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ListeningListening1Listen to Part 1 again and answer these questions.1.What was Mary going to do with the cooked plums in the pan?She was going to put them in the fridge later when they had cooled down.2.What did John think Mary should have done with the mess in the pan?He thought she should have thrown it out for the chickens to eat.Listen to Part 1 again and ans2Marys reactionJohns reaction to herMary will laugh1 John will apologize.2 He will tell her she should not have left the jam on the kitchen table.Marys reactionJohns reaction3Marys reactionJohns reaction to herMary will get angry and tell John he should have put the jam in the dustbin1 John will get angry too and say that she should have told him she was making jam.2 He will laugh and say it is not important.3 He will apologize.Marys reactionJohns reaction4Marys reactionJohns reaction to herMary will say that the problems with the chickens are Johns responsibility1 John will deny this saying that she should not have left the jam on the kitchen table.2 He will say that Mary did not tell him what she had been doing in the kitchen.3 He did not know the chickens would get sick.Marys reactionJohns reaction5Mary got angry with John.Mary saw the chickens behaving strangely.John was sorry.The chickens enjoyed the jam.John said he thought the jam was porridge.Mary looked at the red mess on the ground.John said the chicken were drunk.Mary came home.Part 2 Put these sentences in order1 3 6 5 2 7 4 8Mary got angry with John.Part 6Fill in the blanks.“You _ my jam,”she shouted.“Oh,_ what it was,”he said.“Im _ but I thought it was _ which had gone bad in the hot weather.The chickens have _ the jam,but its made them _.”threw awaythatssorryporridgeenjoyeddrunkFill in the blanks.“You7THE STORY OF THE DRUNKEN CHICKENS Mary Smith looked at the beautiful ripe plums.They would make lovely jam.When she had finished the cooking,she filed all her empty jam jars and left the rest of the jam in the pan.Part 1Listening text THE STORY OF THE DRUNKEN CHICK8She would put it in the fridge when it was cooler.But just then the telephone rang,her mother was in hospital after a car accident.Mary picked up her bag and ran out of the house.She would put it in the fridge9 Some days later,her husband,John,came home from a business trip.He had been travelling all day and felt like having a drink and a piece of cake.As he came into the kitchen he saw a pan with a dark red mess inside it.He lifted it up and smelled it.It smelled bad.Some days later,her husba10Mary must have forgotten to clean this pan,he thought.So he poured all the jam into the chicken yard and cleaned the pan.Then feeling comfortable,he began to eat a piece of cake.Mary must have forgotten to cl11 When Mary returned,she noticed the chickens behaving strangely.They were running round the yard as if they were sick.She saw the dark red mess on the ground and went closer.When she saw a plum stone she went into the kitchen.Part 2 When Mary returned,she no12Her husband was reading a newspaper at the table.Angrily Mary rushed up to him.“You threw away my jam,”she shouted.“Oh,thats what it was,”he said.“Im sorry but I thought it was porridge which had gone bad in the hot weather.“Good heavens!”said Mary.Her husband was reading a news13“That must be the jam I left in the pan,but why didnt you throw it in the dustbin?”John laughed.“It was a mistake.However,the chickens have enjoyed the jam,except that it has made them drunk.What are we going to do with these drunken chickens?”“That must be the jam I left i141.Listen to the tape and tick the words you hear.thief knife potatoescarrots mushrooms midnight shirt trousers spread stole whispered shoutedListening on P551.Listen to the tape and tick15Main idea The story is about a thief who tries to steal some potatoes and Peter who successfully prevents them from being stolen.Main idea The story is about a16 Listen to the tape again and answerthe following questions.1.Where did Peter get the potatoes?Peter was given the potatoes by a friend.2.Why did he ask his wife to be quiet when she heard the thief?He thought the thief might have a knife and he did not want to make him angry.Listen to the tape again a17 3.Why couldnt the thief take away the potatoes?4.Why was the thief angry?Peter removed the shirt that the thief had planned to put the potatoes in.He thought the husband had stolen his shirt so he could no longer steal the potatoes.3.Why couldnt the thief tak18Listening text WHOS TAKEN MY SHIRT?Long ago,there lived a poor couple,Peter and his wife.One day a friend gave them some potatoes and they put them on the floor.At midnight a thief broke into their house.Listening text WHOS TA19 It was very dark.The wife heard a noise and shouted:“Peter,Peter.Wake up.There is a thief in our house.”Peter was clever.Thinking that the thief might have a knife,he did not want to make him angry.So he said,It was very dark.The wife h20 “Be quiet.It must be mice.Theres no thief.”So his wife went back to sleep.The thief found the potatoes on the floor.Having no bag to carry them,he took off his shirt and spread it on the floor.