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European Culture:An IntroductionDivision Nine RealismEuropean Culture:An Introduct1 1n nGeneral Introductionn nRealism in Francen nRealism in Russian nRealism in Northern Europen nRealism in Englandn nRealism in the United Statesn nArtn nMusic at the Turn of the CenturyGeneral Introduction2 2n nWhat is Realism?n nIn art and literature the term realism is used to identify a literary movement in Europe and the united States in the Last half of the 19th century and the early years of the 20th century.The realists wanted a truthful representation in their works of contemporary life and manners.What is Realism?3 3n n The Historical Backgroundn nThe realist movement was greatly influenced by the development of science in the 19th century.The age of realism was the age of railway,wireless telegraphy and countless other mechanical inventions that revolutionized the nature of society within a very short span of time.The Historical Background4 4n nThe 19th century is the century of The 19th century is the century of greatest change in the history of Western greatest change in the history of Western civilization.the profound social dislocation civilization.the profound social dislocation and urban poverty brought about by the and urban poverty brought about by the social and economic changes created social and economic changes created severe problems to which the political and severe problems to which the political and intellectual leaders of the 19th century intellectual leaders of the 19th century reacted in a number of ways.reacted in a number of ways.n nRound about the 1830s,in France,Round about the 1830s,in France,Portugal and Russia,liberals,nationalists Portugal and Russia,liberals,nationalists and socialists led several revolutions,but and socialists led several revolutions,but most of them failed.most of them failed.The 19th century is the centur5 5 Realism in Francen nStendhal(pen name of Marie Henri Beyle,1783-1842)司汤达n nWorks:Armance Le Rough et le Noir(The Red and the Black)红与黑,n nla Chartreuse de Parme(The Charterhouse of Parma)巴马修道院 Realism in FranceStendhal(pe6 6n nHonore de Balzac Honore de Balzac 巴尔扎克巴尔扎克(1799-1850)(1799-1850)n nBalzac has been called“the Balzac has been called“the French Dickens”.French Dickens”.n nWorks:Works:La Comedie Humaine La Comedie Humaine(the Human Comedy)(the Human Comedy)人间喜剧人间喜剧,n nEugenie GrandetEugenie Grandet欧也妮欧也妮 葛朗葛朗台台,Le Pere Goriot,Le Pere Goriot 高老头高老头n n La Cousine Bette La Cousine Bette贝蒂表妹贝蒂表妹Honore de Balzac 巴尔扎克(1799-1857 7n nGustave FlaubertGustave Flaubert福福楼拜楼拜(1821-1880)(1821-1880)n nFlaubert is one of Flaubert is one of the great literary the great literary artist of the 19th artist of the 19th century.century.n nWork:Work:Madame Madame BoveryBovery包法利夫人包法利夫人Gustave Flaubert福楼拜(1821-18808 8n nEmile Zola 左拉(1840-1902)n nZola was the founder of the naturalist school.n nWork:Les Rougen-Macquarts罗根.