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01单项选择1.(2020浙江温州)6Little Mary says good night to her parents_ she goes to bed every day.Aif Buntil Cbefore Dunless2.(2020贵州铜仁)29. - Work hard,_ your dream will come true.-Well. 1 will do my best.A. So B. but C. and D. or3.(2020贵州黔东南州)24_ Jane_ her brother is going to the movies this weekend. One of them has to stay at home to look after their sick mother.ANeither; nor BEither; orCBoth; and DNot only; but also4.(2020贵州黔西南州)23. The Chinese doctors went to Italy to help the patients_they knew it was dangerous.A. becauseB. ifC. thoughD. as soon as5.(2020贵州黔西南州)32.Mary doesnt like fishchickenBen doesnt like fish,he likes chicken very much.A. and; but B.or; butC.or, and D.and;or6.(2020山东滨州)8I think I am the shyest in my class. What should I do?Be more active in class, _ you can improve your ability to express yourself.Aso that Bunless Cor Dalthough7.(2020重庆A)29. Nobody can hear you _you speak in a louder voice.A. unless. IfC. whenD. after8.(2020四川甘孜州)5Get up early, _ you will miss your train.Aor Band Cbut9.(2020四川甘孜州)10I waited _ they finished talking.Auntil Bif Cbecause10.(2020四川自贡)8Do you know the traffic rules?Sure, one of them is that we cant go across the street _ the light is green.Awhen Buntil Cafter11.(2020四川广元)10_ you keep moving, youll never reach the top of the mountain.AIf BAlthough CUnless12.(2020黑龙江哈尔滨)15Tim, our foreign teacher Ms. Green will go back to England next week.Really? Lets have a party to say goodbye to her _ she is free this weekend.Aunless Bif Cthough13.(2020黑龙江牡丹江)10Restaurants must stop offering free plastic bags in Beijing _ customers ask for them.Asince Bunless Cbecause14.(2020黑龙江牡丹江)14Who went to the graduation party last night, Mary?Almost everyone did. _ lots of students _ Ms. Wang appeared at the party.ANot only; but also BNeither; nor CEither; or15.(2020北京)3Wash your hands before meals, _ you may get ill.Aand Bbut Cor Dso16.(2020贵州安顺)5Even if we learn something well, we will forget it _ we use it.Awhile Buntil Cunless17.(2020安徽)8Our English teacher is nice and patientshe is very strict with us.Aif Bas Cunless Dthough18.(2020黑龙江绥化市)3Mike and Jims room is tidy, _ their sisters not.Abut Band Cor19.(2020湖南湘西)4How time flies! The middle school life is coming to an end.Yes. We have to say goodbye, _ our friendship will last forever.Aand Bbut Cor20.(2020湖南益阳)6You can surf the Internet _ you want to know more about the 2020 World Middle School Games.Aif Balthough Cuntil21.(2020湖南岳阳)4The movie Nezha is_ educational _ I want to see it again.Aso; that Bsuch; that Ctoo; to22.(2020江苏南京)1We still know little about the Moon _ men have landed on it.Aif Bsince Calthough DBecause23.(2020江苏苏州)8Check what you have written _ you hand in your application form.Asince Bbefore Cafter Dwhile24.(2020辽宁丹东)9I dont like Sun Cinema _ it has bad service.Abecause Balthough Cunless Duntil25.(2020辽宁丹东)15Im afraid we cant work out the math problem_the teacher helps us.Thats true. Its too difficult.Aif Bunless Cbecause Das soon as26.