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小升初英语专项复习小升初英语专项复习-句子篇句子篇描述活动类描述活动类什么是活动?什么是活动?体育活动体育活动文娱活动文娱活动家务活动家务活动体育活动体育活动volleyball:vli,b:l 排球 basketball:bskitb:l 篮球tennis:tenis 网球table tennis 乒乓球 badminton:bdmintn 羽毛球 run jump swim Climb mountains 文娱活动文娱活动Piano Violin erhuPipa文娱活动文娱活动sing dance read books listen to music draw pictures sweeepsweep the floorempty the trashwater the flowerscook the mealsclean the bedroom家务活动家务活动涉及到活动类的句子有哪些呢?涉及到活动类的句子有哪些呢?这些句子都用动词原形吗?这些句子都用动词原形吗?用动词原形的句子有哪些呢?用动词原形的句子有哪些呢?vWhat can you do?vI can+动词原形动词原形I am helpful.I can.sweeepsweep the floorempty the trashwater the flowerscook the mealsclean the bedroomI am helpful.I can.I can.Can you play Chinese chess?What can you do?Lets make a list.At home At schoolWhat can you do?Look,the trash bin is full.Can you empty the trash?Yes,I can.Im answering an important phone.I should take a message.Im thirsty.May I drink some water?Yes,you may.Who is he?must 必须,肯定必须,肯定He must be MingRen There is a piece of paper on the floor,what should we do.We should pick it upshould 应该应该Sir,What would you like?I would like a hamburger.would 想要想要vCan vMay vShouldv vWould vMust你知道他们的否定形式吗?你知道他们的否定形式吗?情态动词情态动词后面加动词原形后面加动词原形vCan vMay vShouldv vWould vMustvCantvMay notvShould not(shouldnt)v vWould not vNeed not 你知道他们的否定形式吗?你知道他们的否定形式吗?2013 2014 2015 2016 2017Now Past Future 过去 现在 将来发生在现发生在现在的活动在的活动经常发生的经常发生的正在发生的正在发生的What do you do on the weekend?I like my weekend,too.I can do many things.I often clean my room.经常经常经常经常Sometimes I climb mountains.有时有时有时候有时候Usually I go hiking to Bai Yunhu Park on the weekend.通常通常;一般一般通常;一般通常;一般通常;一般通常;一般有时候有时候经常经常 dodoyouyouWhatWhatthetheweekendweekend?onondodo go Sometimes I shopping.go Sometimes I shopping.UsuallyUsuallywatchwatchI I TVTVgogoshoppingshoppingandand.Sometimes Sometimesgrandparentsgrandparents I my I my .visit visit playplayoftenoften football football I I .What do you do on the weekend?Usually I watch TV and go shopping.Sometimes I visit my grandparents.I often play football.Sometimes I go shopping.What do you do on the weekend?改成句子:把改成句子:把you 改成改成he/she What does he/she do on the weekend?当主语是第三人称单数时,当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词后要加谓语动词后要加s(es)Usually I watch TV and go shopping.改成句子:把改成句子:把I 改成改成he/she Usually He/she watches TV and goes shopping.到底哪些是第三人称单数到底哪些是第三人称单数人称代词人称代词 人称人称分类分类 第一人称第一人称 第二人称第二人称 第三人称第三人称 单数单数 复数复数 单数单数 复数复数 单数单数复数复数宾格宾格I you you he she it they me us you you him her itthem We人名:人名:Marry,Mike谁的谁:谁的谁:my sister,your father谁的什么:谁的什么:His bike,Her book数字,单词,字母,地点数字,单词,字母,地点readreadsbringbringscookcooksusesuse动词的第三人称单数构成动词的第三人称单数构成1 一般直接在动词后面加一般直接在动词后面加 s2 以以 sh,ch,th,s,x和和o结尾的动词加结尾的动词加 esmisswatchgoteachmisseswatchesgoesteaches5.不规则动词不规则动词have3.以辅音字母加以辅音字母加y结尾的,把结尾的,把y改成改成ies4.以元音字母加以元音字母加y结尾的动词,直接加结尾的动词,直接加sflystudysay playfliesstudiessaysplayshas练习练习vI.写出第三人称单数:写出第三人称单数:wash match matchesguess guessesStudy studiesFinish finishesGo goesSnow snowsCarry carries一一.