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大学英语四级写作简介大学英语四级写作简介一写作的目的及要求一写作的目的及要求二、评分原那么二、评分原那么 三、四级短文写作三、四级短文写作大学英语四级写作简介一写作的目的及要求1目的:测试学生用英语书面表达思想的能 力,能够直接有效地测出考生综合 运用语言的能力,较准确地反映考 生的英语水平。一写作的目的及要求一写作的目的及要求目的:测试学生用英语书面表达思想的能一写作的目的及要求2要求:大学英语作文测试要求考生能够运用 学到的语言知识,按规矩的题目要 求,在30分钟内写出一篇120个词左右 的短文,语义连贯,表达正确,无重 大语法错误。题目的内容包括科技,社会,文化,或日常生活等方面的一 般常识。题目形式多种多样,有提纲 作文,段首句作文,关键词作文,图 表作文,书信作文,和规定情景作文 等。要求:大学英语作文测试要求考生能够运用31.四级作文题采用总总体体评评分分方法。阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励分,而不是按语言点的错误数目扣分。2.从从内内容容和和语语言言两两个个方方面面对对作作文文进进行行综综合合评评判判。内容和语言是一个统一体。作文应表达题目所规定的内容,而内容要通过语言来表达。要考虑作文是否切题,是否充分表达思想,也要考虑是否用英语清楚而适切的表达思想,也就是要考虑语言上的错误是否造成理解上的障碍。二二.评评分分原原那那么么 1.四级作文题采用总体评分方法。阅卷人员就总的印象给出奖励4大学英语四级写作模版ppt课件5考生要有较坚实的语言功底,具有一定的英语短文的写作知识,而且也要具备一定的写作技巧。下面,我们拟就段落写作、书信段落写作、书信写作、图标写作写作、图标写作三方面讲解四级短文写作。三、四级短文写作三、四级短文写作考生要有较坚实的语言功底,具有一定的英三、四级短文写作6段落写作段落写作一段落的组成段落大多由三个部分组成:主题句(Topicsentence);扩展句Developingsentences;结尾句(Endingsentence).段落写作一段落的组成71.1.主题句主题句 主主题题句句说说明明全全段段是是关关于于什什么么及及讨讨论论什什么么的的段段落落中中心心句句,即即:明明确确地地表表示示全全段段要要展展开开的的中中心心点点,四四级级短短文文写写作作中中最最好好是是把把主主题题句放在段首句放在段首 。E.g.E.g.Smoking Smoking is is harmful harmful to to peoples health.peoples health.1.主题句8E.g.Smoking is harmful to peoples health.Medical science has now proved that smoking can cause lung cancer and other diseases such as emphysema.Your chances of having a heart attack also increase the more you smoke.Smoking is definitely a health hazard.E.g.Smokingisharmfultope92.扩展句扩展句扩展句是用来说明,解释,引申,或论证主题句所表达的中心思想的句子。It is not difficult to make a right choice between buying a house in the low-rise area and buying one in the high-rise area(主题句).If we want to economize and get more personal area,we can choose the low-rise;but if we want to live more comfortably,we will choose the high-rise(扩展句).In a word,the key lies in the alternative of economy and comfort(结尾句).2.扩展句103.3.结尾句结尾句 结尾句是用一句话对段落的主题进行重述,评论,或总结,借以强化主题,加深读者的印象.English is favored on the following grounds.It is the official language of a number of countries.Of other countries,it is their second language.In still others,English is spoken as their major foreign language.Thats why English is so popular in our present world.3.结尾句11二二.段落的基本特征段落的基本特征要写好段落就要清楚段落应具有的基本特征,即统一性(unity),连贯性(coherence),简洁性(conciseness),重点突出(emphasis),用字遣句有变换(variety)二.段落的基本特征121.1.段落的统一性段落的统一性一个段落只有一个主题。组成该段落的所有一个段落只有一个主题。组成该段落的所有句子都应为这个主题服务。任何与主题无关句子都应为这个主题服务。任何与主题无关的内容,任何不能支持段落主题的内容都必的内容,任何不能支持段落主题的内容都必须舍弃。例如:须舍弃。例如:Autumn Autumn is is a a good good season season for for picnicpicnic.The The weather weather is is fine fine and and it it is is not not as as hot hot as as it it is is in in the the summer.summer.People People feel feel cool cool and and fortable.The The scenery scenery is is very very beautiful beautiful with with all all kinds kinds of of flowers flowers here here and and there.there.And And there there are are various various kinds kinds of of fruits.fruits.The The peasants peasants begin to gather in crops and fruits.begin to gather in crops and fruits.1.段落的统一性一个段落只有一个主题。组成该段落的所有句子13修改后的段落为:修改后的段落为:Autumn is a good season for picnic.It is easy for people to choose a fine day for an outing because the weather is always nice,neither too hot nor too cold.The scenery is beautiful,too.The red leaves covering the mountains,the wild flowers booming in the fields and colorful fruits hanging on the trees are all pleasant to look at.A picnic in the open air in autumn will certainly be enjoyed by everyone.