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AcknowledgementsI have eternal gratitude to Miss Zhang, my tutor, for her inestimable help and valuable instruction.I also thank those who help me in course of the writing and whose names I cant list here one by one.AbstractPhonetics teaching, which mainly includes phoneme teaching, stress teaching, rhythm teaching, intonation teaching, liaison teaching and so on, is the fundamental part in English teaching. It is not only the first step for students to enter the world of English learning, but also affects whether students have interest in learning English. The study was aimed at investigating the current situation of primary school English phonetics teaching, finding and discussing some English phonetics teaching strategies in primary school through making a survey on primary school English teachers. In this study, questionnaire methodology was introduced. After analyzing the questionnaire, the author found that the current situation of primary school English phonetics teaching was not optimistic. Students phonetic ability needed to be strengthened and teachers English phonetics teaching strategies were relatively simple. Teachers could teach phonetics by utilizing imitation strategy and combining with songs and chants. Whats more, in order to apply the phonetics teaching strategies into primary school English teaching, it should provide enough and special time for phonetic teaching at first. Then it was necessary to improve teachers literacy and strengthen the teachers phonetic ability and phonetics teaching ability and so on.Key words: primary school; phonetics teaching; strategies摘 要语音教学内容主要包括音素、重音、节奏、语调、连读教学等,是英语教学的基础。它不仅是学生进入英语学习的第一步,而且影响着学生学习英语的兴趣。 本研究旨在考查小学英语语音教学的现状,并通过对小学英语教师进行调查,寻找和讨论一些关于小学英语语音教学策略。本研究主要运用了调查问卷研究方法。在分析了调查问卷后,作者发现小学英语语音教学的现状不容乐观,学生的语音能力需要加强,教师的英语语音教学策略过于单一。教师可以使用模仿策略或者结合歌谣或者小诗来进行语音教学。另外,要把语音教学策略运用到英语课堂中,首先要提供充足的专门的语音教学时间,也很有必要提高教师的素养和加强教师的语音能力和语音教学能力。关键词:小学;语音教学;策略ContentsAcknowledgments.IAbstract.II摘 要. III1. Introduction.11.1 Background of the study .11.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study 11.3 Structure of the Paper22. Literature Review.42.1 Definition of the Related Basic Concepts.42.1.1 The Phonetics4 2.1.2 The English Phonetics Teaching Strategies.52.2 The Theoretical Foundation.52.2.1 Constructivist Teaching Theory5 2.2.2 Learning Motivation Theory62.3 Empirical Studies on English Phonetics Teaching Strategies in Primary Schools 73. Research Methodology103.1 Research Questions103.2 Subjects.103.3 Instrument.103.4 Data Collection.114. Results and Discussion.124.1 Analysis of the Results.124.1.1 Background Information of the Teachers.124.1.2 Teachers Knowledge about Phonetics Teaching .124.1.3 Teachers Attitude towards English Phonetics Teaching 134.1.4 Measures for English Phonetics Teaching .154.1.5 The Effect of Phonetics Teaching .174.1.6 The difficulties in English phonetics teaching .184.2 Discussion.194.2.1 The Problems Existing in English Phonetics Teaching in Primary Schools.194.2.2 The Suggestions for English Phonetics Teaching Strategies in Primary Schools.205. Conclusion.24 5.1 Research Findings.24 5.2 Research Limitations.25 5.3 Research Suggestions.25References.26Appendixes.27目 录致 谢I英文摘要II中文摘要III1. 前言11.1研究背景11.2研究目的和意义11.3论文结构22.文献综述4 2.1相关概念的定义4 2.1.1 语音4 2.1.2 英语语音教学策略5 2.2理论基础52.2.1 建构主义教学理论52.2.2 学习动机理论62.3 小学英语语音教学策略的实证研究73.研究方法10 3.1研究问题10 3.2研究对象10 3.3 调查工具10 3.4 数据收集 114.结果与讨论124.1结果分析12 4.1.1 教师背景信息12 4.1.2 教师语音知识的了解程度12 4.1.3 教师语音教学的态度13 4.1.4 教师语音教学的做法15 4.1.5 教师语音教学的成效17 4.1.6 英语语音教学的困难18 4.2 讨论194.2.1 小学英语语音教学存在的问题194.2.2小学英语语音教学策略的建议205.结论245.1 研究发现245.2 研究不足245.3 研究建议25参考文献26附 录27A Survey on English Phonetics Teaching Strategies in Primary Schools1. Introduction1.1 Background of the studyThe National English Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education (2011 Edition) has pointed out that phonetics teaching is one of the most important part in language teaching. Furthermore, it requires that one should reach the following aspects when he graduates from primary school: firstly, he can read 26 English letters correctly; secondly, he knows some simple spelling rules; thirdly, he understands that the words and sentences have stress; last but not least, he is clear that English phonetics includes stress, rhythm, liaison, intonation, etc. Nowadays, more and more experts and scholars realize the importance of phonetic teaching in primary school. They have paid attention to researching the strategies on phonetics teaching. However, the phonetics teaching is influenced by so many kinds of complicated factors that people are unable to control in a short period of time. Therefore, the phonetics teaching in primary school English class is still a weak part. Whats more, the author noticed that some teachers spend more time on vocabulary and grammar teaching in primary school English classes. As for phonetics teaching, they rarely spend special time on it. Moreover, students have great difficulty in learning the correct pronunciation of English words and memorizing their spelling. A large number of students cannot speak fluent English when they graduated from primary school. Therefore, it is necessary to find some effective phonetics strategies to improve the quality of primary school English phonetics teaching.1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study The British phonetician Gimson believes that: To learn to speak any language, one must know nearly 100% of its phonetics, but only 50-90% of its grammar and1% of the vocabulary may be enough for him (Gimson A C: 1989, 3). Therefore, it is necessary for primary school English teachers to master the knowledge of phonetics and make clear that how to teach phonetics effectively. Only in this way, students in primary schools can learn phonetics more efficiently with suitable phonetics learning strategies. At present, although phonetics teaching has attracted a lot of