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第六章 运营管理节三 产品设计第六章 运营管理节三 产品设计1一、ProductA product is the physical object(hardware,food,medicine),software or service from which customer gets direct utility plus a number of other factors,services and perceptions that make the product:Useful Desirable Convenient 一、ProductA product is the phys2Whole Product Concept A product,to the potential customer,is value satisfaction The generic“thing”or“device”is not itself the product.It is the minimum necessary to get into the“game”A product has meaning only from the viewpoint of the customer or the ultimate user.Only the buyer or the user can assign value Whole Product Concept A produc3文化艺术管理学运营管理产品设计课件4产品整体概念产品整体概念产品整体概念5核心利益最基本的层次是核心利益,即顾客真正所购买的基本服务或利益。在旅馆,夜宿旅客真正要购买的是休息与睡眠。对于唇膏,妇女们真正要购买的是希望。核心利益最基本的层次是核心利益,即顾客真正所购买的基本服务或6The Generic Product The generic product is the rudimentary“thing”without which there is no chance to participate in the market:for a bank:loanable funds for a realtor:“for sale”properties for a lawyer:the bar exam certificate for WebTV:the box for satellite TV:the antenna and receiver box The Generic Product The generi7The Expected ProductThe expected product represents the customers minimal expectations Delivery conditions,installation services,post-sale services,spare parts,training,packaging conveniences the bank:the loan officer who is cooperative the realtor:who is on your side the lawyer:who protects you the WebTV:that only connects to a few home shopping channels the Satellite TV retailer:that does not offer installation support to an old man The Expected Product8The Expected Product,contdThe expected attributes vary by customers and industries They could be sources of product differentiation depending on how well suppliers do them The Expected Product,contd9The Augmented ProductCustomer may be offered more than what she thinks she needs or expects Computer that comes with“Office 2000”already installed Optical store that replaces customers lost contact lenses nights&weekends and delivers them to customers home Augmentations are means of product differentiation They could also create customer dependency on the supplier enlarge or increaseThe Augmented Product10The Augmented ProductNot all customers can be attracted to by an ever widening circle of augmented benefits They may prefer lower prices to more augmentation The Augmented Product11The Potential Product The Potential Product consists of everything potentially feasible to get and keep customers what may remain to be done what is possible in the future The Potential Product The Pote12The Potential ProductIn high tech markets,customers desire extendibility for the product so that the platform and basic technology can last over several generations of technology progressions The Potential Product13第五个层次是潜在产品,即该产品最终可能会实现的全部附加部分和新转换部分。如果附加产品包含着产品的今天,则潜在产品指出了它可能的演变。最近出现的那种顾客能占用一套客房的全套家庭服务式旅馆代表了对传统旅馆产品的新转换。Butler 圆山大饭店 饮食男女菲利普科特勒 著,营销管理-分析、计划、执行和控制,上海人民出版社,梅汝和、梅清豪、张桁 译。文化艺术管理学运营管理产品设计课件14Whole Product ConceptThe cost of creating a complete product is often many times the cost of developing the generic product(hardware,or software,or drug)Whole Product Concept15文化艺术管理学运营管理产品设计课件16文化艺术管理学运营管理产品设计课件17纯公共物品 准公共物品纯私人用品纯公共物品 非排他性非竞争性准公共物品 可收费物品 有排他性无竞争性 公共资源 无排他性有竞争性纯私人用品 既排他又竞争纯公共物品 准公共物品纯私人用品纯公共物品 非排他性非竞争性18文化艺术管理学运营管理产品设计课件19文化艺术管理学运营管理产品设计课件20文化艺术管理学运营管理产品设计课件21二、产品设计功能创意成本体验二、产品设计功能22产品属性包括:内在、外在、表现和抽象四项内容(1)內部屬性(Intrinsic attributes),指產品的實體組成成份,包括原料屬性、製造屬性、形式屬性;(2)外部屬性(Extrinsic attributes),指不需要用產品便可進行評估,包括品牌屬性、包裝屬性、附加產品屬性、價格屬性;(3)功能屬性(Performance attributes),指產品表現其效用的方式;(4)抽樣屬性(Abstract attributes),指將包含於數個屬性中的資訊濃縮總結,包括多屬性評估、使用者想像屬性、使用情境屬性。产品属性包括:内在、外在、表现和抽象四项内容(1)內部屬性(23文化艺术管理学运营管理产品设计课件24文化艺术管理学运营管理产品设计课件25功能功能手表功能功能26创意创意法则文章本天成,妙手偶得之创意创意法则27成本成本设计方法成本成本成本设计方法28体验Cultural and creative products and services are also experience goods.They stage an experience that is directly related to the user.In order to stage this experience,the users demands will be taken in to consideration in the design of the Products and services continuously,through feedback loops.体验Cultural and creative pro29文化艺术管理学运营管理产品设计课件30How much value does Starbucks add?Cost of coffee bean when harvested=$0.50/lb.Value realized by Starbucks from selling cup of coffee=$230/lb.AN INCREASE OF VALUE OF+46,000%.How much value does Starbucks 31文化艺术管理学运营管理产品设计课件32文化艺术管理学运营管理产品设计课件33文化艺术管理学运营管理产品设计课件34案例 产品服务设计沃尔玛 设计案例 产品服务设计沃尔玛 设计35文化艺术管理学运营管理产品设计课件36


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