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广东2023“梦想靠岸”招商银行总行校园招聘职能类岗位招聘笔试参考题库答案详解(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.单项选择题(共50题)1.财务管理部在制订下一年度财务计划时,对行政办公费用的预算进行了调整。其中,某支行仅每月电费支出就缩减了6000元,缩减后的电费是之前的2/3。假设电费占行政办公费用的30,则该支行每月的行政办公费用是()元。A.50000B.40000C.70000D.60000答案:D 本题解析:该支行本月电费缩减了1/3,缩减了6000元,故该支行每月电费支出为:6000/(1-2/3)18000(元),则行政办公费用为:18000/30%60000(元)。2.When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness, who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me. I seek friends whose qualities illuminate me and train me up for love. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours, too good not to share.When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend. We were shy and too serious about our stud- ies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say:Lets start with a train whistle today. We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we were changing into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped.When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend, he was in despair and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this great city because we had felt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other.For almost four years I have had remarkable friend whose imagination illuminates mine. We write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes ina funny way, in the others dreams. She and I agree that, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think : Yes, I must tell. We have never met.It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist,who will only fill up the healing silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend.In the eighth grade, what the author did before developing proper social behavior was to_.A.become serious about her studyB.go to her friends house regularlyC.learn from her classmates at schoolD.share poems and stories with her friend答案:D 本题解析:考查细节推断的能力。从第二段倒数第三行文字可以看出,他们同学在一起写诗和文章,然后诵读。在学期结束时,他们才形成适当的社交行为。与此同时,他们也停止了写诗和文章的活动了。3.2013年10月10日。在日本熊本市举行的联合国环境规划署国际会议通过了水俣公约,旨在限制( )在世界范围内的使用、进口及出Vl。A.汞B.核武器C.烟草D.石油答案:A 本题解析:该条约须获得至少50个国家的批准才能生效,预计将在2016年正式生效。4.使受险单位蒙受潜在损失的汇率风险是( )。A.交易风险B.会计风险C.折算风险D.经济风险答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析5.2011年8月22日,公安部部署全国公安机关集中开展“_”专项行动,旨在提升人民群众的生活质量和幸福指数。 ( A )A.打四黑除四害B.打黄打非C.打击暴力犯罪D.交通安全检查答案:A 本题解析:暂无解析6.自由泳是对技术没有规则限制的竞技游泳比赛项目,比赛运动员多采用( )。A.爬泳B.仰泳C.蛙泳D.蝶泳答案:A 本题解析:自由泳是竞技游泳比赛项目之一,它对技术没有规则限制,比赛时,运动员多采用最快的爬泳技术,致使人们把爬泳也称为自由泳。故本题答案选A。7.The professor said he planned to continue working in some _after retirement until as illness forces him out of a job.A.abilityB.capabilityC.capacityD.power答案:D 本题解析:考查近义词辨析。句意为“那个教授说他打算退休后竭尽所能继续工作直至病魔迫使他不能工作为止”。ability 能力;capability 性能,容量,接受力;capacity 容量,生产量;power(人的)能力,如:I will do everything in my power to help you. 