修改后的段落为:Autumnisagoodseaso142.2.段落的连贯性段落的连贯性一个段落除了内容统一一个段落除了内容统一,意思完整之外意思完整之外,句与句之间还必须按一个清晰句与句之间还必须按一个清晰,合乎逻辑合乎逻辑的顺序安排内容的顺序安排内容,转折自然转折自然,结构紧凑结构紧凑.Since she lost her weight,Carole has changed her image.She no longer wears dark-colored clothes.In fact,she often wears red,pink,and even bright orange.In addition to wearing bright clothes,she has lighted the color of her hair.From mousy brown,she has progressed to sun-streaked blonde.2.段落的连贯性一个段落除了内容统一,意思完整之外,句与15三三.段落内外的衔接过渡段落内外的衔接过渡为确保段落内容的连贯性,除了内容安排为确保段落内容的连贯性,除了内容安排要符合一定的顺序外,句子与句子之间还要符合一定的顺序外,句子与句子之间还应使用过渡句型或者是连接语。应使用过渡句型或者是连接语。三.段落内外的衔接过渡16例 一:(1)To develop tourism has advantages.Tourism helps develop a nations commerce and contribute to one nations economy.Tourism provides jobs for many people and helps us solve or ease the social problem of unemployment.Tourism helps increase understanding between peoples and helps people learn about different cultures of the world.上段无连接词语,实质是一堆简单句的拼凑,读起来枯燥乏味。例一:(1)Todeveloptourismhasa17(2)To develop tourism has many advantages.In the first place,tourism helps develop a nations commerce and contribute to one nations economy.In the second place,tourism provides jobs for many people and helps us solve or ease the social problem of unemployment.Third,tourism helps increase understanding between peoples and helps people learn about different cultures of the world.上段虽然也是由简单的句子组成,但由于有效使用了连接词语,并不给人留下简单的印象;相反,读者通过连接词语,正确地了解到作者所陈述的many advantages的具体内容。(2)Todeveloptourismhasman18作文常用句式和过渡连接词作文常用句式和过渡连接词A proverb says It is easy to see that As the proverb says The pie graph shows Some people say that No one can deny that Many people believe thatAs we all know thatIt is quite clear thatVarious views exist as to,butThere is much discussion about/attention to 作文常用句式和过渡连接词Aproverbsays19扩展段的过渡性词语或常用句式扩展段的过渡性词语或常用句式Clearly,However,Obviously,Similarly,Moreover,Likewise,In addition to,Meanwhile,In contrast to,In principle,First,second,Third,Finally,Last but not the least Not only but alsoFor one thing,for another,On one hand,On the other hand,It is true that butThere is no doubt that扩展段的过渡性词语或常用句式Clearly,Howev20终结段与扩展段之间的过渡词语终结段与扩展段之间的过渡词语Personally,To sum up,As for me,To summarize,As far as I am concerned,To conclude,In my opinion,As a result,To be frank,I think For this(very)reason,With respect to From this point of view,It follows thatAll in all,In summary,In short,On the whole,终结段与扩展段之间的过渡词语Personally,21段落之间的转接承启词语段落之间的转接承启词语结论归纳过渡词generally,speaking generally,as a general rule,in general,in a sense,on a larger scale,at a local level,to take the idea further,in a way,to some extent,in my view,practically speaking,in terms of,in some respects,all in all,in a word,on the whole,as far as I am concerned,etc段落之间的转接承启词语结论归纳过渡词22表例证关系的过渡性词表例证关系的过渡性词for example,for instance,as an example,as an illustration,such as,a case in point is,to illustrate,in particular,specifically,say,next,namely,that is,like,take as an example,etc.表例证关系的过渡性词forexample,for23让步过渡词让步过渡词although,however,nevertheless,in spite of,it is true but,even though,but,granted that,yet,at the very worst,admittedly,though,still after all,of course,clearly,and still,etc.