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江西2022中国农业发展银行江西分行校园招聘笔试参考题库答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.2013年4月4日,农业部发布公告,将从家禽、鸽子中检出的新禽流感病毒()纳入一类动物疫病管理。A.H7N1B.SARSC.H7N9D.H5N2答案:C 本题解析:据农业部网站消息,农业部新闻办公室2013年4月4日发布,国家禽流感参考实验室从上海市送检的松江区沪淮农副产品批发市场鸽子样品中检测到H7N9禽流感病毒,基因序列分析结果表明该毒株为低致病力禽流感病毒,与H7N9禽流感病毒人分离株高度同源。鉴于该病毒对人的生命安全构成威胁农业部决定将动物感染H7N9禽流感病毒暂时纳入一类动物疫病管理。同时要求对上海市相关市场采取严格的动物疫病防控措施。农业部要求扩大H7N9禽流感病毒监测范围,根据监测结果,采取进一步防范措施。2.For the past 3, 000 years, when pcople thought of money they thought of cash. From buying food to settling bar tabs, day-to-day dealings involved creased paper or clinking bits of metal.Over the past decade,however ,digital payments have taken off- tapping your plastic on a terminal or swiping a smartphone has become normal. Now this revolution is about to turn eash into an endangered specics in some rich cconomics. That will make the cconomy more efieicnt - -but it also poscs new problems that could hold the transition hostage.Countries are eliminating ceash at varying speeds. But the direction of travel is clear, and in some cases the joumey is nearly complete. In Sweden the number of retail cash transactions per person has fallen by 80% in the past ten years. Cash accounts for just 6% of purchases by value in Norway. Britain is probably four or six years behind the Nordic countries. America is perhaps a deeade behind. Outside the rich world, cash is still king. But even there its dominance is being croded. In China digital payments rose from 4% of all payments in 2012 to 34% in 2017.Cash is dying out beause of two forees. One is demand- younger consumers want payment systems that plug scamlessly into their digital lives. But equally important is that supplirs such as banks and tech firms (in developed markets) and telccoms companics (in emerging oncs) are developing fast, easy-to-use payment technologics from which they can pull data and pocket fees.There is a high cost to running the infrastructure behind the cash economy- ATMs, vans carrying notes, tellers who acept coins. Most financial firms are keen to abandonit, or deter old-fashioned customers with hefly fees.In the main,the prospect of a cashless economy is excellent news. Cash is inefficient. In rich countries, minting, sorting, storing and distributing it is cstimated to cost about 0.5% of GDP. But that does not begin to capture the gains. When payments dematerialize, people and shops are less vulnerable to theft. Govermments can keep closer tabs on fraud or tax evasion.Digitalisation vastly expands the playground of small businesses and sole traders by enabling them to sell beyond their borders. It also creates a credit history, helping consumers borrow.Yet set against these benefts are a bundle of worries. Eleotronic payment systems may be vulnerable to technical failures power blackouts and cyber- atacks- this weck Capital One,an American bank, became the latest fim to be hacked. In a cashless economy the poor, the elderly and country folk may be left