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外研版必修三外研版必修三Module5Module5重重点单词点单词 equal1equaladj.相等的;平等的;胜任的;vt.等于,比得上;n.相等的事物(或数量);对手;匹敌相等的事物(或数量);对手;匹敌与equal相关的词组:1)be equal to sth./doing sth.等于;能胜任等于;能胜任例:我胜任不了那个职位。I _ _ _ _ the position.am not equal to2)be equal with 与与平等平等equal3)equal+sb./sth.+(inn.)(在在方面方面)比得上,与比得上,与匹敌;与匹敌;与相等相等例:None of us can _.在力气方面,我们谁也比不上他。equal him in strengthequal 的词形变化的词形变化:2ordern n次序,顺序;秩序;整齐;命令;订购;订单;点饭(菜);vt.命令;订购;安排与order相关的词组:1)in order 整齐;秩序井然整齐;秩序井然 out of order 次序颠倒;不整齐次序颠倒;不整齐2)putin order 使使整齐;整理整齐;整理order3)in order of 依依的顺序排列的顺序排列例:他按重要性的顺序将这些事件列表。例:他按重要性的顺序将这些事件列表。He listed the events _.in order of importance4)order sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事命令某人做某事 order sb.sth.order sth.for sb.为某人订购为某人订购 order that.(should)动词原形命令动词原形命令order 例:例:If you want,we can_.如果您要的话,我们可以为您订购。如果您要的话,我们可以为您订购。He ordered that they _the next day.他命令他们第二天值班。他命令他们第二天值班。(should)be on dutyorder it for stress3stressvtvt.着重;强调;重读着重;强调;重读n n压力压力,重压;强调;重音;重压;强调;重音;例:That school lays stress on English.那所学校非常重视英语。The boy stole under the stress of hunger.那男孩为饥饿所迫而盗窃。Listening to music can reduce stress.听音乐可以缓解压力。stress用法总结:1.lay/place/put stress on 把重点放在上2.under the stress of 为所迫3.cause/reduce stress 造成/减少压力resignv.v.辞去,辞职;放弃(权力);辞去,辞职;放弃(权力);n.n.辞去(职务)辞去(职务)4与与resign相关词组:相关词组:1)resign ones right 放弃某人的权利放弃某人的权利2)resign ones position as 辞去辞去职务职务3)resignto 把把托付给托付给4)resign oneself to(doing)sth.=be resigned to 听从听从摆布;屈从;顺从;摆布;屈从;顺从;resign1.他将辞去议长之职。_.2.她把孩子交给她妹妹照管。She resigned her children_.3.永远不要向命运屈服。You should never_.He will resign as chairmanto the care of her sisterresign yourself to contribution5 1)contribution n贡献;稿件 make contributions/a contribution to(doing)sth.对对(做做)某事做出贡献某事做出贡献 例:I wish everyone can _.我希望每个人能够为环境保护做出贡献。make contributions to environmental contribution2)contribute vt.&vi.捐赠,贡献,有助于contribute(sth.)to sth.向捐赠,向投稿contribute to sth.促成某事物例:例:所有这些因素促使他成功了。所有这些因素促使他成功了。All these factors _.contributed to his condition表示身体状况,状态,通常用单数;表示条件,环境;状况,通常用复数。6与与condition相关短语:相关短语:1)be in good/bad condition 状态好状态好/不好不好 be out of condition 身体不适;状况不好身体不适;状况不好condition3)on no condition 决不,一点也不On no condition should you visit that place.你决不能去那个地方。你决不能去那个地方。4)on condition(that)在在条件下;倘若条件下;倘若Roy lent me the money_.罗伊把钱借给我,条件是下月归还。罗伊把钱借给我,条件是下月归还。on condition that I pay it next 7.believe 相信相信 believe in 信奉,信仰,信任信奉,信仰,信任 believe it or not (插入插入语)信不信由你信不信由你 Seeing is believing.眼眼见为实。belief n.信念信念,信仰信仰(pl.-s)disbelief That man has a strong belief in G8.time短语(复习)all the time take ones timeahead of time kill time from time to time in no time 一直,始终别急,不忙提前消磨时间有时;偶尔立刻,马上Part Two 单句改错1.He is a man of great influential in the city.2.People in the past used to believe in the earth was flat.3.Mencius teachings are similar to which of Confucius.4.Mozi found the philosophy called Mohism.infulencethatthoseMozi founded 完成学案完成学案,下午课间操交上下午课间操交上 背诵单词背诵单词 预习第五单元课文预习第五单元课文L/O/G/O


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