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上外上外课件件Unit 01A 第六册英第六册英语综合教程外合教程外教社教社About the AuthorRobert Jacob Samuelson(born December 23,1945)is a contributing editor of Newsweek and The Washington Post where he has written about business and economic issues since 1977.His columns appear in both publications.His articles also appear in the Los Angeles Times,The Boston Globe,and other influential newspapers.2020/11/302Text StructureSection 1:Paragraph 1Section 2:Paragraphs 2-4Section 3:Paragraph 5Section 4:Paragraph 6Section 5:Paragraph 7Section 6:Paragraph 8Section 7:Paragraph 9Section 8:Paragraphs 10-112020/11/303Text AnalysisIn Para1 the author defines retarded technology.In Para 2-4 he compares e-books with old-fashioned books in an attempt to show the disadvantages of the former.Para 5 offers a third example that proves that retarded technology creates new and expensive ways of doing things that were once done simply and inexpensively.Para 6 expresses the authors doubt about the pro-technology theory.Para 7 classifies technological innovations as either useful or wasteful.Parag 8 explores the reason why people are frivolous about retarded technology.Para 9 implies how people deny their frivolity.Para 10-11 provide the conclusion2020/11/304Paragraph 1By contrast,retarded technology creates new and expensive ways of doing things that were once done simply and inexpensively.Worse,it encourages us to do things that dont need doing at all.It has made waste respectable,elaborate,alluring and even fun.2020/11/305retard(v.)slow the growth or development of,cause to move more slowly or operate at a slower rate Cold weather retards the growth of the crops.寒冷的天气妨碍了庄稼生长。Lack of sun retards plant growth.光照不足则植物生长缓慢。retarded(adj.)relatively slow in mental or emotional or physical development 2020/11/306 efficiently(adv.)in an efficient mannerefficient+ly-efficientlyantonym:deficientlyThe police handle the traffic very efficiently.警察把交通管得井井有条。In order to efficiently manage such extensive quantity of data,the program offer another exciting new feature.为了高效地管理这么大量的数据,程序提供了另外一个令人激动的新特征。2020/11/307effective,efficienteffective:有效用的。His teaching was not very effective.他的教学效果不好。/The new interest rate becomes effective next month.新的利率下个月开始生效/This medicine,taken in time,can be very effective.这种药如果及时吃会很有效。/My headache is much better.Those tablets really are effective.我的头疼好多了,那些药片的确很有效。efficient:效率高的,(可指人)。He needs an efficient secretary他需要一个高效率的秘书。/The diesel engine is highly efficient.这台柴油机效率很高。/Our efficient new machines are much cheaper to run.我们高效率的新机器开起来要便宜得多。2020/11/308respectable(adj.)characterized by proper behavior or conventional conduct;worthy of respect/deserving of esteem and respect/large in amount or extent or degreeIts not respectable to be drunk on the street.在大街上醉倒是不体面的。He is a respectable man.他是个受人尊敬的人。We still have a repsectable amount of food supply.我们的食物还相当充足。2020/11/309elaborate(v.)add details,as to an account or idea;clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way,usually in writing;(adj.)marked by complexity and richness of detail;developed or executed with care and in minute detailOrthodox Christian churches often have elaborate steeples.传统的基督教堂都有精致的尖塔。The curtains had an elaborate pattern of flowers窗帘上绘有精美的花卉图案。What youve told me of your plan sounds most interesting;would you care to elaborate it?你给我讲的这个计划很有意思,你能详细地谈一谈吗?2020/11/3010alluring(adj.)active or excitingYet another of Plutos alluring features is its bizarre atmosphere.冥王星另一诱人的特色,是其诡异的大气层。If Natures paradise sounds alluring,make a point of visiting South Island.如果大自然中的天堂听起来让你觉得有吸引力,那么别忘了到南岛去玩一玩。2020/11/3011Paragraph 2On the one hand,you can buy a$900 or$9,000 book-reading computer that you can feed with$20 discs of your favorite books.If you take it to the beach,it gets clogged with sand.If it slips off the kitchen counter,it samshes.2020/11/3012boom(n.)a state of economic prosperity;(v.)grow stronger The economy was booming.The aftermath of the war was not a boom,but a rural depression.战争的结果不是繁荣和兴旺,而是农村经济的不景气。The baby boom created a bulge in school enrollment.生育高峰造成学校入学人数的暴涨。