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argumentation-1argumentation-1What is Argumentation?Argumentation and its importance Argumentation is the type of writing in which writers try to encourage readers to accept their point of view on a controversial issue.In argumentation,writers use objective,logical reasoning,facts,and hard evidence to demonstrate the soundness of a position.Their purpose is to encourage readers to accept their point of view.Argumentation and its importance Importance-We can use argumentation to make a point in a class discussion,persuade a fiend to lend you money,or talk an employer into giving you a day off.Becoming skilled in clear,logic reasoning,we come a better critic of advertisements,political speeches and the other persuasive appeals we see and hear every day.ArgumentationWhat is argumentation?Its definition and its importanceHow to write an argumentation essay?Two forms,procedure and structure How to write a GOOD argumentation essay?Convince your reader/audienceRecognize the oppositionPower of wordsBasic StructureIntroductionBodyConclusionUsing Paragraphs to Focus the Argument1.Opening Paragraghs(point)2.Supporting Paragraphs (evidences)3.Concluding ParagraphsAttention(1)A debatable point(2)Sufficient evidence(3)Good logic(4)Clear logic(5)Good use of the other three types of writing-description,narration,and especially the various methods of exposition.(6)An honest and friendly attitudeA debatable pointChinese doctors use acupuncture anesthesia to perform certain operations.Acupuncture anesthesia should replace conventional anesthesia in all operations.A debatable pointLady Gaga is my favorite star.Lady Gaga is the most popular star of the 21th century.A debatable pointNoise pollution is harmful to peoples health.Noise pollution is the most harmful of all environmental pollution.Sufficient evidencecommon knowledge;specific examples;hard,not soft,evidence,facts,not opinions,statistics;quotations from authorities famous sayingGood logic A.All human beings make mistakes.(premise)B.X is a human being.(premise)C.Therefore,X makes mistakes.(conclusion)Bad Premise Bad LogicA.all students love to study.(premise)B.X is a student.(premise)C.Therefore,X love to study.(conclusion)Bad Premise Bad LogicA.all female stars are beautiful.(premise)B.Feng is a female star.(premise)C.Therefore,she is beautiful.(conclusion)Model(for every argument)Premise 1Premise 2Premise 3 Premise nTherefore,ConclusionExamples Every right places a corresponding obligation upon someone.If I have a right to life,then you have an obligation not to kill me.If you have a right to free passage,then I have an obligation not to hinder your progress.If we both have a right to be treated equally before the law,then society has an obligation to see that this is so.Premise clue words:becauseI know he loves me,because I saw he often smiled at me and stared at me affectionately.SinceShe must have ridden with John,since she doesnt have her own car.ForIf you love a person,you must spend time with that person,for relationships must develop.Conclusion clue words:thereforeThe world is a wonderfully ordered place.Therefore it must have been made by God.thusI saw them together holding hands.Thus,I decided that they were more than friends.henceShe didnt call me back,hence she must not want to go.soHe is always rude to me,so I figure he doesnt like follows thatSean wasnt at the party,and if she liked John,she would have been there.It follows that she doesnt like John.1.Playing violent video games does not cause the player to act violently in real life.ExercisesConstruct an argument for:Example:“My roommate plays violent video games all the time,and hes the most non-violent person I know.So it must be that playing violent video games does not cause the player to act violently in real life.”2.Getting a degree in finance is more useful than getting a degree in philosophy.Example:“There are lots of jobs advertised for people with finance degrees.But there are very few jobs that advertise for people with degrees in philosophy.Therefore getting a degree in finance is more useful than getting a degree in philosophy.”Construct an argument for:4.It is wrong to eat animals.Example:“Animals want to live and can feel pain just like humans can.So it is wrong to eat animals.”Construct an argument for:5.We have a moral obligation to pay our taxes.Example:“We have a moral obligation to pay our taxes,since each of us benefits in many ways from services which are provided through tax funds.”Construct an argument for:1.Opening Paragraghs|attract readers attention|soothe readers possible hostility toward our subject 2.Supporting Paragraphs example definition cause and effect comparison and contrast analogySupporting by cause and effectIdentify the cause and effectThe construction of cause and effect can be divided into four types:1.simple cause:causeeffect plex cause:cause1+cause2+effect plex effect:cause effect1+effect2+effect3 4.chain of cause and effect:cause1 effect1(cause2)effect2(cause3)Supporting by comparison and contrastAlternating type:A1B1,A2B2,A3B3,Block type:A1,2,3,4,B1,2,3,4,Supporting by analogy3.Concluding ParagraphsSummarizeBring the full force of our argument to close the paperMake a last appeal Strongly restate propositionThe Basic Form and Structure of ArgumentsProposition ArgumentOrganizing our ideas in much the same way as in expository papers:a thesis stating our position,followed by supporting reasons and evidence.Our evidence here would be on how readers would benefit.Problem-solution ArgumentStating a problem and then convincing readers our solution would be the best.Example 1 Printed Books as a Better Source Among the countless accesses to information,internet and printed books are two popular ways.In my point of view,I regard printed books as a better source.I have two reasons to support my opinion.Firstly,printed books are a convenient way to get information,because of its easy-to-take trait.So wherever you take the books,you can get the information you want.Especially,when there is no internet facility at hand,printed books are a safe help for information.Secondly,by seeking information from printed books you can get a sense of enjoyment and achievement,though it takes you time and efforts to integrate all the information you get from books.Yes,seeking information through internet is a comparatively simple task,but there is less stimulation of thinking aroused by the process of getting informing,and thus less comprehension will be made.From the two reasons I mentioned above,natural conclusion can be easily drawn that printed books are better sources of getting information.Example 2 Voters may agree that more money is needed to fund local schools,but they may resist voting for a bond levy.How do you convince them that the opposed benefits justify the expense?Several of our school buildings are over fifty years old.They are drafty and expensive to heat;those big windows have single panes.The fame rattle.The electrical wiring is inadequate;there is no way to plug in computers.Plaster has fallen from some ceilings.Building now will avoid expensive renovation and save money in the long run,for construction costs continue to climb.The buildings are also over crowed.For instance,in one building a class meets on the auditorium stage,another in the lunchroom,and two meets at the ends of halls.The children are distracted by passerby and have no place to put their coats.Our children deserve better.They deserve a place where they can concentrate and do their best.Our children are the future leaders of this country.Surely,we need to give them a chance for optimum learning.Wont you dig down your pocket to come up with the extra dollars to make this dream come true?Vote yes for the school bond levy.Outline TopicEvidences/argumentsConclusionExerciseFree Admission to museums越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的目的是越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的目的是什么?什么?也会带来一些问题;也会带来一些问题;你的看法?你的看法?结束结束


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