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Unit 4 Establish Sound Profilesfor the CompanyAfter completing this lesson,students should be able to know:After completing this lesson,students should be able to know:1.1.Identify the structure of a product Promotion;Identify the structure of a product Promotion;2.2.Develop communication skills about product Promotion;Develop communication skills about product Promotion;(BEC Oral Test)(BEC Oral Test)3.Get to know how to use the information collected to Get to know how to use the information collected to work out various types of business reports and establish work out various types of business reports and establish sound profiles for the companysound profiles for the company 4.learn writing Memo4.learn writing MemoLearning Learning ObjectivesObjectivesTeaching ProceduresTeaching ProceduresoBusiness ProfileoViewing and SpeakingoCase AnalysisoReading and TranslationoWritingSection 1Business Profile-Production Promotion(产品推广)产品推广)Words and Expression Promotion mix 营销传播组合Advertising 广告(总称)Sales Promotion 销售促进Personal selling 人员推销Public relations and publicity 公共关系与宣传Target market 目标市场Geographic distribution 地理分布Demographic characteristics 人口特征Free samples 免费样品Trade shows 商业展览会Refund 折让,折扣(购物完毕后提供减价,而不是在零 售店购买的)Rebate 折扣,回扣Seepstake 抽奖Potential consumer 潜在顾客Incentive 鼓励,奖励,刺激Loyalty scheme 顾客忠诚计划,关顾奖励Background Reading(相关背景阅读)Selection of Selection of Promotion MixPromotion Mix ElementsElements Various aspects of a product influence a firms selection of promotion mix elements.Firms selling industial products generally emphasize personal selling in their promotion mixes and use advertising,sales promotion,and publicity to support personal selling efforts.For consumer products,advertising is the primary elements.Firms offering consumer convenience products promote them heavily with advertising and sales promotion.The size,geographic distribution,and demographic characteristics of a firms target market greatly influence the choice of promotion elements.Personal selling will likely be an important element for the target market that has a limited number of potential customers,while advertising and sales promotion ususally dominate the promotion mix designed to reach millions of people at a low cost per person.Similarly,personal selling is generally more practical when a firms customers are concentrated in a small area;advertising and sales promotion,which are more flexible,can be easily greared to markets in any geographic region whether small and precisely defined or large.A target markets demographics-age,income,education,social class,occupation-also influence the promotion mix.A firm marketing to teenagers would emphasize advertising,especially on television,but rely less on personal selling,sales promotion,or publicity.A firm targeting educated,financially well off consumers aged 35 and older would use personal selling,advertising,and perhaps,publicity but not consumer sales promotion activitites,since coupons,rebate,and sweepstakes are more important to lower-and middle income families.Sample Test(口试样题)oInterlocutors Questions(1)What do you think is the basic objective underlying all promotion?(2)What do you think are the most commonly used advertising media?(3)Do you think advertising cost-effective?(Why?/Why not?)(4)Why do you think companies use sales promotion?Suggested Answers(1)What do you think is the basic objective underlying all promotion?-I think its to provide information.Firms want to tell customers about themsleves as well as what products are availabel,where they can be purchased,and for what prices.(2)What do you think are the most commonly used advertising media?-They are newspapers,television,direct mail,radio,magazines,and outdoor displays.(3)Do you think advertising cost-effective?(Why?/Why not?)-I dont think so,because advertising especially using national media with immense audiences is very expensive.-Yes,although advertising can be quite expensive,many firms still find it cost effective because it can reach vast numbers of people at a low cost per person.(4)Why do you think companies use sales promotion?-Sales promotion can provide direct incentives to customers,motivate sales people,and stimulate dealers to be interested and involved in distributing a product.Section 2 Viewing and speakingVideo DemonstrationVideo DemonstrationWhich one is better?good qualities of a sales representativegood qualities of a sales representativeeasygoingeasygoingeloquenteloquentsociablesociableadaptableadaptableTechnicallyTechnicallyproficientproficientNotesoGive discounts for bulk.Give discounts for bulk.oCut the price toCut the price toofrom the date of purchasefrom the date of purchaseoJamming problemJamming problemoIts real nuisance.Its real nuisance.oOn-site serviceOn-site serviceoMoney-back guaranteeMoney-back guaranteeoiR 2270 can print 22 copies a minute,while iR 2270 can print 22 copies a minute,while iR2010 prints 2 copies less.iR2010 prints 2 copies less.ChecklistDoes she ask about:()size ()color()brand ()capacity()selling point ()price()discount ()after-sales service()money-back guarantee ()insurance()delivery ()warranty Canon iR2270 Canon iR2010 Price$2,330 _ Warranty _ Capacity _ _ Price for after-sales service _ Money-back guarantee seven daysDelivery time _ _ 2,2002,200Three years2220Free for three years,$150/yr after three yearsFree for three years,$150/yr after three yearsWithinWithin three weeksthree weeksWithin 24hoursWithin 