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高级英语(第三版)第一册第六课 Mark Train高高级级英英语语(第三版)第一册第六(第三版)第一册第六课课 Mark TrainTeaching Aims1)To acquaint students with the major events in the history of USA.2)To acquaint students with the life and writing of Mark Twain.3)To acquaint students with the writing of biography.4)To help students to appreciate the rich rhetorical devices in the textTeaching AimsTo acquaint stude Mirror of America Mirror of America “Mirror”is a piece of glass or other shinny/polished surface that reflects images.Here,it is a metaphor.It means a faithful representation or description of something(the country).Why does the author say that Mark Twain is the mirror of America?Advanced EThe assertion that Mark Twain is the mirror of America is made in two senses.First,Mark Twains exciting,adventuresome life stories themselves mirror a part of American history,and the life of ordinary American people.Second,his life experience furnished him with a wide knowledge of humanity,as well as with the perfect grasp of local customs and speech,which Mark Twain manifested so well in his writing.His works mirror the real society of his time.Mark Twain is a part of America.His personal success and Mark Twain is a part of America.His personal success and failure were those of America.failure were those of America.As a man,he grew up with America as a country(a young As a man,he grew up with America as a country(a young country)country)As a writer,he grew up with America,moved along with As a writer,he grew up with America,moved along with America,from innocence to experience.America,from innocence to experience.The assertion that Mark Twain Mark Twain:Samuel Langhorne Clemens(1835-1910).two fathoms deep.His LifeHis Life _ _ Historic Events of USAHistoric Events of USA Tramp printer River pilot -Prosperous Mississippi River Transcontinental Railroads Guerrilla The Civil War Prospector -Gold Rush Reporter -Westward Expansion Correspondent -Europe,the Holy Land Writer -Tom Sawyers innocence Huck Finns experience Mark Twain:Samuel LanMark Twain Mirror of AmericaPart I(Para.1):It serves as an introduction of the whole text.Part II(Para2-19):It provides his lifehis success and comments on his works.Part III(Para.20-22):It devotes to his personal tragedy.Mark Twain Mirror of AmericaP Part One Question:How was Mark Twain introduced?-his outstanding achievements as a writer who created two immortal characters-his multi-sided personality:adventurous,patriotic,romantic,humorist,cynical,bitter,sad.Part One QuPart One.Most Americans remember Mark Twain as the father of Huck Finns idyllic cruise through eternal boyhood and Tom Sawyers endless summer of freedom and adventure.In-deed,this nations best-loved author was every bit as adventurous,patriotic,romantic,and humorous as anyone has ever imagined.I found another Twain as well one who grew cynical,bitter,saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt him,a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race,who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night.Part One.Most Americans re.All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn.There was nothing before.There has been nothing as good since.-Ernest HemingwayOne of his greatest accomplishments was the development of a writing style that was distinctly American,rather than an imitation of the style of English writers.Twain made a more extensive combination of American folk humor and serious literature than previous writers had done.(local colorism,a dominant fashion from 1860s1900s)The loose rhythms of the language in his books give the impression of real speech.Twains realistic prose style has influenced numerous American writers.All modern American litera.Words and Expressions rememberas 鲁迅创造了阿鲁迅创造了阿Q,这是大多数的中国人所熟知的这是大多数的中国人所熟知的.Most Chinese people remember Luxun as the father of Ah Qu.(every bit)as as anyone has ever imagined她的美丽无与伦比她的美丽无与伦比.She is as beautiful as any one has ever imagined.I am every bit as sorry about it as you are 鲁迅鲁迅,这位最受中国人民喜爱的作家之一这位最受中国人民喜爱的作家之一,他的爱国热情、尖刻而幽他的爱国热情、尖刻而幽默的笔调都达到了登峰造极的地步。默的笔调都达到了登峰造极的地步。Luxun,one of best-loved authors in China,was every bit as patriotic,acid-tongued and humorous as anyone has ever imagined.Advanced English Words cynical,a cynicdenying the sincerity of peoples motives and actions;seeing no goodness in human behavior.having little faith in human sincerity or goodness.a cynical man/a cynical attitude/a cynical smile With that cynical outlook he doesnt trust anyone.profound to emphasize that sth.is very great and intense His love/feeling for his country was profound.profound anger/shock/disagreement.a profound idea,work,person-shows great intellectual depth and understanding.This book is full of profound insights 深邃的见解深邃的见解.cynical;profound,cynical,a cynicdenying the sdeal,obsess with,frailtiesdeal sb.a blow to cause sb.great difficulties He dealt me a hard blow on the chin The news dealt me a severe blowobsess:v.To occupy the mind of excessively,keep thinking about sth and find it difficult to think about anything else.