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虚拟语气虚拟语气 Subjunctive Mood 夷陵中学高三英语组夷陵中学高三英语组 黄会慧黄会慧 高三英语第一轮复习语法系列之高三英语第一轮复习语法系列之1.material and student analysis2.2.teaching aims 3.important and difficult points 4.teaching aids and methods 5.teaching procedures If you If you were were a teardrop,in my eye,a teardrop,in my eye,For fear of losing you,I For fear of losing you,I would never crywould never cry.And if the golden sun,And if the golden sun,should ceaseshould cease to shine its light,to shine its light,Just one smile from you,Just one smile from you,would makewould make my whole world bright.my whole world bright.Step One Lead-inStep One Lead-in 如果你是我眼里的一滴泪,如果你是我眼里的一滴泪,为了不失去你,我将永不哭泣;为了不失去你,我将永不哭泣;如果金色的阳光停止了它耀眼的光芒,如果金色的阳光停止了它耀眼的光芒,你的一个微笑将照亮我的整个世界。你的一个微笑将照亮我的整个世界。A Poem Subjunctive MoodSubjunctive Mood It is a special mood used to express something It is a special mood used to express something contrary to reality,such as a wish,a desire,contrary to reality,such as a wish,a desire,a suggestion or an imaginary situation.a suggestion or an imaginary situation.虚拟语气:虚拟语气:用于表示动作或状态不是客观存用于表示动作或状态不是客观存在的事实,而是说话人的主观愿望、请求、在的事实,而是说话人的主观愿望、请求、建议、假设等。建议、假设等。Step Two PresentationStep Two Presentation按照虚拟的方法分为四组按照虚拟的方法分为四组Group 1 Group 1 一个表格一个表格 四个特殊句四个特殊句Group 2 Group 2 时态倒推时态倒推(4)(4)Group 3 sb.(should)do(5)Group 3 sb.(should)do(5)现反现反 动词过去式动词过去式过反过反 had+had+过去分词过去分词将反将反 would/could/might dowould/could/might doGroup 4 Group 4 其它其它 (5)(5)条件从句的谓语形式条件从句的谓语形式主句的谓语形式主句的谓语形式与现在事与现在事实相反实相反动词过去式动词过去式(be-were)(be-were)would/should/could/would/should/could/might+might+动词原形动词原形与过去事与过去事实相反实相反had+had+动词过去分词动词过去分词would/should/could/would/should/could/might+have+might+have+过去分词过去分词与将来事与将来事实相反实相反动词过去式动词过去式(be-were)(be-were)shouldshould动词原形动词原形were towere to动词原形动词原形would/should/could/would/should/could/mightmight动词原形动词原形 虚拟语气在虚拟语气在ifif条件句中的运用条件句中的运用 Group 1 Group 1 一个表格一个表格 四个特殊句四个特殊句Group 1 Group 1 一个表格一个表格sentence translation1.如果没有电,如果没有电,我们的生活就会不一样。我们的生活就会不一样。2.2.如果你早一点到达,你就不会错过这场电影。如果你早一点到达,你就不会错过这场电影。2.3.如果他下学期努力学习,如果他下学期努力学习,他就会通过考试。他就会通过考试。If there were no electricity,our life would be different.If you had arrived earlier,you wouldnt have missed the film.If he worked hard next term,he would pass the exam.1.1.倒装句倒装句 当当ifif条件状语从句中含有条件状语从句中含有were,shouldwere,should或或 hadhad时,时,可将可将ifif省略,将这些词提前。省略,将这些词提前。2.2.含蓄条件句含蓄条件句 有时虚拟不用条件句表示,而用一些介词短有时虚拟不用条件句表示,而用一些介词短语,副词或通过上下文暗示。如语,副词或通过上下文暗示。如without,but for,therefore,or,but等等WithoutWithout air,no one air,no one could livecould live.But forBut for the soldier,the lady the soldier,the lady would have lostwould have lost her life.her life.3.3.半虚半实句半虚半实句I I waswas busy,busy,otherwiseotherwise,I,I would have helpedwould have helped you.you.I I would have visitedwould have visited you,you,butbut I I had had an visitor.an visitor.4.4.错综时态句错综时态句If you _the doctors advice,you_ much If you _the doctors advice,you_ much better now.better now.If you_ your mind,do let me know.If you_ your mind,do let me know.Group 1 Group 1 四个特殊句四个特殊句had followedwould beshould changeGroup 2 Group 2 时态倒推时态倒推现反现反 动词过去式动词过去式过反过反 had+had+过去分词过去分词将反将反 would/could/might dowould/could/might do wish wish if only if only as if/though(as if/though(区分真实条件句和非真实条区分真实条件句和非真实条件句)件句)would rather/preferwould rather/prefer现将反现将反 动词过去式动词过去式 过反过反 had+had+过去分词过去分词1.The two strangers talked as if they_ friends for years.A.should be B.would be C.have been D.had beenB.2.Shall I stay here?C.-Well,Id rather you_ with us.D.come B.came C.had come D.have comeE.3.If only he _ quietly as the teacher instructed,he wouldnt suffer so much now.F.lies B.lay C.had lain D.should lieG.4.How I wish the sports meet _ cancelled.H.A.isnt B.shouldnt be C.hadnt been D.werent D B C C Group 3 sb.(should)doGroup 3 sb.(should)do1 1坚持坚持(insist)2(insist)2命令命令(order;(order;command)4command)4建议建议(advise;suggest;recommend;propose)(advise;suggest;recommend;propose)5 5要求要求(demand;require;request;urge;(demand;require;request;urge;desire)desire)与此相关的所有名词性从句都用此方法虚拟,如:与此相关的所有名词性从句都用此方法虚拟,如:宾语从句宾语从句 suggest/advise/insist/order/demand that suggest/advise/insist/order/demand that sb.sb.