24hoursGeneral process of product presentationa presentation on a videophonea presentation on a videophone Statement of objectivesStatement of objectives (Today,Id like to talk about)Outline of structureOutline of structure (Ill divide my talk into)Starting the 1st pointStarting the 1st point (Let me start with the first point)Starting another pointStarting another point (I will move on to the next point)SummarizingSummarizing (To sum up,the product has/is)ConcludingConcluding (Thank you for your time and attention)ViaTV Desktop VideophoneAppearance:User-friendliness:Special features:Methods of promotion:Small and elegantSmall and elegantEasy to set up:all you need is a touch-tone phone;as easy to use as makingEasy to set up:all you need is a touch-tone phone;as easy to use as makinga normal telephone calla normal telephone callFull-color motion video;adjustable picture setting;good audio quality;Full-color motion video;adjustable picture setting;good audio quality;Preview mode;privacy modePreview mode;privacy modeon a special offeron a special offerScript:Do you have friends or family members you would like to see more often?When you phone colleagues,would you like to see their faces?The ViaTV Desktop videophone means that you can!As you see,its small,elegant and ideal for the office or home,even for Business trips.Its very easy to set up:all you need is a touch-tone phone.You dont need a computer or any special software.Its also very easy to use,As easy as making a normal telephone call.The ViaTV Desktop videophone has many features.First,it has full-color Motion video which means you can see the other persons gestures and changes of expression.The picture quality is excellent.Second,it has an Adjustable picture setting that enables you to change the mode to get an idealImage even for viewing designs for documents.Third,its audio quality is Exactly the same as a normal telephone call.In addition,the ViaTV Desktop videophone has a preview mode so that you Can check what you look like before the other person sees you!Andfinally,the privacy Mode is an important feature.You can use it to block the Image but keep the voice connection.Now,of course,just as any means of communication,its worthwile to have a set.We have a special offer on at the moment,so now is the time To buy the ViaTV Desktop videophone.Put yourself in the picture!Section 3.Section 3.Managing People and OrganizationManaging People and Organization管理人员和机构管理人员和机构REPORT WRITING Reports are a very important method of gaining and giving information.Although they may be presented orally,at a meeting for example,reports are usually presented in writing.The ultimate purpose of any report is to provide the foundation for decisions to be made and action taken.REPORT-WRITING ROUTINEcheck again the organization and editing before final typingrecheck the organization of material and edit sentence by sentence for clarity and correctness before the second typingdraft the report for first typingcheck logic of content organizationformulate an outline of the contentscollect the information INFORMATION COLLECTING:QUESTIONNAIREwbasic informationwintroduction:purpose;guidance;incentivewanonymous/unanonymouswclose/open questionswlogic orders of questions Where do those questions come from?THANK YOUSUCCESS2024/6/2627可编辑TURNING OBJECTIVES INTO QUESTIONS OBJECTIVES:DESIGNING A(MIXED)QUESTIONNAIREwTo find out the demographic(不同人口特征的)features of students smokers and non-smokers on campus;For student smoker:wTo identify his/her smoking years;wTo find out the reason(s)of smoking;wTo perceive the cigarettes consumption/day FOR STUDENT NON-SMOKERwTo find out his/her response when confronting smoker(s)around him/her;wTo find out his/her temptation of persuasion towards classmate smoker(s);wTo identify his/her ways of persuasion if he/she has ever done.QUESTIONNAIRE(MIXED OPEN+CLOSED)1.Name_ 2.Sex_ 3.Age_ 4.Major_5.Do you smoke?Yes _ No_For those who smoke:6.How long have you smoked?7.Why did you smoke?8.How many cigarettes do you smoke every day?For those who do not smoke:9.What would you do if your classmate smokes in front of you?10.Have you persuaded your classmates not to smoke?HowP224 REPORT WRITINGYou are the general managers secretary,working in the world-famous McDonalds company.Now you are reading your companys profile again and again cos your boss wants you to work out a companys report in English for him on managing people and managing people and organization organization to present before the customers from abroad.Think how you can accomplish such a task?Think how you can accomplish such a task?CHECKLIST:REPORT WRITINGwWhat information is essential,and what can be omitted?wCan I cover all the main points?.Have I covered?wIs it clearly laid out and easy to follow?