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建设银行深圳分行2023校园招聘-柜员及95533呼入客服代表岗-派遣上岸历年高频考点试卷答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第I卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.以下应作为债权处理的项目是()。A.应付账款B.应交税费C.预收账款D.预付账款答案:D 本题解析:应付账款、应交税费和预收账款都是负债类科目,应作为债务处理预付账款属于资产类科目,应作为债权处理。2.Modern scientists divide the process of dying into two stages-clinical or temporary death and biological death. Clinical death occurs when the vital organs, such as the heart or lungs, have ceased to function, but have not suffered permanent damage. The organism can still be revived. Biological death occurs when changes in the organism lead to the disintegration of vital cells and tissues. Death is then irreversible and final.Scientists have been seeking a way to prolong the period of clinical death so that the organism can be revived before biological death occurs. The best method developed so far involves cooling of the organism, combined with narcotic sleep. By slowing down the bodys metabolism, cooling delays the processes leading to biological death.To illustrate how this works, scientists performed an experiment on a six-year-old female monkey called Keta. The scientists put Keta to sleep with a narcotic. Then they surrounded her body with ice-bags and began checking her body temperature. When it had dropped to 28 degrees the scientists began draining blood from its body. The monkeys blood pressure decreased and an hour later both the heart and breathing stopped; clinical death set in. For twenty minutes Keta remained in this state. Her temperature dropped to 22 degrees. At this point the scientists pumped blood into its body in the direction of the heart and started artificial breathing. After two minutes the monkeys heart became active once more. After fifteen minutes, spontaneous breathing began, and after four hours Keta opened her eyes and lifted her head. After six hours, when the scientists tried to give her a penicillin injection, Keta seized the syringe and ran with it around the room. Her behavior differed little from that of a healthy animal.The best statement of the main idea of this passage is that _A.scientists have found a way to prolong the period of clinical deathB.biological death occurs when vital organs have suffered perumnent damageC.modern scientists divide the process of dying into clinical and biological deathD.cooling delays the processes leading to biological death答案:A 本题解析:A项“科学家已找到延长临床死亡的办法”最能够体现全文主旨。3.将甲乙两堆石子合在一起分成三堆,每堆有15 粒。已知甲堆数量比乙堆的3 倍少7 粒,甲堆有多少?A.13B.32C.15D.30答案:B 本题解析:(153+7)/4=13;133-7=32;45-32=13;即甲为32 粒,乙为13 粒。4.某公司财务部的二十名员工进行绩效排名,已知前十八名的平均分为85分,第十九名比第二十名多4分,所有人的平均绩效是82分,那么排名最后的员工绩效是()分。A.59B.57C.55D.53答案:D 本题解析:根据已知条件,可得D项正确;前十八名的总分为:8518=1530(分)所有人的总分为:8220=1640(分),因此第十九及二十名总分为1640-1530=110(分),设排名最后的员工绩效为x,则(x+4)+x=110,解得x=53,D选项符合题意。A、B、C选项错误。故本题应选D项。5.小红有集邮的习惯,他有1角和2角的邮票若干张,总价值17元,请问,他可能拥有的邮票张数最大值与最小值之差为()。A.55B.65C.75D.83答案:D 本题解析:邮票张数最大值为有168张1角和l张2角,共169张;最小值为有84张2角和2张1角共86张。所求为169-86=83张。6.面对大数据时代的到来,信息科技部员工的素质需要进一步提高。大数据并非一个确切的概念。