(2020辽宁营口)15The clever boy called 120 _ his mother fell down in the kitchen.Aalthough Bas soon as Cas long as Duntil27.(2020山西)4Swimming is, of course, interesting. But _ we plan to go swimming, being safe must come first.Athough Bwhen Cunless28.(2020山东青岛)7In Chinese families, people wont start dinner _ the elders take their seats.Aafter Bwhen Cbecause Duntil29.(2020四川乐山)6Peter, would you like to go shopping with me?Id love to, _ I have to finish my homework first.Aso Band Cbut30.(2020江西)3It was great in the end _ we had a terrible time at the beginning.Aif Bunless Cwhen Dalthough31.(2020海南)17President Xi encourages all Chinese people to plant trees_ our country can be greener and more beautiful.Aso that Bas long as Ceven though32.(2020云南)13Excuse me. Where is the nearest hotel?Just go down this road _ you see a library. Its across from it.Auntil Bbecause Chowever Dthough33.(2020吉林)7Work hard, _ you will get good grades.Aor Bbut Cand34.(2020湖北黄冈)7 Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? Either. _ tea _ coffee are my favorite.ANot only;but also BBoth;and CNeither;nor DEither;or 35.(2020湖北孝感)8We will make fewer mistakes _ we are careful enough.Aas long as Bso that Cas far as Deven if36.(2020湖北宜昌)2What do you feel _ you are looking through the old pictures?How time flies!Abecause Bthough Cwhile Dunless37.(2020甘肃天水)32They didnt go home _ they finished their work.Abecause Bwhere Cuntil Dwhile38.(2020江苏镇江)3My parents gave red packets to my cousin every Spring Festival_ she got a job, because she said she was able to make money.Aafter Bwhen Cuntil Dsince39.(2020江苏盐城)5Love from parents is like the wind-you cant see ityou can feel it.Aand Bor Cbut Dso40.(2020上海)42Which club do you prefer to join,the chess club_the dancing club?Aso Bbut Cor Dfor41.(2020上海)43Vivian will take her daughter to the amusement park_she gets the ticketsAif Buntil Calthough Dunless42.(2020福建)11In some cities of China, youll get fined _ you dont walk along the crosswalk while crossing the road.Aif Bthough Cuntil43.(2020甘肃武威)8You will feel cold _ you dont wear a coat.Aso Bthough Cif Dunless44.(2020广西北部湾)3The boy is not very tall, _ he runs very fast.Aand Bso Cbut Dor45.(2020内蒙古包头)9She says that shell have to close the restaurant _ business improves.Aif Bafter Cunless Dwhen46.(2020内蒙古包头)14Its not easy to change habits, _ with strong will and self-control, it is possible.Afor Bor Cbut Dso47.(2020云南昆明)8We will never see Kobe play another basketball game, _we will always remember him.Abecause Bunless Cbut Dif48.(2020湖北襄阳)1 Its said that Zhou Jielun will hold a concert next month in Xiangyang. Im sure the fans will be happy _ its true.Auntil Balthough Cbefore Dif49.(2020湖北恩施)8We were not good friends _we saw each other, but gradually, we got along better and better.Auntil Bwhen Cif50.(2020湖北黄石)14I heard a young fireman lost his life in the big fire.What a pity! _I dont know who he is, I know who he is for. He is our hero forever.ABut BSo CAlthough DBecause51.