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Life under the spotlightUNIT 4UNIT 41Unit 4 Life under the spotlightOpening upListening to the worldSpeaking for communicationFurther practice in listeningWrapping upLearning objectivesFun timeUnit 4 Life under the spot2debate on whether we should hold on to our dreams4Learning objectivestalk about fame and celebrities1understand cause and effect2make requests and offers3debate on whether we should ho3Opening up1Work in pairs and discuss the questions1 What are the positive and negative things about being famous?Positive 1:FortuneOneofthegreatestadvantagesofbeingfamousisthatfamegenerallybringswithitlotsoffortune.Socelebritiesusuallyliveacomfortableandevenluxuriouslife.Opening up1Work in pairs and d4Opening up1Work in pairs and discuss the questions1 What are the positive and negative things about being famous?Positive 2:OpportunityBeingfamousopensupmanyopportunitiesinlife.Manycelebritiesembarkupontheentrepreneurshippathassoonastheyachievestardom.Opening up1Work in pairs and d5Opening up1Work in pairs and discuss the questions1 What are the positive and negative things about being famous?Positive 3:PrivilegeCelebritiesgetspecialtreatmentwherevertheygo,forexample,specialseatsattheatersorspecialtablesatrestaurants.Opening up1Work in pairs and d6Opening up1Work in pairs and discuss the questions1 What are the positive and negative things about being famous?Negative 1:Lack of privacyLackofprivacyisoneofthebiggestdisadvantagesofbeingacelebrity.Celebritiescannotleadlivesofordinarypeoplebecausetheyareconstantlywatchedandfollowedbypaparazziwhohavelittleornorespectfortheprivacyofcelebritiesortheirfamilymembers.Opening up1Work in pairs and d7Opening up1Work in pairs and discuss the questions1 What are the positive and negative things about being famous?Negative 2:PressureCelebritiesexperiencegreatpressureowingtotheirfansexpectations.Somefansmayexpectcelebritiestobeabsolutelyperfectineveryaspectoftheirlives.Negative 3:HarassmentCelebritiesareoftenharassedbyphonecalls,emailsormessagesfromfansorfollowerswhocrossthelineandbecomeobsessed.Opening up1Work in pairs and d8Opening up1Work in pairs and discuss the questions2 What would you do if you were famous?IfIwerefamous,Iwouldhelpmyparentspayoffthemortgage,andaffordalotofnicethingsformyfamilyandmyfriends.IfIwerefamous,Iwouldbuymyselfasportscarandmovemyparentsintotheirdreamhouse.IfIwerefamous,Iwouldusemystatustobettertheworldandhelppeopleinneed.Opening up1Work in pairs and d9Opening up1Work in pairs and discuss the questions3 What is the difference between becoming famous in the past and now?Ithasbecomemucheasierforordinarypeopletobecomefamousnowadays.In the past,ifyouwantedtobefamous,youmightneedtobeoutstandinginthefieldofentertainmentorsportsorpolitics.But now withthedevelopmentofmoderntechnology,thereareavarietyofwaystobecomefamous.YoucanappearonarealityTVprogram,oryoucanmakeyourselfawebcelebrityovernightbyfilmingyourselfsinging,dancingorgivingaspeech.Opening up1Work in pairs and d10Listening to the worldSharingListeningViewingListening to the worldSharingL11Listening to the worldSharingSharing1 Watch a podcast for its general idea.Thepodcastismainlyaboutpeoplesattitudestowardbeingfamous,whattheydliketobefamousfor,andwhichfamouspersontheydmostliketomeet.2Watch Part 1 and fill in the blanks.1)findingout2)anormalperson3)feelaboutfameListening to the worldSharing112Listening to the world3Watch Part 2 and check()the true statements.SharingSharing1A2B3C4D5E6FListening to the world3Watch P13Listening to the world4Watch Part 3 and fill in the blanks.SharingSharing1)exciting2)worthwhile3)amodel4)realfame5)invention6)inthestreetListening to the world4Watch P14AdditionalNotesMischa Barton:a movie,television,and stage actress,and occasional fashion model.She is best known for her role as Marissa Cooper in the television series TheO.C.ShealsostarredinmoviesLawnDogs,NottingHill,TheSixthSense,andPups.Listening to the worldSharingSharing4 Watch Part 2 and fill in the blanks.Additional