Unit 2阅读教程第三册 课件

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Unit 2School and EducationInterpretation of the quotationsvThe teacher inspires the students to be creative.On their own,students will produce new ideas,but with a teacher,they will be twice as creative,if not more so.vThe goal of true education is not just about behaving well,but about appreciating right values.The former is external whereas the latter is internal.vGood teaching should help students handle uncertainties,explore alternatives and probe into seemingly intractable situations with boldness.Teaching around the worldvThere are many similarities and differences among teachers around the world.In almost all countries teachers are educated in a university or college.Governments may require certification by a recognized body before they can teach in a school.In many countries,elementary school education certificate is earned after completion of high school.The high school student follows an education specialty track,obtain the prerequisite student-teaching time,and receive a special diploma to begin teaching after graduation.At 27,Han Han is one of Chinas most successful bloggers.Photo by Zhou Yunzhe/China DailyPedagogy vPedagogy is the study of being a teacher.The term generally refers to strategies of instruction,or a style of instruction.vPedagogy is also occasionally referred to as the correct use of instructive strategies.For example,Paulo Freire referred to his method of teaching adult humans as critical pedagogy.In correlation with those instructive strategies the instructors own philosophical beliefs of instruction are harbored and governed by the pupils back-ground knowledge and experience,situation,and environment,as well as learning goals set by the student and teacher.One example would be the Socratic schools of thoughtPhilosophy of EducationvPhilosophy of education is a field of applied philosophy,drawing from the traditional fields of philosophy and its approaches to address questions regarding education policy,human development,and curriculum theory,to name a few.Put another way,philosophy of education is the philosophical study of the purpose,process,nature and ideals of education.For example,it might study what constitutes upbringing and education,the values and norms revealed through upbringing and educational practices,the limits and legitimization of education as an academic discipline,and the relation between educational theory and practice.Reading 1vWhat is the difference between the“education”from most peoples point of view and genuine education?vWhat is the aim of Socrates using a slave boy?vWhy does the author think that many discussions about the content of education are useless?vWhat does the author mean by the comparison of students to sausages and oysters?vWhy was the college student mentioned by the author in the article not happy with his study?vPara.1vSausage casing:Casing or sausage casing is the material that contains and encloses the filling of a sausage.Casings are typically divided into two categories,natural and artificial.vPara.3 vDistinguished:very successful and admired by other people ve.g.distinguished career in medicine v在医学领域的辉煌生涯vpara.4v“Look into your own selves and find the sparks of truth that God has put into every heart and that only you can kindle to a flame.”Look into your own selves and find the principles and axioms that are already in your mind and that only you can call out.vMeno:Meno is a Socratic dialogue written by Plato.Written in the Socratic dialectic style,it attempts to determine the definition of virtue,or arete,meaning in this case virtue in general,rather than particular virtues(e.g.justice,temperance,etc.).The goal is a common definition that applies equally to all particular virtues.Socrates moves the discussion past the philosophical confusion,or aporia疑惑,created by Menos paradox with the introduction of new Platonic ideas:the theory of knowledge as recollection,anamnesis(the ability to recall the past occurrence),and in the final lines a movement towards Platonic idealism.vPlatos Meno is a Socratic dialogue in which the two main speakers,Socrates and Meno,discuss human virtue:whether or not it can be taught,whether it is shared by all human beings,and whether it is one quality or many.As is typical of a Socratic dialogue,there is more than one theme discussed within Meno.One feature of the dialogue is Socrates use of one of Menos slaves to demonstrate his idea of anamnesis,that certain knowledge is innate and recollected by the soul through proper inquiry.Another often noted feature of the dialogue is the brief appearance of Anytus,a member of a prominent Athenian family who later participated in the prosecution of Socrates.vSocrates begins one of the most influential dialogues of Western philosophy regarding the argument for innate knowledge.By drawing geometric figures in the ground Socrates demonstrates that the slave is initially unaware of how to find twice the area of a square.vSocrates then said that before he got hold of him the slave(who has been picked at random from Menos entourage)has spoken well and fluently on the subject of a square double the size of a given square.Socrates comments that this numbing he caused in the slave did him no harmvSocrates then draws a second square figure on the diagonal so that the slave can see that by adding vertical and horizontal lines touching the corners of the square,the double of its area is created.He gets the slave to agree that this is twice the size of the original square and says that he has spontaneously recovered knowledge he knew from a past life without having been taught.Socrates is satisfied that new beliefs were newly aroused in the slave.vPara.7vDraw on:If you draw on or draw upon something such as your skill or experience,you make use of it in order to do something.to use a supply of something that is available to you ve.g.