(2020江苏泰州)10I will volunteer for a two-day home stay for an exchange student from the UK. I consider it a good chance to show Chinese food_our kindness.Aas well as Bso well as Cas good as Dso good as52.(2020江苏泰州)11Father is too tired today. Dont call him _ it is necessary.Aif Bunless Cwhen Dwhether53.(2020江苏扬州)7Lucy held her head up like a queen_ Bill was telling his tale.Aafter Bbefore Cwhile Duntil54.(2020江苏徐州)3Give me a chance, _I will give you a wonderful surprise.Aor Band Cbut Dso55.(2020江苏徐州)8Were not very close friends_ weve known each other for a long time.Auntil Balthough Cas Dif56.(2020江苏淮安)12Our school basketball team will win the next match _ they practise more.Aif Bbefore Cthough Dwhile57.(2020江苏南通)5Max got lost and was trapped in the forest for 10 hours _ a farmer nearby found him.Aif Bsince Cuntil Dafter58.(2020江苏无锡)9I think the coffee beans are from Brazil, _ Im not completely sure.Abecause Bsince Cthough Dwhether59.(2020四川成都)6Labor(劳动)education is important for students development.Yes. _schools put it into practice, students will be more independent and helpful.AWhile BUnless CIf60.(2020四川成都)8Life is like a horse, and _ you ride it _it rides you.Aeither; or Bneither; nor Cboth; and61.(2020四川泸州)9Did you catch the first bus to school this morning?No I didnt. It had started moving _I could get on it.Aafter Bsince Cbefore Das soon as62.(2020四川攀枝花)8My parents are crazy about Running Man. How about your parents?_my dad_ my mom likes it. They are interested in The Voice of China.ANot only; but also BBoth; and CEither; or DNeither; nor63.(2020黑龙江龙东地区)6Ive tasted lots of delicious food, _ what I like best is the dishes _ by Mum.Aand;cooking Bbut;cooked Cor;to cook 64.(2020山东日照)6_ the traffic was heavy, we still got to the railway station on time.AAs BUnless CWhen DAlthough65.(2020山东东营)11_ he is dead, Kobe Bryants spirit will continue to influence us.AIf BUntil CBecause DAlthough66.(2020山东东营)16Many students hated to have classes on DingTalk, _ they gave it one-star reviews(评价).Aso Bor Cbut Dwhile67.(2020山东临沂)22. We will cause less pollution _we can find ways to reuse or recycle more rubbish.A. unlessB. ifC. though68.(2020辽宁沈阳)8_ Simon has done well in his studies, he still works really hard.ASince BIf CAlthough DUnless69.(2020辽宁铁岭葫芦岛)6_ she is very young, she can take good care of herself.AIf BUnless CSince DAlthough70.(2020湖南郴州)3We should protect the environment _ we can make a better world to live in.Aso that Beven though Cas soon as71.(2020湖南长沙)6_ you have problems, just let me know. Ill always be there for you.AHowever BWhatever CWhenever72.(2020湖南长沙)8_ the outbreak of COVID-19 is a terrible blow to the country, the government is trying hard to bring the situation under control.AAlthough BIf CUnless73.(2020湖南邵阳)6Dont forget to protect your eyes well_ you take online classes.OK. Thank you, Sir.Aif Bthough Cas if74.(2020江苏常州)2Millies research paper isnt up to standard_ she has worked at it for two weeks.Asince Bunless Cif Dalthough75.