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招商银行成都分行招聘人才信息上岸历年高频考点试卷答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第I卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.某中学甲班学生中,所有喜欢奥数的同学也都喜欢下围棋。若以上陈述为真,再加上以下哪项,则可以合乎逻辑地推出:有些喜欢看话剧的同学不喜欢奥数?()A.有些喜欢看话剧的同学也喜欢下围棋B.有些喜欢奥数的同学不喜欢看话剧C.有些不喜欢下围棋的同学喜欢看话剧D.有些不喜欢看话剧的同学喜欢下围棋答案:C 本题解析:翻译推理。根据题干信息得知:奥数围棋。结论:有的话剧 奥数。A选项,有的话剧围棋,和题干信息结合推不出结论,排除;B选项,有的奥数 话剧,和题干信息结合推不出结论,排除;C选项,有的 围棋话剧,可知有的话剧 围棋;根据题干信息可知, 围棋 奥数,因此可知有的话剧 奥数;D选项,有的 话剧围棋,和题干信息结合推不出结论,排除。故本题正确答案选C。2.公司中有多个部门以及多名职员,每个职员只能属于一个部门,一个部门可以有多名职员,从职员到部门的联系类型是( )。A.多对多B.多对一C.一对一D.一对多答案:B 本题解析:在公司中,由于每个职员只能属于一个部门,一个部门可以有多名职员。因此职员与部门之间是多对一关系。3.2 ,3 ,6 ,9 ,17 ,( )A.18B.23C.36D.45答案:B 本题解析:6+9=15=35;3+17=20=45 那么2+?=55=25;所以?=234.The Bridgeport Revitalization Committee (BRC)13 Robin WayBridgeport, MA 02126Kevin Taylor203 8th AvenueBridgeport, MA 02133Dear Mr. Taylor,I am excited to announce to our members that we have received a $750,000 grant from the Roger CoopersFoundation for our City Renovation Project.The City Renovation Project focuses on the downtown area of Bridgeport, between First Avenue and LincolnWay. We will begin by redesigning Baten Park and the pedestrian walkways to create a more inviting space for shoppers and workers on their lunch breaks.This grant is the largest we have ever received, and we are excited about the work it will allow us toaccomplish.We look forward to improving the quality of life in our city through great design!Denise LeBaronWhat can be inferred about Mr. Taylor?A.He is a member of the BRCB.He works for Denise LeBaronC.B. He works for Denise LeBaron.C He lives between First Avenue and Lincoln WayD.He is on the board of the Roger Coopers Foundation答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析5.What qualification is NOT mentioned as a preference?A.Knowledge of stage set designB.Expertise in the history of theaterC.Experience in making period costumesD.A university degree in a related field答案:B 本题解析:第二段分别表明了选项A、C、D中的优先条件,短文中没有提及必须具有话剧史的专业知识。6.以下 4 个句子重新排列组合:一个民族或群体的民俗,实际上是指该民族或该群体的生活方式和文化传统。学习中华民族的民俗文化,可以加深对我们民族的了解和感情。任何发达的或发展中的民族或群体,都毫无例外地生活在一定的民俗中。伟大的中华民族有五千年的文明史,丰富深厚的民俗文化始终与民族文化相随。最合理的组合方式是( )A.B.C.D.答案:B 本题解析:观察选项,比更适合作为首句出现。句总述民俗文化和民族文化,而句更适合作为总结性语句出现在段末。排除选项 C 和 D。首句之后应是对民俗的解释,即句,则排除选项 A。7.1985 年3 月,( )成立了我国境内第一家信用卡经营公司,并发行了中国境内第一张信用卡“中银卡”。此卡当时仅限在反行地使用,发行量较少。A.中国银行上海市分行B.中国银行南京市分行C.中国银行厦门市分行D.中国银行珠海市分行答案:D 本题解析:1985 年3 月,身处沿海开放特区的中国银行珠海市分行成立了我国境内第一家信用卡经营公司珠海市信用卡有限公司,并发行了境内第一张信用卡“中银卡”。此卡当时仅限在珠海地区使用,发行量较少。8.2014年年末,建行债券承销量已达397789亿元,连续( )年蝉联年度银行间市场债务融资工具承销量冠军。A.六B.五C.四D.七答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析9.每台访问互联网的电脑,都需要配备lP 地址,传统的IP 地址(IPv4)由32 个二进制位构成。IPv6是IPv4 的下一代版本,其地址由128 个二进制位构成。国家发改委关于开展国家下一代互联网示范城市建设工作的通知要求,要加快IPv6 用户的普及率和网络接入覆盖率。针对国家发改委的这一要求,下列关于IPv6 优势的说法最准确的是( )。A.IPv6 比IPv4 更便于记忆B.IPv6 比IPv4 提供更多的lP 地址C.IPv6 比IPv4 价格更低廉,配置更方便D.IPv6 比IPv4 更容易普及推广答案:B 本题解析:IPv4 采用32 位二进制书写,32 位二进制可以表示2 的32 次方个电脑,IPv6 采用128 位二进制数书写,128 位二进制数可以表示2 的128 次方个电脑。故IPv6 可以提供更多的IP 地址。10.3-2+4-2+5-2+-2+7-.