让步过渡词although,however,neve24常用表因果关系的过渡词语常用表因果关系的过渡词语because,as,since,for,owing to,because of,due to,on account of,as a result of,for the reason,result from,thus,so,hence,therefore,accordingly,consequently,for this reason,on that account,as a consequence,it follows that,result in,contribute to 常用表因果关系的过渡词语because,as,25四四.段落写作常用方法段落写作常用方法 1.1.列举法列举法2.2.举例法举例法3.3.比较和对照法比较和对照法 4.4.因果法因果法5.5.分类法分类法6.6.时间顺序时间顺序7.7.空间顺序空间顺序8.8.综合法综合法2.举例法3.比较和对照法4.因果法5.分类法6.时261.1.列举法列举法 列举法是指在主题句之后列举足够的至少三个列举法是指在主题句之后列举足够的至少三个足以支持主题观点的具体细节足以支持主题观点的具体细节.Bicycle has many Bicycle has many advantages.First,it is handy and advantages.First,it is handy and convenient.It can carry you to anywhere you convenient.It can carry you to anywhere you like in city and does not need a large like in city and does not need a large parking place.Secondly,it is not so parking place.Secondly,it is not so expensive,and therefore,every family can expensive,and therefore,every family can afford to buy it and to repair it.Thirdly,afford to buy it and to repair it.Thirdly,it does not cause air pollution.Besides,it it does not cause air pollution.Besides,it does good to your health if you ride it does good to your health if you ride it regularlyregularly1.列举法列举法是指在主题句之后列举足够的至少三个272.2.举例法举例法举例法通常指用具体的事例来阐述主题句中包含的中心思想.Public television in American presents many kinds of programs.There are news and opinion programs.There are films about social and historical events.And there are shows about science and nature.There are shows to teach people how to cook,grow vegetables or fix a house.There are many drama programs produced in Britain.And there are programs that present music,dance and theater of America.2.举例法举例法通常指用具体的事例来阐述主题句中包含的283.3.比较和对照法比较和对照法比较比较(comparison)(comparison)主要是指出两个或两个主要是指出两个或两个以上不同种类的事物的共同点或相似点。以上不同种类的事物的共同点或相似点。(1).(1).整体对比。即先描述甲,再描述乙整体对比。即先描述甲,再描述乙A1,A2,A3,;B1,B2,B3A1,A2,A3,;B1,B2,B3 (2)(2)逐项对比。逐项对比。即双方同时描述,逐点进即双方同时描述,逐点进行比较行比较A1A1,B1B1;A2A2,B2B2;A3A3,B3B3;3.比较和对照法比较(comparison)主要是指出29整体对比 It is easy to be a winner.A winner can show his joy publicly.He can laugh and sing and dance and celebrate his victory.People love to be with winners.Winners are never lonely.Unlike winners,losers are the lonely ones of the world.It is difficult to face defeat with dignity.Losers can not show their disappointment publicly.They can not cry or grieve about their defeat.They must suffer privately,but they must be composed in public.They have nothing to celebrate and no one to share their sadness.整体对比30逐项对比 My two friends have similar and different characteristics,such as appearance,personality and hobbies.Wendy is short and blonde.In contrast,Lisa is taller than Wendy,and Lisas hair is much darker and curlier than Wendys.Wendy is the shy type and doesnt talk loudly when other people are there.On the other hand,Lisa is more outgoing than Wendy and likes to speak more.Both Lisa and Wendy enjoy doing different things,and they do them well.For instance,Wendy is a folk dancer,and she dances more gracefully than Lisa,but Lisa can play baseball better than Wendy.Wendy and Lisa are friends;for this reason,other people like to compare them.逐项对比314.4.因果法因果法 因果法是指按事物的因果关系发展段落.可以先把结果提出来,然后解释其(多种)原因,也可以先列出原因,再说明其(多个)结果.