外研版九年级上册 Module 7 Unit 3

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Module 7 Unit 3 Language in use学习目标:1.复习M7 单词词组。2.写一篇介绍一个国家的文章。Task 1:Listen to the conversation.Number the photos 15 in the order that they are described.34251Important phrases 1.在世界的南部在世界的南部 in the south of the world=in the southern part of the world2.最大的说英语的国家最大的说英语的国家 the largest English-speaking country3.写信给某人写信给某人write a letter to sb.4.你在忙什么?你在忙什么?What are you up to?5.寻找寻找 look for6.找出,查明找出,查明 find out7.帮某人一个忙帮某人一个忙 give sb.a hand8.在在.的中心的中心 in the centre of9.在去某地的路上在去某地的路上 on ones way to10.在从某地回来的路上在从某地回来的路上 on ones way back from11.我肯定你是这样。我肯定你是这样。I bet you do.12.一旦一旦 once13.三面环海三面环海with water on three sidesImportant phrases1.在在.的中央的中央 in the centre of2.从从.变成变成.change from to.3.对对.觉得惊讶觉得惊讶 be surprised at sth./be surprised to do4.很多方面很多方面 in many ways5.与与.相似相似 be similar to6.在田野里在田野里 in the field7.有坏脾气有坏脾气 have a bad temper8.骑了一次骆驼骑了一次骆驼go on a camel ride9.此刻此刻at the moment10.一直做某事一直做某事keep doing11.躺下来躺下来lie down12.在不同的时间在不同的时间at different times13.充满充满be full of/be filled with14.像像be likeExercise:1._ are dangerous.2.Dont shed _ tears over his death,I know you hate him.crocodile tear 鳄鱼泪,伪善的泪水鳄鱼泪,伪善的泪水3._ the nice picture.It is wonderful.4.Please _ in your homework on time.hand in homework 交作业交作业5.Please tell me the _ of the robbery(抢劫)抢劫).Sharks crocodileHave a look at hand detailsExercise:1.There are some purple g_.2.Do you like these toy s_?sheep 单复数一样,不需要加单复数一样,不需要加s3.It is a photo of my r_.They are my uncle,aunt and cousins.4.Drinking too much w_ is bad for health.rapesheepelativesine5.The little boy has a bad t_.have a good temper 有好脾气有好脾气have a bad temper 有坏脾气有坏脾气6.The p_ flower is beautiful.7.It is better to live a healthy l_.8.The blue car is s_ to the red one.be similar to 和和.类似类似 emper urpleifesyleimilarExercise:完成句子。完成句子。1.那个人停下来看了一眼那辆汽车。那个人停下来看了一眼那辆汽车。The man stopped and _ the car.2.在广场的中央有一座雕塑。在广场的中央有一座雕塑。_ of the square stands a sculpture.3.从动物园返回的路上,我看见一个老太太。从动物园返回的路上,我看见一个老太太。_ the zoo,I saw an old man.4.他昨天买的那件大衣和我的相似。他昨天买的那件大衣和我的相似。The coat that he bought yesterday is _.5.米娜说她见到了住在那间屋子的老人。米娜说她见到了住在那间屋子的老人。Mina said she saw the old man _.had a look atIn the centre ofOn the way back fromis similar to minewho/that lives in the houseTask 3:Free talk:How much do you know Australia?one languageGood day!two transportThree places of interestgrapelambhamwineFour food and drinkrugbycricketfootballswimmingsurfingFive sports six animalscountrysidecoastbeachhillfieldrockoutbackdesertSeven geography words作文作文:请根据表格内的提示内容写一篇请根据表格内的提示内容写一篇90字的短文字的短文介绍澳洲。介绍澳洲。90字左右,必须包括全部要点。字左右,必须包括全部要点。要点:要点:简介简介澳洲的首都是澳洲的首都是Canberra,人们使用英人们使用英语。语。著名景点著名景点the Sydney Opera House,Uluru,th Great Barrier Reef.美食美食小羊肉,葡萄酒,葡萄,火腿等等小羊肉,葡萄酒,葡萄,火腿等等活动活动骑骆驼,游泳,沙滩漫步,滑水,和骑骆驼,游泳,沙滩漫步,滑水,和考拉或者袋鼠拍照。考拉或者袋鼠拍照。写作小写作小tips:一般在介绍一个国家的时候,可以分三段一般在介绍一个国家的时候,可以分三段进行:进行:P1:对这个国家的情况进行一个总体概括。:对这个国家的情况进行一个总体概括。如地理位置,人口等。如地理位置,人口等。P2:介绍这个国家的名胜,食物,天气,:介绍这个国家的名胜,食物,天气,特色的活动等。特色的活动等。P3:可以总括你对这个国家的印象。可以总括你对这个国家的印象。课后作业课后作业:introduce other countries Group 1:CanadaGroup 2:EgyptGroup 3:BrazilGroup 4:RussiaGroup 5:IndiaYou can talk about it in the following aspects:1.place2.capital,population(人口)人口),weather3.special animals/food/places of interest(名胜)名胜)4.a summary(小结)小结)It is a time to see if you have a team work spirit.


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