最初,这个概念是指需要处理的信息量过大,已经超出了一般电脑在处理数据时所使用的内存量,因此工程师们必须改进处理数据的工具。这引致了新的处理技术的诞生,这些技术使得人们可以处理的数据量大大增加。更重要的是,这些数据不再需要传统的数据库表格来整齐地排列,一些可以消除僵化的层次结构和一致性的技术也出现了。同时,因为互联网公司可以收集大量有价值的数据,而且有利用这些数据的强烈的利益驱动力,所以互联网公司就顺理成章地成为最新处理技术的领头实践者,它们甚至超过了很多有几十年经验的线下公司,成为新技术的领衔使用者。这段话主要说明了()。A.凭借大数据的优势,互联网公司成为新技术的领头实践者B.大数据产生的时代背景和过程C.大数据时代已经到来D.互联网公司占据着极大的数据优势答案:B 本题解析:文段围绕“大数据”这一概念展开,首先介绍了大数据处理技术产生的背景,即需要处理的信息量过大,需要改进处理数据的工具,然后介绍了大数据处理技术产生的过程,即由互联网技术公司领头。7.Please provide the requested _ in writing to the receptionist at the front desk.A.informB.informationC.informedD.informing答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析8.妈妈花2000元给亚莉买了一架电子琴,可亚莉生性好动,对音乐没有什么兴趣,电子琴渐 渐落了灰。不久,亚莉妈妈的同事介绍说有一位音乐学院钢琴专业的老师可以给亚莉做 家教。这个时候你觉得亚莉妈妈会做何决定呢?亚莉妈妈决定请家教,理由是:“电子琴 都买了,当然要好好学,请一个老师教教,要不这个琴就浪费了!”于是,每月500元的付出 又坚持了半年,最终不得不放弃了。以上文字告诉我们的道理是( )。A.教育要尊重孩子的性格和爱好B.做事情需要有自己的主见C.凡事要三思而后行D.懂得放弃才能避免更大的损失答案:D 本题解析:意图推断题。妈妈买了电子琴,亚莉不愿意学,妈妈又怕电子琴浪费,于是又请了家教,然而最终结果只是徒增成本。这个故事告诉我们一个道理:当进行了一项不理性的行动后,应该忘记已经发生的行为和所支付的成本,首先考虑这项活动之后需要耗费的精力和能够带来的好处,再综合评定它能否给自己带来正效用。综观选项,D项最为符合。A项表述没有问题,但没有切中文段主旨;B项和C项表述片面。故本题正确答案为D。9.近年来立氏化妆品的销量有了明显的增长,同时,该品牌用于广告的费用也有同样明显的增长。业内人士认为立氏化妆品销量的增长。得益于其广告的促销作用。以下哪项如果为真最能削弱上述结论?()A.立氏化妆品的广告费用.并不多于其他化妆品B.立氏化妆品的购买者中.很少有人注意到该品牌的广告C.注意到立氏化妆品广告的人中.很少有人购买该产品D.近年来.化妆品的销售总量有明显增长答案:B 本题解析:结论认为是广告的作用促进了销量的增长。而B选项恰恰相反,认为化妆品的购买者申,很少有人注意到该品牌的广告,即绝大多数购买者都没有受到广告的影响,指出了前提与结论之间没有必然联系因此该化妆品销量的增长就是由其他原因引起的削弱了该结论。C选项虽然说很少有人购买,但也有可能是这些购买者使化妆品的销量增长,削弱程度不如B选项。A、D两项都没有否认广告的促销作用。故答案选B。10.If you use your commute to catch up on work email, that time should be counted as part of the working day, according to a new study by researchers who analyzed thousands of commutersonline habits. If travel time were to count as work time, there would be many social and economic impacts. said Juhet Jain, one of the academics from the University of the West of England who surveyed several thousand commuters on trains in and out of London.Most respondents expressed how they consider their commute as time to catch up with work, before or after their traditional working day, according to a summary of the study.“This transitional time also enabled people to switch roles, for example from being a parent getting the kids ready for 3 school in the morning to a business director during the day The study quotes a working mother named Katheryn saying. Its really important to my sanity that I can get work done on the tram. I am a busy mum and I rely on that time, so I can get things done”Another commuter, Andrew, told the researchers.“Its dead time in a way so what it allows me to do is finish stuff and not work in the evenings. The study notes that while work rules vary around the world, some commuters in Norway are already able to count travel time as part of their working day”The findings on workers use of smartphones and other devices to stay plugged in highight the importance of providing Wi-Fi to commuters, according to the academics, who presented their study at the Royal Geographical Society. To ollet the data, they focused on two train lines that boosted the amount of free Wi-Fi