behind. And eradicating cash, an anonymous payment method, for a digital system could let govemments snoop on peoples shopping habits and private titans exploit their personal data.These problems have three remedies. First, govermments need to ensure that central banks monopoly over coins and notes is not replaced by private monopolies over digital money. Rather than ltting a few credil-card firms have a stranglehold on the eleetronic pipes for digital payments, as America may yet allow; gov emments must ensure the payments plumbing is open to a range of digital firms which can build services on top of it. They should urge banks to offer cheap,instant,bank-to-bank digital transfers between deposit accounts ,as in Sweden and the Netherlands. Competition should keep priccs low so that the poor can afford most services, and it should also mean that if one firm stumbles others can step in,. making the system resilient. Sccond, govemments should maintain banks obligation to keep customcr information private, so that the plumbing remains anonymous. Digital firms that use this plumbing to offer services should be free to monetise transaction data, through, for example, advertising, so long as their business model is made explicit to uscrs. Some customers will favour free services that track their purchases; others will want to pay to be left alonc.Last, the phasc-out of cash should be gradual. For a period of ten years, banks should be obliged to accept and distribute cash in populated areas. This will buy govermments time to help the poor open bank accounts, educate the elderly and beef up internet access in rural areas. The rush towards digital money is the result of spontaneous demand and innovation. To pocket all the rewards, govemments need to prepare for the day when erumpled bank noles change hands for the last time.Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of cashless economy based on the article?( )A.Govemments can keep closer tabs on fraud or tax evasion,B.Cashless economy vastly expands the play ground of small bus inesses and sole traders byenabling them to sell beyond their bordersC.When payments dematerialise people and shops are less vulncrable to thef,D.Countries are hiring more tellers to aecepl coins for them答案:D 本题解析:细节理解题。由第四段中“当支付电子化时,人们和商店就不那么容易被盗。政府可以对欺诈和逃税进行更密切的监控。数字化使小型企业和个体贸易商能够在海外销售产品,从而极大地拓展了经营范围”可知A. B、C项均正确,D项表述错误,所以答案选D。3.下列属效力待定合同的是( )。A.显失公平合同B.乘人之危合同C.重大误解合同D.越权所签订的合同答案:D 本题解析:效力待定合同是指已成立的合同因不符合有关生效要件的规定其效力是否发生尚未确定,而有待其他行为使之确定的合同,包括无权代理、越权代理及限制民事行为能力人签订的合同。选项D正确。选项A、B、C属于我国合同法规定的可撤销的合同。4.(1)多数推销员在从事推销工作时对成交往往抱有侥幸的投机心理,然而对一位_营销技巧的专业推销员而言,成交绝非偶然。(2)客户对一些产品有购买意向,就产品的价格或者销售人员的介绍会提出一些问题或者_。上面各句的横线处,依次应填入的一组词是( )。A.熟悉;疑义B.熟习;疑义C.熟习;异议D.熟悉:异议答案:B 本题解析:“熟悉”侧重指对知识知道得清楚。“熟习”侧重指对工作技能学习或掌握得很熟练。对应(1)句中“推销技巧”,用“熟习”恰当,排除AD。“异议”指有不同看法。“疑义”指不了解或不理解的含义或道理。与“提出一些问题”对应,应选“疑义”。故本题答案为B。5.某人订购某种商品60件每件定价100元。该人对商店提出条件:“每减价1元多订购3件”(如卖99元一件,则该人总共要多订购3件),商店经理计算了一下,如果减价4,由于对方多订购,仍能获得原来一样多的利润,则这种商品成本是多少元?