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三年级英语总复习课件三年级英语总复习课件-选择最选择最佳答语。佳答语。(每句读三次)每句读三次)制作人:黄霞制作人:黄霞 2016,6三年级英语总复习课件-选择最佳答语。(每句读三次)制11.Where is/are?问地点?问人物?问地点?问人物?问爱好?问数量?问爱好?问数量?猜一猜四个句型猜一猜四个句型!3.Is he/she?4.How many?2.Who is?5.Is it?6.Do you like?1.Where is/are?问地点?问人物?问爱好?问数21.Where are?2.Who is?3.How many?6.Is he/she?5.Is it?4.Do you like?I see eleven.Yes,he is./No,he isnt.Im from the USA.Yes,I do./No,I dont.Yes,she is./No,she isnt.Yes,it is./No,it isnt.He is my.She is my.1.Where are?2.Who is?3.How m3Welcome!Welcome!Thanks!Have a good time!Welcome!Welcome!Thanks!Have a 4Nice to see you again.Nice to see you,too.Nice to meet you,too.Nice to meet you.Nice to see you again.Nice to 5Where are you from?I am from the UK.I am from the USA.I am from Canada.I am from China.Where are you from?I am from t6I am from China.What about you?I am from the USA.I am from Shandong.山东山东I am from China.What about yo7This is Miss White.She is a student.This is Mr Liu.He is a teacher.This is Miss White.She is a 8Whos that girl?She is my mother.Whos that boy?He is My father.She is my sister.He is My brother.Whos that girl?She is my mo9Is she your mother?Is he your father?Yes,she is.No,she isnt.Yes,he is.No,he isnt.Is she your mother?Is he your 10Is this your brother?No,she isnt.Yes,he is.Yes,she is.No,he isnt.Is this your brother?No,she is11Do you like it?Yes,I do.No,I dont.Me,too.Me,neither.Do you like it?Yes,I do.No,I d12How many friends do you have?I have four.I like them.Me,too.Me,neither.I see four.How many friends do you have?I13I dont like the toys.Me,too.Me,neither.How many toys do you have?Twenty.Nineteen.20 个个I dont like the toys.Me,too.M14Do you like pears?Here you are.Yes,I do.No,I dont.Thanks.Wow,so beautiful.Do you like pears?Here you are15Where is your computer?Its on my desk.Its in my desk.Its under my desk.Where is your computer?Its on16It has a short nose.It has a small eyes and big ears.It has a short tail.Look at the elephant!It has a short nose.It has a s17Look at the bear!Its so fat.Its so tall.Its so short.Its so thin.It has a big body.Look at the bear!Its so fat.I18Look at the girl!Its so fat.Its so tall.Shes so beautiful.Look at the girl!Its so fat.I19Look at the birds!Its so fat.Its so tall.It s so beautiful.Look at the birds!Its so fat.20Is it a car?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.Is it a car?Yes,it is.No,it is21Is it a kite?Yes,it is.No,it isnt.Is it a kite?Yes,it is.No,it i22Whats this?Its a giraffe.Its a cat.Its a dog.Whats this?Its a giraffe.It23Whats this?Its a boat.Its a ball.Its a child.Its a fish.Its an elephant.Its a monkey.Whats this?Its a boat.Its 24人教版小学三年级下英语总复习ppt课件25


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