NotesMischa Barton:15AdditionalNotes Bob Dylan:He has been recording and performing since the 1960s,mixing many of the traditions in American song,from folk,blues,and country to gospel,rock and roll.Hailed as the Shakespeare of his generation,Dylan sold more than 58 million albums,wrote more than 500 songs recorded by more than 2,000 artists,performed all over the world,and set the standard for lyric writing.As a songwriter and musician,he has received 11 Grammy Awards,one Academy Award and one Golden Globe Award.In 2000,he was awarded the Polar Music Prize,and in 2012 the Presidential Medal of Freedom.Listening to the worldSharingSharing4 Watch Part 2 and fill in the blanks.Additional Notes 16AdditionalNotesSir Ranulph Fiennes:a British adventurer and holder of several endurance records.He undertook numerous expeditions and was the first to visit both the North and South Poles by surface means and the first to cross Antarctica on foot.And he climbed to the summit of Mount Qomolangma at the age of 65.Listening to the worldSharingSharing4 Watch Part 2 and fill in the blanks.Additional NotesSir Ranulph Fi17Listening to the world5Watch Part 4 and match the statements.SharingSharingEFADBC123456Listening to the world5Watch P18Listening to the world6 Work in pairs and answer the questions.SharingSharing1 Would you like to be famous?I wouldnt like to be famous because ifIwerefamous,Iwouldhavenoprivacy.Idontlikebeingwatchedallthetime.Ihatetohave my every move recorded or photographed bypaparazzi.I would like to be famous partly because Iwouldenjoybeingthefocusofattention,andpartlybecauseIwouldhaveenoughmoneytodowhateverIwant.Listening to the world6Work in19Listening to the world6 Work in pairs and answer the questions.SharingSharing2 What would you like to be famous for?I would love to be afamouswriter,likeShakespeare.Ithinkitsawonderfulthingtobeabletowriteabookthatpeopleallaroundtheworldwanttoread.Idliketobeafamouspolitician.If I were apolitician,I would trytochangetheworld,tostopallthesewarsanddosomethingtohelppoorcountries.Youknow,Ithinkitsterriblethatmostpoliticiansdontseemtoworryaboutthingslikethat.Listening to the world6Work in20Listening to the world6 Work in pairs and answer the questions.SharingSharing3 Which famous person would you most like to meet?Why?Id most like to meetOprahWinfreybecausesheiskindandgenerousandwillingtohelppeopleoutduringtoughtimes.Andmore importantlybecauseshehasstruggled with thingsweallhaveexperiencedandshehas coped withthemwithdignity.Listening to the world6Work in21Listening to the worldSharingListeningViewingListening to the worldSharingL22Listening to the world1Read the statements and the text and check the true statements.ViewingViewingBEFORE your view1 If you are bored with doing the same thing every day,then you are stuck in a rut.2 Many people think about changing their lives,but only a few of them take action.3 Half of the holiday makers in the UK think about changing their jobs during the holidays.AroundholidaytimesaquarterofthepeopleintheUKthinkaboutchangingjobs.Listening to the world1Read th23Listening to the worldListeningListeningListening skillsAdditionalTipsUnderstanding cause and effectOne strategy to figure out the cause-effect relationship is by asking questions.To figure out the effect:What events happened?Or what was the result?To figure out the cause or the reason:Why did it happen?What was the cause?Listening to the worldListenin24Listening to the worldListeningListeningListening skillsAdditionalTipsUnderstanding cause and effectAnother strategy to figure out the cause-effect relationship is the use of visual representation.The single event:When there is only one cause and one effectThe chain reaction:When a cause creates an effect and that effect turns into a cause and creates another effectThe branching tree:When one cause creates multiple effects or multiple causes create one effect,and these multiple causes or effects can branch off into other cause and effect patterns.Listening to the