这位小说家在很大程度上是以她的亲身经历为素材。vThe novelist draws heavily on her personal experiences.vSynthesize:to combine separate ideas,beliefs,styles,etc.vPara.8vHave any meaning beyond the purpose of:not have such purpose at allvanything but=definitely notve.g.The hotel was anything but cheap.v这家旅馆根本不便宜。Reading 2vWhy did the authors colleague ask him to be the referee?vWhat did the author suggested to grade the students answer?vWhy didnt the student write anything at first?vCould you recall more than two of the students methods?vWhat is the conventional answer to this question?Did the student know that?vTitle:The question how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?has been used many times as a trite dismissal of medieval angelology in particular,of scholasticism in general,and of particular figures such as Duns Scotus and Thomas Aquinas.1 Another variety of the question is How Many Angels Can Sit On The Head Of A Pin?In modern usage,this question serves as a metaphor for wasting time debating topics of no practical value.vPara.1v“the student claimed he should receive a perfect score and would if the system were not set up against the student”vThe student claimed he should receive a perfect score and he would get a full mark if the educational system is not like what it is now which is against the student.vPara.4vHave a strong case:have sufficient of facts or arguments that support one side in a discussionve.g.Our lawyer didnt think we had a case(=had enough good arguments to win in a court of law).v我们的律师认为我们论据不足,无法赢得官司。v“A high grade is supposed to certify competence in physics,but the answer did not confirm this.”vCertify:to state officially,especially in writing,that something is trueve.g.他递给她一份她的健康证明书。vHe handed her a piece of paper certifying(that)she was in good health.vThis(=this document)is to certify that 兹证明 vThis:competence in physicsvWhole:A high mark should reflect how well one has done in physics,but what the student had answered did not use the knowledge of physics,let alone show the ability in physics.vPara.11vPendulum:a rod with a weight at the end that moves regularly from side to side to control the mechanism of a clock ve.g.In education,the pendulum has swung back to traditional teaching methods.(Figurative)v教育上又恢复了传统教学法vthe pendulum of public opinion 舆论的转变 vpara.13vat this point:at this momentvbe fed up with:be tired of/be sick ofvpedantic:too worried about small details or rules(disapproving)ve.g.a pedantic insistence on the correct way of doing things v行事过分拘泥于细枝末节 v“He decided to revive scholasticism as an academic lark to challenge the Sputnik-panicked classrooms of America.”vScholasticism:an ancient method of learning whose primary purpose is to arrive at an answer.vLark:a thing that you do for fun or as a joke vSputnik-panicked:refers to the large increase in funding for science teaching in American schools that resulted from the Soviet Union launching the Sputnik satellite.vWhy did the author think the diplomas are invalid?vHow does the educational system cheat the students?vAccording to the author,who is responsible for the students concentration?What can he do to get their attention?vWhats the authors response when she knew that the teacher wanted to flunk her son?Whats the result of the method?vWhats the authors aim to take her son as an example here?vWhy do the high-school graduates,who have got the diploma,feel sad?vWhat are the difference between the adult students and the young children?vWhat is the key point the author want to express through this article?Any practical suggestions?vHow to use flunking as a assistance in education?vPara.1v“These diplomas wont look any different from those awarded their luckier classmates.”vThese diplomas:the diplomas of those normal studentsvThose awarded their luckier classmates:the diplomas of the students who are still not literately competent when graduating from the high school.vWhole:the diplomas can not mean anything,because the semiliterate can also get them as others.vPara.2vDropout:a person who leaves school or college before they have finished their studiesvGraduate-equivalency certificates:the certificates testifying that your literate skills have reached the level equal to the high-school graduates.vPara.3v“No writers block here!”vWriters block:a problem that writers sometimes have when they cannot think of what to write and have no new ideas vWhole:(When asked about the unpleasant experience they had in school),they always have much to say.vDo drug:take drugvPass me along:do not care about me and just let me pass the exam every timevPara.4v英语中,“做坏事的人”或“犯法的人”有个常用的表达法wrong-doer.这个词可以在英汉词典中找到。但是在同样的英汉词典中却没有 good-doer这个表示“做好事的人”的英语词。vDo-gooder:person who tries to help other people but who does it in a way that is annoying vdo-gooder(in this text):an earnest usu.impractical and often naive and ineffectual humanitarian or reformerv“I blamed the poor academic skills our kids have today on drugs,divorce and other impediments to concentration necessary for doing well in school.”vDrugs,divorce and other impediments will distract the students from their study in school.I blamed the kids for their weak resistance to these impediments.vAt hand:close to you in time or distance ve.g.Help was at hand.援助近在咫尺。