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3.Varieties of LanguageQuestions1.In what way can stylistic study help us Cultivate a Sense of Appropriateness2.In what way can stylistic study help us sharpen the understanding and appreciation of literary works?3.In what way can stylistic study help us achieve adaptation in translation?Lead inPoliceman:Whats your name,boy?Black psychiatrist:Dr Poussaint.I am a physician.Policeman:Whats your first name,boy?Black psychiatrist:AlvinOutlineo1.Different views on Varietieso2.Two Kinds of Varietieso3.The Mutual Dependence between two varietieso4.The Social meaning of Language varietieso5.Summary1.Different views on VarietiesoClassification oaccording to user,use and social relationsSociolinguist Joshua Fishaman suggested that we consider“who speaks(or writes)what language(or what language variety)to whom and when and to what end.”(1972:46)oClassification 1oUser:historical varieties,regional dialect,social dialectoUse:legal,journalistic,business,scientific,literaryoSocial relations:mediumoral/written and status/attitudeoQuirk et al(Grammar of Contemporary English,1972:14):The fact thatthe“Common Core”dominates all the varieties means that,however esoteric or remote a variety may be,it has running through it a set of grammatical and other characteristics that are present in all others.It is presumably this fact that justifies the application of the name“English”.oClassification 2(张德禄)oPersonal letters,tourist guide,foreign trade writing,news reporting,comments,advertising,scientific writing,official document,biography,practical speeches,legal documents,religious writingsoClassification 3(侯维瑞)o*情景变体:语域o*地方变体:地域方言o*社会变体:社会方言社会阶层、民族、性别、年龄、行业团体、俚语(社会变体与情景变体的混合)o*功能变体:功能文体文学、广告、新闻、科技、法律o*时间变体:历代文体 o5.美国语言学家Martin Joos根据语体的正式程度把语言分为五类o(1)熟近(intimate)o(2)随便(casual)o(3)商榷(consultative)o(4)正式(formal)o(5)僵化(frozen)PartingsoFrozen:Farewell,and Godspeed.oFormal:Goodbye.We look forward to seeing you again.oConsultative:Goodbye.Have a good weekend.oCasual:Bye now take care.oIntimate:later,darlin.2.Two kinds of Varietieso2.1 Dialectal Varieties:Dialectso2.2 Diatypic Varieties:Registerso(P25)2.1.DialectsoIndividual Dialects-IdiolectoTemporal Dialect:Old English/Middle English/Modern EnglishoRegional Dialect oSocial Dialect-Social Economic Status Varieties;Enthic Varieties;Gender Varieties;Age VarietiesoRange of intelligibility(可理解性的范围)standard;non-satandardo1)Individual Dialects-Idiolecto P.26o o2)Temporal Dialect:o Old English(450-1150)o Middle English(1150-1450)(G.Chaucer)o Modern English(1450-present)o Early Modern English(1450-1650o the language of Shakespeare)o Authoritarian English(1650-1800)o Mature Modern English(1800-1920)o Late Modern English(1920-present)o3)Regional Dialect o BrE /AmE (PP.27-28)o AmE n nPacific northwest(Oregon,Montana)Pacific northwest(Oregon,Montana)n nPacific southwest(California,Nevada)Pacific southwest(California,Nevada)n nCentral plains(Nebraska,Kansas)Central plains(Nebraska,Kansas)n nNorth central(Minnesota,Dakotas)North central(Minnesota,Dakotas)n nSouth central(Kentucky,Tennessee)South central(Kentucky,Tennessee)n nSouthern(Louisiana,Alabama)Southern(Louisiana,Alabama)n nNew England(Maine,New Hampshire)New England(Maine,New Hampshire)n nNew York CityNew York Cityn nMid-Atlantic(New Jersey,Delaware)Mid-Atlantic(New Jersey,Delaware)n nWestern PennsylvaniaWestern Pennsylvanian nAppalachian(Virgina,North Carolina)Appalachian(Virgina,North Carolina)AlsoooGeneral American(Standard American)n nPacific NW,Pacific SW,Central,North Pacific NW,Pacific SW,Central,North CentralCentralooEastern Americann nNew England,New York