新视野大学英语unit 3

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A Good Heart to Lean on Unit 3Background InformationWords&ExpressionsLanguage PointsText Structure AnalysisExercisesBackground InformationNew York city consists of five boroughs:ManhattanQueensBrooklynStaten IslandThe BronxNew YOrk City1.ManhattaBackground InformationManhattan is an island in New York Bay at the mouth of the Hudson River.It is the five boroughs that comprise the City of New York.It is also New York Citys business and cultural center.Manhattan2.Brooklyn Background InformationBrooklyn is the most populous of the five boroughs of New York City and an industrial and international port area of the city.With about 2.5 million inhabitants,it would be the fourth largest city in the United States all by itself,were it a city.Brooklyn 3.Ebbets Field is the stadium built by and named after Charlie Ebbets,the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team.The first game played in this former home of the Brooklyn Dodgers took place in 1938.Charlie Ebbets4.Dodgers:The Dodgers,the name of a baseball team;the team originally played for Brooklyn but now it no longer plays for Brooklyn.For more information,visit http:/www.mcny.org/brookln2.htmWords&Expressionslean(title)adj.贫乏的,瘦的balance keep a balance between A and B保持均衡lose ones balance 失去平衡disturb the balance of ones mind心神不宁severea severe headache 剧烈的头疼a severe punishment 严厉的惩罚inwarda.an inward movement 向内移动 crippleClutural Notes:Whereas at one time it might have been acceptable to call a person a cripple if injuries or deformities kept him from walking properly,it is no longer so.Nowadays we use the term handicapped person or disabled person/individualSome especially sensitive people prefer the terms:handi-capable person and specilly-abled person.bother v.打扰,麻烦 n.费心coordinate vt.使协调The plan was not very well coordinated.那项计划协调得不好。pace n.keep pace with 跟上,与.齐步并进adjust(oneslf)toThe body quickly adjusts itself to changes in temperature.人体能很快自行调节以适应气温变化。despiteprep.in spite of 尽管,不管They had a wonderful holiday despite the bad weather.尽管天气不好,他们的假日仍然过得很愉快。even if although 即使,虽然Well go tomorrow even if it rains.即使下雨,我们明天也去。cling vi.(clung,clung).坚持,忠于 cling to+宾语宾语He clung to his own idea.他坚持自己的观点。free of not containing something unpleasantWhat we need is a world free of war.我们需要一个没有战争的世界。amaze vt.Notice:if be amazed is complemented by a how-clause,the preposition at can be omitted:You would be amazed(at)how difficult the job was.你要是知道那项任务有多难,你会大吃一惊的。stress=emphasize着重,强调 vt.后面直接跟宾语n.lay/place/put stress on/upon 重视,强调Grandmother put a great deal of stress on the importance of proper behavior.祖母特别强调良好的行为举止。He stressed the need of careful planning.他强调要精心计划。engage vi.engage in 参加,从事于vt.be engaged to sb.和某人订婚be engaged to do sth.被雇用be engaged in doing sth.忙于 adjust to=adapt to.found itself without a manager.find oneself+prep./V.-ing/V.-edAt dusk,they found themselves at a valley.黄昏时,他们来到一个山谷。I found myself agreeing with everything she said.我发现她说什么我都同意。They woke up to find themselves surrounded by water.他们醒来时,发现被水包围了。contentadj.satisfied and happy满足的,满意的be content to dobe content withaid vt.give help or support 帮助,援助computer-aided instruction/design(CAI/CAD)计算机辅助教学/设计urge vt.竭力劝告;敦促urge sb.to do sth.urge 之后的宾语从句需用虚拟语气(should)+动词原形I urge that he do his best.not doesdive n.Taking a dive is becoming increasingly common in boxing.假装被击倒在拳击比赛中越来越常见。take a dive:agree to lose a fight or game dishonestly,especially a boxing match.