+102-2= ( )。 .A.0B.100C.5050D.10100答案:C 本题解析:原式=1+2+3+.+ 100=(1+ 100)x 1002=5050。11. What will someone who contributes $400 receive? A.Complimentary pool membershipB.Recognition in a community publicationC.A ticket to the opening ceremonyD.Space on an honorary plaque答案:B 本题解析:解答此题的关键是要快速把握文中涉及金额的部分。第四段中的地方报纸上说被提到名字的捐赠者在第一阶段优惠中被追加赠予地方饭店的餐饮券。12.某街道常住人口与外来人口之比为1:2,已知该街道下辖的甲、乙、丙三个社区人口比为12:8:7。其中,甲社区常住人口与外来人口比为l:3,乙社区为3:5,则丙社区常住人口与外来人口比为( )。A.1:2B.1:3C.2:3D.3:4答案:D 本题解析:13.一个年轻人寄了许多份简历到一些广告公司应聘,其中有一家公司写了一封信给他:“虽然你自认为文采很好,但从你的来信中,我们发现了许多语法错误,甚至有一些错别字。”这个青年想如果这是真的,我应该感谢他们告诉我,然后改正。于是他给这个公司写了一封感谢信。几天后,他再次收到这家公司的信函,通知他被录用了。这段文字主要想告诉我们:( )A.机会往往在不经意获得B.公司招聘时更看重求职者的态度C.谦虚能获得更多知识和别人的尊重D.良好的文字功底是成功求职的前提答案:C 本题解析:年轻人在收到对方略带讽刺的信之后仍旧写感谢信给对方,显然是由于其谦逊的态度改变了对方最初的决定。选项BD均属于就事论事,而选项A所说机会在“不经意”中获得,显然与题干倾向不符。14.大数据在金融合规体系中,可实现的应用不包括( )A.复杂合同B.审计C.反洗钱D.产品推广答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析15.下列关于设置目标进行管理的说法,不正确的是()。A.目标为各个管理层评估各自的绩效提供了依据B.目标有助于把握命运而不是只对错误做出反应C.因为强调结果而不是任务,容易出现过程失控D.通过目标管理方法可以改善上下级的关系答案:C 本题解析:目标管理法即是让企业的管理人员和员工亲自参加工作目标的制订,在工作中实行“自我控制”,并努力完成工作目标的一种管理制度。目标管理法的评价标准直接反映员工的工作内容,结果易于观测,所以很少出现评价失误,也适合对员工提供建议,进行反馈和辅导。由于目标管理的过程是员工共同参与的过程,因此,员工工作积极性大为提高,增强了责任心和事业心。目标管理有助于改进组织结构的职责分工。故ABD项均是目标管理法的优点,而目标管理法更注重参与管理的过程,故C项错误,题中要求选不正确的,所以答案选C。16.政策和制度在相当程度上带人们的主观意志,或者说是人们意志作用的结果因此在宏观经济管理过程,行政调节方法运用得是否合理和科学,主要取决于人们主观上对客观事物的认识是否正确,取决于人们对客观规律和复杂的经济活动的了解和掌握程度。这段文字的主旨是( )。A.行政调节方法在客观经济管理中的局限性B.政策和制度在制定过程中存在不科学性C.应该用经济和法律其他调节方法取代行政调节方法D.政策和制度的正确与否,取决于其制定者的主观因素答案:A 本题解析:文章的第二句话是作者的观点,主要是表达宏观经济管理中行政调节方法运用收到主观意志的影响,即局限性。B、D表述的片面,不客观,C更是无中生有,文中未提及用其他调节方法来取代行政调节方法。17.简化的多倍存款创造模型中,支票存款增加的倍数与法定准备金率的关系是?A.支票存款准备金率增加的倍数等于1法定存款准备金率B.支票存款准备金增加的倍数等于3倍法定存款准备金率C.支票存款准备金增加的倍数等于法定存款准备金率D.支票存款增加的倍数等于法定准备金率的倒数答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析18.Which of the following is NOT true?_A.Advertisement makes contribution to our pockets and we may know everythingB.We can buy what we wantC.Good quality products dont need to be advertisedD.Advertisement makes our life colorful答案:C 本题解析:A选项说广告可以为我们的荷包做贡献而且我们可以知道很多事情,符合文章内容。B选项说我们可以买到我们想买的东西,文章里说的是我们买东西的时候很多时候都是根据广告的内容去买的,所以也符合文章内容。C选项说好品质的东西不需要做广告,文中没有提到。D选项说广告使我们的生活更加多彩,文章说了诸多广告的好处,可以推断出这个结论。故选C。19.甲、乙、丙三人大学毕业后,一个当上了律师。一个当上了法官,还有一个当上了检察官但究竟每个人担任什么工作,人们开始并不清楚。因此就有了如下猜测:(1)甲当上了律师,乙当上了法官(2)甲当上了法官丙当上了律师(3)甲当上了检察官,乙当上了律师。后来证实,上述猜测都只是对了一半。请问:甲、乙、丙三人各担任什么工作?( )A.甲当了法官。乙 当了律师.丙当了检察官B.甲当了检察官.乙当了律师.丙当了法官C.甲当了检察官.乙当了法官.丙当了律师D.甲当了律师,乙当了检察官.丙当了法官答案:C 本题解析:利用排除法,A、B项使(1)的说法都错误;C项符合题于要求;D项使(3)的说法都错误。此题选C。另解,(1)与(2)的前半句均不同时为真,由(1)对了一半,则(2)的前半句假,后半句真,丙当上了律师选C。20.“中国旅游日”被确定为每年的5月19日,其依据是( )。A.徐霞客游记开篇日B.国务院关于加快发展旅游业的意见发布日C.郦道元水经注成书日D.国家旅游局随机确定答案:A 本题解析:国家旅游局发言人张坚钟表示,5月19日是徐霞客游记的开篇日,将这一天确定为“中国旅游日”,在文化内涵上与旅游密切相关。第一,有确凿的历史证据;第二,5月19日更适合民众出游,全国大部分地区都春暖花开了;第三,通过网上征求意见,赞成5月19日的人占大多数。故本题答案选A。21.下列程序设计语言中,属于解释语言的是_。A.CB.DelphiC.BASICD.C#答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析22.2015年,某省工业企业全年实现主营业务收入37864亿元、税金1680亿元、利润2080亿元,分别增长19.1、19.4、26.4,分别高出全国7.9、8.4、14.2个百分点。该省工业企业主营业务收入占全国工业的3.7,比上年提高0.3个百分点。百户重点企业主营业务收入、税金、利润分别增长10.2、11.1、20.8,分别占全省工业的29.5、51、27.6。 