《死刑 英语》PPT课件

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LOGO09通信(2)班 王家万 卢 平 Abolition of the death penalty LOGO The death penalty in China is the worlds largest country, but every year the specific number of executions has never beenpublicly released as confidential, and agencies are significant differences between the figures released, such as the Italiananti-death penalty organization issued a report saying 2 0 0 6 people were executed in 5 6 2 8 around the world , Where the number of Chinas 5 ,0 0 0 people were executed. Amnesty International Amnesty International statistics data for 2 0 0 6 weresentenced to death for the 1 7 9 0 , 1 0 1 0 people have beenimplemented; 2 0 0 8 , and at least 1 7 1 8 people were executed. LOGOHong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region Hong Kong : In 1965 the British began to abolish the death penalty. Hong Kong was a British colony in 1966 following the sovereign stateto stop executions. Last year was executed prisoners, namedHuang Qiji, Vietnamese, Huang Qiji as Wing Lung Street, Sham Shui Po, a Chinese man stabbed to death, according to the firstnoose cases were sentenced to death, Wong was removed19,661,116 and an appeal to the Supreme Court of Appeal Privy Council, still maintain the death penalty verdict, the last onNovember 16, 1966 in Stanley Prison and hanged. However, the laws of Hong Kong are maintained the death penalty, the courtwill be under the law, prisoners sentenced to bind the first death.However, all death row were sentenced at that time will beautomatically pardoned by the Queen or the Governor,commuted to life imprisonment. To April 1993, Hong Kongamend the law to life imprisonment as the maximum penalty,formally abolished the death penalty. Hong Kong on July 1, 1997into Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic, there is no resumption of the death penalty. LOGO Macau:Criminal Law of Macao shall not be located twenty-ninth article death penalty, clothing may not set a permanent, indefinite or uncertain during the penalty of deprivation of liberty or security measures, so there is no life or Macau, life imprisonment, the maximum sentence in Macau for 30 years LOGO Taiwan has some sound support abolishing the death penalty, since the DPP came to power, decreasing the number of executions, from 2006 to 2007 Executed without any death row, and according to Amnesty International Amnesty International headquarters and March 24, 2009 announcement (DeathSentences and Executions in 2008) pointed out that Taiwan has been 4 years in the status of implementation of the death penalty 0. It became the Minister of Justice Wang Ching-feng also tend to abolish the death penalty. Taiwan is in fact the trend of abolishing the death penalty, but the general public is still generally opposed the death penalty, the argument in the death penalty has a deterrent mainly to save prison costs, directly address repeated problems. LOGO Death penalty cases around the world Europe Asia (Philippines, USA and Japan Singapore) United States LOGO Basic abolish the death penalty in EuropePresent, apart from Belarus, other European countries have abolished the death penalty, the last European country to abolish the death penalty in France. February 19, 2007, the French National Assembly and the Senate passed a joint meeting of a constitutional amendment to abolish the death penalty formally written into the French Constitution。 LOGO Philippines abolition of the death penalty again In 1987, Philippine President Corazon Aquino against the death penalty, the contemporary history of the Philippines became the first Asian country to abolish the death penalty. But only after one year, the Philippine crime rate increased sharply, the political situation remains the same, the movement demanding the reinstatement of the death penalty began to intensify. In 1993, Congress passed a bill reinstating the death penalty. January 1994, the death penalty entered into force in the Philippines once again, the use of injections. But in fact none of the prisoners were executed. Until February 5, 1999, following a rape, a woman inmate 莱奥埃彻盖雷 Iraq 23 years after the abolition of the death penalty be brought to their lives the way a criminal. After two years, there are 6 people follow suit, rape, murder or robbery charges are murder. But in 2000, to freeze to death. LOGOIn 2 0 0 1 , Gloria Macapagal Arroyo came to power, as a devout Catholic leaders, she made it clear, refused to implement the death penalty. She Presidential Decree was issued a moratorium on executions and commuted 1 8 death row to life imprisonment. Therefore, the death penalty has been useless. Decision in accordance with criminal law, death row has continued to produce, but can not be executed. As of March 2 0 0 3 , the Philippines, a total of 9 9 4 death row, in addition to a small number of them after being acquitted by the Supreme Court review or commutation of sentence, most inmates are still waiting for pleasure. December 5 , 2 0 0 3 , President Arroyo announced the abolition of the death penalty in the Philippines to suspend the decision on the grounds that the current domestic robbery, kidnapping and other criminal acts more flooding. Catholic Church in the Philippines after hearing the deeply disappointed and saddened. Meanwhile, the Philippine government the judiciary, has been scheduled before the end of January 2 0 0 4 , the use of injection of two prisoners of the death penalty. In addition, there are 2 5 prisoners guilty of robbery, and four people accused of drug trafficking, is facing the death penalty. Southern and northern Philippines, the representatives expressed their support for the middle class, because they are the main target of crime, suffered the most devastating human and material losses. June 2 6 , 2 0 0 6 , President Arroyo signed an order again, abolished the death penalty. LOGO Japan-Deposit but do not use Japans death penalty by hanging the way, when prisoners sentenced to death, if you want the death penalty, are required by the Minister to sign execution orders. As some of the Minister of Justice (such as Hatoyama Yukio Hatoyama Kunios brother) have religious beliefs during the period in office has refused to sign death warrants, currently sentenced to death in the country but still the number of living has more than 100 prisoners, including Planning the Tokyo subway sarin gas attack mastermind Shoko Asahara, and Inoue Jia Hao, Toyota Hang, Kenichi Hirose, Yokoyama reality, Lin Tai implementation of poison gas attacks and other male principal. LOGO Singapore-High percentage of death penalty Proportion of the world countries with the highest death penalty in Singapore. In 2001, the country carried the death penalty 70 times, the same year the United States carried out only 66 times. And the death sentence is hanging in Singapore, which had been abolished in most countries. Singapores death penalty is implemented in every Friday morning, and often death families be notified before implementation LOGO America State complex components from different perspectives of immigrants as citizens, the United States need to retain the death penalty. In fact, the spirit of religion and humanity, the United States in 1967 was abolished the death penalty; But opponents under pressure and harsh reality, the United States resumed the death penalty in 1976. And because of federal legislative power to retain independent states, the U.S. death penalty in some states to exist, while in other states do not have this. In addition, the United States are separate trial for the death penalty - that is, the death penalty if the prosecution claims the defendant, must submit, and only in the choice between the death penalty and non death penalty (trial process can not be commuted to imprisonment). Together with criminals in the United States the right to choose the jury system, and the jury system and requires 100% pass, the high rate of flow of the trial, in addition to heinous criminals (such as the serial killer) other than the death penalty is almost impossible. Even to sub, but also because the United States a long trial period, usually two to three years is delayed to the normal range. March 2009, New Mexico abolished the death penalty, the maximum penalty is life imprisonment. LOGO Beautiful life, you only have one! Insurmountable legal perimeter LOGO Thank you!


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