假装失败This is a slang expression,often used as a metaphor,meaning pretend defeat,as it is used in this sentence.The phrase comes from professional boxing when one boxer is paid in secret by gamblers to lose,so the gamblers can win their bets.(赌注)reluctance adj.be reluctant to doworthy adj.be worthy of=be worth+n.regret vt.后悔;遗憾regret+n./v-ing/to do/that-clauseregret to do 因.而感到悲哀或不开心I regret to hear of your failure of the exam.regret doing 因.而后悔I regret not revising my plainv.抱怨,诉苦complain to sb.about/of plain about/of doing sth.13Old to NewOld to Newseriously begin a journeysurpriseexactlyjoinhelpforcemake sureseverely start out amaze precisely engage in aid urge see toWords and ExpressionsOld to New13Chinese to EnglishChinese to English保持平衡难堪协调一致缺勤免受使遭受参加(活动)开玩笑keep ones balanceembarrass coordinate miss free of subject to engage in/participate in.kid Words and ExpressionsC to E131.We went to see the exhibition _ the storm.A.but for B.in spite C.in spite of D.despite of2.My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A.treated B.adjusted C.accepted D.suitedA mini-testA mini-testWords and ExpressionsWord Using133.He leaned _ the view that we started off at once.A.towards B.over C.on D.upon4.She always makes some _ over shortages and high prices.A.dislikes B.complaints C.troubles D.discontentsWords and ExpressionsWord Using135.The manager assured the customer that his complaint would be seen _ immediately.A.on B.at C.to D.with6._ his great wealth,he always remained a man of simple tastes.A.Except for B.With regard to C.Although D.DespiteWords and ExpressionsWord Using1.More than I realized,Dad has helped me keep my balance.Meaning:我完全没有意识到,正是父亲帮助我保持心态平衡。2.I would inwardly struggle at the unwanted attention.(Para.1)Meaning:对于这种讨厌的注视,我打心里感到别扭。Language Points3.If he ever noticed or was bothered,he never let on.(Para.1)Meaning:即使父亲注意到这些或感到不安,他也从不表露出来。Note that the conjunction if is used here to mean although.More examples:If shes poor,at least shes honest.她虽然穷,至少她是诚实的It was a nice meal,if a little expensive.那是一顿美餐,虽然贵了点。4.It was difficult to coordinate our stepshis halting,mine impatient.(Para.2)Meaning:我们的步伐很难协调一致-他常常停下脚步,而我的步子却显得不耐烦。分词独立结构5.But as we started out,he always said,You set the pace.I will try to adjust to you.(Para.2)Meaning:但每次出门时,他总说,“你按你的步调走,我跟着你。”6.He went to work sick,and despite nasty weather.(Para.3)Meaning:他生病或天气恶劣时也坚持上班。Here the adjective sick indicates a clause even when he was sick.More examples:He went to bed hungry last night.他昨晚是饿着肚子上床睡觉的。7.and would make it to the office even if others could not.(Para.3)Meaning:他总是准点到办公室,即使别人做不到。8.It was a matter of pride.(Para.3)Meaning:It(getting to the office on time)was something that my father was proud of.这是件可以引以为荣的事。9.Once there,he would cling to the handrail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept free of ice.(Para.4)Meaning:一到那儿,他就紧抓着地铁口的扶手一直往走下,因为地铁内比较暖和,下面几级台阶没有冰雪。Once 作为连词引导状语从句 一.就.Once(it is)damaged,it takes many years for the environment to recover.环境一旦遭到破坏,需要许多年才能恢复(正常)。10.When I think of it now,I am amazed at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such shame and stress.(Para.5)Meaning:现在回想起来,我不禁感叹:像他那样一个成年人,要有多大的勇气才能承受这样的屈辱和压力。11.And at how he did itwithout bitterness or complaint.(Para.5)Meaning:(I am amazed)at how he subjected himself to shame and stress without pain or complaining.而当时他却显得毫无痛苦,也没怨言。12.He never talked about himself as an object of pity,nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or able.(Para.6)Meaning:他从不说自己可怜,也从不表现对那些比他幸运或健康的人的羡慕。13.What he looked for in others was a good heart.(Para.6)Meaning:他从别人那儿寻找的是一颗“好心”。