使着迷使着迷,困扰困扰 I must admit that diamonds obsess me.She stopped drinking and began obsessing about her weight He was obsessed with rocknroll她晚年一直受到死亡恐惧的困扰。她晚年一直受到死亡恐惧的困扰。The fear of death obsessed her throughout her old agefrailty:a weakness of character or behavior.One of the frailties of human nature is laziness.Frailty,thy name is woman!(Hamlet)deal,obsess with,frailtiesPart II(Para.2-19)(Para .2.2):General introduction of Mark Twains life experiences.(Para.3-5.3-5):An account of Mark Twains life on the Mississippi and its influence upon his writing.(Para.12-13.12-13):An account of Mark Twains writing career as a correspondent on a pleasure cruise to Europe and the Holy Land(Para 6):Para 6):An account of Mark Twains life as a An account of Mark Twains life as a Confederate guerrilla.Confederate guerrilla.(Para.7-11)An account of Mark Twains life as a prospector,reporter,and story writer (Para.14-19)An account of Mark Twains two great worksPart II(Para.2-19)(Para.2):Part TwoPart Two Paragraphs 2-6|Cultural BackgroundCultural Background -the Mississippi River-the Mississippi River -Lynching -Lynching -pioneering humanity -pioneering humanity -transcontinental railroads -transcontinental railroads -the Civil War -the Civil War Part Two (Para 2)General introduction of Mark Twains life experiencestramp printer,river pilot guerrillaprospectorwriter/lecturerstarry-eyed optimist,acid-tongued cynicPart Part TwoTwo(Para 2)General introduction River PilotRiver Pilot Life on the Mississippi HannibalHannibal When I was a little boy,there was but one permanent ambition among my comrades in our village on the west bank of the Mississippi river.That was,to be a steam-boatman.We had transient ambitions of other sorts,but they were only transient.When a circus came and went,it left us all burning to become clowns;now and then we had a hope that,if we lived and were good,God would permit us to be pirates.These ambitions faded out,each in its turn;but the ambition to be a steam-boatman always remained.”(p.21)River Pilot Life on the MissWhat was the importance of the River to Mark Twain?marked the real beginning of his education e.g pilothouse talks of feuds,piracies,lynchings,medicine shows,savage waterside slumsacquainted him with every possible type of human nature,from whom he gained keen perception of the human race e.g.pioneers,hustlers,gamblers,thugssoaked up in the colorful language that he would record in his later writing What was the importance of thThe main current of pioneering humanity“If there is one quality that most Americans share,it is the yearning that sets their eyes straining for a look beyond the horizon,their minds wondering what might be beyond their range of vision,and their feet on paths into the unknown.”(罗选民,罗选民,英美社会与文化英美社会与文化(上上),p.10.)Some basic American values associate closely with the frontiersman traits:Hard working:freezing winter dry summer Ability to survive:Indians raids,competitions between pioneers,villains,robbers,violence Individuality,freedom,independence Being practical Being honest The main current of pioneeringWords and ExpressionsWords and Expressionsdigest:vt Fish is easy to digest.Have you digested the report yet?All this upset me.I need some time to digest it all.It took her a while to digest the bad news.过了一会儿她才接受了这个坏消息过了一会儿她才接受了这个坏消息 Digest:n.a collection of pieces and writings Readers Digest(读者文摘读者文摘)Some books are to be tasted,others to be swallowed,and some few to be chewed and digested.(Francis Bacon)书有可浅尝者,有可吞食者,少数则需咀嚼消化。书有可浅尝者,有可吞食者,少数则需咀嚼消化。Words and Expressionsdigest:attest:v.to.Be or give clear proof of sth.他对危机的处理证明了他性格坚强。他对危机的处理证明了他性格坚强。His handling of the crisis attested(to)his strength of character.她的迅速提升体现了她的杰出才干。她的迅速提升体现了她的杰出才干。Her outstanding ability was attested by her rapid promotion.His beautifully painted pictures well attest his love of his hometown.score:twenty Four scores and seven years ago our forefathers(87 years)scores of:large number,more than dozens but smaller than hundreds dozens of decades of attest:v.to.Be or give Words and ExpressionsWords and Expressionsdrain:v.to receive the waters of this area and carry them to the ocean;or to carry away the surface water.流过流过,把把(水水)排掉排掉,消耗掉消耗掉 water from the pond They wanted to the land The illness ed his strength The nations resources were ed by the war He ed his parents of every penny they had.Drainage system 排水系统排水系统Drainage basin 流域流域Words and Expressionsdrain:v.resurface:to become important and noticeable again These ideas resurfaced in the American civil rights movement.The disease was said to have resurfaced in three countries.soak up:to take in,to absorb He got out his handkerchief to soak up the blood.The reporter soaked up new information like a sponge.My clothes are soaking wet.During the summer vacation he soaked himself up in the traditions and customs of the place.Dont stand in the rain.You will be soaked through.Advanced English resurface:t Steamboat decks teemed not only with main current of pioneering