worldListenin25Listening to the worldListeningListeningListening skillsAdditionalTipsUnderstanding cause and effectAnother strategy to figure out the cause-effect relationship is the use of visual representation.The single event:When there is only one cause and one effectThe chain reaction:When a cause creates an effect and that effect turns into a cause and creates another effectThe branching tree:When one cause creates multiple effects or multiple causes create one effect,and these multiple causes or effects can branch off into other cause and effect patterns.Listening to the worldListenin26Listening to the worldListeningListeningListening skillsAdditionalTipsUnderstanding cause and effectThe single event:A(cause)B(effect)The chain reaction:A(cause 1)B(effect 1/cause 2)C(effect 2)The branching tree(cause 1)B(cause 2)C(cause 3)D(effect)Listening to the worldListenin27Listening to the world2Listen and complete the diagram.ListeningListeningWhile you listen1)advertising2)enjoythejob3)travel4)chance5)gotraveling6)adoctor7)havetime8)playthepiano9)writingsongs10)wantedtodo11)makemoretime12)playingherownmusicListening to the world2Listen 28Listening to the world3 Discuss the questions.ListeningListeningAFTER you listenIthinkitisagoodideaforthemtomaketheselifechanges.The meaning of life is to make life meaningful.AnitaandJasminobviouslyfeltboredwithwhattheydideveryday,andcouldntfindcontentment,fulfillmentandpleasureintheirlife,soit was the right time for them to makeachange.Theyneededtotrysomethingdifferent,somethingthatcanbringthemnewexperience,givethemasenseofachievement,andrevivetheirpassionforlife.Thepursuitoftheirdreamspushes them forwardandinspiresthemtolive life to the fullest.1 Do you think it was a good idea for Anita and Jasmin to make these life changes?Why or why not?Listening to the world3Discuss29Listening to the world3Discuss the questions.ListeningListeningAFTER you listenIthinkitistooriskyforthemtomaketheselifechangesatsuchanage,especiallyforAnitaJacobswhosoldherhouseandgaveupherjobjusttogotraveling.Ijustdoubt whether shewillbeabletomake a living whenshefinishestraveling.Itsnotunusualformanypeopletofeelboredaboutdoingthesamejobeveryday.Butthepointisthatthisjobpaysenoughsothatwecanmakealiving,andwecanhavesomemoneyputawayforretirementafterpayingthebillsandputtingfoodinourmouths.Sowhenthe going gets tough,justremembertimeswhenwehaveapeacefullifeathomeafteraneight-hourday.1 Do you think it was a good idea for Anita and Jasmin to make these life changes?Why or why not?Listening to the world3Discuss30Listening to the world4 Discuss the questions.ListeningListeningAFTER you listen2 Can you think of a famous person who also has made a life-changing decision?Share the story with the class?AtypicalexampleisBillGates.BillGatesenrolledatHarvardUniversityinthefallof1973,originallythinkingofacareerinlaw.WhentheMITSAltair8800basedontheIntel8080CPUwasreleasedin1974,heandhisfriendPaulAllensawthisasagreatopportunitytostarttheirowncomputersoftwarecompany.SoBillGatesdropped out of Harvardtostartabusinesstowritesoftwareforcomputers.Itwasaharddecisionbutitturned out to be therightchoice.Listening to the world4Discuss31Listening to the worldSharingListeningViewingListening to the worldSharingL32Listening to the world1Read the program information below and answer the questions.ViewingViewingBEFORE you view1 What qualities do you think a Formula One driver usually has?IthinkthequalitiesasuccessfulFormulaOnedrivermusthaveincludephysicalstrengthandproficiency,mentalalertness,quickreaction,endurance,consistency,courage,competitiveness,andappreciationforadventureandspeed.Listening to the world1Read th33Listening to the world1Read the program information below and answer the questions.ViewingViewingBEFORE you view2 Why does Lewis Hamilton say his life now is a dream come true?LewisHamiltonisambitiousandhealwayswantstowin.Nowhehaswonmanycompetitionsandbecomesacelebritywithfameandglory,sohislifeisadreamcometrue.Listening to the world1Read th34Listening to the world2Watch the