attention from an increasing number of experts and scholars, the application of phonetics teaching strategies is still a weak link in primary school English teaching. Thus, the objectives of the study are to show the necessity of phonetics teaching, analyze the current situation of primary school English teaching and finally propose several effective English phonetics teaching strategies for primary school English teaching. The research will mainly focus on resolving the following questions: firstly, what is the current situation of primary school English phonetics teaching; secondly, what are the strategies of phonetics teaching; thirdly, how can we apply the phonetics teaching strategies into primary school English teaching. Due to a variety of reasons, it is not easy to change the phenomena of phonetics teaching in primary schools. However, we can manage to strengthen the phonetics teaching on the basis of finishing the teaching objectives and try to help the teachers penetrate the phonetics teaching in primary school English teaching effectively. Correct pronunciation can make the communication more smoothly and fluently among people, which means that you do not have to guess each other by pronunciations to understand the meaning (Crystal, 1985). On the road to promoting the application of phonetics teaching strategies, we hope that students phonetics level will be improved and then can lay a good foundation for their lifelong English learning.1.3 Structure of the Paper This paper consists of five chapters. Chapter one is a general introduction to the background, significance, purpose and structure of the thesis. Chapter two, by means of literature research, provides a review of the development course of phonetics teaching abroad and in China and expounds the theories of primary school English phonetics teaching. Chapter three is about the methodology of this study. Research questions, subjects, the design and implementation of questionnaire and the procedure of data collection are introduced amply in this part. Chapter four mainly analyzes the results of the questionnaire by using descriptive statistics and discusses how the phonetics teaching strategies can be applied into primary school English teaching. Chapter six is the conclusion of this thesis. It summarizes some key points and indicates some limitations of the study as well as the suggestions for further study.2. Literature Review2.1 Definition of the Basic Concepts At first, some basic concepts need to be introduced in order to understand the whole paper, which involve the definition of phonetics and English Phonetics Teaching Strategy. In the following sections, they will be expounded one by one. 2.1.1 The Phonetics Encyclopedia of Chinese teaching pointed out that the phonetics is the shell of the language symbol. In the process of verbal communication, people exchange all kinds of information by the means of the phonetics. At this time, the phonetics is a medium, through which people communicate with each other. Without the phonetics, we would live in a soundless world. “The units of phonetics vary in sizes that a sentence, a text message, a word and a syllable all belong to the phonetic units, where the smallest, indecomposable unit is phoneme” (Lao, 1983). The four elements of phonetics are pitch, intensity, pace and timbre. Moreover, phonetics has the physical property, physical attribute, communication attribute and so on, while the social attribute is the most essential attribute. Because the phonetics expresses the voice with a certain meaning and phonetics becomes a kind of perceptible language through the combination of words and grammar. “The social attribute is mainly manifested in two aspects: the fixedness of the combination of sound and meaning, that is, the signifier and meaning of the language are determined by a particular society. For instance, cat and “mao” indicate the same thing, but the English native language called cat and Chinese native language called mao. This shows the thing that the phonetics represents is determined by the internal conventions of the social members, so the phonetics has social attribute” (Wang, 2011). The English standard phonetics usually refers to the pronunciation that the southeast of British used to pronounce. At the same time, it widely used in the upper class and news broadcast of British. “We can summarize the RP (received pronunciation) as the pronunciation that the native people can understand” (Wen, 2013).2.1.2 The English Phonetics Teaching StrategiesThe five levels of English teaching methodology are the methodology, approach, strategy, method and technique, while strategy states in the middle. The conceptual level tries to correct the negative and passive dependence of teachers. “English phonetics teaching strategy in primary school is an integral part of the English phonetics teaching design of primary school. It is a strategy that tries to finish English phonetic teaching objectives in the specific language education context and background under the guidance of a certain language teaching theory. Whats more, it also is a teaching plan that attempts to meet the needs of development of primary school students in learning English” (Miao, 2007).The English phonetics teaching strategies in primary schools has the following characteristics: firstly, The characteristic of primary school students in learning English is the starting point of English pronunciation teaching strategies; Secondly, The goal of primary school English teaching is the basis of English phonetics teaching strategy in primary school; thirdly, The English teachers in primary schools should have a certain English phonetic teaching idea; fourthly, Teachers personal teaching characteristics, teaching style and teaching quality diversify the English teaching strategies in primary schools; last but not least, The teaching environment and the cultural background of English - speaking