(2020广西梧州)11Which book do you prefer, Harry Potter or Treasure Island?Harry Potter, of course, _I _ my sister likes it.ABoth; and BNeither; norCNot; but DNot only; but also76.(2020辽宁大连)11 He was so tired that he fell asleep _he went to bed.Aas if Beven though Cever since Das soon as77.(2020辽宁大连)16Miss Zhao is very helpful. She often helps us _we are in trouble.Awhether Balthough Cwhenever Dhowever78.(2020广西柳州)5Susan _Tina are good friends.Aor Band Cbut79.(2020贵州毕节)5Would you like to play table tennis with me this afternoon?Id like to. _ Im afraid I have no time.ASo BOr CBut DAnd80.(2020辽宁阜新)11Cooking is an interesting lesson and we can make different dishes _ we like.Aif Bafter Cthough Dso81.(2020山东莱芜)6Youd better make a good planyou take a holiday.Abefore Bduring Cuntil Dafter82.(2020内蒙古呼和浩特)7A break between classes is very important for students because it _helps with students health by doing sports _improves their social skills by communicating with their classmates.Atoo; to Beither; or Cneither; nor Dnot only; but also83.(2020天津)10Youd better tidy up your room _ your father comes back.Aso Bor Cbefore Dbut84.(2020广西桂林)10The young men all shouted “Happy New Year” _it was twelve oclock.Aafter Bas soon as Cif85.(2020广西玉林)9Michael, shall we go hiking in the mountains next Sunday?OK, _it rains heavily.Awhen Buntil Cunless Dif86.(2020广西百色)7_you smile at others, they will smile back.AIf BSo COr DThough87.(2020湖南株洲)8_he was poor himself, he tried his best to help the people in need.ABecause BThough CAfter88.(2020西藏)29You must make sure your mask (口罩) is clean _ you put it on.Abefore Bafter Csince Dwhere89.(2020四川巴中)2Alice can sing some English songs, _ she cant play the guitar.Aand Bbut Cor Dfor90.(2020山东济南)12Whats the key to success, Dad?More time and hard work, _ youll make it one day.Aand Balthough Cbut Dor02填空1.(2020浙江杭州)48Theyve been good friends s_ they were little kids.2.(2020浙江杭州)51A _ the traffic was heavy, we got to the railway station on time.3.(2020浙江宁波)48_ (无论什么) difficulties you meet, never give up easily.4.(2020四川南充)60. We should neither feed the animalsntouch them in the zoo.5.(2020湖南常德)14(1分)I like dogstheyre friendly and smart6.(2020湖南常德)18(1分)you go to the party, youll have a good time7.(2020湖南永州)41The Yangtze is the longest river in China, _ the Amazon is longer than it.8.(2020黑龙江牡丹江)75_ (不管) its summer or winter, Mudanjiang is a good place to take a holiday.9.(2020四川眉山)43Its dinner time. Im wondering w_ to have Chinese food or Western food.10.(2020湖北荆门)51W_ you like India food, Western food or Japanese food, youll find it all in Singapore!11.(2020江苏镇江)44Every Monday, we watch the raising of the national flag in the playground_(除非) it rains.12.(2020广东广州)54U_you work hard, you will not succeed.13.(2020广西贵港)45I think she is e_ a Canadian or a German,but I am not sure.14.(2020江苏扬州)53_ I get in trouble, I ask Grandma to come over for dinner. (无论何时)15.(2020江苏无锡)39I wont let you in _(除非) you can provide a proper ID单项选择:1.