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第二单元知识点归纳第二单元知识点归纳 第二单元知识点归纳 1 1一、句型和短语:1 1、2 2、get get onon 上车上车 get get into into a car/taxi/boat a car/taxi/boat 上上 get get off off 下车下车 get get out of out of car/taxi/boat car/taxi/boat 下下3 3、be ready be ready 准备好准备好 be ready for sth be ready for sth 为某事做准备为某事做准备4 4、a ticket a ticket toto Canada Canada去加拿大的票去加拿大的票 ticket ticket后常跟介词后常跟介词toto表示名词所有格表示名词所有格5 5、in+in+某种语言某种语言用某种语言用某种语言 speak+speak+某种语言某种语言说某种语言说某种语言6 6、pardon me pardon me 对不起、请重复一遍对不起、请重复一遍=Excuse me=Excuse me7 7、have to=must have to=must 必须、不得不、一定得必须、不得不、一定得8 8、look look out ofout of 从从向外看向外看 out ofout of sth sth 某物的外面某物的外面9 9、here and there here and there 到处、四处到处、四处一、句型和短语:1、2 210、a big brown cow 一头大黄牛11、point to/point at 指向 point out 指出12、at the top of 在的顶端 13、hear a voice 听到一个声音14、be from spl=come from spl 来自某地 15、of course/Sure/Ok 当然16、place of interest/the interesting place 名胜古迹 17、enjoy doing sth 喜欢干某事18、hope to do sth 希望干某事 hope宾语从句 希望某人做某事19、Its time for sth/Its time to do sth/Its time for sb to do sth 该干某事的时候了如:Its time for lunch=Its time to have lunch=Its time for us to have lunch10、a big brown cow 一头大黄牛3 32020、wait for sb/sth wait for sb/sth 等待某人、某物等待某人、某物 wait for(sb)wait for(sb)to doto do sth sth 等待(某人)干某事等待(某人)干某事 如:如:Your mother is waiting for you at the school gate.Your mother is waiting for you at the school gate.I am waiting for you to answer the question.I am waiting for you to answer the question.2121、would like sth would like sth 想要某物想要某物 would like(sb)would like(sb)to doto do sth sth 想要(某人)干某事想要(某人)干某事 如:如:I would like a cup of tea.I would like you to go I would like a cup of tea.I would like you to go shopping with me.shopping with me.2222、feelfeel形容词形容词/be+/be+形容词:感觉怎么样形容词:感觉怎么样 如:如:Be thirsty/hungry/tired/scared/quiet=feel thirsty Be thirsty/hungry/tired/scared/quiet=feel thirsty/hungry/tired/scared/quiet/hungry/tired/scared/quiet2323、a bowl of/a bottle of/a glass of/a cup of/a can of a bowl of/a bottle of/a glass of/a cup of/a can of pop pop 一碗一碗/一瓶一瓶/一杯一杯/一听汽水一听汽水2424、be quiet be quiet 安静安静 keep quiet keep quiet 保持安静保持安静 a quiet a quiet evening evening 一个平静的夜晚一个平静的夜晚20、wait for sb/sth 等待某人、某物 wa4 42525、play a word game play a word game 玩一个单词游戏玩一个单词游戏 play with sb play with sb 和某人一起玩和某人一起玩 play with sth play with sth 玩弄某物玩弄某物 如:如:Dont play with fire!Dont play with fire!不不要玩火!要玩火!play+play+球类名词(不要球类名词(不要thethe)play+the+play+the+乐器名词(必乐器名词(必须要须要thethe)如:)如:play the pianoplay the piano2626、watch TV/a football match/a movie see a flim watch TV/a football match/a movie see a flim 看电影看电影 read the book/the newspaper read the book/the newspaper 2727、show sb sth=show sth to sb show sb sth=show sth to sb 给某人看某物给某人看某物2828、take care of=look after take care of=look after 照看、照料、照顾照看、照料、照顾2929、look for look for 寻找寻找 如:如:She is looking for her mother.She is looking for her mother.3030、find out find out 查出、查明查出、查明 fing sb doing sth fing sb doing sth 发现某人正发现某人正在干某事在干某事如:如:I find him reading the newspaer.I find him reading the newspaer.我发现他正在看报我发现他正在看报纸。纸。3131、try to do sth try to do sth 努力做某事努力做某事 try doing sth try doing sth 试着做某事试着做某事25、play a word game 玩一个单词游戏 5 5二、语法:1 1、There be There be 表示某处有某物表示某处有某物 基本句型:基本句型:There be There be+名词表示地点的介词短语(注意:名词表示地点的介词短语(注意:bebe的变化随其后的变化随其后名词的单复数而变化,保持就近原则)名词的单复数而变化,保持就近原则)否定句:在否定句:在bebe后加后加not There be+not+not There be+not+名词表示名词表示地点的介词短语地点的介词短语.一般疑问句:把一般疑问句:把bebe提到提到ThereThere前前Be there+Be there+名词表名词表示地点的介词短语示地点的介词短语?2 2、somethingsomething:某物、某东西:某物、某东西不定代词的特点:不定代词的特点:、修饰它的词要放在它的后面;、修饰它的词要放在它的后面;、如果它做主语,谓语动词用单三形式、如果它做主语,谓语动词用单三形式类似的词还有:类似的词还有:anythinganything、nothingnothing、everythingeverything、everyone everyone 等。