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1. qualification n. 资格; 资历例句 What qualification is needed to do this work?从事这项工作需要什么样的资格? 搭配be qualified for sth. 有 的资格; 胜任 a qualification certificate 资格证书 ones academic qualification 学历 运用 用所给词的适当形式填空。 Hes got all the _ (qualify) but is temperamentally unsuitable. I think she is well _ (qualify) for the job because she has five years experience. qualified qualifications 原句 Xie Lei highly recommends it. “The preparation course is most beneficial, ”she said. 谢蕾高度推荐它, 她说该课程是最有益的。(B7 P38)2. recommend vt. 推荐; 建议例句 Would you recommend some places for sightseeing?你能推荐一些观光的去处吗? recommend sb. sth.=recommend sth. to sb. 向某人推荐某物recommend sb. for sth. 推荐某人当recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事recommend doing sth. 建议做某事recommend that sb. (should) do sth. 建议某人做某事搭配 运用 I would like to _ _ (向大家推荐一本工具书).(2) At the meeting he recommended that some effective measures _ (take) to stop global warming. (should) be taken recommend you areference book = recommend areference book to you (3) The Ministry of Education recommends _ _ (每天锻炼一小时) to guarantee a lifelong happiness. exercising for anhour every day 3. comfort n. 舒适;安慰 vt.安慰例句 When I miss my family, its a great comfort to have a substitute family.当我想家的时候,有一个替代的家庭是一个很大的安慰。 派生 _n.不便之处 vt.使不安 _adj.舒适的;惬意的 _adj.不舒服的;不安的uncomfortable discomfortcomfortable live in comfort 生活舒适give/offer comfort to sb安慰某人bring comfort to sb给某人带来安慰be a comfort (to sb)是令人宽慰的人或事搭 配 运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 你是你父母最大的安慰。You are_. 亲人们前来安慰失去父母的那位小孩。The folks came to _ the loss of his parents. comfort the child fora great comfort to your parentsgive comfort to the child for 原句 Its a great comfort to have a substitute family to be with. 这是一种极大的安慰, 有一个家的替身可以呆在一起。(B7 P38)4. substitute n. 代替者; 代用品v. 替代; 替代 例句 The course teaches you theory, but there is no substitute for practical experience. 这门课教的是理论,但没有任何东西能代替实践经验。 substitute A for B 用A代替Bsubstitute B with A 用A代替Bsubstitute for.代替; 取代(=take the place of) 运用 根据汉语提示完成句子。 Since Ive got a pile of things to attend to, can you _ _ (代替我去开会)? It must be kept in mind that _ _ (母爱无法替代). substitute for meat the meetingno substitute for a mothers love there is 原句 I couldnt write what other people had said without acknowledging them. 我不能没有经过确认就写一些其他人说过的事情。(B7 P38)5. acknowledge vt. 承认; 确认; 答谢 例句 Take the opportunity to acknowledge and praise your child when he or she is doing things that are difficult. 当您的孩子完成了一项有难度的任务时, 要把握住机会来肯定和赞赏他。 搭 配 acknowledge.as/to be. 承 认 为 ; 公 认 是 acknowledge (doing) sth. 承认做过某事acknowledge that + 宾语从句It is universally acknowledged that +主语从句 人们普遍认为 运用 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 He _ (被公认为) an expert in this field. He acknowledged _ _ (在期末考试舞弊).is acknowledged as/to beexam/that he had cheated in the final cheating in finalexam _ (人们普遍认为) families are now not as close as they used to be. It is universally acknowledgedthat 6. contradict vt. 反驳; 反对;与矛盾例句 Finally he even encouraged me to contradict the authors Id read! 最后,他甚至鼓励我反驳我读过的那些作者的观点。 contradiction n.矛盾,反驳;对立contradictory adj. 互相矛盾的派 生 contradict oneself自相矛盾be in contradiction to/with与不一致搭 配 运用 翻译或根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 他所说的话与事实矛盾。 学生不应当众反驳他们的老师。Students should never_. contradict theirWhat he said contradicts the facts.teachers in public 7. occupy vt.占有;占领;占据(take up, hold, fill, take /have the possession of)例句 I have been so occupied with work that I havent had time for social activities. 我一直忙于我的工作以至于我没有时间参加社交活动。派生 _n. 职业 occupation keep sb occupied 使某人忙碌occupy oneself with /in (doing) sth忙于(做)某事be occupied with /in(doing) sth忙于(做)某事搭 配 运用 根据括号里的汉语提示补全句子。 The bed seemed to_ (占去了大半个屋子). The speeches_(占去了三小时). occupied three hoursoccupy most ofthe room The boy_(在忙于玩游戏) at that time.occupied himself in playing games /was occupied in playing games /occupied himself with games /was occupied with games 8. abundant adj.丰富的, 充裕的例句 Peru has abundant plants from desert grass to vast areas of jungle. 秘鲁有多种多样的植物,从沙漠中的草到大片的丛林。派生 _n.大量;丰富abundance be abundant in=be rich in 富有an abundant year丰年in abundance大量(in large quantities)an abundance of大量的(a large quantity of)搭 配 运用 翻译或根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 这个国家自然资源丰富。 宴会上有丰富的食物。_ at the party. The country is abundant in natural resources. There was good food in abundance/an abundance of good food 9. govern vi. 符合;与一致fit into适应;适合;融入搭 配 运用 根据汉语提示完成下列英文句子。 The girl found it difficult to_ (适应新的学校生活)._ (孩子们适应得更好) under new circumstances.fit inwiththe new school lifeChildren fit in better He wanted to stay,but felt that he_ (与同事合不来). couldnt fit in well with hisworkmates 13. as far as one is concerned 就而言 例句 Besides, as far as he was concerned, what other people thought was not the most important thing. 此外,在他看来,别人的想法并不是最重要的。 运用 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 就我而言, 我完全支持你的想法。 就英语学习方面来说,他是我们班最优秀的。As far I am concerned, I completely support your idea.As far as English is concerned,he is the best in our class. 14. out of the question不可能的;不值得讨论的 例句 Without your help, finishing the task ahead of time would be out of the question.没你的帮助提前完成任务是不可能的。比较 out of question毫无疑问 运用 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 他无疑是班上的优秀生。 现在买汽车是不可能的,我们把钱花光了。 He is out of question the top student in his class.Its out of the question to buy a new car now. Weve run out of all the money. 15. settle in(迁入新居;更换工作后)安顿下来例句 The Dutch settled in South Africa. 荷兰人在南非殖民。 settle (oneself) down to sth 安下心来做某事settle down安顿下来;定居联 想 运用 根据汉语提示完成下列英文句子。 It was two oclock before I could finally_ (安下心来写) the next chapter 我们上星期才搬的家, 还没安顿下来呢。We only moved house last week and _.havent settled in yetsettle down to writing


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