they offered. On the Birmingham to London line, 60 percent of commuters connected to the enhanced network. The results hint at what are likely to be increasingly complicated work-life discussions, in which employees and their bosses debate what qualifies as work and where the line between personal and professional time should be drawn. Discussing the results in a news release, Jain said, It may ease commuter pressure on peak hours and allow for more comfort and flexibility around working times. However, it may also demand more survillance and accountability for productivity.In addition to potential ramifications for mass transit that the British researchers highlighted,the idea of claiming commuting time on the clock could also appeal to workers who use other means of travel. Take, for instance, people who rely on ride. share companies to get to their jobs. And the discussion seems certain to widen in the near future, to inc lude a looming wave of self-driving cars that - in theory, at least -promises to free up more travel time for drivers.As for rail commuters, the researchers said their work shows it s important that trains “ffer a good working environment including tables , power。space and good continuous connectivity for internet and phone calls How do most respondents think of the transitional time. in their commutes? A.It is a waste of timeB.It is worthy time periodC.It depends on the distanceD.It needs to be paid答案:B 本题解析:细节题。题目关键词transitional time,定位文章第二段“This transitional time also enabled people to switch roles, ”“Its really important to my sanity that I can get work done on the tram. I am a busy mum and I rely on that time, so I can get things done”可以确定选项B正确。其它选项均不符合文章大意。11.公司中有多个部门以及多名职员,每个职员只能属于一个部门,一个部门可以有多名职员,从职员到部门的联系类型是( )。A.多对多B.多对一C.一对一D.一对多答案:B 本题解析:在公司中,由于每个职员只能属于一个部门,一个部门可以有多名职员。因此职员与部门之间是多对一关系。12.To order tickets for 20080lympic Games,just call 952008It_be simplerA.mustB.couldC.mustntD.couldn,t答案:D 本题解析:It couldnt be simpler意思是不能再简单了。13.Love Animal ShelterFoster Owner ProgramYou can help save a dogs life by becoming a foster owner until we find a loving owner to adopt your pet or until we reunite them with their original owner. We have dogs of all ages for you to care for, and many require special attention.Although being a foster owner is one of the most rewarding experiences in the world, its emotional, physical, and financial demands should be given careful consideration. For this reason, we require all of our applicants go through an orientation program at our shelter so that they can get used to the responsibilities of caring for a dog and decide for themselves if they would like to continue doing it. We will also have one of our staff conduct a home and lifestyle evaluation to determine if each applicants living situation is suitable for one of our dogs. Additionally, once a dog has been placed in your care, our adoption center will be on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help with any situations that arises.For more information on our foster owner program, including testimonials from current and previous foster owners, visit .What is the purpose of the advertisement?A.To encourage people to adopt a petB.To encourage people to become foster ownersC.To encourage people to donate to the animal shelterD.To encourage people to volunteer at the animal shelter答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析14.