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Lesson29 DNA-The story of youblu:print denrli aidentikl aidentifaitwin eg klun not onlybut alsoblueprint蓝图蓝图 n.generally一般意义上的一般意义上的,广泛地,广泛地,普遍地普遍地 adj.identical 完全相同的完全相同的 adj.identify 确认,确认,鉴别鉴别 v.twin 双胞胎之一双胞胎之一 n.egg 卵细胞卵细胞,卵子卵子n.clone 克隆克隆 v&n.不但不但而且而且New words 1.A _(蓝图蓝图)shows where to put all the parts of the house.2After seeing the _(蓝图蓝图)of the houses,the workers begin to work.3.DNA is like a _(蓝图蓝图),it is _(生命的生命的蓝图蓝图).blueprintblueprintsblueprintthe blueprint of lifegeneral adj.-generally adv.Generally speaking 总的来说总的来说,大体而言大体而言,概括说概括说1.This is a _(普通的普通的)magazine.2._(总的来说总的来说),we enjoyed the trip.3.That fact is not_(普遍地普遍地)known by others.generalgenerallyGenerally speaking1._(完全相同的完全相同的)twins are two children that grew from the same egg.2.The twins wore the _(完全相同完全相同的的)dresses yesterday.1.The twins look the same,but he can still_(鉴别鉴别)them.2.From your DNA,scientists _already _(确认确认)you.Identicalidenticalidentify have identified1.The fish lays _(卵子卵子)in spring.2.The _(完全相完全相同的双胞胎同的双胞胎)grew from _(同一个卵子同一个卵子).They are_(克隆人克隆人).3.The scientists devoted their time to _ the living things.(克隆克隆)4.Dolly is a _ sheep.(克隆)(克隆)5.Human _ would be possible in the future.(克隆克隆)eggsidentical twinsthe same eggclonesclonescloningclonedcloning1.He likes _English _(不不但但而且而且)math.2.Not only you but also I _(be)a teacher.3.Hellen is _ a writer _ an educator.4.The boy finished the work _ fast _ well.not only but alsoamnot only but also not onlybut alsoReading Task:1.Where does your DNA come from?2.Is your DNA in every part of your body?3.What can scientists do with“DNA”?Your parents.Yes,it is.They can identify not only you,but also people related to you.between 和和 among between 常用于两者之间,常用于两者之间,among 一一般指三者或三者以上,般指三者或三者以上,e.g.They live _ the mountains.I was _ the crowd.Wang Li sits _ Lily and me.amongamongbetween1.except for=apart from 除除之外,若无之外,若无,只是只是表示从整体中排除一小部分,前后对比的东西表示从整体中排除一小部分,前后对比的东西不同不同类类2.except=but“除了除了”前后对比的东西前后对比的东西同类同类常与常与all,every,no,not,any连用连用1.His composition is good,_ some spelling mistakes.2.I have said goodbye to all the teachers _ Mr.Wang.except forexcept1.He answered all the questions_(除了除了)the last one.2.He is a good man _(除了除了)hot temper.(爆脾气爆脾气)3.The suit fits me well _(除了除了)the long trousers.4._(除了除了)identical twins,each living thing has its own unique DNA.5.Nobody knew her name_(除了除了)me.exceptexcept forexcept forExcept forexceptYou use it to build a house.你用它来建你用它来建造房子。造房子。use的用法的用法 adj.usefuluseto do sth.用用做某事做某事他正用小刀切面包。他正用小刀切面包。He is using a knife _ bread.=He is using a knife _ bread.用眼睛看而不用手摸。用眼睛看而不用手摸。Use your eyes _ and dont use your hands _.to cutfor cuttingto lookto touch1.处置处置2.多大号码多大号码3.这些问题的答案这些问题的答案4.总的来说总的来说5.房子的各个部分房子的各个部分6.用这个模型来建造自己用这个模型来建造自己7.生命的蓝图生命的蓝图8.完全相同的双胞胎完全相同的双胞胎9.从同一个卵子发育而来从同一个卵子发育而来10.他们是克隆人他们是克隆人11.除除以外以外12.它自己独特的它自己独特的DNA13.和和一样一样14遗传你父母的遗传你父母的DNA15.不但不但而且而且16.与你有关的人与你有关的人17.也也18.一些健康问题一些健康问题19.DNA是迷人的是迷人的1.do with2.what size3.the answers to these questions4.Generally speaking5.all the parts of the house6.use this pattern to build itself7.the blueprint of life8.identical twins 9.grow from the same egg10 They are clones 11.except for/except/besides 12.its own unique DNA 13.the same as14.repeat the patterns from your parents DNA15.not onlybut also16.people related to you17.so+助助/系系/情动词情动词+主语主语18.some health problems19.DNA is fascinating.1.Everyone wrote a good poem _ her.(除了除了)2._ Tom,five other boys also passed the exam.(除了除了还有还有)3._ identical twins,(除除之外之外)each living thing has its own unique DNA.exceptBesides Except for4.I can _ swim _ skate.(不但不但而且而且)5.Not only you but also I _(be)a teacher.6.Not only I but also he _(know)the answer to the question.7.The story _(与与有关有关)the Second World War.amnot only but also knowsis related to1.Neither they nor I _ good at singing.A.are B.be C.is D.am2.Both my father and I _ in the country.A.enjoys living B.enjoy to live C.enjoys to live D.enjoy livingDD8.The dancing party begin when it was seven oclock.The dancing party _ it was seven oclock.9.Tom hasnt been to china.Jean hasnt been to China,either._ Tom _ Jean _ been to China.10.I hope that I ca see you soon.I hope _ you soon.didnt begin untilNeither nor hasto see1.Your composition is quite good _a few spelling mistakes.A:except for B:except C:beside D:besides 2.The teacher has given the answers _ the questions.A.with B.for C.of D.to 3.Kate has the _color of hair _her sister.A.same to B.same as C.identical as D.same with 4.The library opens _9 am to 4 pm during the Spring festival Holidays.A.at B.from C.between D.for ADBB5.From your DNA,scientists can identify you and people _to you.A.related B.relates C.relating D.relate 6.Have you sent your parents an e-mail _them you arrive safely?A.tell B.telling C.told D.tells 7.When I got the news that the ship would sink,I was _frightened _my legs could move forward.A.so that B very that C.too that D.too to ABA1.Write a passage about DNA,try 1.Write a passage about DNA,try to tell what it is,where it is from,to tell what it is,where it is from,what things you show your parentswhat things you show your parents DNA?DNA?2.Preview Lesson 11.2.Preview Lesson 11.


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