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CET-完形填空完形填空1、纪律是管理关系的形式。阿法纳西耶夫2、改革如果不讲纪律,就难以成功。3、道德行为训练,不是通过语言影响,而是让儿童练习良好道德行为,克服懒惰、轻率、不守纪律、颓废等不良行为。4、学校没有纪律便如磨房里没有水。夸美纽斯5、教导儿童服从真理、服从集体,养成儿童自觉的纪律性,这是儿童道德教育最重要的部分。陈鹤琴小结:四级考试常见形近词语归纳padvice(n.)忠告,建议padvise(v.)向建议,忠告ladapt(v.)适应,适合;改编,改写ladopt(v.)采纳,通过;收养naffect(v.)影响;感动neffect(n.)(v.)影响,作用,结果;效果;产生,招致uangel(n.)天使uangle(n.)角度;方面;观点all together(短语)一起,一道altogether(adv.)全部地,完全;总共;总之assure 使放心,使确信;保证,担保;保险ensure(v.)确保,保证insure(v.)保险,给保险;保证 clash(v.)碰撞;(n.)碰撞声crash 摔坏;坠毁;失败;(n.)失败,瓦解;爆炸声,撞击声ucomprise(v.)包括,包含,构成ucompose(v.)组成,构成;创作试比较:The United States comprises 50 states.The committee comprise seven members.Our party is composed of teachers and students.Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.lcompliment(v.)称赞,恭维;(n.)问好,致意,赞扬lcomplement(v.)补充;(n.)补语consciousness(n.)意识,觉悟,自觉conscience(n.)良心,良知uconsiderable(adj.)相当大(多)的,可观的;值得考虑的uconsiderate(adj.)考虑周到的,体谅人的contest(n.)比赛,竞争context(n.)上下文,内容credible(adj.)可信的creditable(adj.)值得称赞的,带来荣耀的descent(n.)下降;下来;出身decent(adj)像,体面的,恰当的distract(v.)分神,打扰;扰乱,迷惑contract(v.)收缩;订约,签合同subtract(v.)减去,扣除device(n.)手段,办法;装置devise(v.)想出,设计出ldiscern(v.)认出,发现;识别lconcern(v.)涉及,关系到;关心dominant(adj.)支配的,统治的,占优势的dominate(v.)支配,统治控制ueffective(adj.)有效的,产生效力的;实在的,实际的uefficient(adj.)(指人)有能力的,能干的peconomic(adj.)有关经济的peconomical(adj.)节俭的healthful(adj.)对健康有益的healthy(adj.)健康的hanged(hang的过去式及过去分词)绞死hung(hang的过去式及ed分词)悬挂imaginative(adj.)富于想象力的imaginary(adj.)假想的,想象中的,虚构的imaginable(adj.)可以想象的pintelligent(adj.)聪明的,智慧的,理解力强的pintelligible(adj.)可理解的,能懂的pintellectual(n.)知识分子;(adj.)智能的,显示智力的,有智力的 intense(adj)强烈的,剧烈的intensive(adj.)仔细的,精细的pintimate(a.)亲密的,亲近的pimitate(vt.)模仿,仿造pintimidate(vt.)恐吓,威胁llessen(v.)减少,减轻llesson(n.)功课personal(adj.)个人的,私人的;亲自的,本人的;身体的personnel(n.)全体人员,全体职员;人事部门precede(v.)先于,领先于,在前proceed(v.)进行,继续下去;发生exceed(v.超过,胜过;越出principal(n.)校长;主要人物;(adj.)主要的,基本的principle(n.)原则,原理progressive(adj.)进步的,先进的;前进的successive(adj.)连续的,接连的respectable(adj.)受人尊敬的respectful(adj.)尊敬别人的respective(adj.)各自的historic(有历史意义的),historical(关于历史的)considerate(关心别人的),considerable(相当大的,相当多的)sensible(合理的,可感知的),sensitive(敏感的)credible(可信的),credulous(容易轻信的)continual(持续的,中间有间隔),continuous(持续的,中间没有间隔)satisfied(满意的),satisfactory(令人满意的)farther(更远,表示距离),further(更进一步,表示程度)小结:四级考试常见近义词语归纳accurate,correct,exactShe gave an accurate account of the accident.He gave correct answers to the questions.His answer is quite exact.abandon,desert,forsake,quit she abandoned her child.the soldier deserted his country and helped the enemy.she pleased with her husband not to forsake her.she quitted her job.2、惯用搭配题这里说的惯用搭配题,是指由主词(包括动词、名词主词(包括动词、名词和形容词)结合副词或者介词构成的短语及惯用法和形容词)结合副词或者介词构成的短语及惯用法,这是四级完型考试的一个热点。(2007.12)In addition,advertising can influence consumers moods which,in 86,are capable of influencing consumers reactions to products.a.turn b.total c.detail d.depth(2007.06)Almost overnight,scores of tent villages bloomed across the region,tended by international aid organizations,military personnel and aid groups working day and night to shelter the survivors before winter set 71 .a.out b.in c.on d.forth介词搭配不同主词介词搭配不同主词动词动词+介词(数量很大,兹略举数例如下)介词(数量很大,兹略举数例如下)He couldnt account for(解释)his long absence from school.I agree with(与.