2015年,汽车行业实现主营业务收入4538亿元,增长23.1;实现利润416.6亿元,增长19.9;税金225.3亿元,增长50。销售利润率(利润占主营业务收入的比重)攀升至9.2。 食品(含烟草)实现主营业务收入6359亿元,增长20.8,增速同比放缓9.2个百分点。实现利润398亿元,增长34.5;工业税金506.2亿元,增长114。 钢铁行业实现主营业务收入3510亿元,增长1.8,利润总额34.6亿元,增长18.8。行业销售利润率仅1。 石化行业主营业务收入5138亿元,增长18.8;实现利润204.2亿元,增长38.1。子行业中,石油加工业净亏损0.2亿元,同比减亏13.6亿元;化工行业全年利润增长31.6,扭转上半年利润下降局面;石油开采业净亏损8.6亿元,橡胶塑料行业利润增长29.1。 建材行业实现主营业务收入2412亿元,增长27.1;实现利润167.2亿元,增长51.6。机械行业实现主营业务收入3886亿元,增长26.6;实现利润191.6亿元,增长23.8。其中,电气机械(家电)利润增长38.5,专用设备利润增长22.1,船舶行业利润增长18.9。2015年该省以下行业利润增速从高到低排序正确的是()。A.石化行业,建材行业,机械行业B.建材行业,石化行业,食品(含烟草)行业C.汽车行业,食品(含烟草)行业,钢铁行业D.食品(含烟草)行业,钢铁行业,汽车行业答案:B 本题解析:根据材料可知,2015年该省工业企业各行业利润增速分别为:石化行业38.1、建材行业51.6、机械行业23.8、汽车行业19.9、食品(含烟草)行业34.5、钢铁行业18.8,由高到低排序,B项正确。23.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:D 本题解析:这是一道图形符号叠加去同存异题。第一组图中的第一个图形与第二个图形相 加,并将相同的部分去掉,剩下一个圆,也就是第三个图形符号。所以第二组图中第一个图形加第二个图形去掉相同的部分,也就是第三个图形:底下少掉一个钝角的锐角三角形,所以剩下的就是 五角星的左右两个小翅膀。所以答案为D项。24.根据下列内容,回答199-202题。Even a small reduction in salt in the diet can be a big help to the heart. A new study used acomputer model to predict how just three grams less a day would affect heart disease in theUnited States.The result: thirteen percent fewer heart attacks. Eight percent fewer strokes. Four percentfewer deaths. Eleven percent fewer new cases of heart disease. And two hundred forty billiondollars in health care savings.Researchers found it could prevent one hundred thousand heart attacks and ninety-twothousand deaths every year.The study is in the New England Journal of Medicine. Kirsten at the University of California,was the lead author. She says people would not even notice a difference in taste with three grams,or one-half teaspoon, less salt per day. The team also included researchers at Stanford andColumbia University.Each gram of salt contains four hundred milligrams of sodium, which is how foods may listtheir salt content.The government says the average American man eats ten grams of salt a day. The AmericanHeart Association advises no more than three grams for healthy people. It says salt in the Americandiet has increased fifty percent since the nineteen-seventies, while blood pressures have also risen.Less salt can mean a lower blood pressure.New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is leading an effort called the National SaltReduction Initiative. The idea is to put pressure on food companies and restaurants.Mayor Bloomberg has already succeeded in other areas, like requiring fast food places in thecity to list calorie information. Now a study by the Seattle Childrens Research Institute shows howthat idea can influence what parents order for their children.Ninety-nine parents of three to six year olds took part. Half had McDonalds menus clearlyshowing how many calories were in each food. The other half got menus without the calorieinformation.All the following are related to the salt in diet except_.A.StrokesB.heart attacksC.blood pressuresD.stomach diseases答案:D 本题解析:从文章第二段可以得知,在饮食中跟盐没有关系的只有D项。