(1).先因后果 (2).先果后因4.因果法32(1).(1).先因后果先因后果 Since I have changed my curriculum to law enforcement,there have been amazing consequences.First of all,I am now interested in my courses.I am so interested,in fact,that I have done a lot of extra reading for the course.Also,my parents are much more involved with what I am doing in school since my father is a policeman.Finally,my grades have shown remarkable improvement.I expected better grades to result form the switch,but I never thought I would get all the As I have been getting.(1).先因后果33(2).(2).先果后因先果后因 Guiyou Restaurant is losing business for three major reasons.First,customers are staying away because of the unsanitary conditions in the restaurant.The tables are often messy and the floors dirty.In addition,the service is poor.The waiters and waitresses are generally slow and unfriendly.The waiters and waitresses wear uniforms.Most important of all,customers are not pleased with the food at Guiyou Restaurant.The meals are of poor quality and overpriced.(2).先果后因GuiyouRes345.5.分类法分类法 分类,即将某一复杂的事物分拆开来,根分类,即将某一复杂的事物分拆开来,根据性质、形态、成因功能等属性的差别分成假设据性质、形态、成因功能等属性的差别分成假设干类,然后逐一进行说明干类,然后逐一进行说明.Chinese food can be classified into four Chinese food can be classified into four types:northern,coastal,inland and types:northern,coastal,inland and southern.Northern Chinese food is light southern.Northern Chinese food is light and delicate.Beijing duck is an example of and delicate.Beijing duck is an example of a northern specialty.Coastal food contains a northern specialty.Coastal food contains a lot of soy sauce and sugar,soy sauce a lot of soy sauce and sugar,soy sauce chicken is typical of this area.Most chicken is typical of this area.Most inland food is very spicy and contains hot inland food is very spicy and contains hot pepper.Kang-pao chicken,for example,is pepper.Kang-pao chicken,for example,is found in the inland area.Food from the found in the inland area.Food from the southern area is often stir-fried and southern area is often stir-fried and contains highly concentrated chicken broth.contains highly concentrated chicken broth.5.分类法356.6.时间顺序时间顺序 How to make a telephone call?First,you lift the telephone receiver.Then,you listen for the dial tone.Next,you dial the number you want.After that,you carry on a conversation.Finally,when finished you put the receiver back in the telephone.6.时间顺序367.7.空间顺序空间顺序 My room is on the second floor of Dorm No.3.It is a small rectangular room with a white ceiling and green walls.As you enter the room,straight ahead you will see two large windows.My bed which is covered with a blue bedspread is under the left window.Under the right window is Marks bed.Desks and chairs are placed in the middle of the room.Behind the door there is a built-in closet.7.空间顺序378.8.