用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空1.I usually _(go)running for half an hour at the weekend.2.2.My mom _(like)watching TV.3.3.This _(be)my cat.It _(love)me.4.4._(be)your sister a member of the Reading Club?5.5.She often _(finish)her homework at 9:00.6.6.Cats like _(eat)fish.7.7.We _(not have)a Music lesson.8.8.His uncle _(not get)up early everyday.golikesislovesIsfinisheseatingdont havedoesnt get1.Ben_a new bicycle.A.have B.has C.are D.were2.Kitty_her bicycle to the park.A.ride B.riding C.rides D.ridden3.A man _in front of his car.A.walk B.walks C.walking D.work4.Sams bicycle _a bell.A.have B has C.having D.is having5.The girl _“Excuse me”A.say B.saying C.says D.sayes6.How _it feel?A.does B.do C.are D.is7.Mike_not like his bike.A.do B.is C.does D.are8.He _apples.A.likes B.like C.does D.are9.He_with his nose.A.smelling B.smells C.smell D.is smell10.Lucy_with her hands.A.touch B.touching C.touches D.touchs发生在现发生在现在的活动在的活动经常发生的经常发生的正在发生的正在发生的The students are listening to the teacher.概念:概念:现在进行时态表示现在现在进行时态表示现在(说话瞬间说话瞬间)正正在进行或发生的动作。在进行或发生的动作。例如:我们正在上英语课。例如:我们正在上英语课。e.g.We are having an English class.陈述句现在进行时基本结构陈述句现在进行时基本结构IamHe/She/ItWe/They isarerunning.speaking.writing.be动词动词+V-ing(动词现在分词动词现在分词)主语主语 +YouBe动词用法:用法:I用用am,you 用用are.Is用于他、她、它(用于他、她、它(he/she/it).We、you、they 好朋友,后面统统跟上好朋友,后面统统跟上are.单数主语跟单数主语跟is.复数主语要跟复数主语要跟are.She readisingnow.Mr.Penguin is fishing.He is playing basketball.They are singing.They are eating.否定句否定句(be(be后加后加not)not):一般疑问句一般疑问句(be(be提到句首提到句首):not主语主语现在进行时的否定句和疑问句现在进行时的否定句和疑问句He is not playing football now.What is your father doing now?Is Amy dancing?be+v-ingbe+v-ing?特殊疑问句(疑问词特殊疑问句(疑问词+一般疑问句)一般疑问句)疑问词疑问词+be+主语主语+v-ing?-Is the woman writing?-No,she isnt.She is reading a book.-Are they singing?-No,they arent.They arent singing.They are dancing.Is the girl _(get)up?No,she _.What _ she _?She _ _.getting isntisdoingis sleeping现在进行时的标志语:现在进行时的标志语:时间状状语:now 现在 right now 此刻,现在;立刻,马上 these days 这些天些天 at present 目前;现在 at the moment 此刻,现在 提示语提示语:Look!Listen!规则如下规则如下:1)一般动词后直接加一般动词后直接加-ing.如:如:reading,watching,seeing2)以不发音的以不发音的e结尾的词去掉结尾的词去掉e再加再加-ing.如如:makemaking writewriting 3)以重读、闭音、单辅音字母结尾的词,以重读、闭音、单辅音字母结尾的词,双写这个辅音字母,再加双写这个辅音字母,再加-ing.如如:get-getting,swim-swimming put-putting,run-running 训练集中营训练集中营 写出下列动词的现在分词形式写出下列动词的现在分词形式 talk_ sleep _ watch _ sit _ listen _ make _ laugh _ lie _ cry _ sing _ cut_ write_ talking sleeping watching sitting listening making laughing lying crying singing cutting writing1)Look!Some boys _(make)model planes2)The boy _(lie)on the ground now.3)At the moment,we _(listen)to our teacher.4)Listen!Daniel _(sing)an English.5)Its six oclock in the morning.Simon _(get)up.用动词的适当形式填空用动词的适当形式填空are makingis lyingare listeningis singingis getting过去 现在 将来Go fishingWhat is she going to do?What is he going to do?What are they going to do?Tomorrow I am going to take pictures.She is going to go fishing.He is going to play football.They are going to play basketball.一般将来时一般将来时1.