关于国际收支,下列说法正确的是()。A.国际收支反映的内容是以货币记录的交易B.依据交易双方的国籍可以判定该项交易是否应包含在国际收支的范围内C.国际收支记录的是一国居民间的交易D.一国的领事馆在所在国的消费不计人国际收支答案:A 本题解析:在狭义上,国际收支是指在一定时期内,一国居民与非居民所发生的全部货币或外汇的收入和支出。在广义上,国际收支是指在一定时期内,一国居民与非居民所进行的全部经济交易的以一定货币计值的价值量总和。居民是经济概念,不以国籍为标准,而是看居住地和居住时间,凡是在本国居住时间超过一年的自然人和法人,不论其国籍如何。均属本国居民。15.It can be known from the passage that increase in the salinity of ocean water is caused by_.A.melting of sea iceB.precipitationC.evaporationD.supplement of salt答案:C 本题解析:根据第一段“One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evapora-tionIn this manner,the salinity is increased”可知,答案为C,即海水蒸发可使盐度增加。16.根据以下内容,回答240-244题。The leaders of Detroits struggling Big Three automakers are appearing before the Senate today, where prospects of 25 billion in emergency loans to the industry appear to be stalling.Amid GOP cries of corporate welfare, Senate Majority Leader Reid introduced a bill yester-day to let the automakers and component suppliers tap into some of the money Congress allotted in the ¥700 billion financial bailout.Reid, launching a lame-duck session, warned of apotential meltdown in the industry with devastating consequences. He said 355,000 people are employed by the industry and 4.5 million more work in related industries. An additional 1 million people, retirees and their relatives, are covered by retirement and medical plants within the industry, he said.The Big Three-General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler-have been whipsawed by the faltering economy and credit crunch.But the odds do not look good for Detroit. At the heart of the debate is whether automakers are deserving as a linchpin of the U.S. economy or not, in the words of one high-profile critic,Republican Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, is an innovation-averse dinosaur.Shelby, appearing on Sunday to meet the Press, said Get rid of the management. Get rid of the boards-the people who brought them to where they are today. This is a dead end. Its a road to nowhere, and its a big burden on the American taxpayer.Republicans attacked the measure on several fronts. Some questioned the rush to judgment,others warned that other industries would soon line up for help. And some charged that the firms brought on their troubles by agreeing to union contracts with wages and benefits costing an average of ¥73 an hour, compared with ¥28 an hour for the average private firm.GOP Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania said the ¥700 billion rescue was the No.1 issued when he toured the state recently.Candidily, the temperature of my constituents was boiling,212degrees Fahrenheit, and the thermometer was broken, he said.Some opponents