vThe property is ideally located with all local amenities close at hand.v这处房地产的位置很理想,离当地的福利设施都近。vPara.5vWorld-class:as good as the best in the world vCharmer:a person who acts in a way that makes them attractive to other people,sometimes using this to influence others v“did little to develop his intellectual talents but always got by.”vDid not work hard in study but always manage to pass the exam.vPara.6vUrge:to advise or try hard to persuade somebody to do something ve.g.The report urged that all children be taught to swim.v这份报告呼吁给所有的儿童教授游泳。vSettle down:v1.If you settle down to do something or to something,you prepare to do it and concentrate on it.v2.to get into a comfortable position,either sitting or lying ve.g.I settled down with a book.v我手拿一本书,舒舒服服地坐下。v3.to start to have a quieter way of life,living in one place ve.g.When are you going to get married and settle down?v你打算什么时候成家,安定下来?vSteely-eyedvcross-eyed:斗鸡眼 vsad-eyedvArgus-eyed警惕的vBleary-eyed困倦而视线模糊的 vbright-eyedvdewy-eyedvblue-eyed boy v(a person treated with special favour by somebody 宠儿)v“Our sons academic life flashed before my eyes.”vI recall our sons experience throughout his academic lifevregain my composure:I become calm againvpara.7vat night:the adult-literacy programs are usually held at night.vdoesnt make a case:cannot be a sufficient reason ve.g.You need to make a case for your suggestionsv“be angry and resentful for having been passed along until they could no longer even pretend to keep up.”vThe students can pass the exam every time but in fact they cannot catch up with the content the teachers teach.At the point they even cant pretend to keep up,they become angry and resentful.vI should have been held back:I was so dumb that the teacher should fail me.vPara.9 vHang on to:to hold something tightly/to keep something,not sell it or give it awayvMotivationvMotivation is of particular interest to Educational psychologists because of the crucial role it plays in student learning.However,the specific kind of motivation that is studied in the specialized setting of education differs qualitatively from the more general forms of motivation studied by psychologists in other fields.vMotivation in education can have several effects on how students learn and how they behave towards subject matter.It can:vDirect behavior toward particular goals vLead to increased effort and energy vIncrease initiation of,and persistence in,activities vEnhance cognitive processing vDetermine what consequences are reinforcing vLead to improved performance.vBecause students are not always internally motivated,they sometimes need situated motivation,which is found in environmental conditions that the teacher creates.vThere are two kinds of motivation:vIntrinsic motivation occurs when people are internally motivated to do something because it either brings them pleasure,they think it is important,or they feel that what they are learning is significant.vExtrinsic motivation comes into play when a student is compelled to do something or act a certain way because of factors external to him or her(like money or good grades).vPara.11vSave them grief for the short term:prevent them from being sad because of the material beyond their learning ability just for a short period of time.vDoom:to make somebody/something certain to fail,suffer,die,etc(usually passive sb/sth(to sth)ve.g.这个计划注定要失败。vThe plan was doomed to failure.v这桩婚姻从一开始就注定要破裂。vThe marriage was doomed from the start.vFollow through on their threats:continue considering about the threats of flunkingReading 4v1.What is the problem of the school calendar in todays America?v2.According to Dr.Boyer,what is the function of schools?Is this idea widely accepted?v3.Why is long summers take a toll?v4.What did Boyer suggest to solve the problem?vPara.1v“They have become a familiar part of the summer landscape”vThis landscape,the kids are hanging out,is frequently seen in summer.vPara.2vCamp:a place where young people go on holiday/vacation and take part in various activities or a particular activity 度假营vFall through:If an arrangement,plan,or deal falls through,it fails to happen.vCrack:1.an occasion when you try to do something ve.g.She hopes to have another crack at the world record this year.v她希望今年再一次冲击世界纪录。v2.a line on the surface of something where it has broken but not split into separate parts ve.g.Cracks began to appear in the walls.v墙壁开始出现裂缝了。v3.a sudden loud noise ve.g.the sharp crack of a rifle shot 尖利的步枪声 vmakeshift:used temporarily for a particular purpose because the real thing is not available(adjective usually before noun)ve.g.A few cushions formed a makeshift bed.v临时用几个垫子拼了一张床。vPara.5vthe Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is an independent policy and research center,whose primary activities of research and writing have resulted in published reports on every level of education.vPara.7vSynchronize:to happen at the same time or to move at the same speed as something;to make something do this v(sth)(with sth)ve.g.声迹与动作不同步。vThe soundtrack did not synchronize with the action.V v咱们对一下表吧。vLets synchronize our watches(=make them show exactly the same time).vPara.8v“It may be easier to promote a longer school year on its educational merits and,indeed,the educational case is compelling.”vIt is easier to accept and be convinced that a longer school year is good for the educational purpose.vPara.10v“turn the hands of the school clock forward”vProlong the school timevPara.12vIts back to the futurevits out of fashion to the future.See you Next Time!


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