看法一致)you on that point.She doesnt agree to(同意)my proposal.His comments amount to(等于)treason.When his father died,Jim came into(继承)a fortune.In the valley we came across(碰到)a group of Mexicans.It is the job of the police to get after(追捕)criminals.If you go about(做)it in the right way,youll soon get it finished.If I were you,I would go for(争取)that job.The police are looking into(调查)the case.They didnt look after(照顾)the children properly.Can we rely on(信赖,依靠)this old car to get us there?When the childs pleas didnt work,he resorted to(诉诸)tears.If you are too busy,Ill see about(料理)train tickets.Who is seeing to(料理)the arrangements for the next meeting?Why do you take me for(把 当作)a fool?Before long he had taken to(爱上)a girl student in his class.形容词形容词+介词(最常用与做主语补语)介词(最常用与做主语补语)He was absent from the meeting.Im not yet accustomed to习惯于 the cold.Dont be afraid of difficulties.I feel quite ashamed of耻于 playing so badly.I was astonished at his behaviour.You should not be blind to对视而不见,看不懂 the beauties of nature.He was busy with his work.He felt confident of victory.He is content with what he has.They are dependent on my assistance.Mary is quite equal to等于,胜任;当 Bill in brains.Hes very experienced in mending cars.He remained faithful to his friend.He is famous for his fine acting.He is good at languages.His work is inferior to不如 hers.He is keen on politics.Tom is very proud of his success.Im sick of(厌恶)winter.Ive never felt surer of success.She is tired of this stupid fellow.Your book is vey true to(忠实于)life.I am weak in French.His work is worthy of praise.They were terribly worried about you.名词名词+介词介词in view of 由于;鉴于on account of 由于;基于 on top of 在上边;在上方;除之外;接着 under cover of 在之掩护之下 under/on the pretence of 在之保护之下with/without regard of 关于/不关心 with respect to关于,(至于)谈到 without prejudice to 无偏见,不违背,不使受损害 in contrast to/with相反的 in consequence of 由于的缘故 in danger of 处于危险之中 in defiance of 不管,无视;不顾 in excess of 多于,超出 in line with跟一致,符合;本着 in place of 代替 in point of 关于,就而论 in return for 作为的报答 in spite of 虽然,尽管;不顾;别看 in terms of根据;用的话;就而言;主词搭配不同副词主词搭配不同副词动词+副词小品词(在这一类动词词组中副词不起修饰作用,所以叫做副词小品词)The plane blew up when it was hit by a missile.The Sino-Japanese War broke out in 1937.The boy was well brought up.We are going to bring up some important problems to discuss at the meeting.Can you figure out a way to do it?I cant figure out why he said that.The meeting has been called off.After just a few minutes she suddenly came to.We will carry on our conversation tomorrow.The plan has been satisfactorily carried out.The firm had to lay off 100 men.they are quarrelling and making up by turns.we must do all we can to make up the economic losses.we could hardly make out what she meant.动词+副词小品词+介词(此组合视为“一个动词”,不容拆开)Will this enthusiasm carry over to the next week?I finally caught on to what she was talking about.I dont want to come down with the flu again.My nephew often comes out with the cleverest remarks.I will have to fill in for Wally until he gets back.Put the food where the cat cant get around to/at.How could he get away with cheating?My wife is always getting on at me for not keeping the room clean.Ive got on to a good idea for increasing production.We dont go in forthat kind of thing.I cant go through withthe performance.I am so nervous.His English is not good enough for him to keep up with跟上 the rest of the class.I couldt put up with忍受 the noise any longer.The children are looking forward to盼望 the holiday.We all look up to尊敬 Roger.He is authoritative but kind.We should not look down on看不起 their humble food.You must make up for弥补 the omission.I will own up to承认 my mistakes.