()农行真题A.43B.76C.88D.93答案:B 本题解析:设这种商品成本为x元,按原价每件的利润为(100-x)元,减价4后每件的利润为100(1-4)-x=(96-x)元,由题意列方程:(100-x)60=(96-x)(60+10043),解之得:x=76。6. 双边业务谈判时,如果谈判桌一端对着人Vl,则以进入正门的方向为准,来宾居( )而坐,东道主则坐在另一边。 A.左B.右C.南D.北答案:B 本题解析:座次安排是洽谈礼仪一个非常重要的方面。业务洽谈,特别是双边的多用长方形的桌子,通常宾主相对而坐,各占一边。谈判桌横对入口时,来宾对门而坐,东道主背门而坐:谈判桌一端对着人口时,以进入正门的方向为准,来宾居右而坐,东道主居左而坐。7.2012年一季度,北京市旅游市场开局良好,旅游总收入和接待旅游总人数同步增长。 一季度,北京市共接待旅游总人数4371.5万人次,比上年同期增长9.3。实现旅游总收入692.2亿元,增长9.0。其中,接待国内旅游人数4269.1万人次,增长9.3,实现国内旅游收入622.9亿元,增长9.0;接待入境旅游人数102.4万人次,增长9.2,其中,接待外国游客87.9万人次,增长10.3。实现旅游外汇收入10.7亿美元,增长9.2。 从三大主要客源国接待量来看,一季度,累计接待美国、韩国、日本入境游客占全市入境游客总数的34.8。其中,接待美国游客14.7万人次,增长6.9;接待日本游客10.7万人次,增长25.7;接待韩国游客10.4万人次,下降0.4。 从洲际客源市场来看,一季度,累计接待各大洲的入境游客数量全面增长。其中,接待亚洲游客37.3万人次,增长12.4;接待欧洲游客25.4万人次,增长9.8;接待美洲游客19.7万人次,增长7.4;接待大洋洲游客3.5万人次,增长28.9;接待非洲游客1.3万人次,增长30.9。图 接待入境游客情况2011年第一季度,北京市累计接待美国、韩国、日本入境游客占全市入境游客总数的()。A.29.7B.32.3C.34.9D.35.3答案:C 本题解析:由文字资料第一段可知,2011年第一季度,北京市累计接待入境游客总数为102.4(19.2)93.77(万人次),累计接待美国、韩国、日本入境游客总数为14.7(16.9)10.7(125.7)10.4(10.4)13.758.5110.4432.7(万人次),故北京市累计接待美国、韩国、日本入境游客占全市入境游客总数的比例32.793.7734.9。8.办公自动化是将现代化办公和计算机网络功能结合起来的一种新型的办公方式,是当前新技术革命中一个技术应用领域,属于信息化社会的产物。办公自动化简称为()A.CIB.OAC.ISD.OB答案:B 本题解析:本题考査管理常识。一般地说,办公自动化简称OA(OfficeAutomation),是指利用先进的科学技术,尽可能充分地利用信息资源,提高生产、工作率和质量,辅助决策,求取更好地经济效益。故选B。9.-Guess what? One bullet struck my car,_ missing me yesterday!-Lucky you! Come back to our motherland as soon as possible!A.narrowlyB.nearlyC.lightlyD.slightly答案:A 本题解析:narrowly是意为“狭窄地,勉强地”;nearly意为“是几乎,将近”;lightly是意为“轻轻地,轻松地”:slightly意为“是稍微,轻微”。根据句子意思判断,昨天一颗子弹击中了“我”的车,“我”差点儿就没命了。A项符合句意,表示“险些击中我”。如果用B项,则表示“击中了”,与后面的Lucky you矛盾。故选A。10.货币有多种分类,若按发行者来分类,则不包括( )。A.法定货币B.私营货币C.真实货币D.区域货币答案:C 本题解析:以发行者来分类,货币可分为公钱(法定货币)、私营货币和区域货币(社区货币)。公钱一般由政府发行,当它存在的时候,一般占主导地位。私营货币和区域货币则由非政府机构发行。11.现代金融交易中,新闻对交易的决箫具有一定的作用和影响,( ) 技术提供通过对意见分析的交易决策作用。A.快速文本分析B.关键信息分析C.内容来源分析D.真实性分析答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析12.11,12,16,39,67,122,()A.228B.230C.336D.340答案:A 本题解析:本题是递推数列题。从第四项开始,每项都等于它前面三项之和,即三项和数列,具体规律如下:11+12+16=39,12+16+39=67,16+39+67=122,所以未知项为39+67+122=228。故正确答案为A。13.面 对_的房价,现在有一种通过增加土地供给,以扩大供给来抑制房价上涨的主张,这种主张是个极大的误区。填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.居髙不下B.奔逸绝尘C.一日千里D.居髙临下答案:A 本题解析:“居高不下”形容某种情况保持在较高的水平或者状态,没有下降的趋 势,主要指价格、行情等,用在此处形容“房价”,A项正确。“奔逸绝尘”形容走得极快;也形容 人才十分出众,无人企及。“一日千里”原形容马跑得很快,后比喻进展极快。句子要表达的意 思是现在房价过高,而不是房价上涨得过快,因此C项不合题意。“居高临下”形容占据的地 势非常有利。14._。历史证明,哪怕是最有效率的万能政府,实际上也不可能全面介入管理每一个家庭或者宗族的具体生活,正如大脑不能指挥身上的每一个细胞的具体活动一样。填入上面横线的句子,与上下文衔接最恰当的一向是( )。A.家庭是国家和社会的细胞B.人类历史的发展和家庭是分不开的C.家和万事兴D.正是一个个不起眼的家庭组成了大社会答案:A 本题解析:此类题型的正确选项要保证文段话题的统一性。从后文语境可知,文段主要是描述了家庭与政府的关系,与此相关的为A、D 项。再由A 项的“细胞”与后文的对应关系可知本题正确答案为A。15. Nuclear power plants in Europe have been forced to_electricity production becauseof warmer-than-usual seawater. A.cutinB.cut offC.cut outD.cut back答案:B 本题解析:由于海水温度高于正常水平,欧洲核电站被迫XX发电。cut in打断、插入; cutoffr切段、 中断(供给); cut out删掉、戒除; cut back削减、减少(开支等)。根据句意,本题选B.16.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:直线条数递减。第1列从上到下:8、7、6;第2列从下到上:5,4,3;第3列 从上到下:2,1,(0)。17.Why are you so () about that old coat? Although it is a gift from you grandfather, it is almost worn out.A.self-evidentB.seldomC.sentimentalD.sensitive答案:C 本题解析:为何你对那旧外套如此有感情?