prefer that the automakers pursue Chapter 11 reorganizations instead of hitting up Uncle Sam.Democrats argue that the ¥25 billion is only 4 percent of the bigger bailout. Reids spokesman, Jim Manley, said the bill has robust language on corporate oversight, taxpayer protections, and executive compensation limits.A compromise could be struck if Democrats bowed to GOP pressure and, instead of new loans,rewrote the rules for ¥25 billion in loans granted to automakers to help them retool factories to build fuel-efficientvehicles. Itsmind boggling,oneRepublicansaidof Democratsintransigence. If I were them, Id want to get this off my plate before Obama becomes president.The automotive executives, Alan Mulatly, Fords president and CEO, Robert Nardelli,Chryslers chairman and CEO, and Rick Wagoner, GMs chairman and CEO, are to appear before the Senate Banking Committee. Shelby is the top Republican on the panel.The post-election lame-duck session is the last chance to sign off on the measure during this Congress. The bill probably can pass the House, but prospects are iffy in the Senate, where Democrats need 60 votes to block an expected filibuster.If nothing passes, it could be taken up in January by the next Congress, which will have a broader Democratic majority.Harry Reid proposed a bill for the automakers because ().A.GOP called for corporate welfareB.the leaders of the Big Three came to Senate to stall the loansC.the breakdown of American auto industry will affect millions of peoples lifeD.¥700 billion emergency loans is to be tapped into答案:A 本题解析:由文章第二段开头可知。17.2012年某市开展了市民阅读情况调查,调查采取随机抽样方式,访问了本市12周岁以上的1000名市民调查显示,多数受访者保持每天阅读的良好习惯。其中:阅读时间在12小时的为44.8%,23小时的为11.6%,3小时以上的7.5%。42.8%的受访者每年阅读量16本书,10.8%阅读量在712本书,10.5%阅读量在13本及以上。当被问及没有更多时间阅读的原因时,57.9%的受访者选择“工作学习太忙”,比重最高;其次为“家务太多”,比重为28.7%;没有值得读的好书”“娱乐活动太多”“对阅读不感兴趣”“书价太责”的比重依次为17.5%、18.1%、10.3%、23.5%。受访者中有多少人每天阅读时间在1小时以上?( )A.448B.523C.564D.639答案:D 本题解析:“阅读时间在12小时的为44.8%,23小时的为11.6%,3小时以上的7.5%”则44.8%+11.6%+7.5%=63.9%,1000X63.9%=639?故选D项。18.Questions 85-87 refer to the following advertisement.Gaining green card may involve the black market costs. The green card application process can take a long time, and people often have to eat while waiting for their papers. Many immigrants have resolved this through the acquisition of fake documents. (Note as an attorney, I emphatically do not recommend this. But people do it. A lot.) At their best (and most expensive), fake papers can be quite useful. From talking to immigrants, I have learned that there is a man in a certain Central American capital who, for $6000, will get you a U.S. passport with a name and photo of your choosing that will scan as real on border crossing computers. In New York City, $150-$200 will get you work documents connected to a real Social Security number. $75 will get you a color copy on thick paper that looks like a Social Security card as long as you dont look closely enough to see that it is actually a “Social Security” card.What is the best title of this passage?A.Pitfalls of Black Market transactionsB.Disadvantages of Fake Documents as a SolutionC.Benefits of Fake Documents as a SolutionD.Black Market Costs of Green Card答案:D 本题解析:文章第一句即为文章的主旨句,该句指出:申请绿卡在某些时候可能涉及到黑市花钱买假证件。