表示表示:打算打算,计划要去做事情或动作计划要去做事情或动作(还没还没有发生的事情或动作有发生的事情或动作)be+going to (be不能少不能少,少了一分没少了一分没有有)2.时间词时间词:tomorrow,tonight,one week later/two days later,this morning/afternoon/evening next week/month/year/Sunday.一般将来时的五大公式一般将来时的五大公式 (问动作问动作)1)What+be+人人+going to do+将来的时间将来的时间?人人+be+going to+动词动词(原形原形).如如:What are you going to do tonight?I am going to read books.(做作业做作业)1.What are you going to do a month later?2.What are they going to do a month later?3.What is he going to do a month later?4.What is she going to do a month later?5.What is Sally going to do a month later?6.What is Mr.Liu going to do a month later?例例:1)Where are you going tomorrow?I am going to Canada tomorrow.2)Where are you going tomorrow?We are going to the cinema.(问位置问位置)2.Where+be+人人+going+将来的时间将来的时间?人人+be going to +地方地方或或:人人+be going to +the+地点地点.(其中其中go to school 与与go home 是例外的是例外的)1.Where are you going a month later?(去北京去北京)2.Where are they going a month later?3.Where is he going a month later?(去图书馆去图书馆)4.Where is she going a month later?5.Where is Sally going a month later?(去学校去学校)6.Where is Mr.Liu going a month later?(问交通方式问交通方式)3.How+be+人人+going/与与going有关的短语有关的短语)?人人+be+going +交通方式交通方式.例例:How is Coco going?Coco is going on foot.How is Coco going to school?Coco is going to school on foot.乘飞机1.How are you going?2.How are they going?3.How is he going to school?4.How is she going to school?5.How is Sally going to Guangzhou?6.How is Mr.Liu going to Guangzhou?例例:1)When is she going?She is going next Sunday.2)When is she going to Beijing?She is going next holiday.(问时间问时间)4.When+be+人人+going/与与going有关的短语有关的短语?人人+be+going+将来的时间将来的时间.或或:When+be+人人+going to+动词动词(原形原形)?人人+be+going to+动词动词(原形原形)+将来的时间将来的时间.1.When are you going?(下周末下周末)2.When are they going?3.When is he going to the cinema?1.4.When is she going to the cinema?2.5.When is Xiao Ming going to row a boat?6.When is Da Ming going to do homework?7.When is Sally going to bed tonight?1.8.When is Mr.Liu going to go to bed?5.(问理想问理想)1)What are you going to be?I am going to be+a/an+职业.2)What do you want to be?I want to be+a/an +职业.What is she going to be?12345考考你考考你:你能准确地将下面一句话改为一般疑问句吗?改一般疑问句改一般疑问句Helen is going to read books in the library next weekend.Is Helen going to read books in the library next weekend?考考你考考你:你能准确地将下面一句话改为否定句吗?改否定句改否定句Helen is going to read books in the library next weekend.Helen isnt going to read books in the library next weekend.请快速地说出下面一句话的同义句写同义句写同义句Helen is going to read books in the library next weekend.Helen will read books in the library next weekend.考考你考考你:你们会对下面句子的划线部分进行恰当地提问吗?对划线部分提问对划线部分提问Helen is going to read booksin the library next weekend.1234用所给动词的正确形式填空1.I (do)my homework tonight.2.We (water)the flowers this afternoon.3.He (buy)a CD next Saturday.4.You (read)books on the weekend.5.They (go)the cinema this evening.6.My parents (fly)to Beijing tomorrow.am going to doare going to wateris going to buyare going to readare going toare going to fly


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