虽然是祖父给你的礼物,但它几乎要穿破了。18. 二胡演奏家胡某,在其晚年的演奏表演中,并没有像其青年时代那样严格遵守曲目的节律,而是融入了其毕生演奏形成的精微而细致的体验。最近,市面上出现了一部她演奏的作品,经其粉丝倾听鉴别,发现此作品与其早年演奏的一样,严格遵守曲目的节律。因此断定此作品是其早年的作品,更具收藏价值。 上面论断所依据的前提是( )。A.胡某在晚年演奏时,比早年更不愿意打破其一贯坚守的戒律B.随着演奏技巧及领悟作品内涵的功力日渐深厚,胡某越来越意识不到她是在演奏别人的作品C.在其晚年的演奏中,她是业内唯一有意在演奏中加入个人节律的演奏家,这使得其演奏更多地充满了个人风格D.胡某在晚年演奏时,没有再以其青年时代那样的方式,演奏过任何一部作品答案:D 本题解析:利用否定代入法。假如D项为假,即胡某在晚年演奏时,还以其青年时代那样的方式,演奏过一些作品,那么题干中从“此作品与其早年演奏的一样”就不能推出“此作品是其早年的作品”的结论。故题干中的论断所依据的前提是D项。故选D项。19.根据以下数字的规律,空缺处应填入的是( )。1,2,4,8,16,32,64,( )A.96B.81C.128D.72答案:C 本题解析:该数列为公比为2的等比数列,所求项为64*2=128。C项正确,A、B、D选项不符合题意,故本题正确答案选择C项。20.1Excelon Travel Service, Inc711 Market StreetSan Francisco, California 94102Dear Mr. Miza:Thank you for giving Excelon Travel Services the opportunity to arrange your family s vacationtravel plans. As an additional service to you, we have provided an overview of your travel andhotel arrangements (all times are local): Which of the following aspect is not described for the person in the old picture that the author s daughter showed to him? A.figureB.skinC.ageD.hair答案:A 本题解析:细节题。题干中问的是作者女儿展示给他的老照片中的人物没有被描述到的方面是什么?文章第一段的第二句话“There l was a skinny 12 years old with thick,bushy,brown hair.”的意思“当时的我是一个12 岁长着棕色而又浓密的瘦弱男孩。”所以我们可知,所给的信息有B 头发、C年龄、D 身材,唯独没有A 选项的皮肤。所以正确选项为A。21.什么是移情作用?用简单的话来说,它就是人在观察外界事物时,设身处在事物的境地, 把原来没有生命的东西看成有生命的东西,仿佛它也有感觉、思想、情感、意志和活动。同 时,人自己也受到对事物的这种错觉的影响,多少和事物发生同情和共鸣。下列描述中不包含移情作用的一项是( )。A.感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心B.我们同松柏一起昂首挺立,同大风一起狂吼,和波浪一起拍打岸石C.意绪颓唐时读刺客传或听贝多芬的第五交响曲便觉慷慨淋漓D.咣的一声,黑夜就到来了。一个昏黄的、方方的大月亮出现在对面墙上答案:D 本题解析:D项没有表现出“设身处地”,没有产生“共鸣”。22.若微机系统需要热启动,应同时按下组合键( )。A.Ctrl+Alt+BreakB.Ctrl+Esc+DelC.Ctrl+Alt+DelD.Ctrl+Shift+Break答案:C 本题解析:微机系统需要热启动,应同时按下组合键Ctrl+Alt+Del。23.Those two baseball teams _ some scheduled games due to the unexpected hurricane.A.should postponeB.had to be postponedC.postponesD.will postponing答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析24.Theres been a steady drumbeat of warmings about a surge in risky corporate borrowing-but not much clarity serious the threat is. At issue is the more than S1 million market in leveraged loans. Thats Wall Street jargon for loans to business with less than rook-solid finances, Federal Reserve and European Central Hank officials have drawn to the rise in corporate debt and the deterioration or lending standards. The loans are often bundled into securities ollateralized loan obligations (CLOs).Most of the watchdogs are carceful to say a repeat of the 2007-2008 crisis is unlikely because most of the debt banks. But that creates another problem Regulators focused on banks are largely in the dark when it comes to where the risks he and how they might ripple through the financial system when the economy turns down. A big over-indebted businesses could face severe stress and, in some cases, insolvency, threatening jobs and deepen downturn.The mechanics of the leveraged loan market will be familiar to students of the housing