马塔里.Emile Zola 左拉(1840-1902)9 9n nGuy de Maupassant莫泊桑(1850-1893)n nWork:The Necklace项链,n nThe Piece of String 一条绳子n nThe Umbrella雨伞Guy de Maupassant莫泊桑(1850-1891010Realism in Russian n1.Nikolai Gogol 1.Nikolai Gogol 果戈里果戈里(1809-(1809-1852)1852)n nNikolai Gogol was the first Nikolai Gogol was the first master of fiction in Russia to master of fiction in Russia to leave romantic conventions leave romantic conventions and go to life for his subjects.and go to life for his subjects.n nWorks:Dead SoulsWorks:Dead Souls死魂灵死魂灵Realism in Russia1.Nikolai G1111n n Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev 屠格涅夫屠格涅夫(1818-1883)(1818-1883)n nTurgenev was the first Turgenev was the first Russion author to gain Russion author to gain recognition in the West.recognition in the West.n nWorks:Works:A Hunters SketchesA Hunters Sketches猎人笔记猎人笔记,n nA Nest of GentlefolkA Nest of Gentlefolk贵族之家贵族之家,n nFathers and SonsFathers and Sons父与子父与子 Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev 屠格涅1212n nFyodor DostoyevskyFyodor Dostoyevsky陀思陀思妥耶夫斯基妥耶夫斯基 (1821-1881)(1821-1881)n nWorks:Works:The House of The House of DeathDeath死屋手记死屋手记,n nCrime and PunishmentCrime and Punishment罪罪与罚与罚,n nThe Brother KaramazovThe Brother Karamazov卡卡拉马佐夫兄弟拉马佐夫兄弟Fyodor Dostoyevsky陀思妥耶夫斯基 (181313n nCount Leo Tolstoy Count Leo Tolstoy 列夫列夫 托托尔斯泰尔斯泰(1828-1910)(1828-1910)n nWith Dostoyevsky,Tolstoy With Dostoyevsky,Tolstoy made the Russian realistic made the Russian realistic novel a literary genre that novel a literary genre that ranks in importance with ranks in importance with classical Greek tragedy and classical Greek tragedy and Elizabethan drama.Elizabethan drama.Count Leo Tolstoy 列夫托尔斯泰(18281414n n Anton Pavlovich Chekhov契科夫n nWorks:The Seagull海鸥,n nUncle Vanya万尼亚舅舅,n nThe Three Sisters三姊妹,n nThe Cherry Orchard樱桃园 Anton Pavlovich Chekhov契科夫1515Realism in Northern Europen nHenrik Ibsen Henrik Ibsen 易卜生易卜生(1828-(1828-1906)1906)n nWorks:Works:A Dolls HouseA Dolls House玩玩偶之家偶之家,n nGhostsGhosts群鬼群鬼,n nAn Enemy of the People An Enemy of the People 人民公敌人民公敌n nThe Wild DuckThe Wild Duck野鸭野鸭 and and Hedda GablerHedda Gabler海达高布乐海达高布乐Realism in Northern EuropeHen1616n nAugust Strindberg奥古斯特斯特林堡n n(1849-1912)n nWorks:Master Olaf奥洛夫老师,The Son of a Servant女仆的儿子August Strindberg奥古斯特斯特林堡1717Realism in Englandn nCharles Dickens Charles Dickens 狄更斯狄更斯(1812-1870)(1812-1870)n nWorks:Works:Pickwick PapersPickwick Papers匹匹克威克外传克威克外传 ,n n A Tale of Two Cities A Tale of Two Cities双城记双城记,Oliver TwistOliver Twist雾都孤儿雾都孤儿,n nHard Times Hard Times 艰难时事艰难时事n nBleak HouseBleak House荒凉山庄荒凉山庄,n nDavid CopperfieldDavid Copperfield大卫科波大卫科波菲尔菲尔Realism in EnglandCharles Dic1818n n2.George Eliot 乔治艾略特(pen name of Mary Ann Evans 1819-1880)n nWorks:Middlemarchn n米德尔马契米德尔马契,n nThe Mill on the Floss n n弗洛斯河上的磨坊弗洛斯河上的磨坊2.George Eliot 乔治艾略特(pen nam1919n nWilliam Makepeace Thackeray萨克雷(1811-1863)n nWork:Vanity Fair名利场William Makepeace Thackeray萨克雷2020n nThomas HardyThomas Hardy哈代哈代n nWorks:Works:Far from the Madding Far from the Madding CrowdCrowd远离尘嚣远离尘嚣,The Return of,The Return of the Nativethe Native还乡还乡,n nThe Mayer of CasterbridgeThe Mayer of Casterbridge卡斯卡斯特桥市长特桥市长,n nTess of the dUrberyvilles Tess of the dUrberyvilles n n德伯家的苔丝德伯家的苔丝n nJude the ObscureJude the