试比较:动词+宾语+副词小品词+介词(此组合拆开)I dont think it is fair that you should come home after a bad day at work and take it out on对.发脾气 me and the children.以上三类动词词组都是固定搭配,相当于一个及物或不及物动词,因而又称为“成语动词”。要注意,这些动词词组与某些非固定搭配是有区别的:【1】The lights went out.【2】He put on his coat and went out.其他动词词组:n动词+名词+介词=一个及物动词She soon realized that she was being made fun of.You should make the most of the opportunity to improve your English.She indulged in luxury and made a mess of her life.I will take care of your children when you are away.They are taking full advantage of the favourable situation to increase exports.n动词+名词=一个不及物动词The house has changed hands several times.In a few minutes the medicine will take effect.Very soon the seeds germinated and took root.His ideas have taken root in the minds of his followers.When did the accident take place?3、逻辑衔接题逻辑衔接题是完形填空中最复杂的题型,全面考查考生对文章的理解和把握。逻辑衔接也就是句与句之间或者句子内部的逻辑关系一般题目会要求考生根据上下文选择合适的逻辑连接词。(2006.12)But human language permits communication about anything,71 things like unicorn(独角兽)that have never existed.a.only b.almost c.even d.just每篇文章都有其发展脉络,完形填空的文章也不例外,其各段、各句之间都有逻辑上的必然关联。通过把握文章的逻辑关系,不仅可以准确掌握段与段、句与句之间的关系,正确解答逻辑衔接类题目,而且可以迅速确定文章的中心和基本结构,从而准确理解上下文语义,提高整体答题速度和质量。具体说来,完形填空中涉及的逻辑关系主要有一下几种:转折关系:but,however,though,whereas,nevertheless,yet因果关系:so,therefore,thus,because,for,since,as,now that.,hence,accordingly,consequently,as a result顺序关系/列举:before,after,first,second,in addition,then,next,finally,firstly.sencondly.thirdly/finally,in the first place.in the second place.,for one thing.for another thing.,to begin with.then/furthermore.to conclude/finally.,on one hand.on the other hand,to start with.next.in addition.finally,first and foremost.besides.last but not least.时间顺序:when,while,as,after,before,since,until,as soon as,once让步关系:though,although,despite,in spite of条件关系:if,unless,once,provided(that).,on condition(that).,suppose,in case,so(as)long as,so far as解释关系:i.e.,that is to say,in other words并列关系/补充:and,while;also,further,furthermore,likewise,similarly,moreover,in addition,whats more,too,either,neither,not.but.,not only.but also.(2005.12)Most people can tolerate these pressures pretty 86,but passengers with heart disease may experience chest pains as result of the reduced amount of oxygen flowing through their blood.a.harshly b.reluctantly c.easily d.casually 4、语法结构题指对倒装句、从句、虚拟语气及平行结构倒装句、从句、虚拟语气及平行结构等语法关系的考查,考查形式主要是相关连接词的选择以及从句的判断。这就要求我们在做题时:第一:认真判断带刺在上下文中的指代关系,注意是指人,还是指物,以及单复数的问题。其次,认真判断从句的类型,是名词性从句,定语从句还是状语从句。第三,熟悉特殊的句子结构,如强调句,虚拟语气的各种形式等。(2005.12)For starters,cabin pressures at high altitudes are set at roughly 85 they would be if you lived at 5000 to 8000 feet above sea level.a.who b.what c.which d.that简单句主语+系动词+表语主语+不及物动词+(状语)主语+及物动词+宾语+(状语)主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语There be 句型I remember sending E-mail to you.Please remember to sent E-mail to me.I forgot posting your letter.I frogot to post your letter.I regret not having accepted your advice.I regret to say that all my efforts were in vain.He tried speaking English to us.Please try to do better next time.We saw the animal climb up the tree.We saw the animal climbing up the tree.They were made to work day and night.Someone was heard to come up the stairs.