我愿尽我的力量帮助你。根据句意,power 最吻合,故D 为正确答案。8. 中国农业银行1979年2月恢复成立后,成为在农村经济领域占主导地位的()。 A.国有专业银行B.国有控股商业银行C.国家专有银行D.国有独资商业银行答案:A 本题解析:中国农业银行最初成立于1951年,l979年2月再次恢复成立后,成为在农村经济领域占主导地位的国有专业银行。9.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:A 本题解析:这是一个移动商数列。数列的规律是相邻两个数字的商等于邻接第三个数字,因此空缺项是35/3=9/5。10.Everyone knows airline pricing is based on supply and demand. Fares are mores expensive during peak travel seasons like summer and to prime destinations like European capitals. So if a flight to Rome costs more than a flight to Milan you d think that demand for Rome must be higher or supply lowerWhats puzzling is that you can pay a high price to a given destination but a dramatically lower price for the exact same flight if you agree to go on to another destination.Take Alitalia to Rome for instance for travel in August A round-trip economy flight directly to Rome leaving JFK at 10:05 p.m on Alitalia 611 on August 5 costs $1,655 when booked on April 30 Compare that to $903 for a round-trip economy ticket to Milan(stopping in Rome)leaving JFK on the exact same Alitalia 611 flight at 10:05 p.m on August 5. So why is Alitalia willing to fly you to Rome for $752 less than it would otherwise plus give you an extra one-and-a-half-hour flight to Milan?Airlines have increased their profitability in recent years by segmenting the market for air travel and charging customers different prices for the same product. In this case the market is segmented based on demand for direct flights. Airlines know most people prefer the shortest route to their destination so they make customers pay up for the privilege of flying direct(They also make it a little more inconvenient if you dont pay up for a direct flight in order to encourage you to fly direct)When process become so obviously illogical it may be time to why air tickets cant be transferred or resold just like any other normal product If the airlines are entitled to exploit the free market shouldnt customers be allowed to do the same thing? Why may prices for direct flights be higher according to the passage? A.Because all people prefer the shortest route to their destinationB.Because airlines take advantage of peoples preference for direct flightsC.Because connecting flights may cause inconvenienceD.Because airlines charge customers different prices for the same product答案:B 本题解析:细节题。根据文段定位“the market is segmented based on demand for direct flights Airlines know most people prefer the shortest route to their destination so they make customers pay up for the privilege of flying direct”。B项符合,航空公司可以利用很对策略去增加自己的利润,当然可以抓住消费者心理那就是较短的时间到达目的地。答案A项太过于绝对化,故排除。答案C项的原因是说因为飞机联系比较不方便,文段说人们就是项今早到达目的地,所以航空公司是抓住了这个心理,故C项排除。D项仅仅是一方面,但并不是该题目的答案,排除。因此答案选B。11.汇款人委托银行将其款项支付给收款人的结算方式是:A.汇兑B.托收承付C.委托收款D.