等。3 3、一般来说,、一般来说,somesome用于肯定句,用于肯定句,anyany用于否定句和疑问用于否定句和疑问句。但句。但 would you like?Could you?May I?would you like?Could you?May I?等句等句中要用中要用somesome。如:。如:Could you lend Could you lend somesome money to me money to me?二、语法:1、There be 表示某处有某物 基6 64、名词的复数构成:、大多数名词,在其后直接加s;、以s、x、ch、sh结尾的名词,其后加es;、以“辅音y”结尾的名词,变y为i,加es;如:babybabies;、单复数同型的有:sheep、Chinese、Japanese、people、deer(鹿)、fish;、不规则变化的有:manmen、womanwomen、footfeet、toothteeth、childchildren、mousemice。4、名词的复数构成:7 75 5、现在进行时、现在进行时 A A、意义、意义:表示说话时正在进行或发生的动作,或当前一段表示说话时正在进行或发生的动作,或当前一段时期的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作;时期的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作;B B、标志词:、标志词:nownow、look listen these dayslook listen these days、C C、构成:、构成:、肯定句:主语、肯定句:主语bebe(amam、isis、areare)动)动)动)动词词词词inging形式形式形式形式其它。其它。、否定句:主语、否定句:主语bebe(amam、isis、areare)not+not+动动动动词词词词inging形式形式形式形式其它。其它。、一般疑问句:、一般疑问句:BeBe(AmAm、IsIs、AreAre)主语主语动词动词动词动词inging形式形式形式形式其它其它?回答:回答:Yes,sb be/No,sb be not Yes,sb be/No,sb be not.、特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词一般疑问句?回答:不、特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词一般疑问句?回答:不能用能用Yes/No.Yes/No.D D、动词、动词inging形式的构成:形式的构成:、一般在动词的后面直接、一般在动词的后面直接加加-ing-ing;、以字母、以字母e e结尾的动词,先取结尾的动词,先取e,e,再加再加ing;ing;、以、以“辅音元音辅音辅音元音辅音”结尾的动词,双写最后结尾的动词,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加一个辅音字母,再加ing.ing.但但drawdraw、listen listen 不双写。不双写。5、现在进行时 8 8三、单词或短语辨析:1 1、point to point to 指向较远的物体指向较远的物体 point at point at 指向较近的物体指向较近的物体 2 2、voice voice 嗓音、声音嗓音、声音 noise noise 噪音、吵闹声,特别指不噪音、吵闹声,特别指不悦耳的声音悦耳的声音 sound sound 指能听到的声音指能听到的声音3 3、onto onto 到到上上 强调位置的改变强调位置的改变 如:如:He jumps onto He jumps onto the desk.the desk.on on 在在上上 强调位置强调位置 There is too much rice on There is too much rice on the desk.the desk.4 4、many many 修饰可数名词,其后跟可数名词复数修饰可数名词,其后跟可数名词复数 “许多许多”much ”much 修饰不可数名词,其后跟不可数名词修饰不可数名词,其后跟不可数名词 a lot of/lots of a lot of/lots of 修饰可数名词和不可数名词,只能用修饰可数名词和不可数名词,只能用于肯定句于肯定句 so/too many+so/too many+可数名词复数可数名词复数 so/too much+so/too much+不可数名词不可数名词 much too much too 太太 He speaks much too loudly.He speaks much too loudly.他说他说话声音太大了。话声音太大了。三、单词或短语辨析:1、point to 指向较远的物体 9 95 5、looklook 看的动作、过程看的动作、过程 ,look look at at sth sth see see 看的结果看的结果 see sth see sth listenlisten 听的动作、过程听的动作、过程 listen listen to to sb/sth sb/sth hear hear 听的结果听的结果 hear sth hear sth look forlook for 找的动作、过程找的动作、过程 look look for for sthsth findfind 找的结果找的结果 find sth find sth6 6、一点、有点:一点、有点:、a few+a few+可数名词可数名词 、a little+a little+不可数名词不可数名词7 7、loud adj loud adj 常放在名词的前面修饰名词或放在常放在名词的前面修饰名词或放在bebe动词动词的后面的后面 loudly adv loudly adv 常放在动词的后面修饰动词常放在动词的后面修饰动词 如:如:The salesman is too The salesman is too.He talks very.He talks very!那个那个推销员声音太大,他大声地说话!推销员声音太大,他大声地说话!类似的有:类似的有:quiet/quietlyquiet/quietly、slow/slowlyslow/slowly、quick/quicklyquick/quickly等。等。5、look 看的动作、过程,look at sth 1010四、日常用语:1、Sorry!No problem.2、AHello!My name is A.Whats your name?BMy name is B.Nice to meet you!ANice to meet you,too!Where are you from?BI am from spl1.Where are you from?AIm from spl2.四、日常用语:1、Sorry!11113、May I help you?Yes,please.Im hungry.Id like something to eat.What would you like?I would like some rice,please!Anything else?No,thank you.Okay.45 yuan,please.Here you are.Thanks.4、What would you like?Nothing for me.3、May I help you?1212让我们练一练让我们练一练1313I.