humanity,but with its flotsam of hustlers,gamblers,and thugs teem withteem with:be full of,be swarming or crowded with充满充满 The river teems with all kinds of fish in summer.The woodlands teemed with wild life.Hainan teems with tourists in winter.Steamboat decks teemed dry up:(put)(come)to an end In hot weather,the lake/well/spring dries up.After his third novel,his imagination seemed to dry up.He spends easily as if his money never dries up.Lets dry up these glasses and get down to work.Dry book/lecture/film/speech dry up:(put)(come)to an endPart TwoPart Two Paragraphs 7-13|Background Information -The Gold Rush -Westward Expansion -the Old World,the New world -the Holy Land Part Two Paragraph 7 He went west by stagecoach and succumbed to the epidemic of gold and silver fever in Nevadas Washoe region.For eight months he flirted with the colossal wealth available to the lucky and the persistent,and was rebuffed.Broke and discouraged,he accepted a job as reporter with the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise,to literatures enduring gratitude.Paragraph 7 He went west by Paragraph 8From the discouragement of his mining failures,Mark Twain began digging his way to regional fame as a newspaper reporter and humorist.The instant riches of a mining strike would not be his in the reporting trade,but for making money,his pen would prove mightier than his pickax.In the spring of 1864,less than two years after joining the Territorial Enterprise,he boarded the stagecoach for San Francisco,then and now a hotbed of hopeful young writers.Paragraph 8From the discourageMetonymy,metaphor,synecdocheMetonymy:a figure of speech that consists in using the name of one thing for that of something else with which it is associated.Metaphor:a figure of speech containing an implied comparison,in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used for one thing is applied to another.Synecdoche:a figure of speech in which a part is used for a whole,an individual for a class,a material for a thing,or the reverse of any of these.Metonymy,metaphor,synecdocheIdentify metonymy and metaphor in the following:1)Habit is a cable.2)Beware of the bottle.3)Some books are to be tasted.4)He tried to take the crown from his brother.5)Have you ever read Mark Twain?(1.metaphor;2.metonymy;3.metaphor;4.metonymy;5.metonymy;)独眼龙,独眼龙,带帽子的带帽子的,向日葵,穿山甲,向日葵,穿山甲,大好河山大好河山,马尾松,马尾松,带鱼,山腰带鱼,山腰,鼠标鼠标Identify metonymy and metaphorIdentify metonymy and synecdoche in the following:1)Lets drink a cup or two.2)They were short of hands.3)The pen is mightier than the sword.4)He could hardly earn his everyday bread.5)Put down the steel.6)We had dinner at ten dollars a head.7)He is a brave heart.8)I am a man who lets the head rule the heart.Standard:metonymy:非隶属关系非隶属关系;synecdoche:隶属关系隶属关系(1.meto;2.syn;3.meto;4.syn;5.syn;6.syn;7.syn;8.meto)Identify metonymy and synecdoParagraph 9His descriptions of the rough-country settlers there ring familiarly in modern world accustomed to the trend-setting on the West Coast.“It was a splendid population for all the slow,sleepy,sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home.It was that population that gave to California a name for getting up astounding enterprises and rushing them through with a magnificent dash and daring and a recklessness of cost and consequences,which she bears unto this day and when she projects a new surprise the grave world smiles as usual,and says Well,that is California all over.Paragraph 9His descriptions otake a distinctly an American book a new world vs.an old world In Henry James The Ambassador”Americans-energy,vigor,innocence,roughness,dash and daring Europeans-sophistication,refined,gracefulness hypocritical,arrogantA milestone,of sorts,in a countrys developmentglowing travelogue Advanced EnglishThe old world vs.the new worldThe Old World includes Europe,Asia,and Africa(collectively known as Africa-Eurasia),plus surrounding islands before the voyages of Christopher Columbus(1496);The term is in distinction from the New World,meaning the Americas.Although the interiors of Asia and Africa were not well known to Europeans at the time,their existence was known,as were Japan and South Africa,which are also considered Old World.The old world vs.the new worlThe expression The Holy Land generally refers to the Land of Israel.It concerns the areas that hold significant religious importance to any or all three monotheistic traditions:Judaism,Christianity and Islam.The Holy Land is significant in Christianity,mainly because it is the place of birth,Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth,the Saviour or Messiah to Christianity.(see 耶稣受难记)耶稣受难记)Sharing similar religious beliefs with Jews and Christians,Muslims consider the land west of(but not limited to)the Jordan River to be Sacred as mentioned in the Quran,(5:20-21).