定期借记答案:A 本题解析:本题选择A汇兑是汇款人委托银行将其款项支付比例中项收款人的结算方式;托收承付是根据购销合同,由销货单位发货后委托银行向异地购货单位收取款项,由购货单位向银行承诺付款的结算方式;委托收款是收款人委托银行向付款人收取款项的结算方式;定期借记主要用于公共事业费、保险费、税款和学费等各项费用的支出;直接借记主要用于工资、保险金、养老金的支付。12.关于治理通货紧缩的货币主义政策主张的说法,错误的是()。A.以稳定通货、反对通货膨胀为前提条件B.货币政策对治理通货紧缩无能为力C.货币数量是经济中唯一起支柱作用的经济变量D.反对政府干预答案:B 本题解析:货币主义的两点主张值得关注:一是认为货币数量是经济中唯一起支柱作用的经济变量,二是扩张性财政政策如果没有相应的货币政策配合,只能产生排挤效应,不能产生乘数效应。13.只有在统治者不能照旧统治下去的时候,人民群众也不能照旧生活下去的时候,革命才会发生。就个人而言,选择革命或者接受革命,也往往是别的路走不通了之后,才“逼上梁山”的。由此可见()。A.任何一次革命,都不是人为制造的结果B.革命不需要领导力量也会成功C.革命不需要动员,群众会自发参与的D.所有在个人生活中遇到挫折的人都会参加革命和支持革命答案:A 本题解析:由题干可知,人们不是主动地革命而是被动地进行,所以任何一次革命都不是人为制造的结果。14.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:C 本题解析:题干四个图形中都包含两条直线段 ,故本题正确答案为 C。15.根据上述资料判断,下列说法中正确的是()。A.2010年我国的移动电话用户首先达到8亿B.2010年我国电信业务收入总量主要来自电信主营业务C.2010年6月,广东省移动电话用户数大于辽宁、湖北、湖南三省之和D.2010年1-6月我国南方地区的电信主营业务收入普遍高于北方地区答案:A 本题解析:A项,在2010年1-6月,我国111亿户电话用户中,移动电话用户总数突破8亿,A项正确:B项。截止到2010年6月,全国电信业务收入为148607亿元,电信主营业务收入为43455亿元,电信主营业务收入占比不到1/3,B项错误;C项,2010年6月,辽宁、湖北、湖南三省的移动电话用户总数是3160+3152+3000=9312万户,大于广东省的9259万户C项错误:D项条形图二只给出了2010年1-6月电信主营业务收入的前十名,不能说明南方地区高于北方地区。综上,应选择A。16.下列行政行为属于抽象行政行为的是( )A.行政机关关于危旧房改造工程拆迁公告B.公路局关于高速公路收费的通知C.国务院颁布的行政命令D.对某企业偷税行为做出的行政处罚决定答案:C 本题解析:抽象行政行为是指由行政主体做出的具有普遍拘束力的行政行为,如国务院制 定的行政法规,省人民政府制定的规章。观察四个选项,只有C符合。17.It will take at least two weeks for the board members to review _work on the budget proposals.A.oursB.weC.ourD.us答案:C 本题解析:通过选项可以知道,此题为选择恰当的人称代词的问题。空格处为修饰作为review宾语的work的限定词的位置选项中可以用做限定词的只有所有格。18.企业对境外经营的子公司外币资产负债表折算时,在不考虑其他因素的情况下,下列各项中,应采用交易发生时即期汇率折算的是()。A.存货B.固定资产C.实收资本D.未分配利润答案:C 本题解析:资产负债表中的资产和负债项目,采用资产负债表日的即期汇率折算,所有者权益项目除“未分配利润”项目外,其他项目采用发生时的即期汇率折算。19.经济增长率指标属于()。A.总量指标B.相对指标C.平均指标D.时点指标答案:B 本题解析:暂无解析20.把下面的六个图形分为两类,使每-类图形都有各自的共同特征或规律,分类正确的一项是:A.,B.,C.,D.,答案:B 本题解析:第一步,观察特征。黑白点区分明显,且每个图形中的黑白形状均较为规整,考虑对称性。第二步,根据规律进行分组。图形中所有黑色小球的组成是中心对称的;图形中所有白色小球的组成是中心对称的,分为两组。21.某时期A国的GDP为1000亿美元,同时期本国国民在国外创造的价值增值为50亿美元,外国国民在本国创造的价值增值为60亿美元,则该时期A国的GNP为()美元。A.1110亿B.1010亿C.990亿D.890亿答案:C 本题解析:GDP与GNP计算口径不同:GDP计算采用的是“国土原则”,即只要是在本国或该地区范围内生产或创造的价值,无论是外国人或是本国人创造的价值,均计入本国或该地区的GDP;而GNP计算采用的是“国民原则”,即只要是本国或该地区居民,无论你在本国或该地区内,还是在外国或外地区所生产或创造的价值,均计入本国或该地区的GNP。题中,该时期A国的GNP为:10005060990(亿美元)。22.A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:B 本题解析:题干中的图形都包括一个只由直线构成的图形和一个只由曲线构成的图 形,并且曲线图形在直线图形的上方。D项上面的图形中还包括直线,要排除,本题选B。23.研究人员通过基因操作,使实验鼠体内能够代谢葡萄糖和脂肪酸,但不能代谢醋酸,然 后比较这些实验鼠和正常实验鼠在喂给饵料和绝食48小时的状态下,身体状态有何不同。结 果发现,在被迫长时间绝食的状态下,不能代谢醋酸的实验鼠体温和耐力明显降低。醋酸是生 命体内基本物质,而实验鼠身体构造又与人体非常接近。由此推出( )A.醋酸在维持人体能力供应中起着至关重要的作用B.醋酸可以作为人体一种不会提升血糖值的能量源C.代谢产生的三磷酸腺是生命活动的能量源泉D.在持久运动时,脂肪酸和酮体是ATP的主要来源答案:A 本题解析:阅读题干,通过比较不能代谢醋酸和正常实验鼠在喂给饵料和绝食48小时的状 态下的身体状态的差异,发现不能代谢醋酸的实验鼠体温和耐力明显降低,且由于实验鼠身体构 造与人相近,故可以得出醋酸对维持人体能力供应有着重要作用,这是典型的三段论。24.目前,我国已经跻身上中等收入国家行列,2011年我国人均国内生产总值已经达到( )A.2500美元B.3000美元C.4382美元D.5414美元答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析25.