【答案】C【解析】句意:小玛丽每天睡觉前都会跟父母说晚安。考查连词辨析。if如果;until直到;before在之前;unless除非。根据句中“says good night to her parents”和“she goes to bed”可知,此处是“睡觉之前向父母说晚安”。故选C。2.【答案】C【解析】句意:努力奋斗,然后你的梦想就会实现。好的,我会尽力的。努力的结果是梦想实现,祈使句+and + 陈述句;固定句型,表示如果做到了祈使句表示的事情,就会有后面句子表示的结果;so,因此,表因果,but,但是,表转折,or,或者,表选择,与题目不符,不选,故答案选C。3.【答案】B【解析】句意:简或者她哥哥这周末要去看电影,他们中的一个不得不待在家照顾他们生病的母亲。考查连词辨析。Neithernor(两者中)既不也不;Eitheror表示两者之一,或者或者,要么要么;Bothand两者都;Not onlybut also不仅而且。根据句中“One of them has to stay at home to look after their sick mother.”可知,他们中只能有一个人去看电影,所以此处使用eitheror。故选B。4.【答案】C【解析】句意:尽管中国医生知道这样做很危险,他们还是去了意大利帮助病人。考查从属连词辨析。because因为,引导原因状语从句;if如果,引导条件状语从句;though虽然、尽管、即使,引导让步状语从句;as soon as一就,引导时间状语从句。根据语境“中国医生去意大利帮助病人,_他们知道这很危险”可知,前后句之间存在一种相反的让步关系,所以though符合句意,故答案选C。5.【答案】B【解析】句意:Mary不喜欢鱼肉和鸡肉。Ben不喜欢鱼肉,但他非常喜欢鸡肉。考查连词辨析。and和,表示并列关系时,用于肯定句中;but但是,表示转折关系;or在并列结构中,通常用于否定句,表示“和”。第一个空,fish和chicken为并列关系,本句为否定句,用or连接;第二个空,前后句之间表示的是转折关系,所以用but连接;故答案选B。6.【答案】A【解析】句意:我觉得我是班上最害羞的。我该怎么办?在课堂上更加活跃,以便你就可以提高你表达自己的能力。考查so that引导的目的状语从句。so that以便,引导目的状语从句;unless除非,引导条件状语从句;or或者,表并列;although尽管,引导让步状语从句。分析句子可知,此处表示“在课堂上更加活跃,以便你就可以提高你表达自己的能力”,强调目的,故选A。7.【答案】A【解析】句意:除非你说话声音大一点,否则没人能听见。考查连词辨析。unless除非;if如果,是否;when当时候;after在之后。根据句意可知如果不大声些说话,则没人能够听到,所以这里用连词“除非”unless引导条件状语从句,故选A。8.【答案】A【解析】句意:早点起床,否则你会错过火车。考查并列连词。or否则,and并且,but但是。根据前文是祈使句,可知构成固定句式“祈使句+or+陈述句”,or后接不好的结果,故选A。9.【答案】A【解析】句意:我一直等到他们谈完了。考查连词辨析。until直到为止;if如果;because因为。根据题意“我等待着_他们谈完了”,结合选项可知此处是说一直等到他们谈完,用until符合题意。故选A。10.【答案】B【解析】句意:你知道交通规则吗?当然,其中之一就是直到绿灯亮了我们才能过马路。考查连词辨析。when当时候;until直到;after在之后。根据句中cant可知,此处使用until,not until直到才,此处表示“直到绿灯亮了我们才能过马路”。故选B。11.【答案】C【解析】句意:除非你一直保持前行,否则你决不会到达山的顶端。考查连词。if如果;although尽管;unless除非。“you keep moving”表达的是条件,此处用unless引导条件状语从句,表示“除非,如果不”,相当于If you dont keep moving。故选C。12.【答案】B【解析】句意:蒂姆,我们的外教老师格林小姐下周要回英国了。真的吗? 如果她这个周末有空的话,让我们举行一个聚会来向她告别吧。考查从属连词的辨析。unless除非;if如果;though虽然。根据句意可知,“she is free this weekend”是“have a party to say goodbye to her”的假设条件,这里是if引导的条件状语从句,故选B。13.【答案】B【解析】句意:北京的餐厅必须停止提供免费塑料袋,除非顾客要求。考查连词辨析。since自从;unless除非;because因为。根据Restaurants must stop offering free plastic bags in Beijing及customers ask for them,可知,除非顾客主动要,否则北京的餐厅不可以提供免费塑料袋,后文表条件,所以空格处填引导条件状语从句的连词unless。故选B。14.【答案】A【解析】句意:玛丽,昨晚的毕业聚会谁去了?几乎每个人都去了。不但有很多学生而且王女士也出现在聚会上。考查连词。not onlybut also不但而且;neithernor既不也不;eitheror要么要么。根据“Almost everyone did”可知此处“lots of students”和“Ms. Wang”二者都包括,用not onlybut also来连接。故选A。15.【答案】C【解析】句意:饭前洗手,否则你可能会生病的。本题考查连词。and而且,but但是,or否则,so所以。结合句意,“饭前不洗手”是“你可能会生病”的条件,故选C。16.【答案】C【解析】句意:即使我们学得很好,除非我们使用它,否则我们也会忘记。考查unless引导的条件状语从句。while当时;until直到;unless除非。分析句子可知,此处表示“即使我们学得很好,除非我们使用它,否则我们也会忘记”的含义,是unless引导的条件状语从句,强调“除非”,其他两项语意不通。故选C。17.【答案】D【解析】句意:尽管我们的英语老师对我们很严格,但是她很好也很有耐心。考查连词辨析。if如果;as由于;unless除非;though尽管。根据句意,前文Our English teacher is nice and patient“我们的英语老师很好也很有耐心”,后文she is very strict with us“她对我们很严格”,可知,后文表让步关系,尽管她很严格,但是她很好也很有耐心,所以空格处填though。故选D。18.【答案】A【解析】句意:迈克和吉姆的房间很整洁,但是他们妹妹的房间不整洁。考查连词辨析。but但是;and和;or或者。根据Mike and Jims room is tidy“迈克和吉姆的房间很整洁”及their sisters not“他们妹妹的房间不整洁”,可知,两句之间是转折关系,所以空格处填but。