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全品作业本八年级下册新 课 标(W Y)本课件仅供交流学习使用,严禁用于任何商业用途。英语Module8Timeoff模块自我综合评价八Module8Timeoff模块自我综合评价八.单项选择单项选择(20分分)()1.He allows me_ swimming with him.Ago Bgoing Cwent Dto goD 解析解析 allow sb.to do sth.allow sb.to do sth.意为意为“允许某人做某事允许某人做某事”。模块自我综合评价八()2.Speak louder,please!I can _ hear you.Ausually Bhardly Calmost DnearlyB模块自我综合评价八()3.The movie is _ wonderful _ I want to see it again.Atoo;to Bso;that Cas;as Dso;asB 解析解析 tooto tooto意为意为“太太而不能而不能”,tootoo后接形容词原级,后接形容词原级,toto后接动后接动词原形;词原形;sosothatthat意为意为“如此如此以至于以至于”,soso后接形容词后接形容词/副词原级,副词原级,thatthat后接句子;后接句子;asasasas意为意为“和和一样一样”,第一个,第一个asas后接形容词原级,第后接形容词原级,第二个二个asas后接名词或代词;后接名词或代词;soassoas意为意为“和和一样一样”,用法同,用法同asasasas,常,常用于否定句。第二个空后是一个句子,故用用于否定句。第二个空后是一个句子,故用“sothat”“sothat”结构。结构。模块自我综合评价八()4.Dont_ much time on computer games.Asave Bwaste Cdrink Duse B模块自我综合评价八()5.Many young people work hard because theyre _ for success.Athirsty Bfamous Ctired DfullA 解析解析 be thirsty for sth.be thirsty for sth.意为意为“渴望某事渴望某事”。模块自我综合评价八()6.I hope you _ my party next weekend.OK,I _ Ato come to;will Bcome to;can Ccan come to;am Dcan come to;willD模块自我综合评价八()7.Welcome to my city and Ill_ the sights of my home town for you.Afind out Blook up Cpoint out Dpull off C模块自我综合评价八()8.Mum,I have nothing to do in my free time but do homework.My dear,you should _ a hobby like drawing or taking photos.Atake up Bmake up Cset up Dput upA模块自我综合评价八()9.Your little brother has a bad cold.You neednt _ tomorrow morning.Aget up him Bwake him up Cwake up him Dget him upB 解析解析 wake sb.upwake sb.up意为意为“叫醒某人叫醒某人”。模块自我综合评价八()10.Will you be back before 10 oclock?_.The exam wont be over until eleven.A.I hope not B.Here you are C.Im afraid not D.Best wishesC 解析解析 考查交际用语。句意:考查交际用语。句意:“你你1010点前能回来吗?点前能回来吗?”“_”“_。考试直到考试直到1111点才结束。点才结束。”I hope not”I hope not意为意为“我希望不是我希望不是”;here you here you areare意为意为“给你给你”;Im afraid notIm afraid not意为意为“恐怕不能恐怕不能”;best wishesbest wishes意意为为“最好的祝愿最好的祝愿”。根据句意可知答语为。根据句意可知答语为“恐怕不能恐怕不能”。故答案为。故答案为C C。模块自我综合评价八.完形填空完形填空(30分分)Many people like travelling for their holiday.They go to _11_,seaside or forests.Some people like _12_,so they like to visit some old interesting places.In many countries,the travel agency(旅行社旅行社)can help you _13_ your holiday.You can tell the travel agency what kind of _14_ you like,how much _15_ you want to spend,and the travel agency will give you a lot of information about where to go,how _16_ there,模块自我综合评价八where to stay,and what kind of activities you can do there._17_ the holidays is _18_“package holiday”.That is,you just _19_ the money for the travel agency,and it will plan _20_ for you:the ticket for the train or plane,the hotel,the activities,and so on.模块自我综合评价八()11.A.schools B.shops C.hills D.the Great Wall()12.A.history B.music C.country D.time()13.A.plan B.planned C.plans D.planning()14.A.plane B.holiday C.train D.city()15.A.water B.day C.food D.moneyCAABD模块自我综合评价八()16.A.get B.to get C.getting D.got()17.A.Both B.All C.One of D.Every one of()18.A.call B.calling C.calls D.called()19.A.take B.pay C.cost D.have()20.A.everything B.nothing C.anything D.somethingBCDBA模块自我综合评价八.阅读理解阅读理解(12分分)Do you enjoy travelling and eating?If your answer is yes,youll surely love visiting Macau(澳门澳门),a place full of culture and beauty.Join us on our exciting twoday tour!Our tour begins at the Ruins of St.Pauls.A fire burned this famous church many years ago,but one wall still remains.Tourists from all over the world come to visit it.模块自我综合评价八Next,well visit the Museum of Macau,which shows you the history and tradition of the city.You should miss none of the exhibitions(展品展品)!They are all amazing!After that,well go to Macau Tower,the 10th tallest tower in the world.This is certainly the best place to see the city.