City,Mid-Atlantic,New England,New York City,Mid-Atlantic,Western PennsylvaniaWestern PennsylvaniaooSouthern Americann nSouth Central,Southern,AppalachianSouth Central,Southern,AppalachianChinese:o Cantoneseo方言4)Social Dialectoa)Socialeconomic Status Varieties;ob)Ethnic Varieties;oc)Gender Varieties;od)Age Varietiesoa)Socialeconomic Status Varietieso /r/(P.29)o In UK,while economic criteria are one important aspect in determining class,it seems that differences in taste and behavior are at least as significant for people in deciding whether they and others belong to a particular class.b)Ethnic VarietiesooHispanic Englishn nAffected by first languageAffected by first languageooAsian Englishn nAffected by first language Affected by first language ooAfrican-American Dialectn nBlack English Black English(P.30)c)Gender VarietiesoP.31oLanguage may have a direct relationship with gender,but language forms generally have a range of associations(for instance with status and power)which may in turn be related to gender.Differences between male and female speech(Ten features of womens language use)(Lakoff,1975):1.hedge(sort of,kind of);2.use(super)polite forms,indirect(would you please?Id really appreciate.);3.use tag questions(.arent you?.isnt it?);4.speak in italics(emphatic so and very,intonational emphasis);5.use redundant adjectives(terrific,charming,divine,sweet,adorable);o6.use hypercorrect grammar and pronunciation(including ungrammatical forms,like between you and I standard syntax=between you and me);o7.are poor at recounting jokes;o8.use direct quotation;o9.use specific lexical terms(e.g.of colour);o10.use intonation for questions in declarative contexts.d)Age VarietiesoDifference in vocabulary5)standard;non-standardoP.31o Standard AmEo Standard BrEoRP2.2 RegistersoWhat is Register?oDistinctive varieties of language used in different types of situation.oField of Discourse(different social activities)oMode of Discourse(medium)oTenor of Discourse(attitude)o语域(register)就是指语言随着使用场合环境不同而区分的语言变体,是指在特定的语言环境中使用的、有一定的语言特征的语言变体。(侯瑞德,1988:9)o语域指语言使用场合、环境不同而区分的语言变体,指在特定的语言环境中使用的、有一定语言特征的语言变体。oA kind of situational factor concerned with the users and receivers relationships to(i)experience,(ii)to each other and(iii)to the medium of transmission.o韩礼德将决定情景语境(语域)的因素归纳为三个变项:语场、语旨和语式。o语场指语言发生的时间、地点、话题和交际目的等,根据话题可分为不同学科、领域、行业的语域。o语旨指交际参与者之间的角色关系,包括他们的社会地位和交际态度等。o语式指语言交际的渠道或媒介以及修辞方式,可分为书面语体和口语体、正式语体和非正式语体、自然语和人工语等。语域三变量中任一发生改变,都会导致语域发生变化。语域并非虚无缥缈,而是在任何一个语篇中都可以找到具体的语域标志。这些标志主要蕴涵于词法语法层。o语域:我们讲的和写的语言将随着情景的变化而变化(胡壮麟等)2.2 RegisteroField of DiscourseoMode of DiscourseoTenor of DiscourseField of Discourse(different social activitiesoLinguistic reflection of the purposive role of the language,-the type of social activity in which language plays a part,eg:gardening,football playing,a chat over a cup of tea,a seminar about relativity,a book on yoga etc.oSubject matter:technical to non-technicaloLanguage Functionosignosemio/jakobson/a_fonctions.aspoLanguage serves a number of functions in social activities.Linguists have come up with different numbers of functions.The widely accepted functions are:referential,expressive,conative,phatic,metalinguistic and poetic.Purpose that language serves in a social matterFunctiona.To convey information about a subject matter Referential functionb.To express the addressers feelings and emotionsExpressive functionc.To influence the addressees behavior or attitude Conative functiond.To establish/maintain or continue social relations between the addresser and the eePhatic functionTo define conceptMetalinguistic functionTo focus on the message itselfPoetic functionThe function of the following?oEg:o1)Weather:Asia:Typoon Warren moves 850 miles east of Manila.Europe:Cloudy,cool with some showers in central,North.U.S.A:Thunderstorms from Texas Plains to New England.Heat continues.Color maps.PAGE 10.