(should)do(should)do主语从句主语从句 Its ordered/suggested/demanded/required that ordered/suggested/demanded/required that表语从句表语从句 My advice/suggestion/requirement is thatMy advice/suggestion/requirement is that同位语从句同位语从句 His advice thatHis advice thatis worth considering.is worth considering.An order was issued that An order was issued thatsuggest 作作“暗示,表明暗示,表明”,insist作作“坚持认为,坚持已坚持认为,坚持已经做过经做过”不虚拟。不虚拟。It is It is a pity/shame/no wonder a pity/shame/no wonder that sb.that sb.(should)do(should)do It is+adj+that sb.(should)do It is+adj+that sb.(should)do 常见的这一类形容词有常见的这一类形容词有necessary/important/strange/natural/essential/vital/necessary/important/strange/natural/essential/vital/urgenturgent等等 in case/for fear that sb.should do,in case/for fear that sb.should do,也可以不虚拟也可以不虚拟.so that/in order that sb.could/should/might so that/in order that sb.could/should/might dodoGroup 3 sb.(should)Group 3 sb.(should)dodoGroup 4 Group 4 其它其它 It is(about/high)time that sb.It is(about/high)time that sb.diddid sth.sth.Would you mind if sb.Would you mind if sb.diddid sth?sth?would like would like to have doneto have done /would rather /would rather(not)(not)have donehave done had intended/meant/planned/wanted/expectedhad intended/meant/planned/wanted/expected to to do do could have done could have done might have done might have done should have done should have done shouldnt have done have done neednt have done have done must have done(must have done(过去一定做过过去一定做过)may/might have done(may/might have done(过去可能做过过去可能做过)cant/couldnt have done(have done(过去一定没做过过去一定没做过)complete the following sentences1.How I wish _(我没有浪费这么多我没有浪费这么多时间时间).(wast2.It is high time that _(采取有效措施采取有效措施).(measure)3.It is suggested that _(他被送往医院他被送往医院)immediately.(send)4.I_(原打算拜访原打算拜访)you,but I had a visitor.(intend)5.We consider it important that_(你上交家庭你上交家庭作业作业)on time.(hand)6.He insisted that _(他是他是)innocent and insisted that _(他被释放他被释放)at once.(be,set)7.An order was issued that _(每个人都必每个人都必须参加须参加)the party.(take)8.Take your umbrella in case_(下雨下雨).(rain)9.You _(本不需要坐的士本不需要坐的士)there,for it is just a few minutes walk.(take)10.The doctors suggestion _ (你必须戒烟你必须戒烟)is worth considering.(quit (09)After circling around the earth for three days,Shenzhou Spaceship received the command from the ground that_(它着陆它着陆)as scheduled the next day.(land)(08)I feel so sick.I wish Mum _(没有逼我没有逼我)to eat so much.(force)(07)It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones:he _(可能参与可能参与)in planning the monument,or in helping transport and pull up the stones.(hand)Step Three Consolidation 感受湖北卷感受湖北卷it(should)landhadnt forced memay/might have had a hand 高考阅读理解中的虚拟语气高考阅读理解中的虚拟语气(09 Passage C)If justice were done,the Swiss watch industry should have closed down when the Japanese discovered how to make accurate watches for a five-pound note.(08 Passage A)If they realized people like me have to do it,they would be a bit more careful.(08 Passage A)I used to think what my parents would say if they knew what I had been doing.(08 Passage D)We say this to one another as if our tireless efforts were a talent by nature and an ability to successfully deal with stress.HomeworkHomework1.If you_(到达(到达)the airport 10 minutes earlier,you would have seen the actor.(arrive)2.Should it rain tomorrow,we_(就呆在就呆在家里家里).(stay)3.If you_(听了医生的建议听了医生的建议),you would be much better now.(follow)4.Without the map,we _(就迷路了就迷路了).(get)5.But for your timely help,I _(被困于被困于)the flood.(stick)6.I would have given you more help,but I _(繁忙繁忙)then.(occupy)7.He talked as if _(他去过他去过)the moon before.(go)8.If only someone_(告诉告诉)us,we could have warned you.(tell)9.I would rather _ (没有争吵没有争吵)with him.(quarrel)10.I would rather my husband _ (没有下岗没有下岗).(lay)Blackboard Blackboard DesignDesign1.If sb.did,sb.would do If sb.had done,sb.would have done If sb.did/were to do/should do,sb.would do with/without/but for/but/otherwise/or2.wish/if only/would rather/as if3.suggest/advise/order/request/require/insist Its+n./adj+that in case/for fear that so that/in order that4.Its time that Would you mind if sb.did?would like to have done/would rather have done had intended/meant/wanted/planned to do could/might/should/shouldnt/neednt have donewould rather sb.did/had done


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