主从复合句(从句)宾语从句状语从句CET 2008.12.91、89定语从句CET 2008.12.87主语从句CET 2008.12.88 2009.06.90同位语从句表语从句宾语从句Our teacher taught us that(起连接作用)we should do as much as possible to serve the people.He asked whether/if(起连接作用)we had cleaned the cookers after breakfast.I wonder who(作主语)won the first prize in the speech contest.连接词还有which、what;when,where,how,why.状语从句时间状语:when,whenever,while,after,before,as,once,till,until,as soon as,since,the moment/instant/minute/no soonerthan地点状语从句:where,wherever条件状语:if,unless,as long as,in case 原因状语从句:because,since,as,now that方式/比较状语从句:asas,soas,than,the morethe more,as,as if,as though让步状语从句:though,although,even if,even though,whoever,whatever,however,no matter+what/who/how结果状语从句:so that,suchthat,so that目的状语从句:so that,in order that定语从句与同位语从句的区别The fact that the earth goes around the sun is known to all.The fact that we are discussing is very improtant.The idea that she will marry you is ridiculous.The idea that came to him was very good.虚拟语气If there were no air,there would be no life on the earth.In that case,you wouldnt have a pan on fire.(in that case=if that happened,如果这样的话)虚拟语气的形式:虚拟语气的形式:1、现在虚拟式,也叫做be-型虚拟式。形式:(should)+do(1)insist,order,command,suggest,propose,request,advise,desire,demand,ask+宾语从句;My sister advised me that I should accept the invitation.He asked that the message be given to Mr.Li immediately.The officer commanded that his men report what they had seen in the street.Father demanded that we should return home as soon as the school is over.He desires that Mary see him at once.I ordered that the gate be locked as it was dark.I propose that Mr.Wang be the chairman.She requested that the heavy box be carried upstairs.I suggest that the sports meet be put off.I insisted that he go at once.这类词汇的记忆技巧(should+do)坚(持)/建议:insist/propose,advise,suggest;决(定):decide;求(要求/需要/请求):ask,desire,demand,urge/require/request;命(令):command,order.(2)It is(was)+requested,desired等等+that 从句;从句;It was requested that the play should be put on again.(3)It is(was)+requirement,order,plan,command,request,proposal,suggestion+that 从句;从句;It was request that the play should be put on again.(4)上述名词的同位语从句中)上述名词的同位语从句中The advice that the mercy be given to them sounds reasonable.总结:It is that+主语+(should)do句型,表达虚拟语气,共有:三个名词及“坚、决、求、命”四类动词的相应名词形式:a pity,a shame,no wonder;七个形容词:important,necessary,natural,strange,proper,right,best/better.“坚、决、求、命”四类动词It was our idea that he should go to England for further study.It was suggested that he should be given a special care.It is important that we should take his advice on how to learn English.It is quite natural that my coming late again make them very angry.It was necessary that I should keep my promise.CET4 2010.6.902、非真实条件从句+主句的虚拟式:情景条件从句的谓语动词主句的谓语动词与现在事实相反动词过去式(be 要用were)Should/would+do与过去事实相反Had+doneShould/would+have done与将来事实相反1、动词过去式2、should+do 3、were to+doShould/would+doCET 2009.06.88/2009.12.87主从句表达的时间不一致(错综时间条件句)If he had followed the doctors advice,he would be all right now.If he werent a naughty boy,he wouldnt have caused so much trouble.3、语境隐含的虚拟条件句Or,otherwise,however,without,with,for,wish,had rather,would sooner,would rather,but for,as if等。He was very busy yesterday,otherwise,he would have come to the party.Without air and water,there would be no life.He acted as if he knew everything in the world.The teacher loves her as if she were his own daughter.I wish it were true.I wish you had been here yesterday.If 引导的虚拟条件句的倒装形式:虚拟语气中,从句如果省掉if,要将从句中的助动词,系动词或情态动词提到句首。