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The Function of Note-taking in Listening ComprehensionAbstractListening, speaking, reading and writing are the four important parts of language learning, among which listening is considered as the largest part in English communication. For a long time, listening teaching has always been an indispensable part of English teaching. The process of listening teaching aims to enable students to understand the speakers intention accurately and master an effective language communicative ability rather than only a single word or a sentence.In routine English listening teaching classes, teachers seldom taught the students how to listen to the material, but more often just “poured” a huge number of listening materials to students. In the long run, students would find such teaching model boring and finally lose the interest in listening. For the above mentioned reason, listening in English teaching has been the “bottleneck” in China for many years. There hasnt been an effective way or model to improve students listening comprehension proficiency yet. For most of the students, listening is always a weak link in their English study. Note-taking is an important learning strategy.In view of the problems that exist in students English listening comprehension and the characteristics of listening comprehension, this thesis will analysis the function of the note-taking and provide the effective teaching method for teachers. The study has positive implications not only in listening teaching but also in the whole English teaching process. Key Words: Note-taking; Listening Comprehension; Teaching implication 摘要听、说、读、写是英语语言学习的四个重要组成部分,其中听是语言交流的重要手段,是语言输入的两个途径之一。长期以来,听力教学一直是英语教学中不可或缺的一部分。听力教学的目的是要让学生准确理解说话者的意图并掌握有效的语言交际能力,而不是只要求学生能听懂一个单词或一个句子即可。以往的英语听力教学中,教师很少去教学生如何去听,而更多的只是将大量的视听材料“灌”给学生。长此以往,固定单一的模式不但不能解决学生听力上的问题,反而使学生对听力教学失去了兴趣。因此,多年以来,大学英语听力教学都是我国英语教学的“瓶颈”,听力教学一直没有找到一个有效提高学生听力水平的教学模式或方法途径。对大部分学生而言,听力始终是个薄弱环节。针对目前学生在英语听力和听力理解特点方式的问题,本文将分析笔记在听力理解中的作用并为教师提供相关的教学方法。本研究不仅为教师提供积极的教学方法,也为整个教育界提供一个良好的教学启示。关键词:笔记;听力理解;教学启示ContentsABSTRACT2摘要3CONTENTS4I INTRODUCTION51.1 Background of Thesis51.2 Teaching Current Situation in China6II LITERATURE REVIEW72.1 Memory and Listening Comprehension72.2 Note-taking72.2.1 Definition of Note-taking72.2.2 Function of Note-taking82.3 Note-taking as a strategy for Listening Comprehension92.4 Advantage of Note-taking10III THE SPECIFIC WAYS OF NOTE-TAKING IN LISTENING COMPREHENSION113.1 Note selectively113.2 Using Identifiable Notations123.3 A Peaceful Mind in Listening Comprehension133.4 Grasping the Key Words133.5 Instant repetition or shadowing143.6 Understanding the related Knowledge14IV FUNCTION OF NOTE-TAKING IN LISTENING COMPREHENSION164.1 Note-taking improve Learners Listening Comprehension164.2 Choosing effective Materials174.3 Helping Improve Scores174.4 Attracting Students Attention184.5 Providing Good Teaching way for Teachers19V CONCLUSION205.1 Major Finding205.2 Pedagogical Implications205.3 Limitations and Suggestions21REFERENCES23I IntroductionListening, speaking, reading and writing are the four important parts in language learning. Research shows that adults spent 40% to 50% of communication time for listening, 25% to 30% speaking, 11% to 16% reading, and about 9% writing. Listening is the largest part in English communication. Therefore, the importance of listening can be reflected from the statistics and the teaching of listening in colleges or universities, and it should be regarded as the key task.1.1 Background of Thesis Psycholinguists believe that listening comprehension is a course of information processing that purposefully perceives, analyzes and applies the newly heard information using the original information stored in the brain. Listening teaching process aims to enable students to understand the speakers intention accurately and master effective language communicative ability rather than only require the students to understand a single word or a sentence. In routine English listening teaching classes, teachers seldom teach the students how to listen to the material, but more often just “pour” a huge number of listening materials to students, believing that they would get the listening skills naturally after finishing these tasks. Most teachers always follow this kind of teaching process: first giving students the listening materials and asking them to do exercises, then giving students the right answers and comments, and at last asking them to do the exercises again. In the long run, students would find this teaching model boring and it wont solve their confusion in the listening, and therefore they will lose the interest in this monotonous teaching model. For the above mentioned reason, listening in English teaching has been the “bottleneck” in China for many years. There hasnt been an effective way or model to improve students listening comprehension proficiency yet. For most of the students, listening is always a weak link in their English study.1.2 Teaching Current Situation in ChinaIn English test of China, listening comprehension often takes the form of a listening passage followed by a set of questions. In the routine listening classes, teachers always adopt this kind of teaching process: giving students the listening material and asking them to do exercises giving students the right answers and comments asking students to do the exercises again. It does not mean that such kind of lessons is of no value. But in the long view, students would find such teaching model boring and can not solve their real confusion in listening, thus