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A healthy life1ReadingReading2The three biggest killers in the worldHeart disease CancerAIDSThe three biggest killers in t3symbol red ribbonimage ambassadorWarming upimage ambassadorWarming up41.What is HIV?HIV virusHIV is a virus,a small living thing leading people to disease.1.What is HIV?HIV virusHIV is5 virus virus62.What is AIDS?AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.(后天免疫缺陷综合症后天免疫缺陷综合症)AIDS is a disease.The stage of having HIV in ones body is called AIDS.2.What is AIDS?AIDS is a dise7Some facts By the end of 2003,an estimated 42 million around the world were living with HIV/AIDS.During the year,5 million people became infected and an estimated 3 million people died.About one-third of people living with HIV/AIDS are 15-24 years of age.More than 7 million people in Asia and the Pacific are living with HIV/AIDS.Some facts By the end of 281.What health issues do you think concern young people the most?Cigarette smoking Drinking alcohol Drug abuse Diet Physical fitnessSexual health Stress Obesity 1.What health issues do you t9 2.Whats a healthy life?A healthy person is someone who is healthy in both body and mind.2.Whats a healthy life?A he10*Choose one health issue you think is particularly important.*List five things you would like to tell other people about this issue.Group work*Choose one health i11 Looking at the following pictures.What are they doing?Which are healthy activities while which are unhealthy activities?Looking at the following p12SingingHealthySingingHealthy13DancingHealthyDancingHealthy14Playing basketballHealthyPlaying basketballHealthy15Doing TaijiHealthyDoing TaijiHealthy16Drinking alcoholUnhealthyDrinking alcoholUnhealthy17Eating too muchUnhealthyEating too muchUnhealthy18Smoking,coughingUnhealthySmoking,coughingUnhealthy19Pre-reading1.Have you ever smoked?If you have,have you stopped?2.Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?3.In what ways is smoking harmful?Do you think smoking should be banned?4.Where could you get good advice on stopping smoking?Pre-reading1.Have you ever sm20He is killing himself!21 Reading Advice from Grandpa Reading Advice from Grandp22Whats the main idea of the passage?James grandfather wrote to him to give him some advice on how to quit smoking.SkimmingReading Comprehension IWhats the main idea of the pa23SkimmingReading Comprehension IIMatch the paragraphs with the main ideas.SkimmingReading Comprehension 24 AParagraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Paragraph 5 Ba.Grandad talks about James problem of smoking.b.The harmful effects of smoking.c.Grandad tells about the life he is living and the importance of healthy life.d.Grandads hope for James and his advice on stopping smoking.e.The three different ways of becoming addicted.AB251.Who?2.To whom?3.Purpose?James grandfatherJamesTo give James some advice and encourage him to quit smokingScanningReading Comprehension IIIGo through the first two and the last paragraphs.Who?James grandfatherJamesTo26Information from the reading passageDifferent ways people can become addicted to cigarettes1._ addicted to nicotine.2.addicted through _ 3._ addictedRead paragraph 3,4 and fill in the blanks.physicallyhabitmentallyScanning:Information from the reading p27harmful effects of terrible damage to your _.2.more difficult for smoking couples to _.3.Smoking could _ the health of _.4.smell _.5.The ends of fingers _.6.You become _ quickly.7.You are not enjoying _.heart and lungsbecome pregnantaffectnon-smokersterribleturn terrible damage to your 28How can I stop smoking?What suggestions does it give for smokers to quit smoking?How can I stop smoking?What su29Suggestions to quit smoking1.Prepare yourself2.Be determined3.Break the habit4.Relax5.Get help if you need it6.Keep tryingSuggestions to quit smoking1.30How should we act towards people who have HIV/AIDS?What can we do to help them?(Discuss in groups of four)DiscussionHow should we act to31safedangeroussafedangerous32How should we act towards people who have HIV/AIDS?What can we do to help them?Dont look down upon them.Show love and care to them.Help them fight fear,shame and injustice(unfair).How should we act towards peop33Make a summary of the advice on how to stop smoking.Be sure to use your own words and no more than five sentences.Make a summary of the advice o34Homework 1.Make sentences with the following words and phrases:due to addicted to accustomed to automatically mentally manage pregnant quit decide on eventually2.Search on the Internet or other sources for information about how to stop smoking.Homework 1.Make sentences wit35


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