后文主要详细地介绍了这方面的花费情况。19.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:A 本题解析:本题考查的元素组成的数目,第一个图形是由两个相同的元素组成的,元素种类为1,同理下面图形的种类分别为2、1、2、1、(2),选项中只有A满足这样的规律。20.下列关于天文方面的表述不正确的是( )A.火星是太阳系八大行星之一,其外表呈橘红色是因为地表被赤铁矿覆盖B.黑洞理论和大爆炸理论是由英国物理学家、宇宙学家斯蒂芬*威廉*霍金创立的C.授时历是中国古代最优秀的历法,它的回归年的长度和现行公历所采用的数值几乎相同D.国际公认以通过格林尼治的经线为本初子午线,定为经度180度,也就是世界“时区”的起点答案:D 本题解析:火星(Mars)是太阳系八大行星之一,是太阳系由内往外数的第四颗行星,櫥红色外表是因为地表的赤铁矿;斯蒂芬.威廉.霍金,英国剑桥大学应用数学、理论物理学教授,证明了黑洞的面积定理,即随着时间的增加黑洞的面积不减。授时历为公元1281年(元至元十八年)实施的历法名,其法以365.2425日为一岁,距近代观测值365.2422仅差26秒,精度与公历(指1582年格里高利历)相当,但比西方早采用了300多年;1884年,在华盛顿召开的国际经度学术会议上,正式确定以经过格林尼治天文台的经线作为全球的零度经线,公认为世界计算经度的起点线。故本题选D。21.2,3,1,4,9,()招行真题A.16B.12C.25D.20答案:C 本题解析:(2-3)*2=1(4-9)*2=25。jinkaodian22.实业钢铁厂将竞选厂长。如果董来春参加竞选则极具竞选实力的郝建生和曾思敏不参加竞选。所以,如果董来春参加竞选。他将肯定当选。为使上述论证成立,以下哪项是必须假设的?()当选者一定是竞选实力最强的竞选者如果董来春参加竞选那么,他将是唯一的候选人在实业钢铁厂,除了郝建生和曾思敏没有其他人的竞选实力比董来春强A.仅仅B.仅仅C.和D.、和答案:C 本题解析:选项必须假设,否则题干从竞选实力来立论就不成立。选项必须假设,因为如果还有其他人的竞选实力比董来春强的话则董来春就不一定当选了。选项不必假设,因为董来春肯定当选。不必假设他是唯一的候选人即使他不是唯一的候选人只要其他候选人的实力差,就可以保证董来春肯定当选。23.英国科学家提出测试可再生能源效率的简单方法:1公顷能源作物制成的燃料可以让汽车行驶多远。其中,生物柴油在测试中表现最差,仅能使车辆行驶2万公里;生物乙醇可使车辆行驶3万公里:由厌氧发酵的农作物等产生的生物沼气可使车辆行驶将近97万公里。因此,科学家认为。生物沼气将是未来最有发展前途的生物燃料。以下哪项如果为真,不能质疑以上结论?()A.生物沼气的生产成本远高于生物柴油和生物乙醇B.乙醇燃料的生产要耗费大量的水资源。不利于环保C.以粮食为原料生产生物燃料将会导致全球粮食危机D.生物沼气的生产、运输过程费水、费电、费能源答案:B 本题解析:科学家的观点为生物沼气将是未来最有发展前途的生物燃料,A项生产成本高、C项会导致全球粮食危机和D项费水、费电、费能源均质疑了题干结论的可行性;而B项的乙醇燃料和生物沼气无关。故答案选B。24.一辆大型汽车从甲城到乙城需 8 小时,一辆轿车从乙城到甲城需 6 小时,客车开了 2 小时后,轿车出发,轿车出发( )小时两车才能相遇。A.2B.18/7C.22/7D.3答案:B 本题解析:设甲、乙两城之间的距离为 24,则根据题意,客车每小时行驶 3,轿车每小时行驶 4。客车开了 2 小时后,轿车出发,这是两车之间的距离为 2432=18。相遇需要的时间为18/3+4=18/7。25.在伊索寓言中,有这样一个故事:老鼠们在一起开会,商讨怎样才能不被猫抓住。其中一只老鼠提议。在猫的脖子上挂一个铃铛。全体老鼠欢声雷动:“这个主意太好了!”但当有鼠问怎样才能将铃铛挂到猫的脖子上时,刹那间全体老鼠鸦雀无声。这个故事所包含的道理不包括()。A.有时候.方法比想法更重要B.敢想敢做,梦想才有可能变为现实C.没有方法对应的想法。是没有价值的D.想法要切合实际。否则就是空想答案:B 本题解析: 这个故事告诉我们想法要切合实际,很多时候方法比想法更重要,因为没有对应的操作方法的所谓想法,注定只是空想。A、C、D的表述均可从这个寓言中得出。B项强调要“敢想敢做”,显然与故事意思相悖。本题的答案为B。 26.下述关于数据库系统的叙述中正确的是()。A.数据库系统减少了数据冗余B.数据库系统避免了一切冗余C.数据库系统中数据的一致性是指数据类型的一致D.数据库系统比文件系统能管理更多的数据答案:A 本题解析:数据库系统是由数据库及其管理软件组成的系统,是为适应数据处理的需要而发展起来的一种较为理想的数据处理系统,也是一个为实际可运行的存储、维护和应用系统提供数据的软件系统,是存储介质、处理对象和管理系统的集合体。数据库系统减少了数据冗余。27.某公司在原有基础(销售部70人,售后服务部30人)上扩大规模现售后服务部新增加8人。为使销售部和售后服务部人数比例低于2:1,问销售部人数最多能增加的比例为( )。A.10.3%B.11.5%C.9%D.8.6%答案:D 本题解析:售后38人,则销售增加到76人,6/70=8.6%。28.国务院发布的“宽带中国”战略及实施方案提出,到()年宽带网络全面覆盖城乡。A.2015B.2020C.2025D.2030答案:B 本题解析:国务院发布的“宽带中国”战略及实施方案提出,到2020年宽带网络全面覆盖城乡。29.汉书?艺文志?诗赋略著录了西汉乐府歌辞的篇目,其中采自各地的乐府民歌共138 篇,这个数目已接近诗经的国风。汉书?艺文志在著录各地“歌诗”的数目时,又有 “声曲折”的著录,如在“河南周歌诗七篇”下,又有“河南周歌声曲折七篇”的记载,可见当时采集时是乐曲、歌词并录的,因年代久远,又有其乐曲已失传,保留下来的就是当时可以 合乐歌唱的歌词。对“歌诗”和“声曲折”理解正确的一项是( )。A.“歌诗”指乐府民歌,“声曲折”指当时流行的乐府音乐B.“歌诗”指乐府民歌,“声曲折”指乐府民歌写的歌词C.“歌诗”指乐府民歌的歌词,“声曲折”指乐府民歌的曲谱D.“歌诗”指乐府民歌的曲谱,“声曲折”指乐府民歌的歌词答案:C 本题解析:“歌诗”指乐府民歌的歌词,“声曲折”指乐府民歌的曲谱。30.第45题答案是_A.financeB.assistanceC.fortuneD.legislation答案:D 本题解析:A“finance”财政,B“assistance”援助,C“for


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