形式:were/should/had+主语+=if+主语+were/should/hadWere I you,I would go there.=If I were you,I would go there.Should it rain tomorrow,I wouldnt go.=If it should rain tomorrow,I wouldnt go.I didnt know his telephone number.Had I known it(=if I had known it),I would have rung him up.强调句It was in the school where he had studied that he began the important experiment.强调句的类型:强调句型:It is/was+被强调的部分+that(who)+其他成分;谓语动词的强调:用助动词does,do 或did强调谓语;其他强调方式强调句型:It is/was+被强调的部分+that(who)+其他成分强调的对象:主语、宾语、地点状语、时间状语或状语从句。I saw Bob in the park the other day.强调主语:It was I that saw Bob in the park the other day.强调宾语:It was Bob that I saw in the park the other day.强调地点状语:强调时间状语:强调句型:It is/was+被强调的部分+that(who)+其他成分It is+被强调的部分+that(who)+其他成分(一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时,一般将来时等)现在范畴的时态It was+被强调的部分+that(who)+其他成分(一般过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时,过去将来时等)过去范畴的时态强调句型:It is/was+被强调的部分+that(who)+其他成分It is Mary who will go to Beijing tomorrow.It was in the afternoon that we finished the work.含有从句的强调句变型练习:What he said made the teacher very angry.强调主语从句:He couldnt understand what the teacher said very clearly.强调宾语从句:He was late because he missed the early bus.强调状语从句:notuntil句型的强调1、句型:it is/was+not until+短语或从句+that+其他成分We didnt begin the experiment until the older worker came.=notuntil句型的强调倒装句形式:Robert didnt go to bed until he finished his homework.=相似句型:It be+时间段+since 从已经多长时间了。It is two months since she was ill.It be some time+before从句It was+时间段+before 从句:过了多久就It will be+时间段+before 从句:要过多久才,在之前还有很长一段时间It will be a long time before we finish the project.It was two hours before he came back.CET 2009.12.89谓语动词的强调:Do bring your textbooks.Do be careful when you cross the street.I did write to you when I was in Beijing.其他强调方式:可用on earth,in the world等词组强调疑问词以加强语气。What on earth are you doing?What in the world happened?She will never in the world say no.可以用even,ever,indeed,really等副词强调句中的谓语动词以加强语气。I really dont know what has happened to him.Thank you very much indeed.倒装倒装 从形式上划分:完全倒装:The door opened and out rushed the children.部分倒装:Only in this way can we work out the physics problem.完全倒装完全倒装 1、there be句型句型There were no schools or hospitals in my hometown in the old days.在过去我的家乡没有学校和医院。Is there a telephone in your house?你家里有电话吗?“there be”的倒装句根据表达的需要还可以用表示处所,位置关系的倒装句根据表达的需要还可以用表示处所,位置关系的动词,如的动词,如there live(stand,lie,seem to be,exist,happen to be)There lived an old peasant in that house.有一位老农住在那栋房子里。There seems to be some misunderstanding about the matter.这个问题上似乎有些误会。完全倒装完全倒装2、置于句首副词:、置于句首副词:here,there,now,then,in,out,up,down,away,off,此类句子通常的谓语动词此类句子通常的谓语动词:be,go,come,follow,rush,fly,fall等表示运动的不及物动词,等表示运动的不及物动词,通常时态一般现在时和一般过去时的肯定形式。通常时态一般现在时和一般过去时的肯定形式。In came the boy.那个男孩进来了。Away flew the bird.那只鸟飞走了。Now comes my turn to answer the question.现在轮到我回答问题了。In he came and the lesson began.他进来了,开始上课。(此句型主语必须为名词,主语为代词时,句子不倒装此句型主语必须为名词,主语为代词时,句子不倒装。)完全倒装完全倒装3、表语、状语提前为了保持句子平衡,或为强调表语或状语,或使上下文紧密衔接时,把表语或状语提前,用完全倒装语序。形容词形容词+连系动词连系动词+主语主语Present at the meeting were Professor White,Professor Smith and many other guests.出席会议的有怀特教授,史密斯教授和许多其他客人。过去分词过去分词+连系动词连系动词+主语主语Gone are the days when they could do what they liked to the chinese people.他们能够对中国人民为所欲为的日子一去不复返了。表地点的介词短语表地点的介词短语+be+主语(名词)主语(名词)In the distance stands a high building.远处矗立着一栋高楼。To the east of the two hills lies a city.这两座山的东边坐落着一座城市。Among the goods are Christmas trees,flowers,candles,turkeys and toys.