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5Module 2 My family,my friends and me5Module 2 My family,my frien1fly,fly,fly a kiteride,ride2What can you do?fly a kiteswimride a bikeskatedrawI can What can you do?fly a kiteswim3What can Peter do?He can What can Peter do?He can 4What can Sally do?She can What can Sally do?She can 5What can Tom do?He can What can Tom do?He can 6girlNO.NO.girl?NO.7irg lbirdthirstyshirtirglbirdthirstyshirt8shirtT-shirt?T-9He has .他有他有。a green T-shirt a skateboard大胆说He has .他有。a green T-s10skateskirtskateskirt11skirtshortsaskirt?shortsa?12shortsa pair of一副,一双,一条一副,一双,一条shortsa pair of一副,一双,一条13a pair of glassesshortsshoesa pair of glassesshortsshoes要连14short hairblue shoesHe has .他有他有。a pair of shorts大胆说short hairblue shoesHe has 15 long hairShe has .她有她有。a green dress long hairShe has .她有。a16dressdriverdrinkskirtdrdressdriverdrinkskirtdr17hatskirt找找看找找看shortsshirtT-shirtdressshoesbaghatskirt找找看shortsshirtT-shirtd18hatskirt找找看找找看shortsshirtT-shirtdressshoesbaghatskirt找找看shortsshirtT-shirtd19hatskirt找找看找找看shortsshirtT-shirtdressshoesbaghatskirt找找看shortsshirtT-shirtd20hatskirt找找看找找看shortsshirtT-shirtdressshoesbaghatskirt找找看shortsshirtT-shirtd21hatskirt找找看找找看shortsshirtT-shirtdressshoesbaghatskirt找找看shortsshirtT-shirtd22hatskirt找找看找找看shortsshirtT-shirtdressshoesbaghatskirt找找看shortsshirtT-shirtd23LilyThis is Lily.She is my friend.She is tall and thin.She has a pink dress.She can dance.LilyThis is Lily.She is my fri24This is_.She is my friend.She is tall and thin.She _ a white T-shirt and a pair of blue _.She can draw.你来说说你来说说Ms ZhangMs ZhanghasshortsThis is_.She is my fri25This is _.He is _.He is tall and thin.He _ a green T-shirt and _brown shorts.He can skate.my friendTomhasa pair ofTom你来说说你来说说He has a green T-shirt.This is _.He is _26I have two _.They _ Peter and his sister Sally.He can _.Sally _ a red skirt.She can _.friendsareride a bikehasfly a kiteI have two _.They _27试试看试试看I have two _.They _ Peter and his sister Sally.He can _.Sally _ a red skirt.She can _.friendsareride a bikehasfly a kite试试看I have two _.They _28试试看试试看I have two _.They _ Peter and his sister Sally.He can _.Sally _ a red skirt.She can _.friendsareride a bikehasfly a kite试试看I have two _.They _29试试看试试看I have two _.They _ Peter and his sister Sally.He can _.Sally _ a red skirt.She can _.friendsareride a bikehasfly a kite试试看I have two _.They _30试试看试试看I have two _.They _ Peter and his sister Sally.He can _.Sally _ a red skirt.She can _.friendsareride a bikehasfly a kite试试看I have two _.They _31试试看试试看I have two _.They _ Peter and his sister Sally.He can _.Sally _ a red skirt.She can _.friendsareride a bikehasfly a kite试试看I have two _.They _32Dan has a blue T-shirt and a pair of shorts.Kitty has long hair and a red dress.Jane has a red T-shirt and a blue skirt.Jack has a hat and a pair of blue shorts.ABCD()()()()BACDDan has a blue T-shirt and a p33Try to write 写一写写一写_(name)is my friend.He/She is _.(short/tall/fat/thin)He/She is _.(eight/nine/ten)He/She has a/an _.He/She can _.Kittyshort and thinninered dresssing and danceTry to write 写一写_(na34Try to write 写一写写一写_(name)is my friend.He/She is _.(short/tall/fat/thin)He/She is _.(eight/nine/ten)He/She has a/an _.He/She can _.Try to write 写一写_(na35


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