写出下列动词的现在分词形式 1.look _ 1.look _ 2.like _ 2.like _ 3.put _4.read 3.put _4.read _ _ 5.carry _ 5.carry _ 6.swim _6.swim _ 7.make _ 7.make _ 8.sleep _ 8.sleep _ 9.get _9.get _ 10.eat _ 10.eat _ 11.help _ 11.help _ 12.see _12.see _ 13.sit _ 13.sit _ 14.stay _ 14.stay _ 15.plan _15.plan _ 16.leave _ 16.leave _17.watch _ 18.pack _19.17.watch _ 18.pack _19.jump _ jump _ 20.stop _20.stop _I.1.looking 2.liking 3.putting 4.reading 5.carrying 6.swimming 7.making 8.sleeping 9.getting 10.eating 11.helping 12.seeing 13.sitting 14.staying 15.planning 16.leaving 17.watching 18.packing 19.jumping 20.stopping I.写出下列动词的现在分词形式 1.look _1414II.选择填空1._,Bill isnt in.A.Excuse me B.Sorry C.Thank you D.OK2.Jim is _a book now.A.read B.watching C.looking D.reading3.The family _TV in the living room.A.is watching B.are watching C.is seeing D.are looking4.He often goes to school _bike.A.on B.in C.byD.with1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C II.选择填空1._,Bill isnt in15155._do you spell the word?A.How B.WhatC.Which D.Can6.Tom,_forget your things.A.notB.isntC.dont D.doesnt7.“Arent you a worker?”“_.Im a doctor.”A.Yes,Im not B.Yes,I am C.No,I am D.No.Im not8.Can you carry _?Yes,I think so.A.two bags of rices B.two bags of riceC.two bags riceD.the two bags rices5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 5._do you spell the word?16161.you like a cup of tea,Tom?Yes,please.A.Would B.Do C.Are D.Can2.May I ask you questions?A.a little B.any C.some D.much3.How many can you see on the table?A.bread B.flowers C.milks D.cup 4.Can you the bird in the tree?A.look B.watch C.see D.finding5.Its five oclock in the afternoon.Its time home.A.to go to B.to go C.go D.going1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.B 1.you like a cup of te17176.Tom speaks6.Tom speaks Chinese.You can talk with him in Chinese.You can talk with him in Chinese.Chinese.A.many B.a lot C.little D.a littleA.many B.a lot C.little D.a little7.Would you like some tea?7.Would you like some tea?.Im not thirsty.Im not thirsty.A.Yes,please B.No,thanks C.I dont want D.I likeA.Yes,please B.No,thanks C.I dont want D.I like8.These shoes are for8.These shoes are for .A.you and she B.me and he A.you and she B.me and he C.you and him D.her and IC.you and him D.her and I9.Kate can swim,what9.Kate can swim,what Lucy?Lucy?A.is B.does C.can D.aboutA.is B.does C.can D.about10.10.our English teacher.our English teacher.A.We are listening B.We are listening to A.We are listening B.We are listening to C.We listen to D.We are listen toC.We listen to D.We are listen to6.D 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.B 6.Tom speaks Chinese.Yo1818III.用所给词的正确形式填空:1.Dont _(talk).Listen to me,please.2.Here are some_(watch).They are very nice and dear.3.Is he _(play)games?4.Lets_(stay)at home and play.5.Dumplings are _(China)food.1.talk 2.watches 3.playing 4.stay 5.Chinese III.用所给词的正确形式填空:1.Dont _1919IV.句型转换1.Do it like this!1.Do it like this!(改为否定句)(改为否定句)_ _it like this!_ _it like this!2.I can see 2.I can see threethree glasses of water on the table.glasses of water on the table.(就划(就划线部分提问)线部分提问)_ _ _of water_ you see on the _ _ _of water_ you see on the table?table?3.Do you want some apples?3.Do you want some apples?(改为同义句)(改为同义句)_ you _ some apples?_ you _ some apples?4.There are some hills in the picture.4.There are some hills in the picture.(改为否定句)(改为否定句)There _ _ hills in the picture.There _ _ hills in the picture.5.There is a pencil box in the bag.5.There is a pencil box in the bag.(改为复数形式)(改为复数形式)6.The girl is6.The girl is reading the book reading the book.(就划线部分提问)(就划线部分提问)_ _ the girl _?_ _ the girl _?1.Dont do 2.How many glasses can 3.Would like 4.arent any5.There are some pencil-boxes in the bags.6.What is doingIV.句型转换1.Do it like this!(改为2020


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