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DRHave you ever been Have you ever been abroadabroad?Have you ever been abroad?1DRkangarookoalakangarookoala2DRcoat of armscoat of arms3DR An Exciting TripThe TextThe Text4pouch An Exciting TripThe Text4poucDRFirst listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。听录音,然后回答以下问题。1.How long has Tim been in Australia?2.What does he do in Australia?3.Why is Tim finding the trip exciting?First listen and then answer t5DRNew words and expressions 生词和短语生词和短语6exciting /ksat/receive /rsiv/firm /fm/different /dfrnt/centre /sent/abroad /brd/adj.令人兴奋的令人兴奋的v.接受,收到接受,收到n.商行,公司商行,公司adj.不同的不同的n.中心中心adv.在国外在国外New words and expressions 生词和短DR1.How long has Tim been in Australia?Tim has been in Australia for six months.2.What does he do in Australia?He is working for a big firm as an engineer.3.Why is Tim finding the trip exciting?Because Tim has never been abroad before.This is his first trip abroad.First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。听录音,然后回答以下问题。1.How long has Tim been in Au7DRI have 1._ received a letter from my brother,Tim.He is in 2._.He has been there for six months.Tim is an 3._.He is working for a big 4._ and he has already visited a great number of 5._ places in Australia.He has just bought an Australian car and has 6._ to Alice springs,a small town in the 7._ of Australia.He will soon 8._ Darwin.From there,he will fly to Perth.My brother has never been 9._ before,so he is finding this trip very 10._.Listen again and complete the following text.8I have 1._ received a leDRI have 1.just received a letter from my brother,Tim.He is in 2.Australia.He has been there for six months.Tim is an 3.engineer.He is working for a big 4.firm and he has already visited a great number of 5.different places in Australia.He has just bought an Australian car and has 6.gone to Alice springs,a small town in the 7.centre of Australia.He will soon 8.visit Darwin.From there,he will fly to Perth.My brother has never been 9.abroad before,so he is finding this trip very 10.exciting.Listen again and complete the following text.9I have 1.just received a lettDRPhrases Phrases(短语短语)收到收到.的来信的来信为一家大公司工作为一家大公司工作去过许多不同的地方去过许多不同的地方在在.的中心的中心飞往帕斯飞往帕斯 觉得这次旅行非常令人激动觉得这次旅行非常令人激动10receive a letter from sb.work for a big firm visit a great number of different places in the centre of.fly to Perthfind this trip very exciting Phrases(短语)收到.的来信10receive DRI have just received a letter from my brother,Tim.He is in Australia.He has been there for six months.Tim is an engineer.He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia.He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice springs,a small town in the centre of Australia.He will soon visit Darwin.From there,he will fly to Perth.My brother has never been abroad before,so he is finding this trip very exciting.Language points in the text.11I have just received a letter DR key words and expressionskey words and expressions单词拓展与巩固练习单词拓展与巩固练习12 key words and expressions12DRuhe has already visited a great number of different places in Australia.a number of+_名词名词的的_,number前一般可用前一般可用_,great,_等形容词强调等形容词强调数量大小数量大小。