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江苏省邗江中学 方胜 扬州中考扬州中考Successful writing in English09中考有效写作中考有效写作教学目教学目标标1.选择选择、组织组织并呈并呈现现信息信息2.识别识别关关键键信息并将其信息并将其归归 类类,了解有效写作的途径,了解有效写作的途径3.探究高分作文的亮点之探究高分作文的亮点之处处4.进进一步学会合作学一步学会合作学习习 1.I very like sports.2.Before,I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.3.Remember dont eat too much meat.4.Dad often spend 2 hours every day to exercise.5.There are many people fly kites in the park.6.My mother made me to get up early.7.Im young.I need to do many work.8.If you work hard,you will have progress.新新的的课课程程标标准准中中关关于于五五级级水水平平(即即初初中中毕毕业业要要求求达达到到的的水水平平)的的要求是:要求是:A.能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材;能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材;B.能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导下进行修改;能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导下进行修改;C.能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系;能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系;D.能简单描述人物或事件;能简单描述人物或事件;E.能根据所给的图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。能根据所给的图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明。新课程标准中关于写的要求新课程标准中关于写的要求提示性作文:就是给出一个标题或无标题,给出具体的内容,规定一定的字数,让考生写出作文。Articles following the instructions(提示性作文)Text instructions文字类提示1.Narratives without tense changes 叙事类提示(无时态转换)2.Compare the present with the past今昔对比今昔对比等有时态变化有时态变化的文章假如你是李华,你的笔友Jim最近沉溺于玩电脑游戏,为此你很担心。请根据下表提示给Jim写一封信,谈谈你的看法及建议。Jim过去过去功课好,积极参加学校的各项活动。Jim现在现在对学习没有兴趣,上课不专心,不按时交作业。你的看法 也许玩电脑游戏能使你放松,但沉溺于其中会占用学习时间你的建议 (至少发挥两点)要求:1词数100左右。开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;2要点完整、层次清楚、语法正确、上下文连贯;3文中不得使用真实人名、校名。Dear Jim,I really feel worried about you._ Best wishes Li HuaTense(时态时态)应用过去式来表达Past:过去时Present:现在时 Person (人称人称)应用第一人称来叙述Instructions with pictures or tables(图表类提示)11 of the 13 cities in Jiangsu(the Entrance Examinations for High Schools 中考)Points are often given(作文内容有限制且具体,读表格和文字可迅速入题)e.g.根据表格和参考词语,以Why are trees important?为标题,用英语写一篇100个左右词的短语。注意:(1)短文应切中题意,条理清楚,词句通顺,书 写清晰、规范。(2)短文第一句话已给出。参考词语:take in carbon dioxide吸收二氧化碳oxygen氧气insect昆虫water and soil 水土go away流失desert沙漠take in carbon dioxide吸收二氧化碳oxygen氧气insect昆虫water and soil 水土go away流失desert沙漠Trees take in carbon dioxide from the air and make oxygen.Many small animals and insects live in the trees.Trees can also stop water and soil from going away.They can stop land from being desert.Open articles with pictures or tables(允许或必须发挥的允许或必须发挥的开放性图表类提示)众所周知,生病会影响到方方面面,为了我们的将来,我们需要有好的身体.请以“I need health”(我需要健康)为题,写一篇100词左右的小短文,结合你的情况并谈谈你的感想。身体状态 对我的影响个人感想1生病疼痛2健康的体魄1影响我们的学习,生活2美好的将来 1 2What articles can get good marks?(好作文具有哪些亮点?)(学生的三篇习作上网下载超星阅览器打开)(学生的三篇习作上网下载超星阅览器打开)third class articles(third best articles三类待修改文章)1.miss the subject(跑题)2.miss the points(要点不全)second class articles(second best articles二类待升级文章)1.should be divided into parts(分段)2.add topic sentences(主题句)first class articles(the best articles一类好文章)1.different parts&topic sentences2.good beginning&ending(好的开头结尾)3.层次感强层次感强:Linking words 1.good beginning&2.ending1.well-known sayings(名言警句)2.sum up the article(总结要点)suggestions or wishes(建议展望)Sentence structure(句子结构句子结构)1.Tense(时态)2.Agreement(主谓一致)Farmers keep taking giant pandas land.Giant pandas have nowhere to live.Hunters hunt them for their fur.There are no giant pandas in the world.We should write to newspapers and magazines.We should let more people know the problems.The number of the giant pandas is getting smaller and smaller.Farmers keep taking giant pandas land.Giant pandas have nowhere to live.Hunters hunt them for their fur.There are no giant pandas in the world.We should write to newspapers and magazines.We should let more people know the problems.What action can we take?We should write to newspapers and magazines.We should let more people know the problems.Linking words(连接词连接词)andbutorWill you have tea,(or)coffee or water?soYou are clever,so I like you very much.because Because you are clever,I like you very much.First ThenNext Afterwards FinallyAfter thatAll that glitters is not gold.闪光的不一定都是金子God helps those who help themselves.自助者天助Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.今日事今日毕Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。Farmers keep taking giant pandas land.Giant pandas have nowhere to live.Hunters hunt them for their fur.There are no giant pandas in the worldFarmers keep taking giant pandas land.Giant pandas will have nowhere to live.Hunters hunt them for their fur.There will be no giant pandas in the world.Giant pandas eat bamboo shoots and leaves.Baby giant pandas drink mums milk.Female giant pandas have one or two babies at a time.A giant panda eats bamboo shoots and leaves.A baby giant panda drinks mums milk.A female giant panda has one or two babies at a time.生活中,我们常常会得到他人的帮助,同时我们也学会了帮助他人。请根据所给的汉语提示,以“Give Help to Others”为题,用英文写一段话,单词数在100左右,内容必须包括以下提示中的三项要点:1帮助的对象及其基本情况;2帮助他人的经过;3你的感受。注意:文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。Homework


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