故选A。19.【答案】B【解析】句意:时间过得真快啊!中学生活即将结束。是的。我们不得不说再见,但我们的友谊会天长地久。考查连词辨析。and和;but但是;or否则。空前句意“我们不得不说再见”,空后句意“我的的友谊会天长地久”,句意出现转折,用but表转折。故选B。20.【答案】A【解析】句意:如果你想知道更多关于2020年世界中学运动会的信息,你可以上网。考查连词辨析。if如果,引导条件状语从句;although尽管,引导让步状语从句;until直到为止,引导时间状语从句。空前讲“你可以上网”,空后讲“你想知道更多关于2020年世界中学运动会的信息”,空后是空前动作进行的条件,用if引导条件状语从句。故选A。21.【答案】A【解析】句意:哪吒这部电影是如此的有教育意义以至于我想再看一遍。考查连词辨析。sothat和suchthat都是“如此以至于”的意思,so后修饰形容词或副词,句型是so+形容词或副词+that从句;such后修饰名词,句型是:such a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+that从句或such+形容词+可数名词复数或不可数名词+that从句;tooto这一结构意为“太以至于不能”,后面跟动词原形,题目中第二个空后是句子,因此C不对;第一个空后educational是形容词,应用sothat结构,故选A。22.【答案】C【解析】句意:虽然人类已经登上月球,但我们对月球仍然知之甚少。考查连词。if如果;since自以来;although虽然;because因为;根据句意理解及句中的still可知,这里表达的是“虽然”,故选C。23.【答案】B【解析】句意:在递交申请表之前,先检查你所写的。考查从属连词辨析。since自从;before在之前;after在之后;while当时候,根据句意,可知应在递交申请表之前,先检查下你所填写的,所以用before,故选B。24.【答案】A【解析】句意:我不喜欢太阳电影院,因为它的服务不好。考查连词。because因为;although尽管;unless除非;until直到才。根据句意及句子结构,空格后的句子是前面句子的原因,故空格处应填入表原因的连词because,引导原因状语从句,故选A。25.【答案】B【解析】句意:如果老师不帮助我们,恐怕我们解不出这道数学题。那是真的。它太难了。考查连词辨析。if如果;是否;unless除非,如果不;because因为;as soon as一就。根据句意“Its too difficult”可知,这个数学题很难,因此这里表示“如果没有老师帮助,就不会”,应用unless引导条件状语从句。故选B。26.【答案】B【解析】句意:妈妈一摔倒在厨房里,这个聪明的男孩就叫了120。考查连词辨析。although尽管;as soon as一就;as long as只要;until直到。根据The clever boy called 120及his mother fell down in the kitchen,可知,男孩的妈妈一摔倒,他就叫了120,强调两个动作几乎同时发生,所以空格处填as soon as。故选B。27.【答案】B【解析】句意:游泳当然很有趣。但是当我们计划去游泳时,安全必须放在第一位。考查连词辨析。though尽管;when当时;unless除非。根据题意“_我们计划去游泳,安全必须放在第一位”,结合选项可知此处用when符合题意,在句中引导时间状语从句。故选B。28.【答案】D【解析】句意:在中国家庭里,人们直到老人们坐下才开始吃饭。考查连词。after在之后;when在时候;because因为;until直到。根据“wont start dinner”可知句子使用“notuntil”的结构,此处表示“直到老人们坐下才开始吃饭”,用until。故选D。29.【答案】C【解析】句意:皮特,你想要和我一起去购物么?我想要去,但是我不得不首先完成我的家庭作业。考查连词。so因此;and和;but但是。根据“I have to finish my homework first”可知后面句子表示转折,用连词but表示“但是”。故选C。30.【答案】D【解析】句意:虽然一开始我们很糟糕,但最后还是很棒的。考查连词辨析。if如果;unless除非,如果不;when当时候;although虽然,尽管。根据句意可知,空前“It was great”与空后“we had a terrible time”是转折关系,这里应用although引导让步状语从句。故选D。31.【答案】A【解析】句意:习主席鼓励所有中国人植树造林,以使我们的国家更绿、更美丽。考查连词辨析。so that以便,为了,引导目的状语从句;as long as只要,引导条件状语从句;even though即使,引导让步状语从句。根据语境可知,习主席鼓励我们植树造林的目的是为了让我们的国家更加绿色、更加美丽,故空格后半句表目的,应用so that引导目的状语从句。故选A。32.【答案】A【解析】句意:很抱歉打扰,最近的酒店在哪?只需要从这条路往下走直到你看到一个图书馆。酒店在它对面。考查连词。until直到;because因为;however然而;though尽管。此处是时间状语,表示“直到”用连词until引导时间状语从句。故选A。33.【答案】C【解析】句意:工作努力,这样你就会得到好的成绩。考查连词。or否则;but但是;and和。逗号前后的句子是顺承关系,用连词and。故选C。34.【答案】B【解析】句意:茶和咖啡,你更喜欢哪一个? 两者任意一个都可以。茶和咖啡都是我的最爱。考查连词。A. Not only;but also不仅而且;B. Both;and两者都;C. Neither;nor两者都不;D. Either;or或者或者。根据上文Either和本句中谓语are提示,空格处应填入意为“两者都”的连词。故选B。35.【答案】A【解析】句意:只要我们足够细心,我们就会少犯错误。考查连词辨析。as long as只要;so that以便;as far as直到;even if尽管。空前讲“我们将会犯更少错误”,空后讲“我们足够细心”,细心是少犯错误的条件,结合选项可知要用as long as引导条件状语从句。故选A。36.【答案】C【解析】句意:你翻看这些旧照片时有什么感觉?时间过得真快啊!考查连词辨析。because因为;though尽管;while当时候;unless除非。根据答句“How time flies!”感慨时间过得快,可推出是问看旧照片时的感觉,用while引导时间状语从句。故选C。37.【答案】C【解析】句意:他们直到完成工作才回家。考查从属连词辨析。because因为;where在的地方;until直到;while当时候,由否定形式“didnt”和句意,可知本句用句型notuntil,这种否定形式表达的意思是“直


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