牛津英语八上Unit 1 Task:My best friends (共26张PPT)

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牛津英语八上Unit 1 Task:My best friends (共26张PPT)_第1页
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Unit 1 Taskfriends 丰 县 套 楼 初 级 中 学 刘 昌 明 Say something about the students around you. Say something about the students around you. What can friends do? play with us make us happy share joy with usstay with us when we feel unhappy / bored keep a secret for us listen to us carefully help us with our problemshelp us with our homework Friends are important to us. 1.Think about your best friend and prepare some notes to describe your friends. 2. Use some adjectives, comparatives and superlatives correctly to describe your friend . 3.To learn the right and easy ways to finish a writing. Then show it to othersAims: FaceEyesNose HairLooks Personality long, short, small, round, squarebig, small, long, short, straightbig, small. round, bright, smilingblack, dark brown, long, short, straight, with a ponytailbeautiful, pretty, good-looking, handsome, lovely, cute, short, tall, fat, slim, smart, strongclever, smart, polite, friendly, kind, , generous, hard-working, helpful, honest, humorous, patient be a singerbe an artistbe an engineerbe as famous as.Future plans:be as excellent as. future plans?Make a flow chart of your friendWho? lookspersonalitieswhat to do with you? Daniel is also going to take part in a writing competition. He wants to write about his best friend. Listen to Daniel s article about his best friend and find out the information.Who? ? ? future? Kate round bright, smiling small long tall, slim, pretty, kind friendly, happy, helpful, patient, work with childrenwould like to be a teacherName: Face:Eyes:Nose:Hair:Looks :Personality:Future plans: Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4 Kate is Daniel s best friendKate s looks Kate s personalityKate s future plansIntroductionMain body Conclusion Main body Conclusion:Introduction Name future plans Lets have a writing competition ! ?Who can be your best friend? 根 据 书 本 part B的 表 格 , 以 my best friend为 题 写 一篇 文 章 , 可 以 进 行 适 当 的 发 挥 (如 自 己 今 后 的 梦想 ) , 字 数 在 80字 左 右 。1. 整 体 性 : 结 构 清 晰 ( 如 : 是 否 分 段 ) , 正 确 使 用 标 点符 号 , 书 写 端 正 。2. 优 美 性 : 语 句 连 贯 、 优 美 ( 如 : 使 用 一 些 关 联 词 , 时间 状 语 , 形 容 词 , 副 词 等 ) 。3. 完 整 性 : 要 点 齐 全 , 适 当 拓 展 。4. 准 确 性 : 语 法 正 确 , 语 句 通 顺 。How to write a good article?Task4: My best friend My best friendMy best friend My best friend My best friend is Tom. He has a long nose and a round face. Tom is helpful. He always gives his seat on the bus to someone in need. Tom is clever. He always helps me with my homework. Tom runs fast and is good at football, so he wants to a famous football player in the future. I Hope his dream can come true. Model essay 范 文 评 分 标 准 :( 10分 ) : 段 落 清 楚 , 要 点 全 面 , 没 有 错 误 。( 8-9分 ) : 段 落 清 楚 , 要 点 全 面 , 有 极 少 错 误 。( 6-7分 ) : 段 落 清 楚 , 基 本 涵 盖 要 点 、 有 2-3个 错 误 。( 4-5分 ) : 段 落 模 糊 , 要 点 不 完 整 、 错 误 较 多 , 勉 强 能 看 出 作 文 意 图 。( 1-3分 ) : 能 用 句 子 表 达 , 错 误 百 出 , 只 能 勉 强 猜 测 出 作 文 意 图 。Work in pairs ,check the writings and choose the best article My best friend Tip:Some pictures can make it more interesting. 1.Think about your best friend and get some notes to describe your friends. 2. Use some adjectives, comparatives and superlatives correctly to describe your friend . 3.Get the right and easy ways to finish a writing. Then show it to othersDid you reach the aims? Enjoy together! A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人 生 没 有 朋 友 , 犹 如 生 活 没 有 了 太 阳 . HomeworkMake a poster about your best friends. Try to make it the best one !


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