综合法:同时使用几种不同的方法来展开段落综合法:同时使用几种不同的方法来展开段落例如:例如:The United States Census Bureau The United States Census Bureau reports that Las Vegas is the fastest reports that Las Vegas is the fastest growing city in the United States.The growing city in the United States.The population increased almost 14 percent population increased almost 14 percent between 1990 and 1992.The city now has between 1990 and 1992.The city now has more the 970 thousand peoplemore the 970 thousand people例证例证.There.There are several reasons why people are moving are several reasons why people are moving to Las Vegasto Las Vegas列举原因列举原因.The weather is.The weather is always warm and sunny.There are many jobs always warm and sunny.There are many jobs in the building industry and in the hotels.in the building industry and in the hotels.There are no earthquakes.And people do not There are no earthquakes.And people do not have to pay taxes on the money they earnhave to pay taxes on the money they earn原因原因.8.综合法:同时使用几种不同的方法来展开段落例如:38英文书信1.信头(heading)信头指的是发信人的地址以及发信日期.一般写在信纸的右上角.先写发信的地址,地址的书写顺是由小到大,依次为:门牌号、街名、城市名、省或州名、邮政编码、国名 如在院系寄信的,地址顺序应为:班级、年级、系名、院名、学校名、城市名、省州名、邮政编码、国名 发信日期单独成行.日期要按英语习惯书写,常用写法有两种:月、日、年,如:June 3,2002 或者日、月、年,如:3rd June,2002 在年份之前有一个逗号如果信是写给熟悉的人,常常只写日期就可以了.英文书信信头(heading)392.称呼(Salutation)称呼指对收信人的称呼.称呼语后常用逗号“,第一类书信是写给个人.1)写信人认识收信人,但关系不是很亲密Dear Mr.(Miss,Dr,Prof等),后接收信人姓氏,如:Dear Mr.Smith,Dear Dr Tan,Dear Miss Chen,Dear President,2)写给朋友,两人关系较为亲密,可直呼其名,如:Dear Mary,Dear Jack,Dear Mom,等第二类书信是写给某个团体组织或机构的1)写信人不认识其负责人,称呼语可用Dear Sir,或者Dear Sir or Madam,2)写信人认识其负责人可称Dear Mr.Black,Dear Professor Chen.2.称呼(Salutation)403.正文(Body)正文是信的主体部分,正文每段第一行往右缩进个字母英语信件习惯上不用“你好开头,可以直接用一两句话讲明写信的目的所以正文常为三个部分:开头段,正文段和结尾段3.正文(Body)414.结束语(Complimentary close)结束语是正文下面的写信人对收信人的谦称一般从信纸中央稍右的地方写起,第一个字母要大写,后面要用逗号不同的通信关系要用不同的结束语 写给公司或相识的人 Yours(very)truly,Yours(very)faithfully,Yours(very)sincerely,Yours(very)cordially,写给上司或长辈 Yours(very)respectfully,Yours(very)obediently,写给亲朋好友 Yours(ever),(With)love,Miss you,Always yours,Yours affectionately,(With)best wishes,Your sincere/good friend,your loving mother/son,4.结束语(Complimentaryclose)42.签名(Signature)署名发信人的签名写在结束语下面一行,信纸中央梢偏右的位置即便有了打印的姓名,也要加上亲笔签名,以示郑重签名时,一般写上全名.签名(Signature)436.信内地址(Inside address)信内地址指的是收信人的姓名职务单位及地址.多见于正式的商务信件,私人信件可以省略不写.第一行写收信人姓名,第二行写地址.6.信内地址(Insideaddress)4418 Hanzheng StreetWuhan,Hubei 430020Oct.25,1994Dear Mr.William Madison,-Yours sincerely,Patrick BakerMr.William MadisonGeneral ManagerRoss Engineering Associates1767 Palm StreetLong Beach,CA96104U.S.A.18HanzhengStreetDearMr.Wil45IamasophomoremajoringinCivicEngineering.Iamwritingtoyoutosaysomethingaboutthecanteenserviceoncampus.Whensteppingintothebrightandspaciouscanteen,weareimmediatelyattractedbythewhitericeandthesmellofvariousdishes.Theservicepersonsarealwayssmilingandfairlyenthusiasticfortheirwork.Butwegetalittlesurprisedwhenpayingforthefood,becauseitspriceistwicethatoftheuniversitynearby.Thehighpriceisthebiggestobstacleforustohaveadeliciousmeal.Onthisaccountanumberofstudentshavetochoosethefoodthatischeapandwithlittlenutrition.Itisunhealthfultoourhealthandreducestheeffectivenessinourlearning.Soitisadvisabletodropthefoodpriceinourcanteen.Astowhatpercentageofpriceshouldbereduced,astudentpollmaybehelpful.Iamoneofthousandsofthestudentswhoarezealoustoseeouruniversitytakeeffortstoreducetheprice.Yoursrespectfully,LiMingJanuary 12th,2002Dear Mr.President,January12th,2002DearMr.Pre46 常见的图表类型有:(表格)2.curve graph(曲线)3.Bar Graph(柱状)4.Pie Graph(饼状)图表作文图表作文图表作文471)1)表格表格(table),(table),它表示多种事物的相互关系它表示多种事物的相互关系EDABCmnfgezpqxyoh1)表格(table),它表示多种事物的相互关系482)2)曲线曲线(curve graph),(curve graph),它常用表示事物的变化趋势它常用表示事物的变化趋势:2)曲线(curvegraph),它常用表示事物的变化趋493)3)柱状柱状(Bar Graph)(Bar Graph)它用来表示几种事物的变化情况及相互关系它用来表示几种事物的变化情况及相互关系3)柱状(BarGraph)它用来表示几种事物的变化情况504)4)饼状饼状(Pie Graph)(Pie Graph)表示各事物在总体中所占的比例及相互关系表示各事物在总体中所占的比例及相互关系4)饼状(PieGraph)表示各事物在总体中所占的比例51 图表式作文的特点一般涉及5个方面:描述图表、指明寓意、分析原因、联系实际、给出建议.