finally lose their interest in listening. What is suggested here is that this routine approach is not the most efficient way to develop listening comprehension for students.II Literature Review2.1 Memory and Listening ComprehensionListening comprehension is a psychological process that humans synthetic abilities are involved in. It is closely related with memory because vast quantities of information are processed in listening comprehension procedure. Chen Jitang (2002) points out that memory are the precondition of comprehension in the process of receiving voice information. Atkinson R.C and Shiffrin R.M in 1968 propose the multi-stored model of memory, which describes memory in terms of information flowing through such a system: information is perceived by the sense organs and enters the sensory memory; if the original information is attended and processed within one minute, it will enter the short-term memory; information from the short term memory is transferred to the long-term memory only if that information is fully rehearsed. If rehearsal does not occur, then information will be forgotten, lost from short-term memory through the processes of displacement or decay.Listening comprehension is largely dependent on the capacity of short-term memory, for the reason that short-term memory is the work cell of information processing, and whether the information can be transferred from short-term memory to long-term memory is determined by the intensity and frequency that information is processed in the stage of short-term memory.2.2 Note-taking2.2.1 Definition of Note-takingNote-taking, by definition, can be described as a process in which instructional stimuli are converted and recoded in mental units that allow the stimuli to be more easily recalled than if the learner did not participate in note-taking (Alan, 2001, cited from Weener, 1976). Suritsky & Hughes (1991) propose that note-taking involves four broad skills: listening, cognitive processing, recording lecture content in written form, and reviewing noted information (Alan, 2001). Note-taking gives the learner the opportunity to reorganize, further develop, and incorporate personal interpretations of new material into ones cognitive structure. The process of taking notes allows students to become actively engaged in learning.Note-taking is a central aspect of a complex human behavior related to information management involving a range of underlying mental processes and their interactions with other cognitive functions (Piolat, Olive & Kellogg, 2005). The person taking notes must acquire and filter the incoming sources, organize and restructure existing knowledge structures, comprehend and write down their interpretation of the information, and ultimately store and integrate the freshly processed material. The result is a knowledge representation, and memory storage (Tamas, Jonathan, Itiel, 2009).Taking notes during lectures provides two basic purposes: it helps student understand the main points of a lecture and preserve lecture information, in the form of notes, for later study. Researchers (Di Vesta & Gray 1972; Aiken, Thomas, & Shennum, 1975; Bretzing & Kulhavy 1979; Kiewra, 1984) have long demonstrated that taking notes during lectures is advantageous for increasing comprehension and improving later recall of information.2.2.2 Function of Note-takingBeginning with Di Vesta and Gray (1972), researchers have distinguished two functions of note-taking: encoding function and external storage function. The encoding function proposes that the process of recording notes facilitates information processing. It is measured by comparing the performance of students who listen to a lecture and take notes with the performance of those who listen but are not allowed to take notes. The external storage function suggests that the review of notes stored in a written form facilitates performance. It is measured by comparing the performance of students who take and review their notes with the performance of those who take notes but are forbidden to review. Kiewra & Dubois (1991) further point out that what traditionally has been called external storage is the really the combination of encoding and external storage because students are both taking and reviewing notes. Done by absenting students from the lecture and then providing them with “borrow” notes from fellow students to review, the reclassification of note-taking functions are as follows: the original encoding function (take notes/no review), the newly classified encoding plus storage function (take notes/review), and the new, independent external storage function (borrow notes /review).2.3 Note-taking as a strategy for Listening ComprehensionThe power of the strategy for facilitating learning and comprehension is usually ignored by students. Many students know very little about the process of language learning and could not learn on their own. Therefore, when planning strategy training, students have to be prepared to be active and interactive in their learning. Mendelsohn (1994) puts it: “One of the major responsibilities of the teacher is to develop learners awareness of the strategies they use, the strategies they could add, and the value of strategies. The teacher must develop in each learner an awareness of how he or she learns, and suggest an additional strategy and/or alternative when those that the student is using do not appear to be working well. Learners will buy into this strategy training if they see the significance and effectiveness of these strategies


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