whole video clip and answer the questions.ViewingViewingWhile you view1 Why do sponsors love Lewis Hamilton?Thesponsorslovetheface,theattitude,thestyleandthetalentthatLewisHamiltonhas.2 Why did Lewis Hamilton want to be a Formula One driver?Becauseithasgotalotofspeedinit.Listening to the world2Watch t35Listening to the world2Watch the whole video clip and answer the questions.ViewingViewingWhile you view3 What was Lewis Hamiltons ambition when he was a teenager?Why?HisambitionasateenagerwastogettoFormulaOne,becauseheenjoyedthespeed,helikedtobewithallthebigguys,andhewouldliketobemakinglotsofmoney.4 What do we know from the video clip about Formula Three?FormulaThreeisfast,dangerous,andfullofyoung,ambitiousdrivers.ThebestofthedriversareseenbyFormulaOnemanagers.Listening to the world2Watch t36Listening to the world3 Watch Part 2 and fill in the blanks.ViewingViewingWHILE you view1)speed2)survive3)October4)richest5)track6)bank7)glory8)better4 Watch Part 2 and complete the table.1)seven2)four3)everythingListening to the world3Watch P37Listening to the worldViewingViewing5 Discuss the questions.AFTER you view1 Why do you think people say Lewis Hamilton is a“hero”?Do you think he is a hero?PeoplesayLewisHamiltonisa“hero”,becauseheisanincredibly talented driverwhohasmaderemarkable achievementsinhiscareer.InhisfirstseasoninFormulaOne,heset numerous records,andwasjustonepointbehindthechampioninthe2007FormulaOneChampionship.ThenhewontheWorldChampionshipthefollowingseason.IthinkLewisHamiltonisasportingherobecauseoftheexcitementandjoythathiscourageousperformancesin2007and2008havebroughttohiscountlessfans.Heshowedusthatinanycaseweshouldnevergiveup,evenifthe conditions are not favorable.Listening to the worldViewing538Listening to the worldViewingViewing5 Discuss the questions.AFTER you view2 Which sporting hero do you admire?Why?ThesportingheroIadmiremostisLangPing,aformerplayerofChineseWomensVolleyballTeam,nicknamed“IronHammer”.Sheisa beloved sporting hero andoneofthemostrespectedpeopleinmodernChinesesportshistorymainlybecauseofhercentralroleinthesuccessoftheChineseWomensVolleyballTeaminthe1980s,includingtheGoldMedalatthe1984Olympics,WorldChampionshipcrown in 1982andWorldCuptitlesin1981and1985.Listening to the worldViewing539Listening to the worldViewingViewing5 Discuss the questions.AFTER you view2 Would you make any different arrangements if you were the presenter?If I were the presenter,perhapsI would getupearlierandhaveawalkinthestreetsbecauseIwouldliketoseehowordinarypeopleinBarcelonaworkandlive,notjustgotothosetouristattractions.Listening to the worldViewing540Speaking for communicationRole-playRole-play1 Listen to four conversations and complete the notes.1)WhiteHouse2)tomorrowafternoon3)aspaceflight/aflightintospace4)nextweek5)herhusband6)807)threeorfour8)organize9)thisweekend10)restaurantservice11)French12)Paris13)directions14)bookSpeaking for communicationRole41Speaking for communicationRole-playRole-play2Listen to the conversations again and write R for requests and O for offers.1R2R3O4R5O6OSpeaking for communicationRole42AdditionalTipsMaking requests and offersThe request Couldyou?sounds more polite than Canyou?l Second,if the response to the request Wouldyoumindgivingmeyourdictionary?is No,Idontmind,it is a positive response,meaning that I will lend you my dictionary;if the response is Yes,it is a negative response,meaning that I dont want to lend you my dictionary.l Third,the structure Doyoumindif?is followed by the verb in the present tense,but Wouldyoumindif?is followed by the verb in the past tense.Speaking for communicationRole-playRole-playSpeaking skillsMaking a request:Additional TipsMaking requests43AdditionalTipsMaking requests and offersSpeaking for communicationRole-playRole-playSpeaking skillsOffersResponses to offersCan I help you?Can I help you?Shall I turn on the TV for you?Would you like another cup of tea?Would you like me to answer the phone?Ill type the letter for you,if you like.Yes,please.Id like to rent a car for four.No,thanks.Im