四级考试一般从这5项内容中选出3个内容考察学生的写作水平。FeaturesFeatures52 Writing Steps Useful Expressions in Graph WritingWriting StrategyWritingStrategy53WritingSteps(图表作文的写作步骤):1)分析图表及说明文字;2)观察数字变化趋势,分析主旨,得出中心论点;3)列提纲;4)写作WritingSteps(图表作文的写作54 Useful Expressions in Graph Writing(1)According to figures shown in the table/graph/chart/pie we can see/conclude that(2)The graph shows/tells/reveals that(3)As is shown/can be seen in the chart that(4)The table is/gives information/about(5)The table represents the development and changes in(6)After considering the information in the table we might conclude thatUsefulExpressionsin55 Directions:For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Reading preferences.You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the chart and the outline given belowAnExample:AnExample:56ReadingPreferenceofStudentsinanAmericanUniversityin2002Categories of BooksPercentage of Books Circulation in the LibraryPopular Fiction65.9%General Nonfiction18.2%Science/Technology/Education10.8%Art/Literature/poetry5.1%ReadingPreferenceofStud57 1)根据上表,简要描述美国 某大学学生借阅图书的分布情况.2你对于这些学生阅读偏爱的评论.3你通常喜欢阅读哪一类书籍?说明理由.大学英语四级写作模版ppt课件58现象解释型模板一现象解释型模板一 1)We have witnessed 总表达象.2)According to 描述图表 ,具体表现一.3)And 具体表现二.4)Many reasons contribute to 过渡句.5)To begin with,原因一.6)Moreover,原因二.7)In addition,原因三.8)As a result,导致结果.9)As to me,作者的看法.10)First of all,理由一.11)Besides,理由二.12)To conclude,总结.描述现象描述现象阐述原阐述原因因说明观说明观点点现象解释型模板一1)Wehavewitnesse59 Reading Preferences 范文范文 1)We have witnessed that college students vary in)According to the table of the percentage of book circulation in an American university library,the circulation of popular fictions and general nonfictions accounts for 65.9%and 18.2%respectively.3)And the table also shows that the circulation of science/technology/education books and art/literature/poetry books is 10.8%and 5.1%respectively.4)Many reasons contribute to this phenomenon.ReadingPrefer60 5)To begin with,popular fictions usually possess more appealing plots than other types of books do,so many readers are attracted by popular fiction.6)Moreover,popular fictions and general nonfictions are easier to be understood.7)In addition,science and art books demand certain knowledge in special field of study.8)As a result,more students tend to choose popular fictions and general nonfictions.5)Tobeginwith,popularf61 9)As to me,Im in favor of books of science and technology.10)First of all,in order to deepen what Im learning,I need read more books relevant to my major and observe the new development in science and technological circles.11)Besides,these books can also broaden my vision.12)To conclude,college students should choose books according to their interests and needs.9)Astome,Iminfavoro62应试技巧应试技巧一一.审题构思审题构思二草拟提纲二草拟提纲三内容写作三内容写作四检查修改四检查修改应试技巧一.审题构思63构思时应注意的几个问题构思时应注意的几个问题(1)构思应从全文着眼,从段落着手.(2)构思应从自己熟悉的实际出发.(3)构思时要灵活多样,不拘一格.构思时应注意的几个问题64草拟提纲的重点:草拟提纲的重点:段落的中心发展方法过度衔接句型取舍等 草拟提纲的重点:65检查时可从章、段、句、词四个层次入手检查时可从章、段、句、词四个层次入手1 1检查篇章的主题是否清楚?检查篇章的主题是否清楚?2 2检查段落是否有明确的主题?检查段落是否有明确的主题?3 3句型是否多样化?句型是否多样化?4 4遣词用字得体与否?遣词用字得体与否?检查时可从章、段、句、词四个层次入手66


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