25.In recent decades, there is a phenomenon which makes us give some attention, the so-called Southeast Asian Tigers have rivaled the westernlions for stock cliches that make economic headlines. The myth of American economic hegemony over Asia in the imposing and patriarchal figure of Uncle Sam has provided frequent political grist( 有利 ) for Southeast Asian political leaders,particularlyMalaysiasPrimeMinisterMahathir.Hehasattemptedtoforgean international reputation as a snarling tiger, but lately sounds more like a barnyard dog groaning at shadows. Without demeaning in any way the remarkable achievements of the newly developing economics of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, these nations at times appear to be their own worst enemies. This is often exemplified by Dr. Mahathir, who rails at Western evil whenever an international or domestic crisis provides an opportunity.To be more specific, the recent devaluation of the Philippine and Thai currencies, and the subsequent pressure on the Malaysian currency has inspired Dr. Mahathir to launch an all-out attack on the West as the source of the problem. He even alleges that the United States has deliberately destabilized Southeast Asian economics in revenge for these nations, supporting the brutal military rule in Mahathir, an action which the United States seems to want inspected rather than rewarded. But by resorting to such scapegoat(替罪羊), instead of accepting even a bit responsibility, the Prime Minister may undermine the future success of the region and Malaysia in particular.Upon further questioning, Dr. Mahathir narrowed his attack to one wealthy individual, the well-known philanthropist (慈善家), Mr. George Soros, whose opposition to Myanmars admission to ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Mahathir found particularity, irritating. The logical mistakes that underlie such conspiracy theories do not help Malaysia address the serious issues of economic overheating that experts have been warning about for all these difficult periods,which include large deficits and low savings to debt ratios. In fact, the recent dramatic drop in Malaysias stock market and currency has led Dr. Mahathir to reverse his initial approach to the crisis. He even announces measures that at least imply he is quite aware of excesses in his own administrations spending policies that have contributed to this crisis of confidence. In the end, this kind of reaction undermines the esteem that Dr. Mahathirs enlightened leadership has justly earned.The relative pronoun which in the last paragraph (Line 6) refers to ().A.expertsB.periodsC.theoriesD.issues答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析26.下列说法错误的一项是( )。A.垄断市场的销售量比完全竞争市场高B.垄断造成巨大的福利损失C.垄断产生规模经济D.垄断必须以法律形式予以禁止答案:A 本题解析:在完全垄断市场上,作为该种产品的唯一供给者的垄断厂商面对向F倾斜的需求曲线并在边际成本之上决定价格而不必考虑其他厂商削减其价格的可能性。结果,其销售量小于竞争市场的销售量并存在社会净损失。