社会撰写人:因为青少年缺乏基本的开车技巧,所以应给予青少年的驾驶执照附加限制。尽管19岁和再小一点的司机只占注册司机的7%,但是他们却是超过14%的交通死亡事故的肇事者。下面每一项,如果正确,都能削弱青少年缺乏基本的开车技巧的论述,除了:A.与其他人开的车相比,青少年开的车较旧,且稳定性也差。B.青少年司机和他们的乘客使用座带和肩带的可能性不如其他人的大。C.青少年司机平均每年开车的距离超过其他司机的两倍。D.青少年引起的交通事故比其他人引起的交通事故严重。答案:D 本题解析:暂无解析26.下列各项中,属于所有者权益类科目的是()。A.应付股利B.主营业务收入C.长期股权投资D.本年利润答案:D 本题解析:本题考查的考点是会计科目的分类。选项A应付股利属于负债;选项B主营业务收入属于损益类;选项C长期股权投资属于资产类。故选D。27.右面所给的四个选项中,哪一项能够折成左侧给定图形?A.见图AB.见图BC.见图CD.见图D答案:C 本题解析:侧面为“凹”字形,而非“凸”字形,因此排除B,A中下面的阴影应上移两个位置,D中下面的阴影应下移两个位置,因此选择C项。28.-1、0、2.7.53、()A.2812B.2814C.2816D.2819答案:B 本题解析:幂次修正数列,22+3=7, 72+4=53, 532+5=2814.29.根据以下资料,回答66-70题。表一2010年浙江各市常住人口变动情况2010年2010年比2000年常住人口(万人)其中:来自省外人口(万人)常住人口增加数(万人)常佳人口增长(】来自省外人口增长()全省5442.691182.40765.7116.40220.5杭州市870.04174.27182.1726.48246.7宁波市760.57198:34164.2327.54224.1温州市912.21272.45156.4520.70166.8嘉兴市450.17112.3591.8725.64336.7湖州市289.3545.4026.7910.20213.2绍兴市491.2290.6560.8014.13299.9金华市536.16122.4278.9717.27215.7衢州市212.277.98-0.62-0.29315.4舟山市112.1321.3911.9811.96368.7台州市596.88122.1381.5115.82174.0丽水市211.714.99-4.51-2.09488.0表二2010年浙江各市城镇人口比较城镇人口占总人口比重(J城镇人口(万人)城镇人口占全省比重()2010年比2000年提高(百分点)2010年比2000年增加比2000年增长()2010生比2000年提高(百分点)全省61.613.03355.021119.3650.1100杭州市73.214.6637.27233.9358O19O1O宁波市68.312.6519.52187.1556.315.50.6温州市66.014.5602.20213.0754.817.90.5嘉兴市53.315.3。240.07103.9976.47.21.1湖州市52.914.2153.0451.3750.54.60.0绍兴市58.69.9287.7678.2237.38.6-0.8金华市59.013.6316.18108.8652.59.40.2衢州市44.114.693.6830.7148.82.80.0舟山市63.67.67l_3l15.1927.12.1-0.4台州市55.54O331.5365.9524.89.9-2.0丽水市48.415.3102.4730.9343.23.10.12000年,浙江省城镇人口最多市的城镇人口是最少市的( )。A.6.31倍B.7.19倍C.8.07倍D.8.94倍答案:B 本题解析:由表二第七、八列可知,2000年杭州市城镇人121占浙江省城镇人口的比重为l90一l0=180,为最大;舟山市城镇人l21占比为21一04)=25,为最小。2000年杭州市城镇人El是舟山市的18.05=365=72倍,最接近的就是B。30.If your computer_ .experience any problems within the warranty period, you can take it to an authorized repair center free of charge.A.willB.shouldC.hadD.would答案:B 本题解析:分析句子结构,如果察觉此句是对将来不大可能发生的情况进行假设的“i“主语+should+动词原形,主语+can+动词原形”虚拟语气,就可以容易地解答。31.He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was_ from the outside world.A.cut offB.cut outC.cut upD.cut through答案:A 本题解析:句意为:他在医院待了半年,感觉跟外界的联系都切断了。“cut off”切除、切断,符合句意,故选A。“cut out”删去、关掉,“cut up”切开、切碎,“cut through”抄近路穿过、克服,均排除。32.Telephone Billing Statement_city Phone CellularCity Phone CellularDepartment of Billing Services51 Dublin St,Suite 301Springfield,WIInvoice Date:08152006Payment Due Date:09142006Customer InformationName:Desire EberhardtAccount Number:1 0003483一FFTAccount InformationCurrent Charges:$6 159Outstanding Balance:$3508Total Amount Owed:$9667Pay your bill online at WWWcpcellulartom and receive a discount of 3?fore taxes are addedIf you have questions about this or other City Phone Cellular policies,please contact our customer service department at 1-8883495959Billing Summary Amount OwedCurrent