just looking.Yes,please.That would be very kind of you.Yes,please./No,thanks.If you could./If you wouldnt mind.Its OK,I can do it./Dont worry,Ill do it.Offers and responsesAdditional TipsMaking requests44Speaking for communicationRole-playRole-play5 Role-play the situations.Situation 1Booking tickets for the theaterB:Good afternoon,madam.What can I do for you?A:Good afternoon.May I have six tickets for the theater tonight?B:OK,madam.By the aisle or in the middle?A:In the middle,please.Speaking for communicationRole45Speaking for communicationRole-playRole-play5 Role-play the situations.Situation 2Going to a restaurantA:Excuse me.Could you please recommend the best restaurant in town?B:What kind of food do you want to eat?A:I think the local food is the best choice.B:OK.There is one on Madson Street,called Sweet Little Pepper.This restaurant is quite popular with the local people.A:Sounds great.B:Shall I book a table for you?A:Yes,please.That would be very kind of you.Speaking for communicationRole46Speaking for communicationRole-playRole-play5 Role-play the situations.Situation 3Shopping for clothesB:Good morning,madam.A:Good morning.Could you tell me where the shopping mall is?I want to buy a dress for a party tonight.B:Sure.There is one in downtown.You can take a taxi or take Bus No.18 to get there.A:Thank you.Could you call a taxi for me?B:Yes,madam.Im always at your service.Speaking for communicationRole47Speaking for communicationRole-playRole-play5 Role-play the situations.Situation 4Visiting a film studioB:What can I do for you,sir?A:Id like to visit a movie studio and meet some stars in Hollywood.Could you make such an arrangement for me?B:Oh,Im not sure about that.You know these big shots.But I will try and give you an answer as soon as possible.Speaking for communicationRole48Speaking for communicationGroup discussionGroup discussion1Listen to a man talk about his dreams and answer the questions.Get ideas1 Where did he grow up?HegrewupinSouthWales.2 What was his dream when he was a child?Hisdreamwastobecomearockstar.3 What inspired him to pursue his dream?Manyofhismusicidolsdiedbeforetheywere27,whichinspiredhimtodosomethingabouthisdreambeforeitstoolate.Speaking for communicationGrou49Speaking for communicationGroup discussionGroup discussion1Listen to a man talk about his dreams and answer the questions.Get ideas4 What did he do to pursue his dream?Heboughthimselfasecond-handdrumkit,joinedbands,andplayedconcerts.Healsostartedtowritesongs.Heplayedallthetime.5 When and why did his dream start to change?At28herealizedthatapartfrommusichehadhisfamilyandfriends.Hestillplayedbutonlyforfun.Speaking for communicationGrou50Speaking for communicationGroup discussionGroup discussion2 Discuss the meaning of the quotes about dreams.Discuss and organize ideasYou can dream,but do not make dreams your master.AnonymousWeallhavedreamsinourlife.Thesedreamsmaybethingswewanttoaccomplish,placeswewanttogo,orfeatswemustattempt.Whatevertheyare,dreamsgiveusapurposeinlifeandameaningtolive,andallowustofightforwhatwebelievein.However,weshouldnotletourdreamscontrolourlifeandbecomea slave to them.Infactthereareotherthingsweshouldworkforapart from ourowndreams,suchasourfamilyandourfriends.Sodontbeafraidtolet go ourdreamsifwehaveto.Speaking for communicationGrou51Speaking for communicationGroup discussionGroup discussion2 Discuss the meaning of the quotes about dreams.Discuss and organize ideasHold fast to dreams,for if dreams die,life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.Langston HughesThisquotetellsusthatweshouldalwaysstrive to attain our dreamsinlife.Dreamspush us to move forward,tostruggle,tostriveallthetime.Withoutdreams,lifeisalifewithouthope;withoutdreams,weareaslostasabirdwhichhaslostthegiftofflight.Sofollowourdreamsandletourambitionfuel us to surpass our limits.Neverquitandalwaysthinkofdifferentwaystowin.Speaking for communicationGrou52Should we hold on to our dreamsProsConsSpeaking for com


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