crisis.With interesting investors are willing to take greater risks to get higher yields. That makes lots of money available for lending. we makes it easier for less creditworthy companies to borrow .Rather than keep the risky loans on their books, lender them to asset managers that package them into securities -C1Ds-that are sold to investors such as insurers and hedge funds.Yields on the riskicst portions of CLOs can approach 9% a year. And the growth of leveraged lending has been post crisis bank regulations that helped the rise or shadow lenders financial companics that arent regulated like market for levcraged loans has more than doubled since 2012.The risk taking could get worse: With demand by borrowers for levcraged loans declining this year, those still financing have been able to extract looser learns.About 85% of leveraged loans are held by nonbanks, according to Wells Fargo rescarch.But banks may play a larger robe than may assumc, according to Gaurav V asisht, drector for financial regulation at the Volcker Alliance, a good-governance group, Banks are involved in all stages of the process. They underwrite loans, sell them to the CLOs, invest in those securities, and then hedge those risks in the market.“One common narrative is that banks dont have much risk or arent exposed 1o it. Vasisht said at the hearing, Banks are exposed to it.Just beeause banks are safer doesnt necessarily mean the financial system is, says Karen Petron, managing partner at Federal Financial Analytics, a regulatory- analysis firm. Debt investors might not be as resilient in a crisis, and their problems could create shock waves. Banking regulators are being a htte myopic when they re looking only at the banking system for systemic risk, she says.- Sally Bakewell and Thomas Beardsworth.What does the undcrlined word myopie mean in the last paragraph?( )A.optimisticB.pessimisticC.short-sightedD.sarcastic答案:C 本题解析:当银行监管机构只考虑银行的系统性风险时,就有些“近视”了,由only我们可知,这里想说的是目光短浅,所以答案选B.25.Please provide the requested _ in writing to the receptionist at the front desk.A.informB.informationC.informedD.informing答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析26.恩格尔系数是指( )占消费者总支出的比例。A.食物消费B.房租与燃料费C.教育支出D.卫生与休闲支出答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析27.4、5/2、2.7/4、( )A.5B.3C.8/5D.9/7答案:C 本题解析:分数数列,4/1. 5/2. 6/3、 7/4、 8/5.28.在公共财政体系框架下,政府向所有市场主体都提供一致性服务,其目的是()A.弥补市场失灵B.维护市场公平公正C.界定政府行为D.加强法制建设答案:B 本题解析:在基础设施建设中,政府可采取多种方式对其进行支持,其中体现公共财政非盈利性特点的方式是()29.第21次亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议的主题是()。A.活力亚太,全球引擎B.贸易目标可持续和公平增长C.融合谋发展.创新促繁荣D.亚太互联互通答案:A 本题解析:本题考查第21次亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议。第21次亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议主题确定为“活力亚太,全球引擎”,主要议题包括实现贸易目标、可持续和公平增长、亚太互联互通等。“融合谋发展,创新促繁荣”是2012年亚太经合组织第20次领导人非正式会议的主题。30.某人向单位圆形的靶子内投掷一个靶点,连续投掷4次,若恰有3次落在第一象限的位置(假设以靶心为坐标原点,水平和竖直方向分别为横、纵坐标轴建立平面直角坐标系),请你帮他计算一下这种可能性大小为()。A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:A 本题解析:31.中国农业银行的标志图为圆形,由中国()构成。A.古钱和麦穗B.方孔圆币C.古铜钱D.