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The present perfect tense 现在完成时现在完成时(period 1)1.He _ hard every day.They _ hard every day.workswork2.He/They _ in KFC last year.worked3.I _ now.4.Look!He _ hardam workingis working5.I _in America next year.will work填入适当的填入适当的“work”Leading-in The present perfect tense 现在完成时现在完成时Have you eaten smelly toufu?你(曾经)吃过臭豆腐吗?你(曾经)吃过臭豆腐吗?Have you ever eaten sushi?你(曾经)吃过寿司吗?Have you ever heard of the hostess?你(曾)听说过那个女主持人吗?你(曾)听说过那个女主持人吗?Have you ever watched the competition?你(曾)看过那个比赛吗你(曾)看过那个比赛吗Have you ever visited Disneyland?你(曾经)去过迪斯尼吗?Have you ever travelled to France?你(曾经)去过法国吗?Have you had breakfast?你(已经)吃早饭了吗?Has he finished his homework?他(已经)写完作业了吗?Grammar The Present Perfect Tense现在完成时态现在完成时态I/WeYou/YouThey Have(not)+done(过去分词)过去分词)He She It Has(not)+done(过去分词)过去分词)规则动词的过去分词规则动词的过去分词 work visit ask play stay worked visited asked played stayedliked lived movedlike live movecarried worried tried criedcarry worry try crystop drop rob plan prefer stopped dropped robbed planned preferred三式三式相同相同不规则动词的过去分词不规则动词的过去分词cost cut hit hurt set put shut readbring buy think teach catchbrought bought thought taught caughtbrought bought thought taught caughtfeel leavetellsellsay lay felt lefttoldsoldsaid laidfelt lefttoldsoldsaid laidbegin fall flyforget take wearwritecome become runcame became rancome become runbegan fell flewforgot took worewrotebegun fallenflownforgotten taken wornwritten判断哪些是现在完成时1.I have a happy family.2.He has finished his homework.3.Joe had a birthday party yesterday.4.They have to go there on foot.5.I have seen the film twice.6.She hasnt got married.have/has+过去分词(过去分词(done)概念概念定义定义:动作发生在动作发生在过去过去,表示到现在为,表示到现在为 止已经完止已经完成或仍在持续的动作、状态;强调成或仍在持续的动作、状态;强调对现在的影响或对现在的影响或联系联系。(已经,曾经,不曾,做过)已经,曾经,不曾,做过)past(2002)present(2012)I have lived in Guangzhou for 10 years.I have lived in Guangzhou since 2002.那个老人坐过飞机。那个老人坐过飞机。take have/has takenThe old woman_.has taken a plane.climb has/have climbedWe _ many times.have climbed the mountain我们曾经爬过很多次那座山我们曾经爬过很多次那座山walk has/have walkedThey _.have walked 15 miles他们已经走了他们已经走了15英里了英里了play has/have playedLang Lang _ for 2 hours.has played the piano 朗朗已经弹钢琴两个小时啦。朗朗已经弹钢琴两个小时啦。凤姐曾做过收银员。凤姐曾做过收银员。work-has/have workedFeng Jie _ a cashier.has worked as句式的变化肯定式肯定式主语主语+have/has+过去分词过去分词(p.p.)否定式否定式主语主语+have/has not+过去分词过去分词(p.p.)疑问式疑问式Have/Has+主语主语+过去分词过去分词(p.p.)他已经完成了他的作业。他已经完成了他的作业。He has finished his homework.他已经完成了他的作业了吗?他已经完成了他的作业了吗?Has he finished his homework?他还没完成他的作业。他还没完成他的作业。He hasnt finished his homework.现在完成时的标志词alreadyyeteverneversincefor 已经已经已经已经(疑问),疑问),还没(否定)还没(否定)曾经曾经不曾不曾自从自从。多久了。多久了Already&yet I have already taken a bath.I have taken a bath already.Have you taken a bath yet?I havent taken a bath yet.already-肯定,句中肯定,句中/句尾句尾Yet-疑问,否定疑问,否定 句尾句尾你曾经爱过我你曾经爱过我吗?吗?对不起我不曾爱对不起我不曾爱过你。过你。Have you ever ever loved me?Sorry,I have never loved you.ever-疑问句疑问句 曾经曾经 never-表示否定表示否定 不曾不曾ever&never already,yet,ever,never,have you seen the film()?-have you done your homework()?-Not(),I will do it after supper.-have you()been to England?