27.What can we learn about the middle class families from the text? _A.They blamed the government for the tuition increaseB.Their income remained steady in the last decadeC.They will try their best to send kids to collegeD.Their debts will be paid off within 25 years答案:C 本题解析:根据第六段中的“Theywill send kidsto collegewhateverittakes,evenifthatmeans a hugeamount of debt”可推断,应选C项。28.下列各句没有语病且句意明确的一项是()。A.他的学习成绩优异的原因是他认真学习的结果。B.浮夸自大的文风,在很大程度上会让部分国民心态“扭曲”、把主流价值“带偏”。C.它基本上已全部掌握了50种颅脑肿瘤的神经影像,这是任何一名人类医生都难以实现的。D.满山遍野响起了激动人心的口令。答案:B 本题解析:A项“的原因”和“的结果”语义重复,去掉“的结果”。C项“基本上”和“全部”语义矛盾,应将“基本上”删除。D项“口令”不能响起,应该将“口令”改为“口号”。B项没有语病。故本题正确答案选B。29.法国人为什么会把雄鸡作为本国的象征?流行的说法是在拉丁语中“高卢人”与“雄鸡”两词的书写和发音正好相同,于是以高卢人为祖先的法国人自然地将雄鸡当作本国的象征。这种把法国象征的来源简单地归为文字游戏的说法非常值得怀疑。其实,最早将法国比喻为雄鸡的是法国的敌人。在中世纪,雄鸡的形象往往是负面的:自负、易怒、好斗、爱虚荣。即使是在法国人自己的作品中,如列那狐传奇,雄鸡也常常遭到狐狸的欺骗或成为动物们的口中之食。因此,法国的敌人巧妙地将法国国王和他的臣民比喻为雄鸡。这段文字是一篇文章的引言,文章接下来最可能讲述的是()。A.法国人为什么喜欢雄鸡B.雄鸡形象负面意义产生的原因C.法国文学作品中的雄鸡形象D.法国人如何赋予雄鸡新的含义答案:D 本题解析:文段开篇提出把雄鸡作为法国象征的来源简单地归为文字游戏的说法非常值得怀疑,并指出最早将法国比喻为雄鸡的是法国敌人。在中世纪,雄鸡的形象往往是负面的,但是为什么法国会将雄鸡作为自己的象征,因此后文应该阐述的是法国人如何赋予雄鸡新的含义,使之成为自己的象征。30.The questions that the speaker raised were well _ the average adult.A.beyondB.onC.pastD.through答案:A 本题解析:此句意为这个演说家提出的问题远远地超过一般人的能力范围。beyond“超过”,符合句意故选A。31.环比发展速度等于()。A.逐期增长量与前一期水平之比B.累计增长量与最初水平之比C.报告期水平与最初水平之比D.报告期水平与前一时期水平之比答案:D 本题解析:环比发展速度是指报告期水平与前一时期水平之比,表明某一现象逐期的发展速度。32.Which of the following statements is true?_A.The author believes that a born naturalist can not be a scientistB.The author read a lot of books about the natural world and oil industryC.The authors brothers and sisters were good at music and languagesD.The author spend a lot of time working on riddles答案:C 本题解析:由第一段“Unlike them,I had no ear for music and languages”,可知,作者的兄弟姐妹们擅长于音乐和语言,故C项正确。A项无中生有,B项oilindustry错误,D项与第三段矛盾。33.在国际收支平衡表中,反映一国国际收支综合状况,衡量国际收支对该国储备压力的是( D )。A.经常差额B.资本差额C.基本差额D.综合差额答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析34.熊出没动画片成功后,投资方华强文化又利用这一品牌在全国各地特色主题公园里打造了熊出没主体专区,在玩偶、图书、影音以及电子设备等多个领域的授权合作也已经完成。其使用了( )。A.品牌质量策略B.家庭品牌策略C.品牌重新定位策略D.品牌延伸策略答案:D 本题解析:品牌延伸策略是指企业将某一知名品牌或某一具有市场影响力的成功品牌扩展到与成名产品或原产品不尽相同的产品上,以凭借现有成功品牌推出新产品的过程。35.患有行为紊乱症的动物的大脑组织中含有大量的铝元素。由于一种硅基化合物可以固定这些铝元素,并阻止其影响大脑组织,所以,这种化合物可以用来治疗动物的行为紊乱症。上述论证基于以下哪项假设?()A.患有行为紊乱症的动物的大脑组织中含有大量的铝元素,但其含量总保持在一定的水平上B.行为紊乱症不会使患病动物的大脑产生比正常动物更多的铝元素C.将这些硅基化合物引入大脑后不会有任何副作用D.不同种类的动物需要不同量的硅基化合物来治疗答案:B 本题解析:题干的推理过程是患有行为紊乱症的动物大脑中有大量铝元素,所以铝元素是造成患病的原因,而硅基化合物可以限制铝元素的作用,所以它能够用来治疗行为紊乱症。第一个结论的推导存在一个假设,即铝元素的大量存在不是行为紊乱症的后果,否则将不能说明铝元素是行为紊乱症产生的原因。所以选择B。36.城门打开,终于要完成任务了,你一阵欣喜,快步走进城里。没想到,刚走没几步,就被一群人抓来起来。原来,这些人凤凰城的守卫,其中一个守卫对你说道:“你看看这么面生,应该不是我们凤凰城的人。不是我们凤凰城的人,怎么会知道进城的路线?怎么会有进城的暗语?如果没有进城的路线和暗语,怎么能够进城?”根据这位守卫的话,你能推断出以下哪些事实?A.只要是凤凰城的人就知道进城的暗语B.只有凤凰城的人才能进入凤凰城C.只有知道进城暗语的人才能进入凤凰城D.不知道进城路线的人也不知道进城的暗语答案:B 本题解析:B。只有凤凰城的人才能进入凤凰城。