Charges:City Phone Premium Cellular Package$4995State Taxes$565Service Fee$599Total Current Charges$6 159Previous Charges:Balance as of Last Month$5508Payment Received Last Month$2000Outstanding Balance$3508Total Amount Owed$9667The article on the importance of organization suggests that people who have a _ structured daily schedule will accomplish the most.A.highlyB.probablyC.hopefullyD.rarely答案:A 本题解析:“a highly structured daily schedule”意为是拥有较高性的结构日程。 .33.去掉右侧四个立体图形中的哪一项后,剩下的三项能拼成左侧的立体图形?A.如上图所示B.如上图所示C.如上图所示D.如上图所示答案:A 本题解析:第一步,明确设问内容。选择一个不是左侧立体图形构成部分的选项。第二步,分析选项。B、C、D可以组合成左图的立体图形,组合方式如下图所示:因此,选择A选项。34.Questions 1922 refer to the following memoGlenford Manufacturing, Inc.Official CommunicationFrom: Sean Carmichael, Operations DepartmentTo:Inna Tucker, Sales Department ManagerThe monthly sales staff meeting has been relocated from auditorium 3 to room 402. Auditorium 3 will be undergoing repairs from April 8-15, which is why it will be unavailable for your usual meeting on the 10th.Room 402 contains the same audiovisual capabilities as auditorium 3, but its seating capacity is smaller. It can only fit 65 people comfortably, whereas the auditorium can do over 100.If this change is unacceptable, there are two alternatives. First, auditorium 2 is available on the afternoon of the 10th. It holds as many people as auditorium 3, but it has really outdated electronic equipment compared to auditorium 3. And second, if the meeting is rescheduled for after the 15th, the newly refurbished auditorium 3 will be available to you.Please contact me or another member of the operations department if you wish to change your current room reservation.Thank you and have a nice day.Which of these options is NOT available for the sales staff meeting?A.Auditorium 3 on April 15B.Auditorium 2 on April 10C.Room 402 on April 10D.Auditorium 3 on April 20答案:A 本题解析:第一段第二句指出,4 月8 日至15 日期间将对三号会堂进h 保修,因此不能使用。35.101,1021,102112,103122,()。A.10212213B.10323213C.1021213D.1032313答案:A 本题解析:第一步,观察数列,没有明显特征,数字均特别大,考虑机械分组。第二步,将数字进行拆分,发现第一个数会变成1个0,2个1;第二个数变成1个0,2个1,1个2;第三个数变成1个0,3个1,2个2。对应着我们在数的过程中,就是下一项数字,所以所求项为数出第四个数,即:1个0,2个1,2个2,1个3,所求项为10212213。故本题正确答案选A。36.经典会被一代代人重读。这样的文化、尤其是作为精髓的文化就有了传承。当然有些也是隔代遗传,甚至经过世纪尘封。有些经典的命运非常孤独,有些好得多。经典是时间的造物。在时间中它又有了自己的历史。一些读者会把自己的生命又加入进来。经典不怎么时髦,经典是安静的,经典等待着。它必须等到一个好的读者才能复活,这个读者有多好,它就能够复活得多好。对这段文字意思概括最准确的是()。A.重读经典有利于文化传承B.经典的生命需要读者来重塑C.尘封的经典更值得去品味D.经典的命运各不相同答案:B 本题解析:文段首先说明经典会被一代代人重读,由此作为精髓的文化就有了传承。其后说明经典的命运各不相同。最后说明经典的复活需要等待一个好的读者。其意在强调读者的重读、重塑对于复活经典的重要作用,B项“经典的生命需要读者来重塑”符合文意,当选。37.以优价出售日常家用小商品的零售商通常有上千雇员,其中大多数只能领取最低工资,随着国家法定最低工资额的提高,零售商的人力成本也随之大幅度提高.但是,零售商的利润非但没有降低,反而提高了。 以下哪项如果为真,最有助于解释上述看来矛盾的现象了?( )A.上述零售商的基本顾客,是领取最低工资的人.B.人力成本只占零售商经营成本的一半.C.在国家提高最低工资额的法令实施后,零售商降低了某些高薪雇员的工资.D.零售商的雇员有一部分来自农村,他们都拿最低工资答案:A 本题解析::如果A为真,说明国家法定的最低工资额的提高,虽然增加的了零售商的工资成本,同时也增强了零售商的基本顾客的购买力,从而增加了零售商的利润。