2020/11/3013customized(adj.)made according to requirements;made according to the specifications of an individualThe company provides customized processing of various external accessories.本公司对外提供定制加工各种配件。The word customized refers to a product/service which is made to a customers specification.“定做”一词指的是按照顾客要求的规格制作产品或提供服务。2020/11/3014swell(adj.)very good or pleasant;(v.)increase in size,magnitude,number,or intensityHere is an swell idea of retarded technology!Add a little oil to the pan,continue to bake until the eggs inside the cake swell.在锅里加一点油,继续烘烤直到里面的鸡蛋膨胀开来。2020/11/3015cumbersome(adj.)difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight;not elegant or graceful in expressionIts rather cumbersome having to carry all these cases around.把这些箱子都带着走动是件相当麻烦的事。Your article is too cumbersome.Lop off those repeated and empty words.你的文章太冗长了。把那些重复的,空洞的话都删掉。2020/11/3016clogbecome or cause to become obstructed;impede the motion of,as with a chain or a burdenDont clog(up)your mind with useless information.不要让你的头脑被无用的讯息所阻碍。Additonally,be sure to use skin-care products that wont clog your pores.另外“你要确定你用的护肤产品不会堵塞你的毛孔。”2020/11/3017smashbreak into pieces,as by striking or knocking over;hit violentlyIn case of emergency,smash the glass cover and press the button.遇到紧急情况时,击碎玻璃罩并摁下按钮。The Beatles had more smash hits than any rock band in history.披头四是有史以来出最多畅销歌曲的摇滚乐队。2020/11/3018Paragraph 3On the other hand,you can buy an old-fashioned book.If you dont like it,you can stop reading without hating yourself for ever buying it.Losting it is not a traumatizing event.fragile2020/11/3019durableexisting for a long time;very long lastingIt calls for a durable solution in the area.在该地区需要一个持久的解决方法。We must make a durable peace.我们必须缔造持久的和平。President Bush stressed once again that while he would like to see the violence end,any cease-fire must be durable and respected by all.布什总统再次强调,虽然他希望暴力冲突结束,但是任何停火必须是能够持久的,而且受到所有各方的尊重。2020/11/3020traumatize(v.)inflict a trauma upontrauma(n.)any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc./an emotional wound or shock often having long-lasting effectsOk well have you thought about how this could traumatize Ben and Carol?好吧!你有没有想过这会伤害本和卡罗尔的心?These people has the serious trauma due to the earthquake.这些人因为地震受到严重的精神创伤。2020/11/3021Paragraph 4The pro-technology comeback is that computers will someday compress entire libraries onto chips or discs and,thereby,open vast vistas of information to almost anyone.Finally,theres common sense:do most people really need access to,say,the entire collection of the New York Pulblic Library?2020/11/3022compressmake more compact by or as if by pressing;squeeze or press togetherThey used an air compressor to take in atmospheric air,compress it,and force it into the cabin.他们用一台空气压缩机把大气中的空气吸进来,加以压缩,然后送入船舱。It can be used to compress a package,making more cargo fit in a carrier.它可以用来压紧包裹,使得一件行李中装进更多的东西。2020/11/3023vistathe visual percept of a regionHe could see through the windows a vista of green fields.透过窗户他可以看到碧绿的田野风光。This discovery open up new vista of research for biologist.这一发现为生物学家展示了新的研究前景。The days stretch out in an endless vista.时日在无穷的展望中延展着.2020/11/3024arithmetic(n.)the branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations,算术(adj.)relating to or involving arithmeticOther mathematics branches:Algebra代数,Geometry几何,Calculous 微积分,2020/11/3025simultaneously(adv.)at the same instantOnly humans have a brain big enough to do this simultaneously and do it well.只有人类的脑袋够大,同时去做这多样东西,而且做得很好。Everything in the universe exists at one time simultaneously.宇宙中的一切在一个时间内同时存在。This makes people almost receive information simultaneously or in time.这使人们几乎得以同时或即刻收到讯息。2020/11/3026terminalelectronic equipment consisting of a device providing access to a computer;has a keyboard and display终端;station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods终点Data sent between the Terminal server and the client can be encrypted for security.终端服务器和客户端之间发送的数据可以加密以确保安全。Your Terminal Server client license number is currently being used by another user.你的终端服务器客户许可证目前正在被另一个用户使用。