a great many+_名词名词的复数的复数a great _ of+不可数不可数名词名词e.g.1.撒哈拉沙漠有许多沙子。撒哈拉沙漠有许多沙子。2.他口袋里有许多的棒棒糖。他口袋里有许多的棒棒糖。he has already visited a great13DRuHe is finding this trip very exciting.find意为意为“_”时,宾语往往带时,宾语往往带补足语补足语(一般为(一般为_),),说明宾语的说明宾语的_、_等。等。find+n.+adj.觉得觉得怎么样怎么样e.g.1.我觉得阿丽塔这部电影是令人振奋的。我觉得阿丽塔这部电影是令人振奋的。I find the film Alita:Battle Angle inspiring.2.你有没有发现你有没有发现Doris的英语课真的很有趣耶?的英语课真的很有趣耶?Do you find the Doris English course very interesting?He is finding this trip very e14DRModel Essay The writer has just received a letter from his brother,Tim.Tim is an engineer.He has been in Australia for six months.He has already visited many places.Now he is in Alice Springs.Tim has never been abroad before.He is enjoying his trip very much.Model Essay The writer has 15DRThe The PresentPresent Perfect TPerfect Tenseense16The Present Perfect Tense16DR现在现在完成完成时态时态Springhas already come.hashaveHe/She/ItI/We/You/Theydone+其他成分助动词助动词现在完成时态SpringhashaveHe/She/ItI/17DRThe Present Perfect TenseThe Present Perfect Tense现在完成时现在完成时18The Present Perfect Tense现在完成时DR肯定式肯定式否定式否定式疑疑问式式简答答He/She/It _ _.He/She/It _ _ _/_ _._ he/she/it _.Yes,He/She/It _.或No,he/she/It _.I/We/You/They _ _.I/We/You/They _ _ _/_ _._ I/we/you/they _?Yes,I/we/you/they _.或No,I/we/you/they _.实义动词的实义动词的现在完成时现在完成时的构成的构成(play)19肯定式否定式疑问式简答He/She/It _ _DRb.用法用法1.强调强调_动作对动作对_产生的产生的_ 常与常与_,_,_连用连用;谓语:谓语:_ v.;2.强调强调_生活经历生活经历 常与常与_、_、(only)once、_或或three times等连用,可以等连用,可以用用_提问,谓语:提问,谓语:_v.;e.g.I have already finished my lunch.我已经吃过午饭了。我已经吃过午饭了。He has never been late for school.他上学从未迟到过。他上学从未迟到过。20b.用法20DRb.用法用法3表示动作或状态从表示动作或状态从_开始,一直开始,一直_,可能刚刚结束,可能刚刚结束,也可能也可能_ 常与常与_、_引导的时间状语连用,可以用引导的时间状语连用,可以用_提问,提问,谓语:谓语:_v.;e.g.How long have you lived here?你在这里住了多久了?你在这里住了多久了?I have lived here for about ten years.我在这里住了大约十年了。我在这里住了大约十年了。21b.用法21DRc.特别注意:特别注意:1.have gone to()&have been to()e.g.It cant be John.He has gone to town.那不可能是约翰,他进城了。那不可能是约翰,他进城了。John knows the way well.He has been to the city before.约翰很熟悉那里的路。他以前去过那个城市。约翰很熟悉那里的路。他以前去过那个城市。22c.特别注意:22DREX.Miss Brown,we _ cleaning our classroom.Can we go home now?A.finish B.finishing C.are finished D.have finished(广东广州中考)(广东广州中考)Is your father in now?No,he _ to Fan Changjiang Memorial with his friends.A.has been B.has gone C.will go D.went(四川内江中考)(四川内江中考)23EX.23DRc.特别注意:特别注意:2.非延续性非延续性v.与延续性与延续性v.的转换:的转换:前提:前提:_:表:表一段时间一段时间的词、短语、句子的词、短语、句子 a.变变_;e.g.The rain hasnt stopped since three hours ago.三个小时了,这雨还没停。三个小时了,这雨还没停。b.换成换成_v.e.g.I have joined the Youth Volunteers.我加入了青年志愿者。我加入了青年志愿者。=I have been in the Youth Volunteers for five years.我成为青年志愿者五年了。我成为青年志愿者五年了。24c.特别注意:24DRHomework:Homework:a.背熟背熟L3的词汇和课文的词汇和课文;b.复习本课笔记;复习本课笔记;c.跟录音熟读跟录音熟读L4,3遍;遍;PS:(如果你想成为英语大神,一统学习霸主,背诵!你懂的(如果你想成为英语大神,一统学习霸主,背诵!你懂的-)25Homework:a.背熟L3的词汇和课文;25


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