高高级级英英语语(第三版第三版)第一册第六第一册第六课课-Mark-Train课课件件The Last Supper Leonardo Da Vinci,14951498tempera on gesso,pitch and mastic460 880 cm,181 346 inches Santa Maria delle Grazie(Milan)The Last Supper Leonardo Da ViThe Last Supper is painted on the dilapidated wall of what was a little chapel attached to the main church in ancient times.I suppose.It is battered and scarred in every direction,and stained and discolored by time.I recognized the old picture in a momentthe picture from which all engravings and all copies have been made for three centuries.Perhaps no living man has even known an attempt to paint the Lords Supper differently.The world seems to have become settled in this belief,long ago,that it is not possible for human genius to outdo this creation of Da Vincis.I suppose painters will go on copying it as long as any of the original is left visible to the eye”(From The Innocents Abroad:The Old Masters)Question:What did Mark Twain satirize?The Last Supper is painted oIt is a singular circumstance that right under the roof of this same church,and not far away from that illustrious column,Adam himself,the father of the human race,is buried.There is no question that he is actually buried in the grave which is pointed out as his there can be none because it has never yet been proven that that grave is not the grave in which he is buried.The tomb of Adam!How touching it was,here in a land of strangers,far away from home,and friends,and all who cared for me,thus to discover the grave of a blood relation.The fountain of my filial affection was stirred to its profoundest depths,and I gave way to tumultuous emotion.I leaned upon a pillar and burst into tears.I deem it no shame to have wept over the grave of my relative.Let him who would sneer at my emotion close this volume here,for he will find little to his taste in my journeyings through Holy Land.Noble old man-he did not live to see me-he did not live to see his child.And I-I-alas,I did not live to see him.Weighed down by sorrow and disappointment,he died before I was born-six thousand brief summers before I was born.But let us try to bear it with fortitude.Let us trust that he is better off where he is.Let us take comfort in the thought that his loss is our eternal gain.(from The Innocents Abroad:The Tomb of Adam)It is a singular ciWords and expressionsSuccumb to;flirt with;succumb to gave way to,yielded to,submitted to屈服,屈从于,听从屈服,屈从于,听从The government succumbed to the pressure of the press.政府已屈服于报界的压力。政府已屈服于报界的压力。Jiang Jie-shi succumbed to the pressure of the public and formed a united front with the Communist Party against the Japanese.flirt withmake love for amusement,without serious intention She flirts with every handsome man she meets.Dont take her seriously,poor boy.Shes only flirting with you.(fig)pretend to be interested in,think about,but not seriously.Hes been flirting with the idea of going to New York.flirtatious girlWords and expressionsAdvanced Rebuff:to reject bluntly;回绝回绝,断然拒绝断然拒绝She rebuffed all my offers of friendship.The attempt of friendship was rebuffed with a cold look.We tried to be friendly,but his rebuff made me think that he wanted to be left alone.to literatures enduring gratitudean adverbial of result.To my surprise/satisfaction/disappointment/delight/horror/astonishment/dismay/amusement/to my knowledge(据我所知)(据我所知)Advanced English An account of Mark Twains two great worksThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer a classical tale of American boyhoodThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn a moving panorama for exploration of American society Part TwoPart Two-(Para 14-19)(Para 14-19)An account of Mark TwainPara 17-19Nine years after Tom Sawyer swept the nation,Huck was given a life of his own,in a book often considered the best ever written about Americans.His raft flight down the Mississippi with the runaway slave presents a moving panorama for exploration of American society.On the river,and especially with Huck Finn,Twain found the ultimate expression of escape from the pace he lived by and often deplored,from lifes regularities and the energy-sapping clamor for success.Mark Twain suggested that an ingredient was missing in the American ambition when he said:“What a robust people,what a nation of thinkers we might be,if we would only lay ourselves on the shelves occasionally and renew our edges.”Para 17-19 Nine years after ToWords and Expressions deplore:feel or express strong disapproval of,condemn.We all deplore his lack of mannersrobust:vigorous,strong,stout,tough,forceful The football players have robust physiqueenergy-sapping:energy weakeningnerve-racking tasktime-consuming exercisesclamora loud cry,uproarWords and Expressions deploPart ThreePara(20-22)An account of Mark Twains personal tragedy and conclusionPersonal tragedies:deaths of his loved onesHis pessimism in his later years:disillusion with the world and life itself Part Part ThreeThree Part ThreePara(20-22)An acFrom The Mysterious Stranger published posthumously in 1916.It is true,that which I have revealed to you,there is no God,no universe,no human race,no earthly life,no heaven,no hell.It is all a dream a grotesque and foolis


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