玉龙答案:A 本题解析:中国农业银行的标志图为圆形,由中国古钱和麦穗构成。整个图案外圆内方,象征中国农业银行作为国有商业银行经营的规范化。32. The heating system of this building is much more cost-effective than that of the previous system _ we used last year. A.in whereB.whereC.in whichD.which答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析33.杯中原有浓度为l8的盐水溶液l00ml,重复以下操作2次,加入l00ml水,充分配后,倒出l00ml溶液,问杯中盐水溶液的浓度变成了多少?( )A.9B.7.5C.4.5D.3.6答案:C 本题解析:34.不可以想象,没有以学术作为内容的思想。将成为怎样一种思想,而没有思想的学术,这种学术还有什么价值?思想和学术它们之间没有“不是东风压倒西风,便是西风压倒东风”那种_的关系。填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。A.非此即彼B.针锋相对C.势不两立D.此消彼长答案:C 本题解析:“不是东风压倒西风,便是西风压倒东风”与“_”构成解释关系,A、D两项很明显不符合上面的对应关系。“针锋相对”、“势不两立”都可表示双方在观点、言论、行动上尖锐对立,但与前者相比,后者表示敌对双方不能共存,更能准确表达题干中东风与西风的关系,即C项为正确答案。35.Questions 47-49 refer to the following letter.Tampa Daily News - Available in Print and OnlineThe Tampa Daily News has two versions of its printed newspaper available online.One version _ the printed edition, including the editorial and news pages.A.is the sameB.has the sameC.is the same asD.as has the same答案:C 本题解析:暂无解析36.请从所给的四个选项中,选出一个填入问号处,使之呈现一定的规律性。()A.如图所示选项B.如图所示选项C.如图所示选项D.如图所示选项答案:B 本题解析:本题考查位置类。左边一段白色区域、灰色区域、黑色区域依次向上移动一个格,将此规律应用到后边一段。故本题正确答案选B。37.下列句子没有语病的一句是()。A.20世纪以来,人类在信息、新材料、新能源、生物、空间、海洋等六大高技术领域有了一系列的重大突破和进展,其中信息技术的飞速发展尤为光彩夺目。B.坐在餐桌前,房主人十分礼貌地请罗薇点菜,既不过分殷勤,也不失之热情.似乎是在极力塑造着自己的儒商形象。C.作为一个股票投资者,必须充分了解和掌握股票投资的风险和收益情况.尽量避免投资风险,以便获得最大的投资收益。D.这城市的美丽风景吸引着大批中外旅游者,尤其是在风光迷人的海边,总可以看到成群的旅客。答案:A 本题解析:B项应把“塑造”改为“表现”;C项“以便”应置于“尽量”之前;D项应改为“中外大批旅游者”。38.根据下列内容,回答201-205题。When we analyze the salt salinity(盐浓度) of ocean waters, we find that it varies only slightlyfrom place to place. Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important. There are three basicprocesses that cause a change in oceanic salinity. One of these is the subtraction of water from theocean by means of evaporation. In this manner, the salinity is increased, since the salt stays be-hind. If this is carried to the extreme, of course, white salt would be left behind; this, by theway, is how much of the table salt we use is actually obtained.The opposite of evaporation is precipitation, such as rain, by which water is added to theocean. Here the ocean is being diluted so that the salinity is decreased. This may occur in areas ofhigh rainfall or in coastal regions where rivers flow into the ocean. Thus salinity may be increasedby the subtraction of water by evaporation, or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipi-tation.Normally, in hot regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is somewhat higherthan it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation. Similarly, in coastalregions where rivers dilute the sea, salinity is somewhat lower than in other oceanic areas.A third process by which salinity may be altered is associated with the formation and melting ofsea ice. When seawater is frozen, the dissolved materials are left behind. In thismanner, seawaterdirectly beneath freshly formed sea ice has a higher salinity than it did b


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