“Be quiet.It must be mice.21 As he was picking up the potatoes to put them on his shirt,Peter quietly took the shirt away and hid it under the bed.He did not want to lose his potatoes.The thief did not know his shirt had gone,so he put the potatoes on what he thought was his shirt.However,when he tried to pick them up he could not do so.As he was picking up the po22 As he was looking for his shirt,Peters wife woke up again and shouted,“Peter.There IS a thief in our house.”Peter became very angry.He shouted,“Ive told you there is no thief in your house.”Hearing this,the thief became very angry too.As he was looking for 23 “Who said there is no thief?he said.“If there is no thief in this house,then,whos taken my shirt?”“Who said there is no thief?24Listening task on P58Listening task on P58 Choose the best picture that best describes what happened.ABCListening task on P58 C25Sample description:1.The teacher sees some boys looking at a dog.2.The dog is thin and he feels sorry for it.3.He asks what they intend to do with it.4.He finds they all want to look after it but only the person who tells the biggest lie can have it as a pet.Sample description:1.The t26 5.The teacher is angry and lectures the boys about telling lies and how honest he was at their age.6.The boys decide to give him the dog.5.The teacher is angry and27Choose the best answer to each question.1.Why did the children decide to give the dog to the teacher?A.Because none of them wanted to keep the dog.B.Because their teacher liked it.C.Because they could not decide which of them should own it.D.Because they thought the teacher had told the biggest lie.Choose the best answer to each28 2.What do you think about the children?A.They all like dogs.B.They all respect their teachers.C.They all work hard at their lessons.D.They are honest and lovely.2.What do you think about 29 3.What do you think about the teacher?A.He does not like these boys.B.He wants to become the owner of the dog C.He does not like the way the children choose an owner for the dog D.He wants to stop the children telling lies to own the dog 3.What do you think about 30Listen to the tape again and answer the question.How do you think the teacher felt when he was offered the dog?I think the teacher felt embarrassed when he was offered the dog,because he did not want it and had not expected to be offered it.And he felt very unhappy to be considered a liar.Listen to the tape again and a31Discussion Discuss how you would solve these problems and help the teacher.Discussion Discuss how yo32Help the teacherAdvice to refuse to take the dog politelyThe teacher should suggest to the boys that he would love the dog but that it is impossible for him to take it for walks as he has so much work to do.Offer it back to them as he can now see how well they would care for it.Help the teacherAdvice to re33Help the teacherAdvice to decide which boy should have the dog The teacher should suggest that the boys explain how they would care for the dog.Note where they would keep it,what they would feed it on,how often they would take it for walks,whether their parents are happy to have a new dog.Then choose accordingly.Help the Advice to decide wh34Listening text WHO SHOULD OWN THE DOG?One day a teacher was walking along the road.It was a lovely sunny day.The sky was blue and the birds were singing in the trees.The teacher felt very happy until he saw five boys,standing around a thin and hungry dog.Listening text WHO SHOUL35 It looked very frightened and the teacher felt very sorry for it.So he asked the boys what they were going to do with the dog.“Oh,”said one of the boys.“We were just deciding who should take the dog home and look after it.We all want it It looked very frightened a36 for a pet but only one of us can have it.”The teacher asked how they were going to choose the owner of the dog.“Well,”said another boy.“Weve decided that the one who told the biggest lie should have him.”At this the teacher became very angry.He began to talk to the boys about truth and honesty.for a pet but only one of u37 He continued for ten minutes while the boys listened carefully.Then he ended by saying,“And I never told a lie when I was your age.”There was a long silence as the boys looked at the teacher and then each other.They seemed to agree with what he had said.The teacher was glad that his words had He continued for ten minute38 impressed the boys.Then the first boy spoke again.“After what we heard,we think you should have the dog!”impressed the boys.Then th39Homework Please collect as many funny stories as you can.They will be useful in the next period.And try to find some interesting words in these stories.Homework Please collect 40


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