37.Rising wages - together with currency fluctuations and high fuel costs - are eating away the once-formidableChina price advantage, prompting thousands of factory owners to flee the Pearl River Delta. Much has been written about the more than doubling of wages at the Shenzhen factory of Foxconn, the worlds largest electronics contract manufacturer, which produces Apple iPhones and iPads and employs 920,000 people in China alone.One can talk about a world pre- and post- Foxconn, says Victor Fung, chairman of Li & Fung, the worlds biggest sourcing company and a supplier of Wal-Mart. Foxconn is as important as that.Foxconns wage increases are only the most dramatic. Our analysis suggests that, since February, minimum wages have climbed more than 20 percent in 20 Chinese regions and up to 30 percent in some, including Sichuan. At a Guangdong Province factory supplying Honda, wages have risen an astonishing 47 percent. All this is bad news for companies operating in the worlds manufacturing hub, and chief executives should assume that double-digit annual rises - if not on the scale witnessed this year - are here to stay.Looked at another way, however, wage inflation provides companies with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to rethink radically the way they approach global production - and they should do so sooner rather than later.Why the urgency? After all, wage hikes in China are nothing new. Since 1990, they have risen by an average of 13 percent a year in U.S. dollar terms and 19 percent annually in the past five years.There are two big reasons the situation is different now. The first has to do with productivity.Over the past 20 years, productivity increases have broadly matched wage increase, negating their impact. The pay rises came from a very low base, so while average wages grew 19 percent a year from 2005 to 2010, this amounted to only ¥260 a month per employee, a sum that could be offset by more efficient production or switching to cheaper sources of parts and materials.If labor costs continue, however, to increase at 19 percent a year for another five years,monthly wages would grew ¥623 per month, according to BCG estimates. Such an increase would ripple through the economy in the form of higher prices for components, business services, cargo-handling and office staff.The second reason relates to societal change. Until now, if has been easy to lure a seemingly unlimited number of young, low-wage workers to the richer coastal regions and house them cheaply in dormitories until they saved enough to return home to their families in the interior provinces. In the future, though, young workers will be harder to recruit. This is partly because there will be fewer of them: Largely because of the countrys one-child policy, the number of Chinese aged 15 to 29 will start declining in 2011. Moreover, with living standards rising across China, fewer of todays rural youth will want to go to coastal regions to toil for 60 hours a week on an assembly line and live in a cramped dormitory.So what can CEOs do in this fast-changing environment? An instinctive reaction is to search for cheaper labor elsewhere. But this is short-sighted and would provide - at best - a short-term fix. Another option is to stay in China and try to squeeze out greater productivity gains. Which of the following


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