子。故选C。40A【详解】句意:公园在我的学校旁边。步行只需五分钟。考查介词辨析。next to紧邻。第一个空用next to,指公园在我的学校旁边,排除BD;第二个空用带连字符的five-minute作定语,指步行只需五分钟。故选A。41D【详解】句意:我等不及要看你的新设计了。我很期待看到它。考查非谓语动词。第一个空是:cant wait to do sth.“迫不及待地做某事”,需用动词不定式,排除A和C;第二个空是:look forward to doing sth.“期盼


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