货品中有圣诞树、花卉、蜡烛、火鸡和玩具。现在分词+be+主语Covering much of the earths face is a blanket of water.地球表面许多地方都布满了水。完全倒装完全倒装4、直接引语的一部分或全部放在句首“Do you have any questions?”Asked the teacher.“I dont agree with you”,said Tom.当主语是代词或谓语含有助动词时,一般不倒装。另外,如当主语是代词或谓语含有助动词时,一般不倒装。另外,如果谓语比主语长,或是它后面有宾语时,一般也不倒装。果谓语比主语长,或是它后面有宾语时,一般也不倒装。“Please do me a favor,”he said.他说请帮我个忙。(主语(主语是代词不倒装)是代词不倒装)“he is a liar,you cant trust him,”tom said to me in a whisper.他爱说谎,你别相信他。汤姆小声告诉我。(谓(谓语比主语长,且谓语后面有宾语,不倒装)语比主语长,且谓语后面有宾语,不倒装)“I am tired,”she had said.她说我累了(有助动词有助动词had,所,所以不倒装以不倒装)不完全倒装(部分倒装)不完全倒装(部分倒装)1、用于疑问句中、用于疑问句中Are you from Beijing?你是北京人吗?What do you want?你想要什么?Have you finished your homework?不完全倒装(部分倒装)不完全倒装(部分倒装)2、否定意、否定意义的副的副词或或连词位于句首,否定位于句首,否定词+助助动词(be动词)+主主语常见放在句首的否定词by no means绝不never决不in no caseno soonerthan一就in no wayhardlywhenat no timescarcelywhenon no considerationnot不,没有under no circumstancesnot a bit一点也不in no circumstancesnot onlybut also不但而且hardly几乎不几乎没有notuntil直到才scarcelybarelynowhere没有地方little几乎没有,一点也不rarely很少not once一次也不seldomCET2010.6.88不完全倒装(部分倒装)不完全倒装(部分倒装)否定副词及介词短语否定副词及介词短语+助动词助动词/be动词动词+主语主语Hardly can you understand the text.你几乎不懂这篇课文。At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.在任何时候中国都不会最先使用核武器。不完全倒装(部分倒装)不完全倒装(部分倒装)Not until+时间短语或从句时间短语或从句+助动词助动词/be动词动词+主主语(主句倒装)语(主句倒装)Not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.直到河里的鱼都死了,村民们才意识到污染有多严重。Not until he came back did I leave.直到他回来了,我才离开。不完全倒装(部分倒装)不完全倒装(部分倒装)No sooner+had+主主语+过去分去分词That+从句(一般从句(一般过去去时)HardlyWhen/beforescarcelyNo sooner had they reached home than it rained.Hardly had I reached the bus stop when the bus started.Scarcely had we reached the theatre before the play began.不完全倒装(部分倒装)不完全倒装(部分倒装)Not only but also如果连接两个句子,第一分句倒如果连接两个句子,第一分句倒装,第二分句则不倒装。连接两个主语时不倒装。装,第二分句则不倒装。连接两个主语时不倒装。Not only was she working hard,but also she was polite.她不仅学习很努力,而且很有礼貌。Not only was Lu Xun a great writer,but also a great thinker.鲁迅先生不仅是著名作家,而且是个著名的思想家。Not only he but also his parents have been to Beijing.不但他而且他的父母都到过北京。不完全倒装(部分倒装)不完全倒装(部分倒装)Only开头的句子要用倒装:开头的句子要用倒装:only+副词、介词短语、状副词、介词短语、状语从句语从句+助动词助动词/be动词动词+主语,主语,Only then did I realize that I made such a big mistake.(only修饰副词)Only in this way can you succeed.(only修饰介词短语)Only after New China was founded was he able to go to school.(only修饰状语从句)Only the grown-ups are allowed to see the film.(Only修饰修饰主语时不倒装主语时不倒装)不完全倒装(部分倒装)不完全倒装(部分倒装)表示“也”的so(用于肯定句),nor,neither(用于否定句),出现在句首时应使用倒装。表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一人或物,此句的谓语应与前句的谓语的时态,形式相一致。结构为:so/nor/neither+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语但如果只是重复前面一句话的意思,(后者赞同前者观点,或后者就某事表达与前者相同看法)则句子不倒装。结构为:so/nor/neither+主语+助动词/系动词/情态动词。练习:他到北京去了,妻子和孩子也是的。汤姆没有离开,我也没有。你知道吉姆和他弟弟争吵了吗?不知道,也不想知道。不完全倒装(部分倒装)不完全倒装(部分倒装)as/though 引导的让步状语从句:句型:adj./n.(不带冠词)+as+主语+系动词be,+主句;adv./v.+as+主语+动词/助动词,+主句不完全倒装(部分倒装)不完全倒装(部分倒装)Young as he is,he knows a lot of things.=Although he is young,he knows a lot of things.Child as he is,he has been to many places.=Although he is a child,he has been to many places.Much as I want to see him,I dare not do it.=Although I want to see him much,I dare not do it.Go as you may,you cant see him.=Although you may go,you cant see him.(三)完形填空高分技巧运用逻辑关系解题 每篇文章都有其发展脉络,完形填空的文章也不例外,其各段、各句之间都有逻辑上的必然关联。通过把握文章的逻辑关系,不仅可以准确掌握段与段、句与句之间的关系,正确解答逻辑衔接类题目,而且可以迅速确定文章的中心和基本结构,从而准确理解上下文语义,提高


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