-no,().I have()finished reading the book.I have paid for the meal().yetyetyeteverNever already alreadyfor,sinceJoey has been in New York for 10 years.Joey has been in New York since 2002.Joey has been in New York since ten years ago.Joey hasnt been back since he left home.for+时间段时间段=Since+时间段时间段+agoSince+具体时间具体时间Since+句子句子for,since1.It has rained()2 hours.2.The dog has stayed there()2 hours ago.3.They have been good friends()they met for the first time.4.The teacher has thought about the problem()yesterday.5.The horse has run()quite a long time.6.The ducks have swum()thirty minutes.7.The poor child has worn the old clothes()7 years old.for sincesince for forsince since我们认识多久了?我们认识多久了?一个小时了一个小时了 How long have we known?We have known each other for an hour.我已经很多年没看到我已经很多年没看到那个项链了。那个项链了。I havent seen the necklace for many years.I havent seen the necklace since many years ago.since many years ago.时态结构用法常连用的时间状语一般过去时一般过去时现在完成时现在完成时主语主语+did主语主语+have/has+done过去过去发生的动作或存在发生的动作或存在的状态。的状态。、表示、表示过去过去发生的动作发生的动作对现在造成对现在造成结果结果的或的或影响。影响。、表示从过去某一时间、表示从过去某一时间开始,一直持续到现在、开始,一直持续到现在、而且有可能继续持续下去而且有可能继续持续下去的动作或状态。的动作或状态。yesterday,last year(week,month)just nowtwo years agoalready,yet,for,since,ever,never,twice,many times,before.现在完成&一般过去My father gave up smoking last year.My father has already given up smoking.只陈述事实只陈述事实强调影响:强调影响:不在吸了不在吸了They had breakfast at 7:00.They have had breakfast.只陈述事实只陈述事实强调影响:强调影响:吃饱了吃饱了用过去时或现在完成时填空用过去时或现在完成时填空 A:-“_ you _(have)breakfast?”B:-“Yes.”A:-“When _ you _ (have)it?”B:-“I _(have)it at 6:00.”have had did have had区别过去时和完成时I have seen this film.I have finished my homework.完成时:完成时:强调现在强调现在“做过、做过、做完做完”When did you see it?Where did you see it?Who did you see it with?Did you do your homework by yourself?When did you finish it?过去时:过去时:强调强调“当时当时”,“何时、何时、何地、如何做何地、如何做”2.-“_ you _(write)a letter to your aunt yet?”-“Yes,I _.I _(write)one last week.”3.-“_ he _(finish)his homework?”-“Not yet.”Have written have wrote has finishedLast year I _(learn)to play piano.I _(learn)to play piano for a year.-I _(see)the film twice.-when _ you _ it?-last month.learned have learned have seen did see Exercises!()1.Have you travelled on the train.Yes,I have.(A)never (B)ever (C)just (D)yet()2.Have you finished your homework Not .(A)ever (B)already (C)yet (D)just()3.We havent finished our homework .(A)already (B)ever (C)yet (D)never()4.Have you learned English?Yes,Ive learned a lot.(A)never,ever(B)ever,never (C)ever,already(D)already.ever9).My mother has worked in this factory 2 years.(A)about (B)for (C)in (D)since10).His father joined the party_ (A)for three years (B)since three years ago (C)three years ago (D)in two years time7.My mother has worked in this factory _ 2 years.(A)about (B)for (C)in (D)since8.I havent heard from him _ last week.(A)ago (B)for (C)since (D)before3-How long has Eliza been a nurse?-_ A.Since 2002 B.Four years ago C.In 2002 D.for 2002 ago4-How long _you _stamps?-Since two years ago.A.have,collected B.did,collect C.have,been collecting D.are collecting 9-Kitty,will you go to see the film“Cold Mountain”this evening?-No,I wont.I _ it already.A.saw B.have seen C.see D.will see10-Scott has already returned to our town -Really?Where _ you _ him?A.do,see B.have,seen C.did,see D.has,seen 12-How long _you _(learn)English?-since I went to middle school.A.Did learn B.Do learnC.Have learnD.Have learned()5.-When _ you _ Lucy in New York?-I_ her for two years (A)didmeet,havent seen (B)didmeet,didnt see (C)didmeet,dont see (D)wouldmeet,hadnt seen()6.He _ finished his homework yet?(A)doesnt (B)havent (C)hasnt (D)doesnt have


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