(USA Today)o2)My,what a thunderstorm!”o3)“Mummy,may I go swimming this afternoon?”o“A thunderstorm is coming up,John”o4)Thunderstorm refers to a storm caused by strong rising air currents and characterized by thunder and lightning and usually heavy rain or hail.o6)A flea and a fly in a flue were imprisioned,so what could they do?oSaid the fly“let us flee,”oSaid the flea,”Let us fly”oSo they flew through a flaw in the flue.o7)The cake smells nice!Field FunctionDominant SubordinateJournalismReferentialExpressive,ConativeAdvertisingConativeReferential,PoeticReligionExpressiveConative,PoeticLawReferentialMetalinguistic,ConativeLiteraturePoeticExpressive,ReferentialConversation PhaticReferential,ExpressiveMode of Discourse(media)oLinguistic reflection of the relationship that language user has to the medium of communication.oSpoken EnglishoWritten English:o texts written to be spokeno texts written to be read Tenor of Discourse(attitude)oThe linguistic reflection of the personal relationships between speaker/writer and hearer/reader-called Personal tenor and of what the user is trying to do with language for/to his or her addressees-called Functional TenoroTENOR OF DISCOURSE is the linguistic inflection of the personal relationships oPERSONAL TENOR:linguistic reflection of the personal relationships between speaker/writer and hearer/readeroFUNCTIONAL TENOR:linguistic reflection of the personal relationships of what the user is trying to do with language for/to his or her addressee(s)Personal TenoroDegree of Formality(p36)oGreetings FarewelloGood morning Good morning oGood afternoon Good afternoonoHi.(Bye-)byeo See youo So longoWay of addressing peopleoNumbers:22 May,2009;p23;$88;80%;Chapter 15;oMelody,thanks for all the beautiful pictures of Niagara Falls!They are truly stunning to see!o The weather has turned extremely cold again here.It has been blowing freezing cold snow and is about-10 degrees today!On Wednesday evening when I came out of class,I discovered about a great pile of snow covering my car!What a shock!Apparently there will be a radical change by Sunday,and it is supposed to be plus 12!oLove,Virginia oSummaryo*Field of discourse话语范围:users experience实际发生的事情,包括语言发生的环境,谈话的话题,以及参与讲话者的整个活动,根据话题可分为不同学科,领域,行业的语域谈话题材,政治、科技、宗教、家庭事务o*Mode of discourse话语方式:mediumspoken/written语言交际形式,语言交际的渠道或媒介,包括修辞方式,可分为书面语体和口语体,正式语体和非正式语体o*Tenor of discourse话语意旨:addressee relationshipwhat the user is trying to do with languagepurposes参与讲话者之间的角色关系,包括它们的社会地位,以及说话者的态度和想要实施的意图语言的正式程度,超正式体、正式体、亲密体、随便体 o语域标记(register marker),语音,词汇,语法,句子和段落 3.The Mutual Dependence between two varietieso(p38)4.The Social meaning of Language varietieso(p39)oDialect and Register Deviation oiqiyi/dianshiju/20191011/1255fa7f3c7af26c.html?src=alddsj 7mins5.SummaryoVarieties are mutually related in three ways.o(1)Mutual dependence,the use of one specific variety presupposes the use of another,for example,the use of legal language presupposes the use of formal English.o(2)Probable co-occurrence,certain types of varieties tend to co-occur with one another,for example,regional dialects are often found in spoken form,and advertising language is often informal and familiar.o(3)Highly improbable co-occurrence,certain types of varieties are incompatible.It is extremely odd to use formal language on a football field or use informal language in legal proceedings.Thank you!_谢谢!谢谢!49


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