从而合理地解释了题干的现象。38.As _in the rental agreement, the apartment maintenance staff will respond to all service requests within 48 hours.A.noteB.notesC.notedD.noting答案:C 本题解析:根据租赁合同上的说明,公寓维修人员会在48 小时内答复所有的客户诉求。此处应该用被动语态,因此选C。39.In recent decades, there is a phenomenon which makes us give some attention, the so-called Southeast Asian Tigers have rivaled the westernlions for stock cliches that make economic headlines. The myth of American economic hegemony over Asia in the imposing and patriarchal figure of Uncle Sam has provided frequent political grist( 有利 ) for Southeast Asian political leaders,particularlyMalaysiasPrimeMinisterMahathir.Hehasattemptedtoforgean international reputation as a snarling tiger, but lately sounds more like a barnyard dog groaning at shadows. Without demeaning in any way the remarkable achievements of the newly developing economics of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, these nations at times appear to be their own worst enemies. This is often exemplified by Dr. Mahathir, who rails at Western evil whenever an international or domestic crisis provides an opportunity.To be more specific, the recent devaluation of the Philippine and Thai currencies, and the subsequent pressure on the Malaysian currency has inspired Dr. Mahathir to launch an all-out attack on the West as the source of the problem. He even alleges that the United States has deliberately destabilized Southeast Asian economics in revenge for these nations, supporting the brutal military rule in Mahathir, an action which the United States seems to want inspected rather than rewarded. But by resorting to such scapegoat(替罪羊), instead of accepting even a bit responsibility, the Prime Minister may undermine the future success of the region and Malaysia in particular.Upon further questioning, Dr. Mahathir narrowed his attack to one wealthy individual, the well-known philanthropist (慈善家), Mr. George Soros, whose opposition to Myanmars admission to ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Mahathir found particularity, irritating. The logical mistakes that underlie such conspiracy theories do not help Malaysia address the serious issues of economic overheating that experts have been warning about for all these difficult periods,which include large deficits and low savings to debt ratios. In fact, the recent dramatic drop in Malaysias stock market and currency has led Dr. Mahathir to reverse his initial approach to the crisis. He even announces measures that at least imply he is quite aware of excesses in his own administrations spending policies that have contributed to this crisis of confidence. In the end, this kind of reac


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