Obscure无名的裘德无名的裘德Thomas Hardy哈代2121n nGeorge Bernard ShawGeorge Bernard Shaw萧伯纳萧伯纳 (1856-1950)(1856-1950)n nShaw won the Nobel Prize in Shaw won the Nobel Prize in 1925.1925.n nWorks:Works:n nHeartbreak HouseHeartbreak House伤心之家伤心之家,n nSt.JoanSt.Joan圣女贞德圣女贞德,n nThe Apple Cart The Apple Cart 苹果车苹果车n nMajor BarbaraMajor Barbara芭芭拉少校芭芭拉少校 PygmalionPygmalion卖花女卖花女George Bernard Shaw萧伯纳(1856-12222 Realism in the United Statesn nHarriet Beecher Stowe比彻斯托夫人(1811-1896)n nWork:Uncle Toms Cabin汤姆叔叔的小屋 Realism in the United States2323n nWalt WhitemanWalt Whiteman惠特曼惠特曼(1819-(1819-1892)1892)n nConsidered by many to be Considered by many to be the greatest of all American the greatest of all American poets,Whitman celebrated poets,Whitman celebrated the freedom and dignity of the freedom and dignity of the individual and sang the the individual and sang the praises of democracy and the praises of democracy and the brotherhood of man.brotherhood of man.n nWorks:Works:n nLeaves of Grass Leaves of Grass 草叶集草叶集n nWhen Lilacs Last in the When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard BloomdDooryard Bloomd当丁香花最当丁香花最后在庭院开放的时候后在庭院开放的时候.Walt Whiteman惠特曼(1819-1892)2424n n Mark Twain Mark Twain马克马克 吐温吐温(pen (pen name of Samuel Langhorne name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens 1835-1910)Clemens 1835-1910)n nWorksWorks:The Celebrated The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Caravras Jumping Frog of Caravras CountryCountryn n卡拉维拉斯郡著名的跳蛙卡拉维拉斯郡著名的跳蛙n nThe Adventures of Hckberry The Adventures of Hckberry FinnFinn哈克贝利分历险记哈克贝利分历险记,The,The Gilded AgeGilded Age镀金时代镀金时代,n nThe Adventures of Tom The Adventures of Tom SawyerSawyer汤姆索菲亚历险记汤姆索菲亚历险记,n n The Prince and the Pauper The Prince and the Pauper王子与穷人王子与穷人 Mark Twain马克吐温(pen name of 2525n nHenry James亨利詹姆斯 (1843-1916)n nWorks:The Portrait of Lady贵妇画像,The Passionate Pilgrim and Other Stories,Daisy Miller黛西米勒,The Golden Bowl金碗Henry James亨利詹姆斯 (1843-1916)2626Artn nRealism in ArtRealism in Artn nGustave CourbetGustave Courbet居居居居斯塔夫斯塔夫斯塔夫斯塔夫 库尔贝库尔贝库尔贝库尔贝 (1819-1877)(1819-1877)n nworks:works:The The Stonebreakers,Stonebreakers,n n Burial at Ornans Burial at OrnansArtRealism in Art2727n nb.Jean-Francois Millet让弗朗索瓦米勒 (1814-1875)n nHis works generally depict one or two peasant figures quietly engaged in earthly or domestic toil.n nWorks:The Sower,n n Gleanersb.Jean-Francois Millet让弗朗索瓦2828Impressionism in Art Generally speaking,the impressionists aimed at capturing the fleeting image of a scene taken in by the eye in real life and recreating the transitory experience with brushstrokes which are eventually transformed into a web of infinitely varied,tiny units that dissolve solied objects into a dense,colored atmosphere.Impressionism in Art Generall2929n na.Edouard Maneta.Edouard Manet爱杜爱杜尔尔 马奈马奈 (1832-1883)(1832-1883)n nManet was regarded Manet was regarded as the leader of the as the leader of the impressionist impressionist movement.movement.n nWorks:Works:le Dejeuner le Dejeuner sur Lherbe,sur Lherbe,n nFoliers BergersFoliers Bergersa.Edouard Manet爱杜尔马奈 (1832-3030n nb.Claude Monetb.Claude Monet克克劳德劳德 莫奈莫奈 (1840-(1840-1926)1926)b.Claude Monet克劳德莫奈 (1840-13131n nc.Camille Pissarroc.Camille Pissarro卡米耶卡米耶 毕沙罗毕沙罗 (1830-1903)(1830-1903)n nWork:The Place du Work:The Place du Theatre FrancaisTheatre Francaisc.Camille Pissarro卡米耶毕沙罗 (13232n nd.Pierre Aguste Renoir皮埃尔-奥古斯特雷诺阿 n nWork:Moulin de la Galetted.Pierre Aguste Renoir皮埃尔-奥古斯3333n ne.Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas埃德加德加 (1834-1917)n nWorks:Caf Concert,The Glass of Absinthe,Ballerina on the stagee.Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas3434Post-Impressionismn na.Paul Cezannea.Paul Cezanne保罗保罗 塞尚塞尚 (1839-1906)(1839-1906)n nCezanne created a new world of forms out Cezanne created a new world of forms out of natural objects,even distorting of natural objects,even distorting appearance and reducing objects to appearance and reducing objects to geometrical patterns in order to make a geometrical patterns in order to make a coherent whole in his pictures.coherent whole in his pictures.n nWorks:The Boy in Red Vest,Works:The Boy in Red Vest,n nruit Bowl,Glass and Applesruit Bowl,Glass and ApplesPost-Impressionisma.Paul Cez3535n nb.Vincent van Gogh梵高(1853-1890)n nHe is a Dutch impressionist painter,who stresses the expression of his subjective emotion in his paintings.n nWorks:Starry Night,n nSunflower,n n The Night Cafb.Vincent van Gogh梵高(1853-1893636n nc.Paul Gauguin保罗高更(1848-1903)n nWorks:La Orana Maria,n n n nVision after the Sermonc.Paul Gauguin保罗高更(1848-19033737Sculpturen nWorks:Works:n nThe Man with the The Man with the Broke Nose,Broke Nose,n nThe ThinkerThe ThinkerSculptureWorks:3838Architecturen nFor the nineteenth century architect comes gradually to abandon sentimental and romantica designs from the historical past in the interest of an honest expression of his buildings purpose.ArchitectureFor the nineteent3939Music at the Turn of the Centuryn nAntonin DvorakAntonin Dvorak德沃夏克德沃夏克(1841-(1841-1904)1904)n nCzech nationalistic musician,Czech nationalistic musician,basing his style on melodic and basing his style on melodic and rhythmic patterns found in the rhythmic patterns found in the folk music of his own country.folk music of his own country.n nWorks:Symphony No.3 in E-flat,Works:Symphony No.3 in E-flat,Op.10Op.10n nSymphony No.9 in E minor,Op.Symphony No.9 in E minor,Op.9595n nCello Concerto in B minor,Op.Cello Concerto in B minor,Op.104104Music at the Turn of the Centu4040n nClaude DebussyClaude Debussy克罗德克罗德 德彪西德彪西 (0862-(0862-1918)1918)n nFrench composer.Debussy was among the French composer.Debussy was among the first to break away from the melodic and first to break away from the melodic and harmonic conventions of the 18th and harmonic conventions of the 18th and 19th centuries,and has been described as 19th centuries,and has been described as the founder of modern musical the founder of modern musical impressionism.impressionism.n nWorks:Works:Prelude to“The Afternoon of a Prelude to“The Afternoon of a Farm”,The sea,Images,Pelleas et Farm”,The sea,Images,Pelleas et MelisandeMelisande欧洲文化入门第九章课件4141


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