2020/11/3027bottleneck(n.)the narrow part of a bottle near the top;a narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel;(v.)slow down or impede by creating an obstructionHis laziness has bottlenecked our efforts to reform the system.However it is the bottleneck that restrains medical image application in clinical practice.2020/11/3028accessthe right to enter;the right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something(as services or membership);a way of entering or leavingCheck your access permissions on this resource.检查您对该资源的访问权限。This wizard will let you change access to a shared folder.使用该向导可更改对共享文件夹的访问权限。This resort is easily accessible by road,rail and air.2020/11/3029Paragraph 5Instead of a 10-cent press release that took two days to prepare and 29 cents to mail,I get a$4.50 tape that cost$2 to mail and two months to prepare.To view them would require finding a VCR and wasting five to 10 minutes watching.2020/11/3030bombardthrow bombs at or attack with bombs;address with continuously or persistently,as if with a barrageThe reporters bombard the president with questions about his economic policy.新闻记者提出许多有关经济政策的问题围攻总统The new journal is bombarded with letters of criticism from the subscribers.订阅者的批评信使这份新杂志感到措手不及。2020/11/3031promotionalof or relating to serving as publicity;of or relating to advancementPerhaps I could send you some promotional material on Hangzhou.也许我可以给你寄一些介绍杭州的旅游资料。Betty proposed a new promotional ad campaign that should boost sales.贝蒂提出了一个新的可以推进销售的奖励性广告活动。2020/11/3032tossthe act of flipping a coin;to throw something carelesslytoss and turn翻来覆去难以入睡;辗转反侧I would toss them into the sea.我会把它们统统地扔进大海。Lets toss up who plays first.我们来掷硬币决定谁先玩吧。Elsewhere,it is a toss-up.在别处,这是碰运气的事。2020/11/3033Paragraph 6I am not about to argue that all technology is bad.Ours is an era of conspicuous technological upheaval.But the purported gains of new technology-rising incomes,greater productivity-seem to elude us.the computer revolution,whose full benefits will soon burst upon us.2020/11/3034conspicuousobvious to the eye or mind;without any attempt at concealment;completely obviousHe was conspicuous among his colleagues.他在同事中是出类拔萃的。The building is conspicuous for its style.这个建筑风格独特,很显眼。Only under the dual guidance of school and family can conspicuous effects be achieved.只有在学校和家长的双重引导下,才能产生显著的效果。2020/11/3035upheavala state of violent disturbance and disorder(as in politics or social conditions generally);a violent disturbanceMass unemployment may lead to social upheaval.大批失业会导致社会动乱。It was faced with the greatest social upheaval since World Warll.它面临第二次世界大战以来最大的社会动乱。Many years ago,Johnson faced a major upheaval in his life.许多年前,约翰逊遭遇生命中的剧变。2020/11/3036purportedcommonly put forth or accepted as true on inconclusive groundsA purported biography of him is a fake.“所谓的有关他的传记是伪造的。”The letter purported to be from the governor.据称,该信来自州长。purport(v.)propose or intendHis plans are not what they purport to be.他的计划并不如他们所声称的那样。2020/11/3037eludeescape,either physically or mentally;be incomprehensible to;escape understanding byThe suspect continues to elude the police.嫌疑犯继续躲避着警察But a majority in the House of Commons may again elude them.但是下院的多数席位仍将和它无缘。They had minor breakthroughs but real success eluded them.他们取得了一些小突破,但是真正的成功却和他们擦肩而过.2020/11/3038revolutiona drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving;the overthrow of a government by those who are governed;a single complete turn(axial or orbital)Infotech is part of the technological revolution and that is with us now.信息技术是技术革命的一部分,它已与我们密不可分。The revolution of the earth about the sun takes one year地球围绕太阳旋转一周需要一年时间.2020/11/3039corollarya practical consequence that follows naturally;(logic)an inference that follows directly from the proof of another propositionBlind jealousy is a frequent corollary of passionate love盲目的嫉妒往往是狂热的爱所造成的。Good health is a corollary of having good habits.健康的身体是良好生活习惯的结果。corolla:the whorl of petals of a flower that collectively form an inner floral envelope or layer of the perianth 花冠2020/11/3040techno-dopeone who knows nothing about technology.techno:related to technologytechnocrat 技术人员,技术统治;technologic 工艺的;技术的dope:an ignorant or foolish person2020/11/3041谢谢观赏!2020/11/542


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