countries influence the English teaching strategies in primary schools.2.2 The Theoretical Foundation2.2.1 Constructivism Teaching Theory Constructivism theory is a significant branch of cognitive teaching theory. Constructivism theory regards that everyone constructs their understanding towards the real world through their own experience. “Instead of receiving knowledge simply and passively, learners learning process is an independent construction process according to their previous experience” (Qiu, 2015). Constructivism teaching theory stresses that teachers should place great emphasis on learners previous experience and guide students to regard them as the growing point for new knowledge. In addition, teachers should attach importance to guiding students to learn the new knowledge on the basis of their previous knowledge. “One representative of Constructivism, Herbart put forward some important suggestions for reforming traditional teaching. From his perspective, teachers should arouse students curiosity and interest in knowledge at any time in class, stimulating learners learning motivation by exploring problems” (Qiu, 2015). At the same time, teachers should create rational situation which fits teaching and reminds learners of the relationship between the new knowledge and old knowledge and solves some new problems by using old knowledge. Situation requires that learning situation would better beneficial for students to form their learning content. In some real situation, how do the learners work out practical problems by the means of using their own knowledge, which is a key point to measure whether the students master learning or not. Besides, learner is the essential part in real learning situation, which accompanies with learning and cooperates with teachers. Constructivism teaching theory plays an important role in English phonetic teaching. It aims to help teachers to construct knowledge and strengthen the relationship between the new knowledge and old knowledge in students brain. Thus, teachers can design real situation in English class especially in English phonetic learning class on the basis of Constructivism Teaching theory in primary school. Because of the real English situation, students in primary schools can speak English bravely. This will enhance teaching enjoyment and stimulate the students intrinsic motivation.2.2.2 Learning Motivation Theory Learning motivation is a kind of power tendency that can inspire and maintain students learning behavior towards the certain goal. It is a significant element for efficient teaching, and it can affect students learning process and learning effect. Furthermore, “learning motivation includes learning needs and learning expectation. Learning needs is a psychological condition that learners want to meet their learning demands owing to their personal sense of learning shortage. Learning expectation is learners subjective estimate that they should attach the target in learning activities. Achievement motivation is an intrinsic power which inspires learners to succeed” (Qiu, 2015). Learning motivation theory is based on the students own conditions, to explore why the students are confronted with learning disabilities from subjective aspects. In English phonetics teaching, teachers should pay attention to the motivation that would influence students learning enthusiasm and find out the emotional disorders that exist in students phonetic learning. As known to all, anxiety and frustration are the major emotional disorders that affect students English learning. These emotional disorders can weaken students learning motivation and reduce the learning effect. Therefore, “in the process of phonetic teaching, teachers should find out the problems and the negative emotions of the students and reflect on the problems existing in the phonetic teaching in time according to the students physical and mental development. Teachers can teach phonetics in a popular way that will stimulate students interest in phonetic learning” (Wang, 2011). Moreover, teachers should avoid the boring phonetic practice will make students fatigue and improve the efficiency of English phonetics teaching.Learning motivation theory plays an important role in the process of English phonetic learning for students. Under the guidance of learning motivation theory, teachers should stimulate students interest in primary school from the following aspects: firstly, “teachers should let students pay attention to the importance of pronunciation and effect in English learning as well as how pronunciation influences English learning. It will encourage students internal needs in learning pronunciation” (Qiu, 2015). Secondly, a large number of students think learning English is boring. Thus, it is necessary for teachers to take some measures to improve students interest in learning English. For example, teachers can hold some interesting phonetic matches for students to participate or use multi-media on English teaching. 2.3 Empirical Studies on English Phonetics Teaching Strategies in Primary SchoolsAfter reviewing most of the empirical studies on English phonetics teaching strategies in primary schools, we can find that phonics has been attracted by more and more scholars attention.In one of the studies, Xu(2015)attempts to apply the phonics to the fifth grade English teaching in primary school. And two natural classes in the fifth grade, which from Heping District Central Primary School, Tianjin, were selected as the experimental subjects. Then, participating groups were divided into experimental class and control class, and each class has 40 people. Students in Experimental class and control class all start learning English from the first grade. They have the basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Whats more, the two classes English level is nearly the same after several detections from th


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