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The easiest thing in the world is to give up. It takes hard work. Who makes people want to be a not easy person.同学互助一起进步(页眉可删)2021高考英语作文题目预测及范文 2021高考英语作文题目预测及范文【1】题目假如你是李华,你的美国网友Peter参加中国象棋网络挑战赛获得了一等奖。请根据以下提示写一封英文电子邮件向他表示祝贺。1. 祝贺他获奖;2. 肯定他付出的努力;3. 询问何时方便,在网上切磋棋艺。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。范文Dear Peter,I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations to you on your winning the first prize in the Chinese Chess Network Challenge. As your friend, I just want you to know how glad I am at your success.“Everything comes to him who waits.”For these years, youve shown GREat interest in Chinese chess and kept on prACTicing it every day. Not only have you read many books about Chinese chess strategy, but also you have competed in all kinds of Chinses chess contest. Finally, you succeeded in wining the online competition!So Im so happy that you become the champion of this network challenge. At last, I hope to play Chinese chess with you so that we can make proGREss together. Please tell me when you have time.Congratulations again.Yours,Li Hua2021高考英语作文题目预测及范文【2】假设你李华,你的美国朋友Tom 上个月来北京学习。七月份你将去北京参加暑期中学生英语演讲比赛(speech contest),你在搜集资料,语言运用方面遇到了困难。请根据要点给Tom 写封email 1. 询问Tom的学习和生活情况 2. 谈谈你的困难并请他帮忙 3.你打算比赛后去看他。范文:Dear Tom,How time flies! You have been studying in Beijing for nearly a month, during which you must achieved a lot .Well , how is everything going ? It is reported that the weather there is very hot and dry these days, which is different from that of your country . Have you adapted to it ? In addition, you once complained that the food served there is not to your taste. I hope that should have been improved.I am glad to tell you that I am going to Beijing to take part in an English speech contest in July ,which is not only an honor ,but also an opportunity for me to improve myself. And now I try my best to make preparations for it .However , I have some trouble in collecting the materials relevant and using the language. I would appreciate it if you give me a hand to solve the problemsAfter the contest , I am to drop in at your school to visit you. Please wait for my phone.Yours ,Li hua2021高考英语作文题目预测及范文【3】假设你是新华中学的李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom 约好下周去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请给他写封Email 1. 表示歉意 2.解释原因 3.另约时间范文:Dear Tom,I am indeed very sorry that I cant go to Beijing with you next week, which I have promised. I feel sorry about it and want you to know what happened.Just now , my cousin ,Li qiang ,who left home to Australia for his further study last year, informed me that he would return this Saturday morning and asked me to pick him up at the airport with his family. You know , we havent seen each other for nearly a year.I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand me . I would appreciate your allowing me to make another date to show you around Beijing . Once again, Im sorry for any inconvenience caused.Sincerely yours ,Li hua2021高考英语作文题目预测及范文【4】题目高考,是国家选拔人才的一种重要方式,说它受到举世瞩目亦不为过。关心国事是一名合格人才的重要特征。因此,对精准扶贫这一热点政策的考查亦有可能。听上去难写,写起来不一定难哦,一起来看以下预测英语作文吧!假如你是李华Li Hua,你的英国朋友Peter给你发来微信,想了解一下你的家乡自“十九大(the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China)”以来所发生的变化,请你用英文给他回复。内容如下:1. 精准扶贫(targeted poverty reduction),效果良好;2. 环境保护得到了明显改善。注意:1. 词数100 左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。范文Dear Peter,Im glad that you are caring about the development of my hometown. Now I will tell you something about it.Great changes have taken place since the19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The targeted poverty reduction has reached its ideal aims. Many poor families have got effective help from local government and have improved their life greatly. Many old houses are replaced by new tall buildings which are surrounded with green trees and colourful flowers. The rivers that had been polluted seriously before are getting clearer and clearer. Besides, all kinds of fishes return the rivers. The sky is filled with white and cleaner clouds.Please come to visit my hometown in the near future.2021高考英语作文题目预测及范文【5】假定你是李华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知BB公司要招聘一名英文秘书,你很感兴趣。请给该公司写一封信,1.年龄 2.学习情况和英文水平 3.兴趣特长 4.性格特点范文:Dear Sir /Madam ,I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary . Im really interested in this position and hope I can work for you.Im 18 years old and will be graduating from xinxing Foreign Languages School this July. Im an excellent student ,among the top 5 in my class of 50 students. Im good at English , especially spoken English .I often use the computer and I type very fast . In my spare time ,I read a lot . Poems are my favorite . I enjoy music very much too. Being an active young person , I like sports and outdoor activities . Besides , I m easy to get along well with and I like to make friends .Im looking forward to your reply .Sincerely yours,Li hua2021高考英语作文题目预测及范文【6】题目假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter所在的城市目前疫情比较严重,请你给他写封电子邮件,内容包括:1.表示问候;2.给出防护建议。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:传染病epidemic范文Dear Peter,Knowing that the epidemic is getting worse in your city, Im really worried about you and Id like to provide you with some preventive measures. First and foremost, you should have proper personal protection, so make sure you wear a mask when going out. Secondly, keep a safe distance from others and avoid mass gathering. The last but not the least, youd better wash your hands frequently to keep clean, and do some exercise to keep fit, thus reducing the chances of getting sick. By following the measures mentioned above, Im sure you can win the battle against the epidemic.Please let me know if you need any help. I wish you good health.Yours,Li Hua2021高考英语作文题目预测及范文


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