(layout?)wCan I get everything onto half a page or?wDo I need to use short,simple sentences?How?wwWill everything be clear to the reader(s)?wCHECKLIST:Title 题目Structure 框架、版式Main points 要点Sentence patterns 句型 TITLE:wManaging People and OrganizationManaging People and Organization 管理人员及机构管理人员及机构STRUCTUREwThe openingwThe main bodywThe ending THE MAIN BODYSTRUCTURE Commitment introductionFive conclusionCommitment GROUP WORK wWork in groups to find out the main ideas,main points in each part and summarize those ideas or points in phrases or short sentences in English.Managing People and OrganizationManaging People and Organization1.Introduction1)Heritage of McDonaldsa.Giving back to the _b.Leading and _2)A series of commitment to employeesa.Commitment to _b.Commitment to _c.Commitment to _d.Commitment to _3)Five people principlescommunitiesdoing the right thingeducationquality and safetysocial responsibilitiescreating a pleasant environment2.Commitment to Education1)Education of youtha.Work in partnership with _b.Top priorities of _2)Education of managers and employeersa.Job experience complement and supports_b.Education always _c.Reward _d.Provide tuition for employees _parents and educatorseducation and schoolworkemployees educational goalscomes firstgood grases and school attendenceto continue their education3.Commitment to quality and safety1)A leader _high-quality and safety standards.2)Proper _,handing and _3)Food safety _4.Five people priciples1)Respect and _2)Values and _3)Competitive Pay and _4)Learning,Development and _5)Resources to _is setting and strictly enforcingfood storagecooking practicescheck listRecognitionleadership behaviorBenefitsPersonal Growth Get the Job Done5.Conclusion Because of good company policies,McDonalds has become one of the most popular fast food restaurants in theWorld.Its business is growing based on the contribution of Its employees around the world.Check Your UnderstandingCheck Your Understanding1.According to the commitment to education,McDonalds promises to send every employee to college.2.Employees in McDonalds can have a lot of opportunities to develop quickly.3.If an employee has done a good job,he/she may get a reward or promotion.4.If an employee has to decide between education and anEmployment commitment,the latter always comes first.5.The most important items of McDonalds requirements areQuality and safety.6.According to the passage,MacDonalds will check the quality and safety of its food every day.7.Valuing and respecting employees are considered very Important in McDonalds.8.There are never enough employees in McDonalds,soEmployees often work overtime.Writing Memos in EnglishWhat constitutes a memoThe difference between a memo an a business letterThe fomats of memosGuidelines for writing good memosDiscussion1.What are the major differences between a memo and a business letter?2.What features should a well-written memo have?3.Is it good to write a very long business memo?Why or why not?A business memo differs from an ordinary business letter in the A business memo differs from an ordinary business letter in the following following important ways:important ways:1)1)Memos are almost always used within an organizationMemos are almost always used within an organization2)2)Memos are less formal than business lettersMemos are less formal than business letters3)3)Memos are normally used for non-sensitive communication(to which Memos are normally used for non-sensitive communication(to which the readers will not have an emotional reaction).the readers will not have an emotional reaction).4)4)Memos usually have a direct style and are typically short and to-Memos usually have a direct style and are typically short and to-the-point.the-point.5)5)Memos usually do not have a salutation.Memos usually do not have a salutation.6)6)Memos dont have a complimentary closing.Memos dont have a complimentary closing.7)7)Memos have a specific format that is different from business Memos have a specific format that is different from business letters.letters.Formats of memos MemorandumDate:To:From:Subject:_ (Text of the memo)Guidelines for well-written memosBe clearBe clearBe conciseBe conciseState your main idea firstState your main idea firstRemember memo Remember memo Identify your attachmentsIdentify your attachmentsBe coherentBe coherentUse a business-like toneUse a business-like toneProofread your workProofread your workIdentify your audienceIdentify your audienceEngineering-Pros,Inc.MEMORANDUMDate:June 25,2012To:All staff membersFrom:Larry Houston-Director of FinanceSubject:New Procedure for Handling Payroll Advances_ In order to reflect the Companys updated policies,effective July 1,2007,there is a new procedure in use for obtaining payroll advances.I believe that our employees will find it an improvement over the lod procedure,which has been complained about as being confusing.The new procedure is as follows:Procedure 1.Obtain Form RPA-4,Request for Payroll Advance,from the Department of Finance.2.Complete the form by filling in all the blanks in the Employee Section of the form.3.Have your immediate supervisor approve your request by signing on the Supervisior Approval line.4.Take the approved Form RPA-4 to the receptionist in the Finance Department,Building G,Room 1021.5.Pick up your check from the Cashiers Office inthe Finance Department,Building F,Room 203,three working days after turing in Form RPA-4.You must have your emplyee identification card with you to receive your check.6.sign the receipt form in the presence of the cashiers office clerk.Policies The following policies govern the issue of payroll advances:1.Payroll advances may not total more than 70%of an emplyees monthly salary.2.Except in the case of a documented emergency,payroll advances are limited to one in every three months.Attachment:Form RPA-4p经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量pStudyConstantly,AndYouWillKnowEverything.TheMoreYouKnow,TheMorePowerfulYouWillBe学习总结结束语当你尽了自己的最大努力时,失败也是伟大的,所以不要放弃,坚持就是正确的。When You Do Your Best,Failure Is Great,So DonT Give Up,Stick To The End演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日


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