模块自我综合评价八The next day,well enjoy many of the best foods of Macau.Anyone who has visited Macau will tell the food is hard to keep from enjoying!One of the places well take you to is Lord Stows Bakerynobody should miss the egg tarts there!Finally,well end our tour at Nam Van Lake,where well watch an excellent laser(激光激光)show.Come and join our tour!Theres something for everyone in Macau!模块自我综合评价八主旨大意主旨大意本文是一篇关于澳门之旅的说明文。作者介绍了澳本文是一篇关于澳门之旅的说明文。作者介绍了澳门的名胜古迹及可享用美食的地方。门的名胜古迹及可享用美食的地方。模块自我综合评价八()21.The best title of the text would be“_”AHistory of Macau BA visit to Macau CPeople in MacauB模块自我综合评价八()22.If you want to know the history and tradition of Macau,you can go to _ Athe Museum of Macau BLord Stows Bakery CSt.Pauls ChurchA模块自我综合评价八()23.The writer thinks the food in Macau _ Ais easy to cook Bis hard to enjoy Cis liked by almost everyone 解析解析 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段的第二句推理判断题。根据倒数第三段的第二句“Anyone who has visited“Anyone who has visited Macau will tell the food is hard to keep from enjoyingMacau will tell the food is hard to keep from enjoying!”可知选可知选C C。C模块自我综合评价八()24.From the text,we know that we can _ at Nam Van Lake.Asee the whole city Bstart the tour Cwatch a wonderful showC模块自我综合评价八.任务型阅读任务型阅读(10分分)Dear Rick,Im writing this letter on the bus.(1)on,school,I,home,am,my,from,way(.)I am very happy.My fathers given me some good news!My family and I will fly to the UK this summer.We will stay for four weeks.(2)Well visit lots of different cities so that we can see as much as possible.模块自我综合评价八 (3)Last summer,we visit Australia.It wasnt a good trip.While we were travelling,we had an accident and my mother was hurt.We returned home immediately.Now she is fine.Write to me soon!Yours,Becky模块自我综合评价八根据短文内容,完成下列各题。根据短文内容,完成下列各题。25将文中将文中(1)处画线内容连成句子。处画线内容连成句子。(标点符号已在括号内给出标点符号已在括号内给出)_26写出文中写出文中(2)处画线句子的同义句。处画线句子的同义句。(每空限填一词每空限填一词)We will visit many different cities _ _ _ see as much as possible.I am on my way home from school.in order to模块自我综合评价八27文中文中(3)处画线句子有一处错误,改正并抄写。处画线句子有一处错误,改正并抄写。_28Who got hurt during the last travel?(回答不超过四个词回答不超过四个词)_29How will Becky and her family go to the UK this summer?(回答不超过四个词回答不超过四个词)_Last summer,we visited Australia.Beckys mother.By plane/air.模块自我综合评价八.用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成短文用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成短文(10分分)I went to Australia last summer.It 30._(take)me 13 hours to get there.I stayed in the country with my grandparents for one and a half 31._(month)Australia is a beautiful country.Sydney is one of the 32._(beautiful)cities in Australia.I studied there.I had different 33._(lesson)every day.We 34._(sing)the school song every Friday.tookmonthsmost beautifullessonssang模块自我综合评价八 My grandparents took me to many places on weekends.We 35._(go)to the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House.It often rains in Sydney,so Grandpa told me 36._(bring)an umbrella with me every day.One day,we went to the Blue Mountains.It 37._(rain)when we arrived.We played there in the rain.What a 38._(wonder)day!It was a 39._(real)interesting trip and I will remember it forever.wentto bringwas rainingwonderfulreally 模块自我综合评价八.书面表达书面表达(18分分)假定今天是六月十六日,星期六,天气晴朗,你和朋友去沙假定今天是六月十六日,星期六,天气晴朗,你和朋友去沙湖游玩。请你根据下面所给内容提示写一篇日记,记录本次活动湖游玩。请你根据下面所给内容提示写一篇日记,记录本次活动并简单谈谈感受。并简单谈谈感受。80词左右。词左右。内容提示:内容提示:1.到达:到达:上午九点。上午九点。2活动:活动:乘船观鸟岛,骑马,踢足球,游泳,吃午饭,唱乘船观鸟岛,骑马,踢足球,游泳,吃午饭,唱歌,做游戏。歌,做游戏。3返回:返回:下午三点。下午三点。模块自我综合评价八One possible version:Saturday,June 16 Sunny Today my friends and I went to the Sand Lake.We got there at 9:00 in the morning.And then we saw the Bird Island by boat.Next,some of us rode a horse,some played football and some went swimming.We had lunch at twelve.After lunch,we sang songs and played games together.We got back at three oclock in the afternoon.We were tired but very happy.


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