Note that good heart is used to refer to the kind,honest,and generous nature of a person.14.I believe that is a proper standard by which to judge people.(Para.7)Meaning:我相信这是判断一个人的适当标准。15.But I know at times I dont have one myself.(Para.7)Meaning:但我知道自己有时候并没有这么一颗“好心”。16.Unable to engage in many activities,my father still tried to participate in some way.(Para.8)Meaning:虽然很多活动父亲都不能参加,但他还是试着以某种方式来参与。Here unable to.用来表示让步。英语中形容词或形容词短语常放在句首用来表示让步或原因等。Rather nervous,the man opened the letter.那个人很紧张,拆开了信。17.When a local baseball team found itself without a manager,he kept it going.(Para.8)Meaning:当地一个棒球队缺少经理时,是他使球队正常运转。18.He liked to go to dances and parties,where he could have a good time just sitting and watching.(Para.8)Meaning:他喜欢参加各种舞会和聚会,虽然在那儿他只能坐着观看,却也觉得很享受。have a good(hard,difficult,etc.)time doing sth.19.On one occasion a fight broke out at a beach party,with everyone punching and shoving.(Para.9)Meaning:记得在一次沙滩聚会上,发生了一场殴斗,人人都挥拳上阵,相互推撞。20.He wasnt content to sit and watch,but he couldnt stand unaided on the soft sand.(Para.9)Meaning:他不满足只是坐着观看,但在松软的沙地上如果没人帮助,他又站不起来。21.But the next day people kidded him by saying it was the first time any fighter was urged to take a dive before the fight began.(Para.10)Meaning:第二天,人们和他开玩笑,说是第一次听到拳击手在开打之前,就有人要求他倒地服输。22.And when I came home on leave,he saw to it that I visited his office.(Para.11)Meaning:我休假回家时,他一定要我去参观他的办公室。23.and I could have done this,too,if things had been different.(Para.11)Meaning:如果我没瘸,我也会和他一样。24.I wonder if he sensed my reluctance to be seen with him during our walks.(Para.12)Meaning:不知他当时是否留意在我们同行时,我不愿意被人看到。25.If he did,I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was,how unworthy I was,how I regretted it.(Para.12)Meaning:若他确实注意到了,那我很惭愧当时没能告诉他我是多么对不起他,我是多么不孝,我是多么后悔。26.I think of him when I complain about trifles when I am envious of anothers good fortune,when I dont have a good heart.(Para.12)Meaning:每当我因一些琐事而怨天尤人时,每当我嫉妒别人比我运气好的时候,每当我没有一颗好心的时候,我就会想起他。13A.The Way to Develop This Passage:A.The Way to Develop This Passage:Structure AnalysisStructure AnalysisNarrations+Comments How does a crippled father help his son keep balance through his deep care for others?The writer narrates this story with comments.Can you identify the comments from the narration?Text StudyStructure Analysis13ParagraphsParagraphsWays of DevelopmentWays of Development14_5Comments6Narration7_811Narration1213_NarrationCommentsCommentsText StudyStructure AnalysisTypical expressions for narrating?13General Point+ExamplesThe story includes some paragraphs in which the writer starts with a general point and then presents a number of examples to supporthis point.Look at one of the paragraphs.B.The Way to Develop Paragraphs:B.The Way to Develop Paragraphs:Text StudyStructure Analysis13Paragraph 11=General Point+Example 1Example 2Example 3Text StudyStructure Analysis13Example 3A general point:I now know he participated in some things through me,his only son.visited his officeExample 1Example 2played balljoined the NavyText StudyUnderstandingPara.1113Example 1Example 2A general point:My father tried to participate in many activities in some way.keep the team going as a managergo to dances and partiesText StudyUnderstandingPara.813_ Paras.12_ Paras.34 _ Paras.57_ Paras.811_ Paras.1213d.How my father went to work.c.My father participated in many things in some way.b.I miss my father very much.e.I was embarrassed to be seen with my father.a.What my father looked for was a good heart,not pity.edacbText StudyUnderstandingFind the topic Find the topic Thank you!


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